The Impatient Lord (20 page)

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Authors: Michelle M. Pillow

Tags: #Romance, #Love Story, #Shifters, #Paranormal Romance, #Shapeshifter, #Shapeshifters, #Science Fiction Romance, #Paranormal Science Fiction Romance, #Dragon Shifter

BOOK: The Impatient Lord
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, or since you probably missed that little chemistry lesson in pirate school, it’s the good stuff. The premium grade.” She shook her head. “His planet is full of it and his family owns it.”

Range looked at Mirek in shock.

“Yeah, he’s loaded.” Riona nodded. “And this little heist kidnapping you’re trying to stage right now is ruining a score bigger than you could have ever dreamed of. I was going to give you your fifty plus interest. Now, you get G’am honor and a broke captive. Congratulations, Range,” she drawled sarcastically, “good pirating, as always. Another small time score to add to your collection of small time—”

Range backhanded her across the face, sending her spinning to the side.
Before she could stop the dizziness in her head, she heard a growl. She drew her hand to her bleeding mouth and turned to see Mirek fully shifted. His taloned fingers wrapped over what would have been the G’am throat to hold him back. Teev’s suctioning fingers pulled at the protective shell of Mirek’s hardened skin. Tiny threads of brown filtered into the tentacles and up the creature’s arm.

A shifter?” Range gasped. He took a step back from the fierce dragon man before them. His gaze darted around the sparsely decorated room. Mirek blocked the only escape. He reached for his belt, but like most ships, this one’s protocol had been to take weapons. No one wanted a crewmen suffering from space fever to try to shoot their way out.

Did your Fajerkin friends forget to tell you everything?” Riona laughed darkly as she pushed herself off the floor. Relief filled her to see Mirek upright. His yellowed eyes glowed fiercely and she knew he’d be capable of slaughtering the whole crew. She watched him and felt his anger curling into her body. It was more profound than anything she’d ever experienced, an invasion into her soul that she didn’t want to stop. Her heart quickened. She took a deep breath.

Let him go,” Range demanded. “We dislodged from your ship. There’s no escape.”

No,” Riona said. “You didn’t. I would have felt the tremor, and you know it.”

He glared at her. “
That doesn’t change the fact that you owe me.”

Then fight honorably,” Teev said, his voice not strained even as Mirek held him back. “Finish the game. If she wins, we honor the terms of the original agreement and pay double to the Draig in return for our release of any obligation regarding this incident. Range, her debt to you will be cleared without payment and they will be free to go. If she loses, they give us the ore for free in return for the ambassador’s safe return to his people. Range, you will take the champion and her debt to you will stand.”

Either way Mirek would be saf
e. Riona nodded. “I accept those terms on the condition that there is no changing the rules. This game is played out to the end, no changes allowed. These terms are set.” She looked at Range. “A forfeit equals a win for the other player.”

No,” Mirek growled, his voice gruff. His arm flexed as he lifted the G’am off the floor.

No,” Range repeated, louder. “I don’t agree to that. She’s mine.”

I’ll pay her debt and our deal is off. We’re leaving.” Mirek tightened his hold on the creature.

The terms have been accepted,” Teev stated, still unconcerned with his position.

The tentacles against Mirek
’s arm grew darker. Her dragon man’s shifted arm weakened and he was forced to let go. Cradling the limb, Mirek shook his head in denial. “Don’t do this, Riona. The risk is too great.”

Take your seat, Range. Fate will be decided by chance.” Teev moved to stand. The darkness inside his tentacles formed a cloudy haze inside his body.

You planned this, didn’t you,” Riona shot accusingly.

, the ghost of a smile traced Teev’s mouth. “There is reward in taking chances. I saw the opportunity to get more and I took it.”

You said you don’t care about fuel ore,” Range argued.

We don’t. But others do. It will make for a great game incentive.” Teev’s arms were down at his side.

I don’t have to play. I don’t agree to the terms,” Range said.

When you boarded our ship you agreed to follow its rules. As a member of this ship, you are bound by the game terms I have set forth. If you refuse, you will no longer be welcome on this ship.” The creature’s eyes floated to indicate the direction of the small portal window and nothing but inky space beyond.

Range swallowed as he got the meaning.
Either he play or he immediately left the ship for the deep black without a spacesuit. He took his seat and angrily waved his hand over the board to activate a new game. The gaming grid reappeared with new discs.

Riona, don’t,” Mirek whispered, stepping in front of her to keep her from sitting.

She lightly touched his c
hest. “It’s my fault for not laying out the terms of the original game more clearly. It is my fault Range is here. If I play, you get to go home no matter what happens. There is no choice, Mirek. If I play, you are safe. The rest doesn’t matter. But I will be sorry if I lose your ore.”

I don’t care about the ore. You’re mine. You are coming home with me,” he stated.

Then pray to your gods that I win.” Riona lifted up on her toes. She felt him inside her, his fear and fierce passion. This dragon man would die for her, but she couldn’t let that happen. She pressed her cheek to his and whispered, “I feel you, Mirek. Whatever happens, know that I will always feel you.”

Your move,” Range demanded angrily. He looked like a petulant child with pouted lips and angry eyes.

Riona sat and tried to concentrate on the game. The deepening connection she felt to Mirek gave her strength, but it also distracted her with the fear of what she stood to lose.

Her game was not as strong as it had been against Teev, but she managed to stay relatively close to Range in score, though he was a few points ahead at the end of the first round. Her fingers shook and a few times she was zapped with electricity. The jolt stung, but nothing like the second round. Tiny burns crisscrossed over the backs of her fingers. Each time she jumped, she felt Mirek behind her ready to interfere.

