The Investigator (33 page)

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Authors: Chris Taylor

Tags: #Mystery, #Suspense, #Thriller, #Crime, #Murder, #Romance, #Australia

BOOK: The Investigator
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Hope leaped inside her. “Surely that proves she didn’t leave? No one leaves without their toothbrush.”

His gaze captured hers, dark and compelling. “You did.”

She gasped, assailed by decade-old memories. “H-how did you know?”

“It’s still there, in a cup on the sink in your bathroom.”

Remembered fear and anger and hurt swirled inside her. The thought of her toothbrush—forgotten in her haste to leave because she’d been unwilling to switch on a light—standing as silent witness for more than ten years, tore something loose inside her.

“Oh, God… Oh, God.” Her hand flew up to cover her mouth. She shook her head from side to side and tried to erase the painful memories.

Riley drew her into his arms and soothed her with murmured words against her hair. His hand, firm and warm, gave comfort as it stroked up and down her back.

She breathed deeply and tried to use her awareness of him to block out the harrowing recollections: Her fear of discovery as she’d crept through the house; the mind-numbing chill of the winter air as she’d eased open the back door; the certainty she would never be back—along with the uncertainty of the future that lay before her; the knowledge that she was forfeiting the presence of her mother in her life and accepting the guilt and the pain that came with that… And all of it as she jogged her way to freedom on sneakered feet

Her arms tightened around Riley’s lean waist. He wore another suit, this one charcoal-gray, and the tailored cut fit him to perfection. The soft cotton of his freshly laundered shirt felt good against her cheek and she filled her nostrils with the scent of his maleness.

Heat from his chest warmed her through her blouse. She moved against him and her nipples contracted with the friction. Her heart pounded, this time from anticipation as she lifted her head and captured his gaze.

He stared back at her, his eyes dark with need. His ragged breathing matched the rhythm of hers. She slid her palms up his chest, taking strength from the feel of his heartbeat beneath her fingers.

Standing on tip toe, she kissed him softly, tentatively, a feather-light caress of her lips. He stood still, the tension in his shoulders belying the flare of desire that ignited in the depths of his eyes.

He wanted her.
Even after all she’d told him, he still wanted her. The realization weakened her knees and flooded her heart with joy. She clung to him, savoring the knowledge and the wonderment of it, hardly daring to believe it. And then, with a voice that was husky with emotion, he confirmed it.

“I want to make love to you, Kate.”

She wound her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him. Unable to find the words, she used her lips and mouth and tongue and covered his face with kisses.

Heat centered in her core and she moved against him, needing to get closer. The clothes she’d been admiring only moments before were now a hindrance and she groaned her frustration against his mouth.

“Easy there, sweetheart. We don’t have to rush it. This time, I’m going to make it perfect.”

She didn’t care about perfect. All she wanted was to feel his warm skin against hers, the comfort, the security, the strength he gave her just by being with her. But she pulled away as the rest of his words registered.

“What about your investigation? Won’t they be wondering where you are?”

He shook his head. “They know how disappointed and frustrated I am. They’re all feeling much the same way. They’ll understand if I disappear for an hour or two.” He grinned. “They’ll think I’ve gone somewhere to blow off steam.”

She looked away, suddenly assailed by doubts. “Is that what you’re doing? Blowing off steam?”

He took hold of her chin and forced her to look at him. “No, sweetheart, that’s not what I’m doing. God help me, I didn’t come around here for this, but I can’t help it. I can’t think straight when I’m around you and I sure as hell can’t keep my hands off you. I’m more worked up over you than I’ve ever been for an investigation and it scares the hell out of me because I—I’ve fallen in love with you and I don’t have a clue how you feel.”

He dropped his arms and stepped away. The uncertainty on his face tore at her heart. She’d never felt so safe, so wanted, so needed by a man—she loved how he made her feel.

From the moment they’d met, he’d felt right. Like an old friend who would always be there. Like a comfortable pair of shoes or her favorite fluffy house coat.

