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Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (122 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"So while your best friend lays immobile and unconscious you're here fucking around" the voice I didn't want to hear snarls. I pull my shoulders back and lift my chin refusing to cower at his condescending tone.

"Get the fuck out of my dungeon" he has no right being here. I was clear with them where I was going. It wasn't any kind of invitation for them to join me. "Get him out" I bark at Big Boy who failed to do his job.

"But that's..." Big Boy stutters.

"I know who the fuck it is" I growl. "And he wasn't invited."

"Don't let me stop you and your fucked-up sense of coping" Diego bellows, "I'm done babysitting. This wouldn't have happened if I wasn't so focused on chasing you."

His words shred me worse than reliving the memory of seeing Carina rolled into the ambulance. They're cold, bitter; almost hateful. We're all upset. We all bear the burden of grief and guilt yet he has the audacity to squarely place the blame on me. My mind claws through the sludge of nightmares while trying to get my mouth to tell Diego to fuck off.

"Remove him or this will be the last time you ever work in this dungeon" Greg's cold voice has everyone moving. More than one person shoves Diego out while the rest vacate the room. Greg, Buzz Cut, and I are the only ones left.

"Take him too" Greg motions for the other security personnel to escort Buzz Cut out of the room. Poor guy, he hadn't done anything wrong. He just wasn't functioning on all cylinders yet.

I came to this room to get away. The dungeon has always been my sanctuary within my haven... and now Diego's ruined it. He obliterated any progress I'd made; with him, with myself, with my life. It fucking hurts to realize the shallowness of our relationship. I was nothing more than a pastime, a babysitting gig to ensure the raunchy slut wouldn't taint his little sister. All those times he pretended to care about me, acting like he wanted me... It wasn't real. His blatant acts of cock-blocking weren't because he wanted inside me. He'd proven that plenty of times. It was humiliating to think of the number of times I'd begged to be fucked and he wouldn't.

"Play with me" Greg presses his hard body against mine. His firm tone makes the statement sound more like a demand than a request. I don't need this but fuck, I want it. Diego obliterated everything warm and fuzzy within me. I'm nothing more than a nuisance to the men in my life.

I nod, unable to voice anything at the moment. The words wanting to spill from my lips are hateful and hurtful. I just want to hurt someone right now. I need to feel just as much pain too.

"Bambi" Greg quietly calls her over. I should've known she wouldn't stray too far. She's been eyeing Greg for an eternity but he's never given her the time of day. I don't know if he's doing this to make me feel better or if he's just taking advantage of the situation. Really, I just don't give a shit. "Attach some of those electrodes to us and manage the controls."

She looks a little disappointed but does as he requests. Once she's placed them on our bodies Greg grabs my wrists holding my arms out to the sides. Without saying a word Bambi binds our wrists together. It's a very intimate position, one that almost makes me call this off. I've had enough of overbearing, high-handed men to last me a lifetime. But Greg silently challenges me. He presses his hard chest against me, aligning our hips and bodies together.

"Look at me" his commanding tone is soft but it doesn't move me. I won't do this with him. He can't expect to ask me to play then expect him to dictate the entire interaction.

"Bambi, take off our clothes" I silently dare him to say otherwise. He wants to make power plays, well so can I. She waits only a moment before doing as I ask. She quickly strips my leather vest and pants off causing plenty of friction. His pants disappear just as quickly and I'm not disappointed in the least. Greg thrusts his hips forward rubbing his swollen cock against my folds. I wasn't soaking wet to begin this foray but it doesn't take much to get me all excited.

"The first to come owes the other one a favor" he confidently states. He must not know shit about me. For the first time in 24 hours I smile. Favors are hard to come by within these walls and are hell to pay back when requested under duress.

"I think I can handle that" I purr. I haven't watched him in action and he hasn't seen me at my finest. I need this distraction to keep me sane. If I allow myself even a moment to think about what Diego said... The memory of his disgusted expression is enough to shatter me.

Bambi disappears without having to be told. Greg begins grinding his hips against me, focusing on rubbing his tip against my clit. I can't help but look down watching as his shaft slides between my folds. I throw my head back relishing the exquisite feel of our bodies. He isn't asking me to look him in the eyes. I can enjoy the sensations without contemplating my feelings.

My body jumps in surprise as small pulses shock me. The sensation comes and goes just as quickly but it leaves my body slightly confused. I'd forgotten about the pesky things attached to us. I tingle all over. My pussy loves the feel of his dick. Greg leans his forehead against mine. I automatically tense up not wanting to cross that line. It's fun and easy when there's no emotion involved.

