The Jewish 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Jews of All Time (51 page)

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Authors: Michael Shapiro

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Siegel and Shuster had met through Jerry’s cousin, who was the editor of their school newspaper at Glenville High. Siegel was a fanatic science-fiction fan, while Shuster enjoyed the study of art and drawing. Jerry was already publishing his own science-fiction magazine off a mimeograph machine. Siegel and Shuster began to collaborate, producing a bald-headed villainous superman who bore a strange resemblance to Superman’s future nemesis, Lex Luthor.

Reacting to the horrible news from Europe and the spreading blight of Depression in America, Siegel gradually formed the idea of another superman who would help the downtrodden, stand tall for justice, and defeat the bad guys. This superhero would be an alien from a much larger planet than Earth, warmed by a red sun. Unlike Flash Gordon, who rocketed to the planet Mongo to fight a fascist-style dictator named Ming, Superman was launched toward Earth in an experimental rocket ship just as his doomed planet, Krypton, exploded into fragments. Reversing the science-fiction plot typical of the day of the good space cowboy rescuing fair alien maidens from evil tyranny, Superman had journeyed to our planet to rescue us from ourselves.

Rising like a phoenix from the ashes in an interstellar resurrection, Superman arrived on our planet to be raised in the Midwest and become a real American. Fearing that people would be scared of him, his foster parents taught him to hide his true identity. Ma and Pa Kent raised their Clark to use his great strength to “assist humanity.” Siegel found in Clark Kent’s personality a soul mate. Hiding behind glasses, an able but shy writer, clumsy with the girls, was a superhero (and ladies’ man—Lois and Lana could not get enough of him). Siegel had also adapted the device of the secret identity then common in pulp fiction. It would become a requirement for all superheroes to come.

Jerry and Joe tried to sell their character to newspapers for five years as a comic strip. Rejection followed rejection. They secured a job with what would become Detective Comics (DC), producing words and pictures for such unforgettable titles as
Dr. Occult, Slam Bradley, Spy, Radio Squad,
Federal Men.
When printer-publisher Harry Donenfeld needed material for his new
Action Comics,
they were in the right place at the right time. Superman was not even on the cover of the first issue, but became the first comic book superhero to carry his own magazine successfully. Readers could not have enough of him. Within a year Siegel and Shuster were celebrities and had their own
magazine along with the
series to tell the tales of America’s greatest hero (and later the
World’s Finest
comics, originally called
New York World’s Fair).
The Superman series inspired DC to commission the creation of other superheroes, resulting most prominently in the creation of Batman and Robin (by Jewish cartoonist Bob Kane). Much later, Superman would inspire another Jewish marvel, Stan Lee, to create Spider-Man and a legion of other superstars.

The early Superman stories (now available in a splendidly bound DC Archives edition) were written and drawn out of Siegel and Shuster’s Cleveland studios. For ten years they enjoyed moderate financial success as employees of DC Comics.

The Superman character was licensed out and became an incredible moneymaker.
The Adventures of Superman Collecting
by Harry and Amanda Murrah Matetsky lists the incredible amount of “Super Stuff” marketed under the Superman logo. Prize collectibles, jigsaw puzzles, Krypto-Rayguns, dolls, adventure cutouts, bubble gum, valentines, big bread, fan clubs, pinball machines, and filmstrips were but some of the merchandising. Color cartoons of the Man of Steel were produced by Fleischer Studios at great expense for the early 1940s ($100,000). Patriotic posters and war bond ads proclaimed Superman’s support of the war effort against Nazi “supermen.”

After the war a popular duo of movie serials were produced starring Kirk Alyn. Siegel and Shuster attempted in 1948 to regain full rights to the Superman character and enjoy the full fruits of their creative genius. Donenfeld fired them after their unsuccessful lawsuit. Years of struggle and hardship followed. Shuster’s sight failed him. For a time the talented artist who had drawn ecstatic visions of leaps and flowing capes worked in the Post Office to support his family. Siegel briefly worked for DC again in the 1960s. Recognition again and some financial support from a more benevolent corporate regime came only late in life (and largely, not soon enough for Shuster).

