The Johnson Sisters (24 page)

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Authors: Tresser Henderson

BOOK: The Johnson Sisters
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Chapter 40
As bad as things had been with my sisters, I was in a great mood. I was ecstatic that Tobias had to leave my home that day. When that officer told me I had to file an eviction notice to get this man out of my house, I was down at the courthouse first thing that Monday morning doing just that. Today was the last day he could legally stay in my home. I was all smiles as he sulked and held his head low, like I was going to feel sorry for him. Believe you me, I didn't. He had to get the hell up out of here so I could resume a lifestyle I was so accustomed to—living alone.
Tobias thought living together would make me fall for him, but after today, he would see I hadn't. There had not been one time I hid the fact that I wanted him out of there. He should have taken heed when I told him, but then I poured gasoline on the fire by having my men come through to lay a little, or should I say a lot, of pipe. And still this man refused to leave. Well, now he didn't have a choice. It was adios, sayonara, vamoose, skedaddle, and peace out.
Tobias toted the last of his bags to his car as I sat on the sofa sipping a glass of wine. He stared me down as he stood near the front door. I rolled my eyes and turned from looking at him. I was hoping he wouldn't say anything and walk his ass out of my house so I could get on with my life.
Tobias came around and sat on the chair in the living room and said, “This is it.”
“You sure? Because I don't want you to have any reason to come back up in my house.”
“No, I got it all.”
“Good. I wish I could say it was nice having you here, but I didn't want you here in the first place, so good riddance.”
“That's cold, Phoenix.”
“Too bad. That's me,” I said, crossing my legs at my ankles. His eyes landed on my exposed legs, since I was wearing a pair of cutoff shorts and a T-shirt.
“Why couldn't you just love me? I love you,” he proclaimed.
“Look at you, Tobias. You are weak. No woman wants a weak man. The only thing you have going for you is money, and you don't have a lot of that.”
“That's why you dealt with me in the first place, isn't it? Because you thought I had more money than I do.”
“Yep. Money makes Phoenix come around, but only for a brief moment. Your money was good, but it's not like Diddy money.”
“So you looking for a man who can take care of you the rest of your life financially?” he asked, leaning forward with his elbows propped against his knees.
“Yes,” I said, nodding.
“What if I told you I could give you that?”
“Tobias, stop playing games. Just get your little briefcase and leave. You know and I know you don't have Diddy money.”
Tobias smiled slyly, and I didn't like the way he was looking at me.
“Who hurt you, Phoenix?” he asked coolly.
“I said who hurt you?”
“You hurt me by telling lies to stay here,” I told him.
“You still have not recognized me,” he said, smirking.
I looked at him, wondering what in the world he was talking about.
He reached to the floor and picked up his briefcase. Placing it on my coffee table, he opened it. I didn't say anything, because I was wondering what he was doing. He reached in and pulled out a newspaper clipping and handed it to me.
At first I was hesitant about taking it, but I did anyway. Staring him down, I waited a few seconds before my eyes landed on the picture. It was a photo of Tobias standing beside my ex-fiancé, Noah.
I frowned when I looked at him and asked, “Is this some sort of joke?”
“Not at all,” he said calmly.
“Who are you?” I asked frantically, sitting up and placing the glass of wine on the coffee table.
“My name is Tobias. I was partners with your ex, Noah, at the firm he worked at before he moved away.”
“I don't remember you,” I said, going through my memory bank of all the different individuals I'd met when I was with Noah. Tobias never came to my memory.
“I was more of a silent partner.”
“Did Noah put you up to this as some sort of sick, twisted joke?” I asked, glaring at him.
“No. He doesn't know I'm here.”
“So you still keep in touch with him?” I asked nervously.
“We talk all the time,” he said, wringing his hands together.
“Does he know you are here with me?”
“So when you got with me, you knew who I was?” I asked him curiously.
“But you decided to keep this bit of information to yourself.”
“Yes,” he said again.
“You know what? I need you to leave,” I said, standing to my feet. This was some weird shit, and I didn't understand anything that was going on right now.
Tobias stood and walked up to me.
“Don't come any closer,” I said, causing him to halt.
“I need you to calm down,” Tobias said calmly.
“How can I calm down when you're friends with my enemy?” I said furiously.
“Phoenix, let me explain.”
I held my hands up and walked away from him, saying, “I don't know if I want to hear anything else you have to say. I think it's best if you leave,” I told him.
“Please, Phoenix. Just hear me out.”
I paced back and forth, wanting an explanation but fearful of what this man had to say. This was some twisted shit I didn't understand but wanted to understand. If I kicked him out, I may never know the full story of how this came about, which would drive me crazy; so maybe it was a good idea to let him say what he wanted to say.
“Okay, Tobias. Explain yourself.”
“I know this may sound cliché, but the first time I ever laid eyes on you, I knew I wanted you to be mine. I knew you were Noah's fiancée at the time, so I knew I couldn't cross that friendship or partnership line with Noah and betray him. I stood back and watched as he destroyed the good thing he had when he had you.”