"I need to be inside you" he groans as his slick shaft presses against me. Every time he pulls back he dips in just a little bit more. "Besides" he nuzzles my neck trying to get me to relax. "You might try and sneak one in when I'm not paying attention. Only being buried balls deep can guarantee you're being honest."

"That might cost you extra" I pant. It already feels good but I can't waste too much time here. I need to get back to Carina. Despite what Diego says or thinks I am a good friend. I arch my hips welcoming him in. Neither one of us can use our hands but I don't think it'll be a problem. I'm so wet it won't take much to slip inside. Greg doesn't hesitate. He thrusts his hips forward quickly impaling me. We both gasp surprised at the biting shocks and tight fit. The man has a beautiful cock that fits like a glove.

I play to win. Every time I see Bambi reaching for the control of the electrodes I slam my hips into Greg's. It only takes a few good angles to get us both sweating and frantic. I want to cheer the moment we both realize he's lost the game. He grunts and groans as he finally gives into the pleasure. I wait until he's peaked before giving into my orgasm. It's fast but satisfying, not like the usual hallowed orgasms.

I don't remember being untied but it doesn't take long to recover. In moments I slip into my regular clothes and head to the dining hall. I have to recompose myself before facing the group. No doubt Valentino and Marco will be back by then.

I grab a hot meal unsure if this is lunch or dinner. The food tastes bland but I eat it anyways... just like everything else in my life right now.



I can't fucking believe her. Carina's beaten unconscious and yet I can't focus on anything but that frustrating brunette with a masterpiece of freckles painted across her skin. My entire focus is and was on her; wanting to see her, needing to be with her. All the while my sister was getting the shit beat out of her. I want to hate Desirae but I hate myself more. It won't happen again though. Carina's my number one. She'll always come first.

Lashing out at each other might be the easiest way to keep my distance. Freckles and I are like magnets; we attract and repel each other. I feel the pull regardless of the distance. It didn't matter that I was attending college in another state; Desirae called to me, she lured me here. Carina's my number one but Desirae hovers right behind. I came to be my sister's protector but I also came to get closer to Freckles. I thought it was a win-win situation, instead it almost cost me everything.

"Diego" Valentino's polite but firm voice gets my attention. "Go to the dining hall or the gym." I open my mouth instantly refusing to cooperate. I won't leave Carina's side again. I don't care that there's a room full of people here too. Valentino glares, immediately shutting me up. The guy's kind of bad ass and I don't want to test his limits. "Step out of this room for a few minutes. I promise we'll call if anything changes."

Getting kicked out of the room stings; I know I'm being an asshole and they're tired of dealing with me. I would be too. My feet guide me. I have no particular destination although I should adhere to his advice and get something to eat. I'm pretty sure it's been 24-hours since I last ate but I can't bring myself to ingest anything right now. It was hard enough taking a shower but Leticia all but threw me in it so I had no other choice.

Familiar carnal photographs line up the approaching wall. The recognizable artwork quiets my restlessness; easing the tightness in my chest. These are familiar walls. My steps softly echo in the hallway. I walk without thought. My subconscious stirs trying to bring something to the surface but I ignore it. I need this moment of peace. Ironically this level does that. The sounds of grunts, pleadings, the cracks of whips, and slaps of skin wash over me. I'm not here to see Bambi. I don't even need to watch anything or anyone in particular. I just have this pressing need to be here.

"You know you aren't permitted in this room" the usual behemoth says from just a few feet away. I blink several times before my brain fully registers where my feet have taken me. I didn't intentionally come here, or at least that wasn't where I was headed when I left the medical wing.

I automatically want to respond. We both know it's only a matter of time before they'll grant me access to the other half of the lower level. Plenty of members prefer to stay away from this side because of everything it offers within its walls. I haven't really seen more than heard what goes on in there. Usually security doesn't even let me get this far. Adrenaline rushes through my veins yearning to get a peek inside the open doorway.

A loud groan followed by
gets my feet moving. Security doesn't stop me from looking but he angles himself so that I can't go any further; just fine by me. Whoever's in there sounds like they're loving and hating whatever's happening to them.

"You may come now" her voice locks every muscle within my body. Her words from earlier come back to me. Fuck. She said she'd be down here. Why the hell did I come? I don't need to see this shit. How is she so fucking indifferent to what's happening?