The Superman character, however, continued to flourish through the 1940s and 1950s in popular radio and television shows starring respectively Bud Collyer (later of
Beat the Clock
To Tell the Truth
fame) and George Reeves (late of
Gone With the Wind).
The immense success of the films with Christopher Reeve (no relation to George Reeves) confirmed the appeal of Superman across generations and led to the blockbuster success of the Batman films.

The comic book and superhero industry has expanded through what their creators would only have viewed as cosmic explosions. Wonder women, barbarians, hulksters, and mutant amphibians have enthralled youngsters now for over fifty years. Yet despite all the commercialism, Superman remains an enduring symbol of America’s finest values.


First, my thanks for a lunch at Runyon’s to my original publisher and friend Steven Schragis and our colleague, the esteemed writer and all-around raconteur Bert Randolph Sugar, at which the idea for this book (over Philly cheese steak sandwiches) was surprisingly conceived (as well as Sugar’s
The Hundred Greatest Athletes of All Time).
Editor Kevin McDonough’s smart queries and able assistance helped clarify my thought and toughen my language.

I owe how I think to my teachers Carl Bamberger, Consuelo Elsa Clark, Sidney E. Fetner, Stanley J. Friedman, Wallace Gray, Renee Longy, Joel Newman, Melville Dewey Nussbaum, Vincent Persichetti, Karl-Ludwig Selig, and Elie Siegmeister.

To sources—William Rosenwald and Alex Anagnos for essential background information on Julius Rosenwald; Paul Levitz and Len Schafer of DC Comics; Abraham Peck of the American Jewish Archives at Hebrew Union College; David Clough and Barbara Haws of the New York Philharmonic; Franklin Levy and A. Peter Lubitz for their unique perspectives; research librarian Carolyn Reznick of the Chappaqua Library; Suzanne Hutchinson of
magazine; Robert Freedman and Leon Manoff of Williams Real Estate; Faith Popcorn of BrainReserve; and Ken Cramer, Egon Dumler, and Mark Gittelson, learned soldiers and Menschen—my gratitude for your ideas and patience with all my questions.

The Angelus, Berkman, Cohen, Cole, Collas-Lolis, Davis-Israel, Feldman, Flaum, Goodman, Harris, Kaufman, Kempner, Kombert-Rosenblatt, Leiva, Levitt, Manzino, Mason, McAdams, McComas-Muller, Meisel, Moak, Nitkin, Poor, Poretsky, Prol-Sexton, Rose, Simon, Spitalny, and Zachary families dealt graciously with my preoccupation with this large task, blessing me with their sweet friendship.

Marvin Chinitz, Teresa Montague Devins, Jeffrey Gurian, Helene Kaminski, and Michael Wolff not only showed the way toward improved health, but inspired by their examples of kind service.

I am especially appreciative of the guidance of Rabbi David Greenberg of Temple Shaaray Tefila of Bedford, New York and Dr. Gottfried H. Wagner, for their unique insights and vision.

My everlasting love to my immediate family, to Theresa Vorgia Shapiro for her patience and support while I spent countless hours researching and writing; to my erudite cousin, the photographer John Morrin; heartfelt thanks to my brilliant cousin Dr. Arthur Millman for the use of his large library of Judaica and his wonderful Felella, Ariel, Ilana, and Noah; the Hon. Laura Millman; beloved Pethera Mary Vorgia; dear sisters Marjorie Shapiro, Catherine Esche, and Tina M. Vorgia; soul mates Nan Snope and Jen Prill and James Snope and Nancy Peterson; superlative brother- and sister-in-law Andrew and Gretchen Snope; greatest nephews and neighborhood guys Andrew M. and Daniel E. Shapiro; and best brother, Barry Robert Shapiro. And with a special place in my heart to Marjorie Perlin, who has kept my creative flame burning at the highest setting.


