The Inexplicables (Clockwork Century) (35 page)

BOOK: The Inexplicables (Clockwork Century)
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He winced. “Figured that out, did you?”

Rector laughed. “I ain’t dumb or half blind, you know.”

“Fine, all right. I’ll go with you. But if I’m going to risk getting hollered at, Huey, this had better be

Leaving the mask behind for now, they hiked together out to King Street Station, taking the underground passages rather than the overland route. Rector found that he preferred the trip to the Station over the trip elsewhere in the underground, because it was almost entirely downhill. Sure, it meant he’d be going uphill on the return trip, but as a destination, it was easier than heading up to that damn park.

Near the Station’s edge, they reached a fork in the tunnels.

“This way,” Houjin said. “I want to show you something.”

Upon reaching a sealed door, he pulled out the lever and gave it a tug. The door squeaked, and the rubber flaps surrounding its edges protested. They dragged it along the ground with a scraping, sucking noise. On the other side of that door, a second sealed door waited.

Zeke explained, “Two doors between you and the outside air. That’s the rule, if you can make it.”

Rector checked the polarized glass Huey’d given him. “But the air’s pretty clear, according to this.”

“Yes,” Houjin said as he reached for the second door’s handle. “But it hasn’t always been. This part collapsed about five years ago. The place we’re going … it wasn’t always underground.” He drew back the second door. Its seals complained, too, but it slid along the ground and made way for the three boys to pass.

Beyond it, Rector found himself confused.

He wasn’t inside a room, or underneath a floor or cellar. He was standing in a beautiful train car. Curtains covered the windows, and the plush seats were clean, plump, and ready to be sat upon. Small tables were installed between two of the rows, allowing people to face one another and chat or play cards.

Zeke pulled back one of the curtains, revealing a view of nothing at all—except, Rector realized, a wall of dirt. “It’s a shame, ain’t it?” the younger boy said.

“A shame, I guess. It’s real nice in here. Feels like … like…”

“It’s a Pullman car,” Houjin supplied. “One of the fanciest they ever made. The gold leaf is real, and so are the crystals. Leaded glass, all over the place. And look at the carpet!”

Rector gazed down at his feet. His boots suddenly seemed insufficient to stand upon the rug. It was Persian in design, blue with gold vines and tiny orange flowers. Instinctively, he stepped off to the side, not wanting to rub the wet dirt of the underground into the lovely pattern.

Zeke laughed, and Rector told him to shut his mouth. But he said, “Naw, I’m not laughing at you—I’m just laughing. Everybody does that, is all. This is one of the prettiest places in the city, this little car right here, and even the rough old Station men don’t want to bother it any.”

“Sometimes Yaozu comes here and smokes,” Houjin said quietly, like he was passing on a secret. “I heard he makes the chemists come in here and clean it, keep it all dusted and shiny.”

Zeke gave Rector a nudge. “Anyway, come on. We can’t work in here. Yaozu would throw a hissy fit if we smudged one of the brass fixings, or anything like that. Huey, are we headed for your workshop?”


“You have a workshop?” Rector stepped back onto the carpet because he had no choice, but he tiptoed gently to keep from smushing it.

“I have a place I work when Yaozu wants something.”

Rector followed behind as Houjin opened the other door at the train car’s far end. Stepping out and through this door, he found himself back in an ordinary-looking tunnel, braced with the usual miner’s rafters and affixed with dirty lamps to light the way. “So the captain don’t mind you hanging out down here?”

“I don’t think he likes it, but he doesn’t try to stop me.”

“Could he?” Rector pushed. Was Houjin secretly a Station man waiting to happen? It was an interesting thought.

He took one of the lanterns off its hook. Without turning around, he said, “I don’t know. Maybe. If he said I couldn’t fly with him anymore, I’d have to think about it. Maybe I want to live down here forever, and maybe I don’t, but I like having options. And so far, any time Yaozu has asked me to do something for him, it’s always something that’ll help the city out, so the captain doesn’t care enough to make a fuss about it.”

Rector followed along in silence until he passed a fallen overhang that had collapsed under the weight of rocks and tree roots.

Houjin saw him looking at it. “That used to be one of the waiting platforms. Part of the wall fell down on it, during a quake. And the back yards where the tracks go are mostly buried now, unless somebody cut tunnels through them.”