I didn't respond as he continued.
“I know about Noah leaving you for Emma. I know about this baby the two of them had together. And I know about the baby he made you get rid of that caused you never to be able to have children.”
“How do you know this?” I asked, frowning.
“Noah would talk to me. I was mad when he betrayed you like he did, but he didn't care, because he was moving on with his life in a new country. I actually hated him for a bit for what he did to you. I also worried about how you were doing during this time. I used to drive by your house to see if I could catch a glimpse of you. I wanted to knock on the door and check to see how you were doing, but I knew I would have looked crazy because you didn't know me.”
“You sound crazy now, because it sounds like you were stalking me.”
“So you admit it?” I asked, shocked.
“Every time I saw you, I got excited. I'd seen you in coffee shops and grocery stores, and not once did you pay attention to me. You always paid attention to those business types who looked like male models. I know I'm not a bad-looking guy, but I also knew I really wasn't your type.”
“Yet, we got together,” I said.
“Buying you that drink that night in the bar was the best moment of my life, because you finally saw me. You might have been looking at my money or the expensive attire I wore, but I didn't care because I was next to you,” he explained sincerely.
I walked over and plopped down on the sofa due to my knees wanting to buckle from beneath me. I trembled at the memory, which had taken way too long to forget. Every time I thought about it or heard Noah's name, all of my heartbreaking past came flooding back, making me grieve a life I knew I would never have again.
Tobias came and sat on the coffee table in front of me so he was facing me. He clasped his hands in front of him as he stared into my eyes.
“I know it's hard for you to believe, Phoenix, but I do love you. I know I may not be the best-looking guy out there or have Diddy money, but I can take care of you. I've tried to show you that ever since I've been here. You don't know how hard it was to see you degrade yourself by sleeping with these men who used you for what you could give them. Each time, I wanted to run into your bedroom and snatch them up, throwing them out of here. I hoped you would see how much I cared by not tripping about what you were doing.”
“Real men don't allow their women to sleep with other men. And as for me degrading myself, as you say, I don't see it as that at all. I was having fun. I was doing what I wanted to do, and I don't give a damn what you or nobody else has to say about it,” I said to him.
“Phoenix, you care.”
“No, I don't.”
“Why did you allow Noah to change the vibrant woman you were? This is not you. I know this isn't you. You are trying to mask the pain of what Noah did to you by using others to make you feel better about yourself, and this is not the way to go.”
“It works for me,” I said.
“Why couldn't I work for you?” he countered.
I couldn't say anything.
“I know you call me dorky and wimpy and maybe even a punk, but those are things I can change. I'm not the best-looking dude, but I know I'm not a bad-looking one either.” He grinned.
“Who gave you the right to try to save me?” I asked him.
“No one. I wanted to because I wanted you.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Again, because I love you.”
“You don't know me.”
“Do I have to know you to love you?”
“Yes,” I blurted.
“I told you: when I saw you, I wanted you. Something happened within my heart that told me you were the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I know it sounds crazy. I know it doesn't seem real, but it's my truth.”
“You know what? This is too much,” I said, getting up and moving from in front of him and walking over to the door. “I need you to leave, Tobias.”
He lowered his head in defeat. Pursing his lips together, he pushed himself up. Walking over to his briefcase, he reached in and pulled out a manila envelope and placed it on the table for me. Clicking his briefcase shut, he picked it up and walked over to me by the door. I turned the knob and opened it.
He paused in front of me and then leaned down, kissing me on the cheek. I didn't move out of his way. He brushed his thumb against my face and then left. I closed the door behind him, leaning against it, trying to figure out what had just happened.
Then my eyes fell on the envelope he had placed on the table. I walked over to it and picked it up. Hesitating, I wondered what else Tobias was trying to show me. Curious, I opened it. Pulling out the documents, I sat down and began to read.
Chapter 41
I was damn near in my birthday suit, having on nothing but a towel wrapped around my body, when Sheldon came walking into my bedroom. I didn't hear him come in. Usually he would be screaming my name from the front door, but today he walked in without so much as a peep.
I stood there gripping the towel around me like it was my lifeline. I had my hair up in a clip so it wouldn't get wet from the shower. Sheldon stared at me with his hands in his pockets, rocking his all-black jeans, tee, and sneakers, with a silver link chain around his neck. He had his dreads down today, and it wasn't long before the scent of his cologne caressed me. He smelled so damn good and looked even better.
Nervously, I said, “I didn't hear you come in.”
“Do you want me to leave?” he asked tenderly, like he didn't want to go. Just the tone of his voice was causing my center to tingle.
“No, you don't have to.”
Sheldon looked at me from head to toe, taking all of me in. I felt insecure, because I knew I didn't have the best body. Loving myself for who I was and what I had was still a struggle for me, but the way he was looking at me made me feel like the most beautiful woman ever.