Oh, God, she couldn’t believe she’d just likened the gorgeous man before her to her house coat, but the feelings he generated deep inside her were much the same: He felt like home. Like a real home, filled with love and laughter and acceptance.

And it was the truth. She’d fallen in love with him. Somewhere along the way, through the terror of confronting her past and the turmoil of finding her mother, she’d fallen in love with Riley.

She reached out to touch him, a shaky smile on her lips. His gaze roved over her face and her smile widened.

A tentative smile tugged at his lips, but uncertainty still clouded his eyes.

“Talk to me, Kate. Please, talk to me.”

She stepped forward until she stood mere inches away from him. Reaching up, she pulled his head down to hers and kissed him.

It was slow and sweet and perfect. Every ounce of the love she felt for him found its way to his mouth. When at last she pulled away, both of them were breathing fast.

“I love you, Riley. With every fiber of my being. That’s how I feel.”

The smile erupted into a wide grin. He whooped and hollered and pulled her to him. His arms tightened around her, holding her like he’d never let her go.

Wriggling out of his grasp, she took his hand and tugged him toward the bed. He sat down on the edge, his gaze on hers. Shyness besieged her, but she was determined to show him how much she meant it. Lifting her arms, she stood before him and undid the buttons on her blouse, her gaze never straying from his.

Shrugging the shirt off her shoulders, she tossed it to the floor. Her white lace bra quickly followed suit before her courage waned. She stood proudly before him, pleased when his breath caught at the sight of her naked torso. Her nipples reacted to the heat in his gaze and puckered into small, hard nubs.

Leaning forward, she kissed him, her lips soft and teasing, his mouth warm and inviting beneath hers. His arms came up around her and pulled her close. She lost her balance and toppled onto him, relishing the feel of her bare skin against the cotton of his shirt. Seconds later, he rolled her onto her back and pressed her into the mattress.

He stared down at her, his eyelids heavy with desire. With quick movements, he pulled off his jacket, loosened his tie and undid the buttons of his shirt. Within minutes, his clothing had joined hers on the floor.

She stroked the well-defined muscles of his chest with her fingers. He gasped and sucked in his belly. A surge of pure feminine power flooded through her. She’d never felt in control of her responses or her actions and the thought that she could have such an effect on him was exhilarating.

Her hands strayed lower, slipping beneath the waistband of his pants to tangle in the soft hair below. With a grimace, he captured her hands in his and held them against his chest.

“This time, it’s all about you, sweetheart. If you keep heading in that direction, I might end up disgracing myself. Again.” He bent low and brushed his lips across hers. “And I’ve sworn that’s not going to happen.”

She smiled and wondered again how she’d stumbled across this man and what she’d done to deserve him. Happiness spread through her. She threaded her arms around his neck and pulled him down hard against her. The feel of his bare skin on hers sent goose bumps along her nerve endings and she shivered with the need that burned deep down inside her.

Raising her head, she tasted the side of his neck with her tongue. He groaned and pulled gently away from her. He moved lower until he’d captured one of her rosy nipples between his lips.

She gasped at the sensation. His mouth, hot and moist, teased the sensitized peak. She pressed against him with wanton need, abandoning all pretense at control.

He turned his attention to her other breast and her heart pounded in response. She moved restlessly beneath him, her fingers clenched around his head, anchoring him against her and against the avalanche of feeling that threatened to swamp her.

“Easy, sweetheart,” he murmured, lifting his head to peer into her eyes.

His mouth skipped over the soft skin of her belly and paused at the top of her waistband. Moments later, he slid open the button on her jeans and lowered the zipper. Her breath caught.

Lifting her bottom off the bed, she let him tug the garment down her hips, leaving her naked but for a scrap of white lace. Setting aside her shyness, she watched as he looked his fill.

“You’re so beautiful,” he breathed. His finger traced the outline of her panties, stopping to dip slightly beneath the elastic. Her stomach quivered from the strain and she yearned for his weight to be back on top of her.

His head lowered and his tongue replaced his finger, gliding across the lace. He buried his face between her legs. The feel of his warm breath on her flesh was unbearable.