“Like that car back there?”

Zeke said, “Yeah. But I haven’t seen too much of the back lots.”

“Because you’re not allowed down here,” Rector recalled.

“My mother doesn’t
it when I come down here. That’s not the same thing.”

“Close enough. You said so yourself, the other day.”

“Well I’m here now, ain’t I?”

“Must be feeling mighty brave.”

Zeke sniffed and stood up straighter as he tagged along behind them. “I just want to see what Huey’s working on, that’s all.”

“So you’ve got a story all lined up for when your ma finds out you was here.”

“You already said you wouldn’t tell her, and I know Huey won’t. So I’m thinking she won’t find out.”

Houjin led them deeper, down through an entrance that took them inside the train station proper—Rector knew it because he recognized the pretty marbled floors and the tiles that were set into the walls for decoration. There were runner rugs down here, too, but they looked worn and sad compared to the tapestries in the old train car.

Somewhere in the distance he could hear the
clank, clang,
of the elevator, but they were a long, many-doored hallway away from it when Houjin stopped and pulled out a key.

Rector tried to keep from sounding impressed when he asked, “Your workshop locks?”

“Yaozu thought it might be a good idea. This would have been one of the engineers’ offices if anybody had ever used this station for traveling.”

“How nice for you,” he said, more crossly than he meant to. He’d never owned a key to anything, not in his entire life. Not even now that he had his own room.

Houjin unlocked the door and led everyone inside, setting his lantern on a small table beside the door. On the wall above it, there was a metal bubble with a button in the middle. Houjin pushed the button. With a sputtering series of sparks, a line of bulbs lit up overhead. They were connected on a wire, and hanging low enough that he could’ve touched one if he stood on his toes.

He lifted one hand almost mindlessly, reaching for the light as if it called him.

“I wouldn’t, if I were you,” Zeke warned him. “Them things are hot.”

“Not yet. But they will be soon,” Houjin confirmed. “They’re electric, and it takes them a minute to warm up.”

“I’ve never seen so many in one place.” Rector withdrew his hand.

Houjin nodded and reached for a large box, which was sitting beside an even larger desk. The desk was littered with wires, coils, tools, schematics, stray parts, and scraps of paper covered in Chinese characters. The box was heavy, if Houjin’s posture could be gauged. He used his elbow to clear a spot, then set the box on the desk.

He said, “Electric lights are better than torches and candles down here, because they don’t leave smoke everywhere. Better than lanterns, because fuels like kerosene are heavy to carry around. And you don’t have to keep refilling the bulbs. You just change them out once in a while.”

“Where do they get their power from?” Rector asked.

“The pump rooms, same as the air circulation. They run on coal.”

“Coal’s heavy, too,” he pointed out.

“True, but we’re already using coal to power the air circulation. It was easy to rig up a generator and siphon off some of the energy. I’m telling you,” he said as he began to unpack the box, “electricity is the future. Before long, we won’t be using coal anymore, or any of the petroleum derivatives.”

Houjin had just used two words in a row that Rector didn’t recognize, but Rector played along like this made perfect sense to him. “I like how they don’t smell like anything.”

have a smell,” Houjin argued lightly. “You notice it after a while. But it isn’t very strong, and that’s not why I brought you down here.
is what I wanted to show you.”

He held up a device that appeared to be made mostly out of dynamite, with a handful of other things attached.

Both Zeke and Rector jumped back.

“Shit, Huey!” Zeke said. “Warn a guy before you start flashing that around!”

“It’s perfectly safe … for the moment,” he added, bouncing it gently in his hands. “Nothing to spark it off. You wouldn’t want to go playing catch with it, but it won’t blow us up,” he said with a grin.

Rector eyed the dynamite bundle with a mixture of horror and curiosity. “Is that … is that a clock you got tied to it?”

“Yes! Here,” he said, placing the odd contraption on the desk, beside its box. “It has an alarm—you can set it to strike at a certain time.”

“Like … to wake you up? I’ve heard of those,” Rector said.

“To wake you up, to tell you to go to work … it doesn’t matter. The point is, it

“And what’s that thing next to it?” Zeke asked, pointing at a strange little device about the size of two thumbs pressed together.

