The Intriguing Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (14 page)

BOOK: The Intriguing Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“Yes.” Sylvia filled her overnight bag. She walked around Pearl who stood in the middle of the room.

“What do I do if I get scared?”

“Put you head under the covers like I did when I was five, and you didn’t come when I called.” Sylvia walked out the bedroom door.

“You are a hard, cold woman,” her mother hollered after her.

Sylvia locked the door and shut it behind her. When she got in the car, she looked straight ahead. “Drive.”

Sam turned around in the driveway and headed to the road and his house. She took a deep sigh of relief as the cabin disappeared out of sight.

They didn’t talk. Sam patted her knee once. When he parked, he came around to her side, picked her up, and carried her in. He sat her in one of the lounge chairs by the fireplace. Then he started a fire.

“I’ll be back in a minute.” He walked through the dining room and disappeared into the kitchen.

She laid her head back and closed her eyes. Her body ached.
My mother might as well have beat me as embarrass me in front of my new friends and family.

Sam was beside her. She felt his presence before he spoke.

“I fixed you a cup of tea and brought a plate of Mom’s homemade chocolate cookies. You didn’t eat much dinner.”

“Thanks.” She took the teacup and he placed the plate on a table beside her chair. He sat across from her.

“Do you want to talk about her? I must admit I was surprised how rudely you were acting toward her when I came to get the two of you. My guess is she’d already mentioned your scar.”

“It has been a main topic of conversation. She keeps pointing out how awful I look.”

Sam got out of his chair and knelt at her feet. “You know that isn’t true. You were beginning to forget it until she made it a sore topic between you. Why do you think she wants to hurt you?”

“Because I remind her of my father, her only true love. According to Mom he left her because she had me. He didn’t want children.”

“So when she left your stepfather she didn’t take either of you, because you might have prevented her from finding another husband?”

“That’s what I figured out.”

“I told you the other night I loved you. To me you’re beautiful with or without the scar. I don’t notice it. I see your green eyes, your luscious lips, and your wavy brown hair.”

“But she sees what most people will notice.”

“I don’t believe it. Have you seen people in Frontier City staring at your face?”

Sylvia smiled. “They wouldn’t dare. You or the sheriff are usually at my side.”

“See. No problem.” Sam pulled her down on the soft rug by the fireplace.

He nuzzled her neck and stirred her insatiable hunger for his touch. Her breath caught in her throat when he gazed at her directly.

“I want to make love to you by the fire. I’ll turn off all the lights and let the full moon shine across us.” He nodded to the wide windows with the curtains opened all the way. Sam didn’t wait for her answer. He got up and clicked off the lights.

Then he sat next to her and began to undress her. When he was finished, he stood and threw off his clothes. The moonlight etched his muscled body in a silvery glow. She couldn’t see his expression, but his body reminded her of a long-ago conqueror standing over his prize. He placed a condom package on the rug as he knelt beside her.


* * * *


Sam brushed his hand across her face, along her neck, and over her soft breasts. He watched as her breathing came quicker. Her body relaxed under his hands and her legs separated. He saw the sparkle of her arousal on her lower lips.

His desire for her was a raw ache in his belly. He wanted to go into her hard, take her fast, and demand she love him. But he knew that wasn’t what she needed tonight. Tonight, she needed comfort. Sam feared she planned to leave soon after the disastrous dinner. He had to give her some reason to return.

“Are you going to love me or stare at me all night?” Sylvia asked.

“Oh, darlin’, I’m going to love you so good.” Sam licked around her peaked nipples, and then slid his teeth across the nearest one. She gasped, but didn’t tense. He played with both breasts, tasting, licking, and sucking until she moaned and trembled under him.

Her hand reached for his hard dick and grasped him tight. A shot of pure lust went straight up his spine to his brain. He threw his head back and growled out his pleasure.

“I’m glad I can make you respond so fiercely.”

“You are the only one who can.” He dipped down and ravished her mouth as her hand rubbed up and down his cock.

When he pulled back and looked into her face, her lips were plump from his kisses and her eyes glazed with desire. His cock ached for release. If he didn’t stop her now, he’d come before he finished pleasuring her. He moved her hand from his dick and slid down her body where he separated her pink folds and licked across her sensitive nub.

“Damn, you drive me crazy. I want you in me.”

“Soon, sweetheart.” He dipped his head again and licked from her clit to her pussy opening, where he lapped up her sweet, tangy juice. His tongue went in her pussy and licked across her G-spot. Sylvia’s body vibrated with desire. She threw her head back, and he quickly thrust inside her rippling pussy. Her body moved up and down, demanding more. Sam held her hips tight and plunged deeper and harder.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she screamed out.

“Come on, baby, give it all to me.”


* * * *


Sylvia’s pussy ached for more of him. She bucked and yelled, and tossed her head back and forth. The heat and trembling spread from her clit and moved inward, making her pussy clench tight around Sam’s satin, hard cock. He pulsed against her pussy walls. When she stared up at him, his eyes glowed with the fire of love. Her heart beat hard and fast, and felt like it might explode at any moment.

Then he pushed in deep one more time and a wave rolled over her, sending her up into the stars as she yelled his name over and over.

Sam collapsed on her body. His heart thumped against her chest. They were covered in perspiration, and his arms trembled as he held his weight from her. Then he rolled to the side and closed his eyes.

Sylvia stared at the ceiling. No one had ever touched her so deeply. It scared her. She didn’t deserve Sam. He needed a wife as good and loving as him. Tomorrow, she’d leave, but tonight she’d take his love to keep her warm when she found herself alone again. Perhaps it wasn’t fair, but this was the only way she could tell him good-bye.

She leaned across his body. “We aren’t through yet, are we?”

