The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club (15 page)

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Authors: Laurie Notaro

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club
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Angela Up

Until six months ago, I’d never lived in an apartment. I didn’t know what it was to hear my neighbors flush a toilet, do their dishes, or talk on the phone. But when I went to Tucson to start a new job, I moved into a tiny place and became immediately aware that I was not alone.

My neighbors downstairs, affectionately known as “the Trolls,” were partial to loud, passionate arguments. They swam in the pleasure of standing in the breezeway at five in the morning, fighting about which one of them had the keys to the car, or banging on the walls with a heavy object to really put their point across.

So I was relieved when my landlord said that their lease wasn’t getting renewed because they “looked like drug people.” Who doesn’t look like drug people? I said to myself, but I was just glad they were leaving.

I had almost forgotten about their departure when someone knocked on my door last night. I nearly didn’t answer it—no one comes to my apartment without calling first, because you can’t get in the building unless you have a key. And, besides, I wasn’t wearing a bra.

But as I shuffled toward the door, my nose dripping from allergies, curiosity got me and made me turn the doorknob.

And there she was.

“Hi,” she said awkwardly.

I nodded.

“Is this the back apartment?” she asked. “The apartment in the corner of the building?”

I nodded again.

She was tall. Thin. Tan. Blonde. Cute black glasses. Short, spiky haircut. Shaved legs.

“Oh, okay,” she continued. “I just moved in. I’m your neighbor downstairs. I’m Angela.”

No you’re not, I thought to myself. You’re Uma Thurman. And me, with a tissue pressed against my left nostril, a cigarette in my other hand, my permed, frizzy hair that I cannot control, and no bra—well, I’m Janeane Garofalo. The Truth About Giraffes and Water Buffaloes. I immediately felt inadequate.

She was the AntiLaurie.

“I, um . . . I keep a late schedule,” she started (because I’m sure she’s a model, my brain snapped), “and I guess you get up at eight?”

“Seven,” I shot back. “I have a job.”

“Well, in the morning . . . I guess because of the wood floors, when you walk across the room, I can hear it.”

“I’m on a diet,” I said defensively. “I’m trying to lose weight.”

Angela paused. “It’s when you wear high-heeled shoes. They make a lot of noise. Could you wait to put them on until you get in the hallway?”

“Do you want to fight?” I knew I should have asked her. I could have totally taken her down to the parking lot and fought her. I’m spunky and quick, and hate gives me the strength of a monkey.

Instead, I said, “Sure,” even though Angela’s schedule was no more important than mine; even though my true friends would say that I was super-cuter than she was; even though I felt as if I were in seventh grade again, and the head cheerleader had just come over to me in English class and told me that I was in her seat and was making it hot and sweaty.

Angela smiled and bounded down the stairs, but I didn’t let her off so easy. I yelled back, “You’re lucky I don’t drink anymore, Prissy Pants!! I would have punched you! Tomorrow morning, you’ll be waking up to my version of
!”—right as the door closed behind her.

I know. I was embarrassed. “Prissy Pants” just flew out of my mouth.

Back inside my cavernous, echoing apartment, I walked around on the wood floors, mouthing to myself and pointing at no one in particular, “Late schedule, huh? Well, I was the Queen of the Late Schedules, you little snit! Who do you think made up the Twelve O’Clock Rule? That was me! That was ME!!!” (I pointed to myself at this part.)

“That’s right! If I made it home before seven in the morning, it was an early night! My day
at Happy Hour!! We used to call it Happy Breakfast! How do you like THAT, Little Miss I-Keep-a-Late-Schedule! You don’t know what a late schedule is! AMATEUR!”

This morning, when I woke up, I was a little bit calmer. I tiptoed across the living room and headed for the bathroom. Once situated, I stopped in a panic. If Angela could hear me walking around, she could hear every loud noise I made. I turned on the faucet for background noise and tried to go, but I couldn’t, knowing that Angela could hear any splashes or torrential wee-wee downpour.

I couldn’t turn on the TV, afraid that I’d wake Angela up. I took a trickle of a shower in case the water was too loud and I’d wake Angela up. I drank cold coffee because I thought that the beeps of the microwave would wake Angela up. The only thing I could do in quiet was smoke. I was pretty sure that wouldn’t wake Angela up, unless the smoke seeped through the floor and set off an alarm.

Finally, in a burst of bravado, I used the hair dryer, but only for a second. I set my shoes out in the hall, got my backpack and smokes, and headed out the door.

Out in the hallway, I squeezed one shoe on and then the other, and started to get my keys out to lock the door.

Suddenly, from the open back window of the apartment, I felt it reach my frizzy hair before it came shooting toward me, and I just stood and watched as the wind ripped through my apartment with both hands outward and slammed that door shut, hard enough to rattle the glass panes in it, hard enough to scare the pigeons off of the windowsill, hard enough to wake the dead.

I smiled, turned around, and skipped down the hall.

Angela’s Revenge

There was a knock at my door.

A little, petite knock, almost as if maybe someone didn’t want me to hear it.

“Someone’s at my door!” I whispered into the phone to my friend Dionne, who had called in between Must See TV shows to tell me some gossip. “I’m not going to get it!”

“Who do you think it is?” Dionne whispered back. “Do you think it’s—”

“No!” I almost shouted. “No, it couldn’t be her! I bought slippers! I got them from Nordstrom’s clearance rack for three dollars. They’re pink with bows, and I could only find two left feet, but I’ve been quiet! It can’t be Angela!”