All photographs and illustrations not otherwise credited below are reprinted with permission of the New York Public Library Picture Collection. The author wishes to thank the following for permission to reprint:

American Jewish Archives: Albert Einstein; Sigmund Freud; Theodore Herzl; Moses Mendelssohn; David Ben-Gurion; Samuel Gompers; Gertrude Stein; Albert Michelson,; Golda Meir; Felix Mendelssohn; Louis B. Mayer; Haym Salomon; David Sarnoff; Julius Rosenwald; George Gershwin; Chaim Weizmann; Franz Boas; Leonard Bernstein; Louis Brandeis; Emile Berliner; Sarah Bernhardt; Levi Strauss; Martin Buber; Emma Goldman; Sir Moses Montefiore; Harry Houdini; Henrietta Szold.

The Bettmann Archive: Karl Marx; Franz Kafka; Ferdinand Cohn, p. 156; Jerome Kern; Leopold Auer.

UPI/Bettmann: Mark Rothko; Arthur Miller; Edward Bernays; Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel.

Reuters/Bettmann Newsphotos: Arthur Miller.

Judaic Heritage Society: Rashi; Hillel; Isaac Luria; Philo Judaeus.

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research: The Vilna Gaon; Queen Esther.

Fotofolio: Walter Benjamin.

Israel Museum, Jerusalem: Baruch de Spinoza; Nahmanides.

JNUL Schwadron Collection: David Ricardo.

Teddy Kolleck Collection: Sabbatai Zevi.

Wingate Institute: Simon Bar Kokhba.


Abelard, Peter

Abraham (Hebrew patriarch)

Absalom (son of David)

Acheson, Dean

Addams, Jane

AFL (American Federation of Labor)

After the Fall

Ahasuerus (King Xerxes)

Akhmatova, Anna

Akiba (rabbi)

Albertus Magnus

Aleichem, Sholem

Ali, Muhammad

Allon, Yigal

Alston, Walter

Alyn, Kirk

American in Paris, An

Anderssen, Adolph

Aquinas, Thomas

Arafat, Yasir

Arbuckle, Fatty


principles of,

Arlen, Harold

Armory Show (International Exhibition of Modern Art)

Arnold, Benedict

Ashburn, Richie

“Ashcan School” of artists

Astaire, Fred

Atkinson, Brooks

Atkinson, Ti-Grace

Attell, Abe

Auden, W.H.

Auer, Leopold

Augustine (Church father)

Baal Shem Tov (Israel ben Eliezer; Besht)

Babbage, Charles

Babbitt, Milton

Bach, Johann Sebastian

Baer, Dov

Bakst, Leon

Bakunin, Mikhail

Balanchine, George

Balfour, Lord Arthur

Balfour Declaration

Ball, Lucille

Balzac, Honoré de

Bamberger, Carl

Bar Kokhba, Simon

Bártok, Béla

Baruch, Bernard

Bathsheba (wife of David)

Baudelaire, Charles

Bavasi, Buzzie

Beaumarchais, Pierre

Beethoven, Ludwig van,

Begin, Menachem (Wolfovitch)

Bell, Alexander Graham

Ben-Gurion, David (David Green)

Benjamin, Judah

Benjamin, Walter

Bennett, Michael

Benny, Jack

Bentham, Jeremy

Berenson, Bernard

Berg, Alban

Berg, Jackie (Judah Bergman)

Bergman, Ingmar

Bergson, Henri

Berkman, Alexander (Sasha)

Berlin, Irving

Berliner, Emile

Berlioz, Hector

Bernard, Youle

Bernard of Clairvaux

Bernays, Anne (Freud)

Bernays, Anne

Bernays, Edward (L.)