“Hell no.” He pulled her body up to where she straddled his. “You make love to me this time.” And she did, but the rest of the night was bittersweet.

Chapter Twelve


Sam suggested they go horseback riding the next day, and Sylvia agreed. She might as well enjoy the weekend. Then on Monday she’d resign from her job and leave town.

He saddled his stallion and a mare for her. “Your mare will be ready soon. I want to be sure she’s settled down where she won’t throw you.”

Sylvia nodded. She couldn’t speak for the tightness in her throat. Maybe today wasn’t such a good idea. Every gesture and word made her want to stay more. She couldn’t do that to him. She’d taken from men like her mother did and the consequences didn’t bother her. Sam would hurt less if she went now. He’d soon forget her. What he felt was lust, not love. No one could love her like he said he did.

“You are very quiet. If you’re worried about your mom, you can stay here as long as you want. She can use the cabin.”

“Thanks, but I have a feeling she wants to stay much longer than just a quick visit.”

“We’ll work something out.”

They’d ridden toward the road, but stayed inside the fence. Tall fall wildflowers bloomed across the prairie to the mountains.

“It is gorgeous out here in all seasons. Although I’m not sure about winter.”

“Winter isn’t bad. The snow and ice sparkles, and we ski or go snowboarding. You’ll love it.”

“I used to ice skate, but it’s been so many years I’ve forgotten how.”

“You’ll remember when you get your skates on. But I’ll be by your side in case I need to catch you.” A car coming along the road toward Mrs. Brodie’s house caught Sam’s eye. He frowned, and moved his horse closer to the fence. The car stopped.

A tall, leggy blonde got out from behind the wheel. “Sam, I was hoping to see you.”

Sylvia studied the woman’s face and Sam’s. He looked surprised.

“Camille, did you come home to see your folks?”

“No. I’m home to stay.” She glanced at Sylvia.

Sam motioned for Sylvia to ride up by him. “Camille, this is Sylvia Rufus.”

“You must be new to Frontier City.” Camille tilted her head back, and the gleam in her eyes told Sylvia she was after her old boyfriend. Someone had mentioned Camille to Sylvia, and she hadn’t forgotten.

Camille turned her attention back to Sam. “I’m staying with my parents until I find a place of my own. I hope you’ll stop by and see us. Mom and Dad said they hadn’t seen you in ages.”

“I’ve been busy. When I have free time, I spend it with Sylvia.”

“Oh, so you all must be a thing.”

“I don’t know what a thing is, but I plan on marrying her if she’ll have me.”

Sylvia caught the slight jerk in Camille’s body, but she recovered quickly.

“Congratulations. I’d better go on down the drive and see your mother. I called and told her I’d be by. See you two later.” Camille waved as she drove off.

“She is very beautiful.”

Sam watched the car go out of sight. “She is, but she chose a different path than staying here and marrying me. I’m glad she did”—he looked at Sylvia—“or I wouldn’t have met you.”

“And I’m like her. I may choose a different path.”

“If you do, I’ll come after you.”

“I doubt it. You didn’t go after Camille.”

“I’m older now. I know what I want. Let’s ride.”

The rest of the day Sylvia kept their conversations light. After riding, Sam fired up the barbecue and grilled steaks. They sat on the patio and talked about his job on the ranch and how obsessed he’d gotten with working all the time until he met Sylvia.

When they finished the second glass of wine, Sylvia told him she had to go back to the cabin. “Mom’s been alone longer than probably anytime in her life, and I have to get my clothes ready for work.”

He tried to talk her out of it. But she knew she couldn’t let him make love to her again, or she’d break down crying and he’d find out her plans.

Reluctantly, he drove her home. “I’ll see you tomorrow evening?”

“Maybe. I’ll call when I get off and tell you how Mom and I are doing.”

“I’ll come take you both out to dinner.”

“We’ll see.” She kissed him and got out. She hated the lies, but it was for the best. As he drove off, she waved and waited until his taillights went out of sight.

Her mother was watching television on the old set in the living room. She glanced at Sylvia. “I thought you’d left me here for good. I didn’t know Gina’s number to call her until the nice operator gave it to me. I spent the day with Gina. Graham just drove me home.”

“I was sure you’d find a way to entertain yourself. You have never been at a lost about how to get your way.”

“Why do you hate me so much?” Her mother actually looked confused.

“Because you left me. You seldom called or visited unless you wanted something, like now. And I fear I may be much, too much, like you. Also you thrive on making remarks to embarrass me.”

“You’re talking about your scar. I’m telling you the truth. You can afford to get it fixed. With the dangerous job you had, you must have lots of money stashed away.”

Tiredness and sadness brought a heaviness to her chest and limbs. She didn’t have the energy to answer her mom. She could barely make her legs move to get to her room. Once inside, she locked the door and sat slumped on the bed.

She knew what she had to do. Sylvia undressed and fell into bed nude. Her thoughts chased around in her head until she finally slept. The ringing phone woke her.

Sylvia saw the clock said nine thirty. She grabbed the receiver.

“My prompt employee is late. Are you sick?” the sheriff asked.

“No, I was coming to tell you, but I might as well give my notice on the phone. I’m sorry, but I have to leave.”

There was silence for a moment. “Does Sam know?”

“No, and I don’t want him to until I’m gone. I’m going to the airport as soon as I pack.”

“Let me drive you.”

“Am I going to get a lecture?”

“Maybe a small one.”

She breathed in deeply. “All right. I’ll be ready in thirty minutes.” Sylvia hung up and pulled her suitcase out of the closet. She threw her clothes in haphazardly and closed the bag. Then she put on a white shirt, brown slacks, and low-heeled shoes. She took her purse and suitcase and went out to the kitchen.

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