Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (40 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Yes" Nicholas confirmed. "No one can partake in any kind of activity under this roof without going through the screening process."

Carina snapped her fingers. "That's how you got the test results back so quickly!" Marco smirked while Valentino smiled and nodded.

"It's almost time" Nicholas replied. "But we still need to confirm. The scene will involve only you three. Desirae and Andrea will be front row spectators and will join you in the private room later... And what about me amor" Nicholas asked as he caressed Carina's cheek.

Andrea groaned. "What did I tell you - certified grade-A gold pussy." Griffin roared with laughter as Diego turned bright red.

"I haven't fucked him" Carina smirked. "Yet" she said as she winked. She looked between Valentino and Marco.

"Only if Andrea and Des open up" Marco stated wanting to see where this went.

"Fuck yes" Andrea squealed as Desirae eagerly nodded. "Let's go." They had no intention of trying to be a permanent part of the trio's relationship but they were dying to have one night with Marco and Valentino.

"What about us?" Griffin demanded. How the hell were they guaranteed sex while he and Diego were left high and dry?!

"Go find your own pussy" Nicholas replied. "There's plenty in this club to choose from. The billiards hall plays completely in the nude. There are sex rooms, the dungeons, and plenty of other entertainment if you only want to watch." Nicholas pointed to Carina, Desirae, and Andrea and then pointed to himself, Valentino and Marco. "It's an even three-three ratio between us." He said nothing more as he led the way out of the office.

Carina followed and watched as Griffin dragged Diego to the dungeons. She breathed a sigh of relief knowing that they'd be distracted for a while.

Chapter Fifty-One

Carina stepped into a room that featured two solid walls and two glass walls. The front glass wall held chairs and a roped off area while the other glass wall peeked into the adjacent room. "So we can watch others while we're going at it?" She croaked. The thought instantly made her wet.

"Yes" Nicholas professionally replied. "But today you'll be the only active scene in this area. I've closed it off from just anyone walking by unless you say otherwise."

Carina nodded, thankful for his professionalism. It lessened her apprehension. Nicholas sat on a stool in the corner offering him a prime view of everything. "I'll only interject when you need to move to provide the audience with a better view or if I feel Carina is uncomfortable. Understood?"

They nodded as Carina looked between her men. "Can they hear us out there?"

"Only when I turn on the audio" Nicholas answered. "Right now I want you to be 100% comfortable going into this. They don't need to hear every second. Part of the experience is the anticipation." Nicholas wanted Carina's focus on him. The seating area was quickly filling in behind her. There were some there to see Valentino and Marco. Others were there to see this ravishing beauty.

Carina inhaled deeply and smiled. "Well boys" she purred as she watched Marco's jeans immediately tent. "Let's do this."

Nicholas' seductive laugh eased her tension. Carina looked at him knowing she'd be getting a taste soon enough. Butterflies fluttered throughout her belly in anticipation. She knew she should feel guilty but everyone else was onboard with this too helping to eliminate the unwanted emotion.

Nicholas licked his lips eagerly awaiting their first move. Carina sashayed over to Valentino. She didn't dare look anywhere but at her men. Her heart raced with fear and exhilaration. Her body desperately sought relief with them but her mind remained focused over the potential audience.

Carina momentarily closed her eyes and breathed in Valentino's masculine scent. She welcomed the familiar pull as her body relaxed. She slowly unbuttoned Valentino's shirt while Marco pressed his body against her. They angled themselves so the audience could see. Carina tilted her head allowing Marco access to her neck and bare shoulder. He trailed kisses and small bites against her skin. She slowly removed Valentino's shirt. Marco shifted his hands to her waist.

"No touching yet" Carina commanded. Valentino shivered at her sharp tongue. Nicholas' gasp broke through the silence. She licked her lips soaking in the sexual tension in the room. She kissed Valentino's chest sucking his nipples. They puckered beneath her tongue making him tilt his head back and groan.

"Marco" Her husky voiced stopped his mouth from its exploration across her shoulders and back. "I want you to take off Valentino's pants."

Nicholas squirmed in the corner as Carina and Marco switched places. Nicholas had owned this club for years and he'd seen many scenes unfold right before his eyes but Carina made him positively hot. She knew how to prolong a moment and make the audience hold their breath with anticipation. She commanded everyone's attention without much effort.

Part of his restlessness was knowing that he'd soon have Carina beneath him. She clearly could handle being in bed with these two virile men and keep them lusting for more. Nicholas rubbed his thighs trying to relax his tense body. He watched Valentino shiver with anticipation. The audience leaned forward at his reaction.