Bernhardt, Sarah

Bernstein, Leonard (Lenny Amber)

Bertillon, Alphone

Bismarck, Otto von

Bizet, Georges

Bloch, Ernest

Boas, Franz

Bohr, Aage

Bohr, Harald

Bohr, Niels (Henrik David)

Brady, Edward

Brahms, Johannes

Brandeis, Louis (Dembitz)

Brando, Marlon

Braque, Georges

Brecht, Bertolt

Breton, Andre

Breuer, Josef

Britten, Benjamin

Brod, Max

Bruckner, Anton

Buber, Martin (Mordecai)

Buber, Solomon

Bückeburg, Chaim


Burlingham, Dorothy

Burroughs, Edgar Rice

Byron, Baron George Gordon

Caesar, Irving

Caesar, Sid

Cage, John

Caligula (emperor)

Calvin, John

Campanella, Roy

Camp David accords

Camus, Albert

Cardozo, Benjamin

Carnegie, Andrew

Carter, Benny

Carter, Jimmy

Caruso, Enrico

Cassirer, Paul

Castlereagh, Viscount Robert

Castro, Ginette

Cavaignac, Godefroy

Cezanne, Paul

Chagall (Segal), Marc

Chaplin, Charlie

Charcot, Jean

Charlemagne (king of Franks)

Chavez, Carlos

Chekhov, Anton

Chigorin, Mikhail

Chmielnicki massacres

Chopin, Frederic

Jesus of Nazareth

Christiani, Pablo

Churchill, Winston

Cihlarz, Josephine

Clairín, Georges

Clemenceau, Georges

Clementi, Muzio

Cohen, Judith

Cohen, Myron

Cohn, Ferdinand (Julius)

Collyer, Bud

Comden, Betty

Communist Manifesto, The


Constantine (emperor)

Coolidge, Calvin

Copernicus, Nicolaus

Copland, Aaron

Corbett, “Gentleman Jim”

Cordovero, Moses

Cosi fan tutte
(Mozart/Da Ponte)

Costelloe, Mary

Crémieux, Adolphe

Crucible, The

Cummings, E.E.

Curie, Marie


Damascus blood libel affair

Damrosch, Walter

D Annunzio, Gabriele

Dante (Italian poet)

Da Ponte, Lorenzo (Emmanuele Conegliano)

David (king of Hebrews)

Davis, Jacob

Davis, Stuart

Dayan, Moshe

Dean, James

Death of a Salesman: Certain Private Conversations in Two Acts and a Requiem

Deborah (Prophetess)

Debussy, Claude

Delacroix, Ferdinand

de Menil family

De Mille, Agnes

Derby, Lord Edward

Descartes, Rene,

Dewey, John

Diaghilev, Sergei

Diamond, David

Dickens, Charles

Dio Cassius

Disney, Walt

Disputation at Barcelona

Disraeli, Benjamin

Dìsraeli, Isaac

Donatello (Italian artist)

Donenfeld, Harry

Don Giovanni
(Mozart/Da Ponte)

Dore, Gustave

Dostoyevsky, Feodor

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan

Dreyfus, Alfred

Dreyfus, Mathieu

Drumont, Edouard

Drysdale, Don

Dr. Zhivago

Duchamp, Marcel

Duck Soup

, Alexandre


Dumont, Margaret

Durkheim, Emile

Duse, Eleonora

Duveen, Joseph

Dvorak, Anton

Dylan, Bob (Robert Allen Zimmerman),


Edison, Thomas Alva

Ehrlich, Paul

Eichmann, Adolf

Einstein, Albert

Eisenhower, Dwight

Eisenstein, Sergei

Ellington, Duke

Elliot, William Yandell

Elman, Mischa

Enders, Dr. John

Engels, Friedrich

Epistles (Saul of Tarsus—St. Paul)

Erikson, Erik

Eshkol, Levi

Essay on the Influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock


Estaing, d’, Valéry Giscard

Esterhazy, Ferdinand Walsin

Esther, Queen




Ezra, Abraham ibn


Fancy Free

Feminine Mystique, The

Fermi, Enrico

Field, John

Fineman, Irving

Fischer, Bobby

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Ford, Henry

Fortas, Abe

Fosse, Bob

Four Saints in Three Acts

Francis, Thomas Jr.