As the second round started
, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, willing Mirek to relax. Almost instantly, she felt calm. She looked up at him questioningly. Had he really felt her request?

He took a deep breath and nodded. Riona
felt a weight being lifted from inside her chest. Her focus returned. Range tossed his disc. A sliver of electricity shaved the side. It floated a few centimeters and then dissolved.

No!” Range yelled, leaping out of his chair. “That was in. I get the point.”

The board doesn’t lie,” Riona said calmly, just to irritate him. She knew how much he hated to be mocked. “Maybe you’re just not good at the game.”

He pointe
d at her and hissed his breath through clenched teeth. Then slowly took his seat, running his fingers through his hair. “Your move, Ri.”

She stared at the grid, tapping he
r finger thoughtfully as she made out a pattern in the seemingly random strikes. When she learned the rhythm, she was able to throw with confidence. Her disc knocked an active one off the grid.

Stop tapping,” Range muttered.

would have sworn she felt Mirek touching her, but when she looked at her shoulder he stood a couple of paces away with his arms over his chest. He stared at Teev in warning. Teev seemed unconcerned and focused on the gaming table.

Go,” Range demanded.

Riona picked up an inert disc and smiled. She
pretended to be bored as she again tapped the rhythm. What players like Range didn’t seem to get was that gambling wasn’t really about the game. It was about the players. Men like Range were easy to read because he liked being in control and he didn’t like to lose. Already, he was mad about being forced to sit at the gaming table. He was the type that liked to place bets on others and then beat them with a pipe if they lost.

They played several moves before Range was zapped again. He glared at the grid
and then Teev. “You know, I think you laid bad odds, G’am.”

Riona arch
ed a brow.

Range lifted the remainder of his
discs and tossed them onto the board at once. They crashed and fizzled, forfeiting the game. Teev made a loud screeching noise. Riona covered her ears and flinched. Range stretched his hands behind his head and laughed.

I don’t like having my hand forced,” Range said when the screeching stopped. “You should have taken that into account when you double-crossed me and agreed to this game.”

Riona held her
disc, stunned that it was over.

Range turned his attention to her. “
As for you, I get pleasure out of knowing I ruined your big score. We’re even.” He leaned over and whispered. “Look at your shifter’s angry face. Think of me when he’s punishing you for your deceit.”

The terms are set. We will wire your space credits immediately and send a ship to pick up our ore.” Teev moved to the door.

Oh, cheer up, Teev. The gods of chance are smiling at the games today, aren’t they?” Range mocked.

Let’s get out of here,” Mirek said. He helped Riona to her feet and kept her by his side. She felt the tension rolling through him. They cautiously followed Range and the alien back through the corridor to the exit. When they arrived at the corridor joining the G’am and Draig ships, Riona was careful not to turn her back toward the pirate and his alien friend.

Range eyed Mirek
’s hold on her and realization of her situation dawned in his expression. He looked at Mirek’s face and then hers. “Now that I think about it, what do you want to stay here for? Your debt is cleared. Come with me. Join my crew. Let’s go have some fun.”

She didn
’t trust him or his offer, but even if she did, she had no desire to fly away with him. “Sorry, Range, you’re not my kind of pirate.”

Are you sure? I’m betting there is something we can place a wager on.” He smiled, a deceptive look that hid the almost desperate need in his eyes for something to happen.

Riona felt a little sorry for him, for she
’d been like him in some ways. She’d been trapped in her life, endlessly searching the universes for answers to questions she didn’t know to ask. Whether it was luck, chance, fate or the gods, she’d found the answer she needed. Mirek. He was home. He was family. He was her life.

When you find yourself in prison, don’t think of me,” Riona said. “And I will never think of you.”

Range smirked and gave her a quick nod. Then, frowning at Teev, he grumbled, “
You owe me fifty-thousand space credits.”

Is that a challenge?” the G’am asked.

Let’s get off this ship before they change their mind.” Mirek took her by the arm and practically ran with her through the air-lock corridor joining the ships. He punched in his access code and barely waited for the door to slide past before pulling her through the narrow crack. Not letting the door open fully, he ordered it to close and detached the corridor. He stood, holding her tightly to his body as the ships unhooked.

Get us out of here,” Mirek demanded over the intercom. “Now.”

Please be seated,” the pilot answered.

Now,” Mirek yelled. The ship lurched. He held on to her with one hand and a metal bar with the other while bracing their weight against the violently shaking motions of sudden flight. “The Fajerkin made this happen?”

nodded, gripping him so she didn’t fall. “Yes. They told Range. I knew he’d have bounties out on me.”

I’m cancelling their order. We will no longer do business with them. No one attacks my wife.”

Mirek, it’s all right. We’re safe,” she assured him. “I don’t want you hurting the business because of me.”

I was thinking of breaking ties with them ever since you told me how they treat their women,” he admitted. “Their business is no loss to us.”

I love you, you know it. You’re a good man, Mirek.” She gasped as the ship unexpectedly changed course and began to vibrate.

You are never allowed to gamble with your life again, my love,” he growled and strengthened his hold. “It is no longer yours to do with as you please.”

Excuse me?” Riona pushed against his chest and he loosened his embrace. Though still in flight, the ride smoothed. He still held on to her as he walked her down the corridor toward their seats so they could prepare for their decent onto Qurilixen.

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