Marco dropped to his knees. His hands trembled as he unbuckled Valentino's belt. Carina leaned over and removed Marco's shirt. She placed her hand over Marco's and helped him tug Valentino's belt off. She caressed his shoulders as Marco's shaky hands unzipped Valentino's pants. Their panting breaths echoed in the room.

"My turn" she grabbed Marco's wrists stopping him from taking Valentino's boxer briefs off. She wanted to strip the last piece of clothing off Valentino. She stared at Valentino's already bare feet. All she wanted to do was place kisses from his feet and blaze a trail up his body but they had an audience to consider.

Marco scooted back but didn't get up. She attempted to kneel down to remove the boxer briefs but Marco stopped her. Valentino took the opportunity and grabbed Carina by the nape of the neck. He kissed her deeply, their tongues entwining as she leaned into him. She gasped into Valentino's mouth. Marco caressed her calves with his strong hands, and then moved up to her thighs. He kissed the back of her knees and continued north while Valentino fucked her mouth with his tongue.

Nicholas observed the trio with a keen eye. He was impressed at their intimate familiarity in such a short time. From what he knew they hadn't been together for long. He and the enraptured audience were spellbound. The trio permitted an exchange of control and power throughout their intimate interaction. No single individual attempted to overpower the entire exchange.

Carina hooked her thumbs into Valentino's briefs and slowly pushed them down. Her fingers caressed his hips and thighs reveling in the way he trembled beneath her touch. Desirae and Andrea leaned closer against the glass greedily taking in the sights. Carina noticed hoping her friends enjoyed the show.

Valentino lifted Carina's dress making her shudder. He exposed her ass for everyone to see. Carina felt more than saw Nicholas move to get a better view. She relished his appreciative groan as Marco pulled the scrap of material considered to be a thong. Valentino slowly unbuttoned the back of her dress kissing her soft skin. She reached out and slowly stroked his rock hard cock. Valentino jerked back gasping for air. Once the last button was undone, he pulled the dress over her head and stepped back. Valentino slightly angled Carina for the audience to get a full view of her voluptuous body.

Marco eagerly kissed Carina as she rubbed her naked body against his jeans. The friction of the rough material drove her insane with need. She fumbled with Marco's zipper and somehow managed to get the offending material off him. She stared down with immense pleasure as his erection jumped to attention.

"Commando... nice" Nicholas whispered from somewhere in the background. She smiled in agreement with his observation. Marco kicked off his jeans and waited for her next move.

Carina's fingernails traced the muscles on Marco's chest and washboard abs. His muscles tightened as she stroked a path down to his hips. "Marco" she whispered. She rubbed her ass against Valentino but spoke directly to Marco. She didn't want either man to feel neglected.

Carina spoke loud enough for the microphones to register her voice. "I want you to blow your load... now." Before Marco could comprehend what she meant she dropped to her knees. Nicholas leaned forward while Valentino angled himself for a better view. Valentino slowly stroked himself as he watched Marco's dick disappear into Carina's mouth. His knees nearly buckled at the contact.

"Damn" Nicholas whispered.

Carina relaxed her jaw. She sucked Marco deeply but slowly. She wanted his experience to be intense but still immensely pleasurable. She pulled away, hollowing her cheeks to increase the suction. She focused on the bulbous head. She licked his slit and suckled the pearly fluid that leaked. She licked his sensitive underside before pulling him in all the way to the back of her throat. She swallowed around the tip welcoming Marco's gasps and groans.

Marco grabbed her hair hoarsely crying out, "Wait" but she wouldn't listen. Carina hummed and groaned causing the vibrations to send him over the edge. His entire body tensed then trembled as his seed spurted down her throat. The audience released a collective groan of appreciation as Valentino lifted Carina from the floor. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he turned towards the bed. Valentino positioned her so the audience could see them. He chuckled as he watched Marco try to regain functionality.

"Join us when you're ready" Valentino gruffly stated. Marco nodded. He stumbled to the bed and sat away from them trying not to block the audience's view. Valentino looked at his lover, surprised that the man could even function. Carina had gone no-holds-bar with that blowjob. Apparently she needed to prove her merit with sucking cock.

Valentino crawled over Carina and kissed her. He loved to taste Marco on her. Valentino licked and sucked Marco's essence from her mouth. Marco's scent and taste kept Valentino on the edge. He needed her mindless for this next part.

Valentino mindlessly kissed her until she writhed and squirmed with blinding need. He slowly pulled away, ignoring his raging dick, and trailed kisses from her chin to her neck. He nipped her collarbone and nibbled the sides of her breasts.

