The Invasion of Canada

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Authors: Pierre Berton

BOOK: The Invasion of Canada
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The conquest of Canada is
in our power. I trust I shall
not be deemed presumptive when
I state that I verily believe
that the militia of Kentucky
are alone competent to place
Montreal and Upper Canada
at your feet.

Henry Clay, to the
United States Senate,
February 22, 1810.

Copyright © 1980 by Pierre Berton Enterprises Ltd.
Anchor Canada paperback edition 2001

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National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data

Berton, Pierre, 1920-
   The invasion of Canada, 1812–1813

eISBN: 978-0-385-67360-0

1. Canada – History – War of 1812.* 2. United States – History – War of 1812. I. Title.

FC442.B47 2001  971.03′4  C2001-930602-4
E355.1.B47 2001

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Books by Pierre Berton

The Royal Family

The Mysterious North


Just Add Water and Stir

Adventures of a Columnist

Fast Fast Fast Relief

The Big Sell

The Comfortable Pew

The Cool, Crazy, Committed World of the Sixties

The Smug Minority

The National Dream

The Last Spike

Drifting Home

Hollywood’s Canada

My Country

The Dionne Years

The Wild Frontier

The Invasion of Canada

Flames Across the Border

Why We Act Like Canadians

The Promised Land Vimy

Starting Out

The Arctic Grail

The Great Depression

Niagara: A History of the Falls

My Times: Living with History 1967, The Last Good Year

Picture Books

The New City (with Henri Rossier)

Remember Yesterday

The Great Railway

The Klondike Quest

Pierre Berton’s Picture Book of Niagara Falls Winter

The Great Lakes Seacoasts

Pierre Berton’s Canada


Great Canadians

Pierre and Janet Berton’s Canadian Food Guide

Historic Headlines

Farewell to the Twentieth Century

Worth Repeating

Welcome to the Twenty-first Century


Masquerade (pseudonym Lisa Kroniuk)

Books for Young Readers

The Golden Trail

The Secret World of Og

Adventures in Canadian History (22 volumes)



Cast of Characters

British and Canadians

Sir James Craig,
Governor General of Canada, 1807-11.

Sir George Prevost,
Governor General of the Canadas and commander of the forces, 1811–15.

Francis Gore,
Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, 1806–17. On leave in England, 1811–15.

Major-General Isaac Brock,
Administrator of Upper Canada and commander of the forces in Upper Canada, 1810–12.

William Claus,
Deputy Superintendent, Indian Department, Upper Canada, 1806–26.

Matthew Elliott,
Superintendent of Indian Affairs at Amherst-burg, 1796–97; 1808–14.

Robert Dickson
(known as
, the Red-Haired Man), fur trader. Led Menominee, Winnebago, and Sioux in attack on Michilimackinac.

Augustus Foster,
British Minister Plenipotentiary to America, 1811–12.


Thomas Jefferson,
President, 1801–9.

James Madison,
President, 1809–17.

William Eustis,
Secretary of War, 1809–12.

William Henry Harrison,
Governor, Indiana Territory, 1800–1813. Commander of the Army of the Northwest from September, 1812.

William Hull, Governor,
Michigan Territory, 1805–12. Commander of the Army of the Northwest, April-August, 1812.

Henry Dearborn,
Secretary of War, 1801–9. Senior major-general, U.S. Army, 1812–13.

Henry Clay,
Speaker of the House of Representatives, November, 1811. Leader of the War Hawks.

Indian Leaders

The Prophet
. Born Laulewausika; later Tenskwatawa.

, the Prophet’s older brother, leader of the Indian Confederacy.


Isaac Brock’s Command
: Summer, 1812

Thomas Bligh St. George,
Lieutenant-Colonel; commanding officer, Fort Amherstburg.

Henry Procter,
Lieutenant-Colonel; succeeded St. George as commanding officer, Fort Amherstburg.

J.B. Glegg,
Major; Brock’s military aide.

John Macdonell,
Lieutenant-Colonel; Brock’s provincial aide, Acting Attorney-General of Upper Canada.

Adam Muir,
Major, 41st Regiment.

William Hull’s Command
: Summer, 1812

Duncan Mc Arthur,
Colonel, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteers.

James Findlay,
Colonel, 2nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteers.

Lewis Cass,
Colonel, 3rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteers.

James Miller,
Lieutenant-Colonel, 4th U.S. Infantry (regular army).

Henry Procter’s Command
: Winter, 1812–13

Ebenezer Reynolds,
Major, Essex Militia.

Wyandot chief.

William Henry Harrison’s Command
: Winter, 1812–13

James Winchester,
Brigadier-General; commander, left wing, Army of the Northwest.

John Allen,
Lieutenant-Colonel, 1st Kentucky Rifles.

William Lewis,
Lieutenant-Colonel, 5 th Regiment, Kentucky Volunteers.

Samuel Wells,
Lieutenant-Colonel, 17th U.S. Infantry (regular army).


Isaac Brock’s Command
: Fall, 1812

Christopher Myers,
Lieutenant-Colonel; commanding officer, Fort George.

Roger Hale Sheaffe,
Major-General; second-in-command to Brock. Commanded British forces on Brock’s death.

Thomas Evans,
Brigade Major, Fort George.

John Dennis,
Captain, 49th Regiment; commander of flank company defending Queenston.

John Williams,
Captain, 49th Regiment.

James Crooks,
Captain, 1st Lincoln Militia.

William Holcroft,
Captain, Royal Artillery.

Frederic Rolette,
Lieutenant, Provincial Marine.

Robert Irvine,
Second-Lieutenant, Provincial Marine.

John Brant,
Mohawk chief.

John Norton,
Captain, Indian Department; leader of Mohawks.

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