Frank, Anne

Frank, David Salisbury

Frank, Jacob

Frank, Margot

Frank, Otto

Frankfurter, Felix

Franks family

Frazier, Joe

Frederick the Great (king of Prussia)

French, Marilyn

Freud, Anna

Freud, Jakob

Freud, Sigmund

Frick, Henry Clay

Friedan, Betty (Betty Naomi Goldstein),

Friedman, Maurice

Friml, Rudolf

Frost, Robert

Funk, Casimir

Funk, Jacques

Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, A

Gabirol, Solomon ibn

Gable, Clark

Gabler, Neil

Galen (Greek physician)

Galway, James

Gamaliel (rabbi)

Gandhi, Mahatma

Garbo, Greta

Gardner, Isabella Stewart

Gauguin, Paul

Gershom, Rabbenu

Gershon, Levi ben

Gershwin (Gershovitz), George,

Gershwin (Gershovitz), Ira,

Gewandhaus concerts (Leipzig

Gielgud, John

Gillespie, Dizzy

Ginsburg, Ruth

Gladstone, William

Gleason, Jackie

Godowsky, Leopold, Jr.

Goebbels, Dr. Joseph,

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

Goldberg, Arthur

Goldman, Emma

Goldman, Henry

Goldmark, Peter Carl

Goldwyn (Goldfish), Samuel

Gompers, Samuel

Gone With the Wind

Goodman, Benny (Benjamin; BG)

Gottlieb, Adolph

Gould, Gordon

Gould, Morton

Grahl, Nancy

Gratz, Barnard

Greeks (ancient)

Green, Adolph

Greenberg, Hank

Griffith, D.W.

Grofé, Ferde

Grove, Lefty

Guide to the Perplexed

Guthrie, Woody

Habiru, the


Hadrian (emperor)


Hahn, Otto

Hahn, Reynaldo

Hale (mother)

Haman (Amalekite)

Hammerslough brothers (Aaron and Julius)

Hammerstein, Oscar II

Hammond, John

Hampton, Lionel

Handel, George Frederick

Harding, Warren

Hasidic movement

Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment)

Hawking, Stephen

Haydn (Franz) Joseph

Hearst, William Randolph

Hegel, Georg W.F.

Heifetz, Jascha

Heine, Heinrich (Chaim; Harry)

Heisenberg, Werner

Hellman, Lillian

Hemingway, Ernest

Henderson, Fletcher

Henry (major)

Herbert, Victor

Herod the Great (king)

Herodotus (Greek historian)

Herzl, Theodor

Heschel, Abraham Joshua

Hess, Moses

High Price of Bullion, a Proof of the Depreciation of Bank Notes, The

Hubert, David

Hillel (the Elder; the Babylonian)

Hindemith, Paul

Hirsch, Baron Maurice de

Hitchcock, Alfred

Hitler, Adolf

Hoffman, Abbie

Holiday, Billie

Holliday, Judy


Holman, Nat

Holmes, Oliver Wendell


vs. Chmielnickí massacres

detailing of

fictionalization of

memorial of


also Schindler’s List

Hoover, Herbert

Horenstein, Jascha

Houdin, Robert

Houdini, Harry (Erik Weisz; Ehrich Weiss)

HUAC hearings (House Un-American Activities Committee)

Hugo, Victor

Humphries, Richard

Hunter, Tab

Hussein, Saddam

Ibsen, Henrik

Interpretation of Dreams, The

Irgun Zvai Leumi (Israel)

Isaac (son of Abraham)

Isaac ben Judah

Isaiah (prophet)

Ishmael (father of Arabs)

/ and Thou

Ives, Charles

Jabotinsky, Vladimir

Jabotinsky movement

“J’Accuse,” Zola

Jackson, Jim

Jacobson, Eddie

James (brother of Jesus)

James (king of Aragon)

James, William


Jefferson, Thomas ideals of,

Jeremiah (prophet)

Jerusalem, importance of

Jesus of Nazareth

and David

death of,

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