Blood pounded in her veins and left her clit heavy and aching for more. As if sensing her need, his mouth opened over her sensitized flesh. She almost came off the bed in response.

Embarrassment burned through her. She tightened her legs together and pushed at his head. He looked up and his gaze found hers.

“Let me love you, Kate. I want to love you.”

The love and sincerity in his eyes was what convinced her. The tension left her body and she relaxed against the softness of the mattress.

Riley tugged at her panties and slid them down her legs. With an effort, she fought against her instinctive urge to hide.

“Please, don’t be scared, sweetheart. No one’s going to hurt you, ever again.”

His head lowered and his lips moved over her heated flesh, licking and sucking and sliding between the soft folds. She cried out at the exquisite sensations. With the palm of his hand, he pressed against her clit, stroking her with increasing pressure.

Kate’s hands clenched into fists as sensations overwhelmed her. His fingers slipped inside her and she tensed. With sweet, tender strokes he moved in and out of her, the pressure of his hand never once relenting. Heat and desire blossomed. She pressed up against him, squirming under his touch.

The constant force of his mouth and his palm and his fingers continued and the pressure from deep inside became almost unbearable. She twisted and moaned, seeking relief. Riley lifted his head and looked at her, urging her on.

“That’s it, sweetheart, you’re nearly there. Relax and let it happen. Let yourself come. I want to see you come.”

His words tipped her over the edge. She squeezed her eyes shut and cried out. Her inner muscles clenched and pulsed. Relief washed over her and she jerked against him.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and watched as Riley stood and pulled off his suit pants. His boxers quickly followed. Her gaze was drawn to the long, hard length of him that jutted proudly from his body. The tip of his cock glistened with excitement and she longed to taste him as he’d tasted her.

She half sat and reached out for him. He backed away with a smile.

“Oh, no you don’t. Not this time. If you touch me, I’m going to explode and I want to be deep inside you with your tight warmth all around me when I do that.”

Leaning down, he pulled out a condom from the pocket of his trousers and quickly sheathed himself. He took up a position between her legs. They fell open in welcome.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but this is going to be quick. I’m so hard for you, I can’t stand it another minute.” Plunging inside her, he shuddered and groaned and then began moving.

She reached up and pulled him down hard against her, lifting her hips to meet each fierce thrust. Tension built in his shoulders. His breath was harsh in her ear. She tightened her hold on him, loving the feel of him moving inside her.

He groaned again and his pace increased, faster and harder until he stiffened and stilled and then collapsed against her, his body spent.

Slowly, his breathing returned to normal. They lay face to face on their sides, touching and exploring with fingers gentled by awe and love. Long minutes passed.

Riley looked at the clock.

With a sigh, he rolled away and stood, collecting his underwear and trousers and pulling them on. “I have to go.”

Kate nodded in understanding, even though she longed for him to stay. “I know. Things to do, places to go, people to see.”

“Ladies to kiss.” He swooped low and planted a kiss on her lips.

She smiled and watched him continue to dress. “You better not be kissing anyone but me. I don’t think I’d like to share.”

He growled low in his throat and pressed another hard kiss against her mouth. “That’s good, because I
don’t like to share.”

She smiled again and tugged the sheet up higher, tucking it across her breasts. “Where are you going now?”

He grimaced. “Back to the station. Do a recap. See where we go from here.”

“So you didn’t find anything to suggest foul play at Darryl’s house? No sign that anything was amiss?”

“Nope, everything looked completely normal, just like you’d expect it to look.”

Kate frowned. “I wonder if
notice anything out of place? I mean, I haven’t been there for ten years, but…”

Riley frowned and moved closer, sitting on the side of the bed and taking her hands in his. “Really? Do you really want to go back in there?”

“Do you think it could make a difference?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. But at this stage, I’m willing to try anything.” He framed her face with his hands. “But only if you’re up to it. I can’t imagine what it would be like for you to go into his house again.”

Kate stared at him drawing strength from the love in his eyes. “With you beside me, I’m willing to try.”

Leaning forward, he kissed her softly, deeply, on the mouth. “Christ, I love you so much.”

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