“It’s a dry cell battery.”

Rector didn’t have a clue what that meant, and a shared glance with Zeke told him he wasn’t alone. “Why’s it stuck on that board?”

The alarm clock and the battery were fastened to each other by a copper wire. A piece of brass was affixed to the clock’s alarm key, and all of the pieces were mounted with screws and bolts to a board which was a bit smaller than a loaf of bread.

“I don’t get it,” Zeke confessed.

“It’s … these, you see…” Houjin pointed at various spots on the board, settling on the two bits of brass. “These are the contact points, you understand? When the alarm rings, it sends an electrical current from the clock to the battery, just like the current in a hand-pump trigger.”

Zeke eyed the clock with suspicion. “The alarm’s not going to ring, is it?”

“The clock’s wound down. It couldn’t strike if it tried.”

Rector stared at the board and its weird components, then considered the dynamite, and the clock—and he thought of the enormous grandfather clock at the orphan’s home, and how it’d chime as told, every hour on the hour. And just like the spark that would jump between the connectors, the answer flickered between his ears.

He said, “This means you can tell the dynamite when to blow up.”

“Yes!” Houjin exclaimed. “That’s it exactly! We can tell the dynamite to explode at five o’clock, or eleven o’clock, or whenever we like—but it explodes when we’re a long ways away from it. We’re going to surprise those tower men out of their skins! They’ll never know what hit them. If any of them survive, they’ll come looking for us—but we won’t be anywhere they can reach us, not by then.”

“That’s … that’s
” Zeke said with naked awe.

“Thank you. I’m excited by it myself. Yaozu brought up the idea; he thought it was possible, but he didn’t know how to make it happen. But that’s Yaozu’s kind of genius,” he said as an afterthought. “He doesn’t know how to do everything, but he knows who to ask.”

A knock on the door made everyone jump, but it was only a Chinese man in a rounded hat. He said something to Houjin, who nodded quickly and made a brief reply. The other man left, leaving the boy to explain. “Angeline is outside waiting for us. We should go.”

They backtracked through the Station, and Rector marveled again at how beautiful it all was—practically the inside of a mansion, or how he’d always imagined a mansion must look. Every surface gleamed and glowed.

Maybe that was it. Everything was made out of something that shone. Brass, glass, marble … it all conspired to toss the electricity and gaslight around the echoing space, making them look warm and bright without being harsh.

They didn’t go all the way back to the Pullman car. Instead, they exited in a different direction, and Houjin led them straight to Angeline, who they found reclined on a bench with her hat over her face.

“Napping on the job?” Zeke greeted her with a grin.

She pulled the hat aside and whapped him with it. “Didn’t realize you three would turn up so fast. I’m old and I’m tired, and I can close my eyes if I want to.”

Rector fished around in his bag for a mask, suspecting he would need it. “So what happens next? You’re back, and looking for us. Did something interesting happen?”

“Yes and no, by which I mean I have an idea where the sasquatch might be hanging about. I don’t know what you boys have done all morning, but I’ve been near the tower, keeping my ears open. It’s a good way to learn things.”

“And what did you learn?” Houjin prodded politely.

“I learned that them fellows don’t have the faintest idea we’ve been snatching their dynamite,” she said. Rector noticed that she’d lumped herself in with the Station men, courtesy of her word choice. “They’ve been coming and going, reporting back, telling their boss what they’ve been up to. It’d be more helpful if we didn’t already know.”

“Do you know when they plan to blow us up?” Houjin asked, doing the same thing, and siding with Yaozu’s people.

“They’re still deciding, but leaning toward tonight around dark-thirty. At some point, they’ll need to coordinate better than that, but for now all I have is their general idea.”

“Are we going to let them try?” Zeke asked. When everyone looked at him a little funny, he added, “Well, we have the advantage on them right now, but once they figure out their explosives didn’t work, they’ll know we’re on to them.”

Houjin pondered this a moment and replied, “The Station fellows … and whoever else is coming along … should time it as close as possible. It’ll confuse the heck out of the tower men, if they try to blow us up and their tower goes up in smoke instead. We’ll have more of an advantage than just surprise: We’ll shock them silly.”

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