He started walking toward me. We were supposed to talk today, and I knew if he came any closer to me, things could end up back in my bed again, even though that wasn't a bad thing. Trust me, I wanted him, but I knew we needed to deal with what had already happened. I felt vulnerable in this moment but managed to stand still until he was standing inches in front of me.
Our eyes locked, and I knew I was in trouble. Sheldon leaned down and kissed me gently on my lips. His dreads fell down around my face, caressing me as his soft lips tantalized me. His hands were still in his pockets and I was still grasping to hold onto the towel, which shielded my nakedness.
The kiss was succulent. I craved to have more of him but pulled away, taking a couple of steps back.
“What are we doing?” I asked him, still tasting the minty freshness of his kiss.
“I thought we were kissing.”
“Is this what you came over here for?”
“Yes and no,” he said with a smirk.
I frowned, and he began to explain.
“I've thought about kissing you for a long time. When we decided to take things further, Viv, I was in heaven. All this time I've been looking for a woman to fill my day, but I knew all the time I had already found her. I found that woman in you,” he said affectionately, causing my heart to melt.
“But . . .”
“I know. We are friends, and you are afraid this will mess up the friendship we have. This could be true, but I'm willing to take the chance and take this friendship thing further. You are worth the risk. I would love if you would allow me to be your man.”
The way Sheldon said that made me want to run to my bathroom and find my vibrating friend and use it immediately on myself. I closed my eyes, loving what he was telling me, but doubt hindered me from responding. I was still afraid this would ruin the only good thing I felt like I had in my life—him. He must have seen the doubt on my face because he continued.
“I know you are afraid because you've been hurt, and I can't promise I won't hurt you, but, Viv, I love you with everything in me. I've loved you for a long time now and reveled in the fact that we were great friends, when all the time I was wishing our friendship would become more. Making love to you solidified my feelings for you.”
I looked down at the floor, not being able to take in his words. Sheldon removed his hand from his right pocket and used it to lift my face to meet his.
“As your friend, I know most of your fears. As insecure as you think you are, I love everything about you, Viv. I love your smile. I love your laugh. I love your body. I love you,” he confessed.
He stopped talking as he gazed at me. I wondered if he paused to hear what my response would be, but I couldn't say anything.
“I hope you don't reject me. That's why I left the other night like I did, because I could not stand you not wanting me.”
“It wasn't that I didn't want you. I did,” I finally managed to say.
“Then why didn't you say so?”
“Just like you, Sheldon, I don't like rejection either.”
“I'm telling you now I want you, but you haven't reacted.”
I smiled, saying, “It's kind of hard responding when I'm standing in front of you with nothing but a towel on.”
He smirked and said, “I see this as a good thing.”
“Oh, you do?”
“You can't tell?” he said, looking down. I could see him holding on to his extension in his pants from his pocket. All this professing of his love didn't hinder his manhood from saluting me.
“I thought that was your hand.”
“Do you want to shake it?” he said, removing his hand from his left pocket to reveal more of the stimulation that radiated throughout his body to create such a wonderful extension.
“I would love to,” I said to him with a smile.
I stepped toward him and reached out to grip his manhood. Sheldon closed his eyes with my touch, and it felt like his length got even harder. When I let go, he opened his eyes to look into mine.
“I love you so much,” he said to me.
“I love you too,” I finally admitted.
Sheldon cupped my face with his massive hands and pulled me to his lips. He kissed me deeply this time. I let go of my towel to wrap my arms around his waist. I could feel the towel slip from my body and fall to the floor, leaving me exposed to whatever he was going to do. Never had I felt so comfortable with a man. This felt right with Sheldon. This was the feeling I'd been looking for all my life.
Once our lips disconnected, he looked down at my wonder. I didn't try to hide myself from him, and he smiled, I guess noticing the comfortable demeanor I had with him. He reached down and pulled at the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head to reveal something I hadn't seen before.
“What did you do?” I said, looking at a tattoo on his chest.
“It's your name, Vivian.”
“You did this for me?” I asked.
“I wanted you to see I'm not playing when it comes to my love for you. I know you are the woman meant for me, and I wanted to show you by placing your name near my heart. No woman has ever captured it like you have.”
Tears welled up in my eyes as I reached out and ran my fingers over my name engraved in his chest.
“It's beautiful.”
“Just like you,” he said. “So would you do me the honor of being in a relationship with me?” he asked.
I smiled and said, “I would love to be in a relationship with you.”
The biggest smile ever crept across his face, and he reached down and pulled me into his arms, hugging me tight. He rocked back and forth, holding me like he didn't want to let me go. This felt good. This felt right, and I'd never been happier in my life.
When he let me go, he said, “I want to make love to you.”
Hearing him say “make love” made my heart pulsate with eagerness. I had a man who loved me for who I was and everything I was about.
He leaned down to kiss me again as he backed me up to my bed. This was the moment when I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with this man.
But like most perfect moments, it was quickly shattered by a phone call that would leave me stunned.

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