"Sit Carina up and angle her" Nicholas' sharp voice instructed once Marco joined them. Valentino sat her up shifting her so that everyone could see. Together they kissed and suckled her breasts. They licked her nipples and allowed the audience to see them pucker in appreciation of their attention. Valentino continued trailing kisses down her stomach while Marco kissed back up to her mouth.

Valentino caressed her wet folds making Carina thrust her hips in the air. She held onto Marco while Valentino thoroughly kissed and licked between her thighs. Marco thrust two fingers into her soaked folds while Valentino sucked her clit. She cried out as her orgasm rocked her. She opened her eyes to see Nicholas shamelessly stroking himself.

"Baby, we need to take care of Valentino" Marco whispered as her breathing evened out. She nodded and awaited his instruction. She smiled brightly as she watched Marco grab a bottle of lubricant and a condom. Marco kissed Valentino's shoulder and neck as he kneeled behind him.

She looked at Valentino. "On my knees or propped on a pillow?"

"Is it okay if the audience decides?" Nicholas interjected.

Valentino looked at Marco who replied for them. "The audience will enjoy seeing her titties bouncing with her back on the bed. Valentino, grab Carina a pillow and angle her just right."

Nicholas nodded. It wasn't often that he asked for the audience's feedback but he wasn't sure which angle he wanted to see more. It was rare for him to be so indecisive. He wanted to see Carina fucked every which way.

Valentino placed a firm pillow beneath Carina and adjusted her to rest at his hips. He placed her feet flat on his shoulders so that the audience could see where their bodies joined. He placed the tip of his erection at her opening and rubbed his engorged head along her soaked folds. Marco pushed Valentino forward just a slight bit so that he could better angle himself. He lubricated Valentino and rolled the condom onto his eager cock. They'd discussed how they were going to take Carina with people watching and decided this was the angle they wanted for their viewers.

Valentino moaned as he felt Marco's thick erection slowly inch his way in. Valentino followed suit and slowly entered her. "No touching your breasts" he grunted as Marco slowly pistoned in and out. Carina gasped at a set of unfamiliar hands grabbing her arms. She looked up to see Nicholas cuffing her wrists. The position of her arms thrust her breasts forward causing audience members to praise him.

Valentino let Marco set the pace. He caressed Carina's thighs and hips. Her glazed eyes gave silent approval of their position and pace. He and Marco found their rhythm and took their time. Each stroke mirrored each other's: slow and deep. Carina rolled her hips with each slow thrust. She tightened her inner muscles loving the feel of Valentino's cock stroking her walls.

Carina bit her lip as she watched Valentino shudder with pleasure. Marco kissed Valentino's neck and shoulders as their tempo increased. Marco countered each thrust. His hips ground against Valentino's firm ass. Marco looked over Valentino's shoulder and groaned loudly. Carina's breasts bounced with each thrust of their hips.

Valentino grabbed her ass lifting her higher. Carina kept her feet on his shoulders loving the way he pounded into her. She pulled at the restraints frustrated that she couldn't touch him. Marco tilted Valentino forward allowing him deeper access. Marco grabbed Valentino by the nape of the neck. It wasn't often but he loved topping the mighty Mr. DeLuca.

Valentino leaned forward relishing the feel of Marco's cock in his ass and his hand wrapped around his neck. His balls tightened and his toes curled as the pleasure intensified. Valentino angled his hips continuously stroking Carina's clit. In moments Valentino lost control. Marco stilled allowing Valentino to temporarily take over. Marco allowed Valentino just enough space to thrust into Carina and away from him. Valentino violently erupted into Carina as Marco bit his shoulder. Carina cried out in ecstasy as her orgasm temporarily caused her to blackout. Marco grabbed Valentino's hips and aggressively thrust into him a few more times before groaning through his release.

The trio collapsed on top of each other. Marco pulled out of Valentino and removed the condom. Valentino wrapped Carina's legs around him and kissed her slowly and thoroughly while still inside her.

Nicholas pressed a button; a red curtain slid across the front glass window allowing the trio privacy while the spectators moved onto another scene. Valentino slowly pulled out of Carina as Nicholas handed him a warm washcloth.

"I have someone coming in to clean the room. Go ahead and get dressed. If you want to shower I can escort you to the suite we'll be using. We can take the tour whenever you want."

Nicholas silently watched as the trio dressed and whispered to each other. The men kissed Carina and checked to see that she was okay with everything. Her tanned skin flushed with immense satisfaction. Nicholas inhaled deeply loving the smell of sex in the air. He was hard as a rock but cherished the discomfort and anticipation. Nicholas knew Carina would be well worth the wait.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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