Soft murmurs of approval and clapping hands push me over the precipice. I vomit words not really registering what I'm saying. Surprise and hurt flashes across her eyes but they're gone within milliseconds. She lifts her chin, defiant like always straightening her spine. Oh goody, the claws are about to come out. I need this out with her. We should be oceans apart. I want her spewing profanities and vulgarities at me, whatever necessary to keep her the hell away.

"Get the fuck out of my dungeon" she spits. If I was close enough I'm sure she'd flick that wicked looking whip at me too. Eyes volley back and forth between us unsure of how to handle the situation. More words of retaliation slip out. They're shards of glass cutting me and Desirae both at the same time. She thinks I can't see. She tries so fucking hard to keep up this charade of hers. She works overtime to keep the ridiculous façade in place but I see through it. I see through her but I can't bring myself to care enough. Flashes of Carina being beaten supersede anything I might've felt before for Desirae.

"You gotta go" security grabs my arm roughly yoking me away from the room and all the spectators. "Now" he growls. His anger and irritation don't faze me. Nothing anyone else does or says can compare to what I've been through in the last 24 hours. If I go to jail I'll call dad but until then I'm the only one Carina can count on.

I'm passed off from one wall of muscle dressed in black to another. Their rough grasp and harsh words keep me grounded; otherwise I'm liable to tear everything apart within my reach. My muscles tense, wanting so badly to beat the shit out of something or someone. The few stolen moments I had with Pete weren't enough. It isn't enough that he's beaten beyond recognition. My hands still itch to tear him piece by piece.

"I've been instructed to take you to the gym" an unfamiliar voice states. I really don't give a shit where they take me, as long as it's far away from the dungeons. "You're not permitted to leave until you've worked some of your issues out."

"And are you going to watch over me and ensure it happens" I sneer. Maybe he'll offer to get in the ring with me and we can throw a couple of punches. Either he'll knock me the fuck out or I'll manage to get some of it out of my system.

"Shut the fuck up and choose something" he shoves me towards several free-standing heavy bags used for boxing and mixed martial arts. Several members punch, kick, and elbow their bags completely ignoring me. My hands hurt like a bitch but they aren't the only parts of my body that I can use. I strike the bag with my right elbow loving the sharp bite as I make contact. My knees, elbows, and feet strike the bag helping to clear my mind. Each jolt washes through me. Who the hell needs meditation when the chaos can be expelled through brute force?

"That's enough Diego" a voice cuts through the white noise. I'm soaked with sweat. Every part of my body aches with exhaustion. This is exactly what I needed. "Take a shower" the voice instructs. Sweat drips down my face stinging my eyes. A shower sounds good but I don't take directions from just anyone. A small towel smacks my chest. A grumble resonates within my ribs warning the person that's seriously starting to fucking irritate me.

"You've thrown enough temper tantrums for the day" this time I recognize the voice. I've never seen Bambi away from the dungeons. Chagrin and indignation clash against each other. What the hell is she doing approaching me outside of her realm?

"I need you to see something" she doesn't care to ask if I was done. I stumble away from the bags somewhat shocked that she has the gall to even approach me like this. Other members stare in awe and envy as she drags me away. Her nails dig into my skin instantly snapping me to attention. That bite of pain clears the fog from my brain bringing me to the here and now. Bambi storms into the men's locker room not caring about who's doing what. Technically I don't even know why Nicholas has separate men's and women's locker rooms. People play, fuck, and ogle all over the damn estate; like they need privacy after a workout.

Bambi shoves me under a stream of hot water. A flurry of curses flies from my lips while I try to adjust to the temperature. She's pissed. She usually doesn't treat me so callously but apparently I've earned her ire. If she's here to preach to me about what happened in the dungeons I don't want to fucking hear it. She shoves body wash and shampoo at me without saying a word. I take the items but bite back the automatic
thank you
that wants to fall from my lips. If she's going to stand there all huffy puffy with her hands on her hips she can wait for all eternity until I show my gratitude.

I briskly wash the sweat and grime off my body. The fresh scent of rain dulls my anger while the drops of water wipe away my bitterness. Maybe I just need to stay in the shower all day to regain my composure and focus. But it isn't meant to be since Ms. Sassy Pants turns off the shower the second I'm done. Can't a man stand under the hot water for a few minutes?

She throws an oversized towel at me before rummaging through some clothes. Apparently she's had enough time to get clothes from someone since they appear to be mine. Her eyes challenge me to say something. Oh yeah she's fucking pissed. Well me too sweetheart, me too.

"I have lunch waiting for you where we're headed. Need to speak to you before I show you something."

"Not really interested" I slip into my boxers, shorts, and shirt, completely indifferent to my audience. She's seen me in more vulnerable positions.

"You should be" she huffs. She doesn't waste another second. My towel's tossed into a hamper; my sweat-soaked items are handed off to a staff member while I'm dragged along with the little stick of dynamite.

Her hand locks around my wrist leading the way. She merely nods her head to staff and members alike, never once stopping to chat with anyone. Her anger is palpable. I should be concerned but honestly it just makes me horny. I welcome the discomfort of lust, it has no place here but helps remind me that we're still alive and I'm still functioning. She yokes me into one of Nicholas' conference rooms. I don't even know who in their right mind would reserve a conference room within a sex club but Nicholas is living a life of luxury so I can't really talk. It's one of the smaller rooms with a large conference table, chairs, and small bar on the far side of the room. A flat screen TV hangs from the wall. There are no windows or erotic art on the walls. This room is completely functional for any visitor.

Bambi walks behind the bar grabbing two trays. She motions for me to sit close to the TV. I slide into the luxurious leather seat suddenly ravenous for whatever she's got on that tray. The second she uncovers the mouthwatering chicken pot pie I'm a goner. The chicken and creamy filling burn my tongue but I don't care. I welcome the pain allowing me to remind myself that Carina's going through far worse. Her battered ribs, fractured collarbone, and bloodied face haunt me. I need to get back to her. I've wasted enough time as it is.

"How is it possible that someone as smart and handsome as you can manage to epically fuck something up in a matter of moments?"

The chicken pot pie sinks heavily to the bottom of my stomach. Shit, maybe I shouldn't have inhaled it like I did. My loud groan only further pisses her off. I really don't want to talk about this but it doesn't escape my notice that she's placed one of those big burly dudes right outside the door. I don't know if it's just estate protocol or if she thinks I'm going to do something crazy.

"Years Diego" she continues like I actually want to talk about any of this. "Years you and I have invested and you shit all over it."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Desirae isn't an overnight infatuation" she leans over the table glaring at me. Bambi doesn't know me. I know for a fact that Firecracker doesn't chit chat with most of the staff. Her closest friend is Carina and even they have barriers between them.

"I bet it's taken you months if not since the day you met her to make some progress, get some semblance of a relationship." She crosses her arms completely ignoring the fact that her tits are practically pouring out of her top.

"And" I drawl. She wants to engage me in conversation but I see no fucking point. Yeah I've known Desirae for over a year now and any progress we made got fucking obliterated when my sister was attacked. I can't apologize for that. If Desirae was someone else, we would've already been a couple; things could've been completely different. But Des is who she is.

"And" Bambi's finally getting irritated with me. "I've spent years trying to get Greg's attention. But all it takes is
indifference and he's hooked." She says the word
like it's a disease. I suspect she's talking about Desirae because really the girl has indifference and hostility down to a fucking science. She can interchange the two like nothing.

"What's this gotta do with me?" I don't know who Greg is but he poses no threat to me. Since Griffin and I officially made the move Desirae hasn't been with her little bartender or anyone else. I've made sure of it. Now that she's 100% free she can fuck whoever she wants.

"Because one of these days you're going to get through this emotional fog and realize how catastrophically everything has fallen apart."

"Already there babe" I wave my injured hand but don't elaborate. This injury is my trophy for fucking Pete up.

"Well I don't appreciate the aftermath." She strokes a few keys on the laptop then turns on the TV. My body tenses wondering what the hell she's trying to show me. Videos and pictures instantly send me on edge thanks to Pete the cowardly bastard. Things that once could've been beautiful are now tainted thanks to that prick.

Bambi doesn't need to elaborate. The images say it all. My stomach churns and twists as the security video reveals the aftermath of my actions. There's no sound but I'm actually grateful for it. Desirae's beautiful but stricken face destroys me. My angry image stands in front of the doorway of the video. It's too late to yell at him and tell him to shut the fuck up. I need the distance between me and firecracker but I don't want to be the one who takes the knife and continuously stabs her with it... But that's exactly what it looks like. Just moments before I open my giant trap she looked calm, collected. I shattered that with a few choice words.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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