Angela, my perfect, beautiful downstairs neighbor had recently come up to my apartment to tell me that my galloping across my living room floor like a donkey was waking her up in the mornings. Since then, I’d bought the slippers, learned to read Katie Couric’s lips while watching the
show, and waited until I got to work to go to the bathroom, so that no walking, TV noise, or toilet flushes would disturb Angela from her very unneeded beauty rest. Dionne knew all about Angela, because I had dragged her to a million thrift stores to find an “Angela Rug” for my living room to muffle the noise, and because I had written a column about the whole thing.

Looking through the bottom panes of my French front door, I saw someone put something down in front of it and walk away.

“They’re gone!” I whispered to Dionne. “They’ve left something in front of my door! I think they’re gone!”

I put down the phone and raced to the door, unlocked it, and swung it open far enough to launch the offering, now identified as a plant, out into the hallway, spilling soil everywhere.

The knocker was not gone. She turned when she heard me and came back toward me as I crouched, attempting to scoop up the dirt with my nonsmoking hand. As she passed into the light, I knew my mistake was fatal.

It was Angela, naturally, you knew it, I knew it, Dionne knew it. If it was possible, she looked even better than she did before, in a checked mini-suit, black knee-high boots, and a cute little purse.

“Hi,” Angela started. “I just wanted to thank you for being so quiet. I know we got off on the wrong foot, and I just wanted to give you something to say thanks.”

“Oh. That’s cool. I got slippers,” I said, pointing to my two pink left feet.

I was already aware that, if possible, I looked worse than I did the last time. Again, no bra, my chi-chis tossing about like a car in a Tilt-A-Whirl ride. My Ted Kaczynski/Unabomber hair was flying all around my head, before Dionne called I had picked at my face, my eyeliner remained black smudges on my cheeks because an ash had flown into my eye on my way home from work, I was smoking, and I had a mammoth Count Chocula cereal and milk stain on my T-shirt from dinner about the approximate size of a kidney. I looked like Zelda Fitzgerald, right before the BIG fire.

“You always catch me at my best times,” I added with a little staged, nonchalant laugh, when what I really wanted to say was “Can you hang out here for, like, thirty minutes, because I am almost cute, and I can prove it,” “Do you want to come in and see my clothes?” “From down here, I can see that booger in your nose,” or “You’re an adult entertainer, aren’t you?”

But I didn’t say anything, except thanks, as she handed me a card. I took my blotched face, destroyed self-image, and new little plant inside. “I’m going to kill you,” I whispered to it.

“It was Angela, wasn’t it?” Dionne questioned me as soon as I got back on the phone.

“Yes,” I answered sorrowfully. “I’m not wearing a bra again, and I messed with that pimple on my chin that you told me not to. And she looked like a Prada ad.”

“Did you show her your clothes?” she asked. “What did she leave by your door?”

“A stinky plant,” I answered. “And a card.”

“Read it,” Dionne insisted.

As I flipped the envelope over, I noticed that Angela had written my name on the front. “Dionne, this is odd,” I said. “No one spells my name right, no one. My
never got it right. But Angela did.”

“How could she know?” Dionne replied. “There’s no way. Unless she saw it somewhere. On your mailbox?”

“No, there’s just my apartment number. Where could she have seen it? Unless she read . . .”

“Unless she read that column you wrote about her,” Dionne said simply. “You rock, sister!”

“Not so hard, Aretha,” I said, looking down. “My pants are on inside out.”

All Smut
and Perverts

My mom got e-mail.

“I need your Internet address,” she announced when she called me. “Want to be my cyber pal?”

A sudden chill cut through me straight to the bone.

A pal, with my mom? On the Information Superhighway? My mom, akin to electronic technology? Are apes running the world, too, now?

Not too long ago, she was fascinated one day by a new, bright red light that kept flashing in her kitchen. “I think your father bought this for me as a surprise,” she whispered as she showed it to me. “Can you believe they make microwaves this small now?”

“That’s your answering machine, Mom,” I said. “And that message must be important, because you’ve programmed that thing to let the phone ring forty-six times before it picks up. Wanna hear it?”

“Nah,” she said, “if it’s really important, they’ll call back.”

“Oh,” I said, “I bet it’s the phone call I made to you when someone was trying to break into my house in 1995. You should listen to it, it’s a good one. I cry on it and everything.”

She also has call waiting that is nothing but a wicked myth on her cordless phone.

She bought a VCR that requires a drum roll, an ancient chant, and a sprinkle of fairy dust just to turn on.

And now she was playing with e-mail.

“Mom,” I said as gently as I could, “the most technical thing you’ve ever done was to give your credit card number to a QVC operator over the phone, and that’s only if call waiting doesn’t beep in. You can’t even control the appliances you have now. Figure out how to work the camcorder first, and
we’ll move on to e-mail.”

“I can do this,” she asserted. “I’m going to get the
Complete Internet Book for Dummies.

“Well, while you’re at the bookstore,” I added, “pick up the
Total Internet Guide for Idiots,
Absolute Internet Guide for Jackasses,
and the
Entire Internet Book of the Dead.
That should do you.”

“Don’t get fresh,” she warned me.

A day later, I got an e-mail.

“Hi, Laurie,” it said, “it’s Mom. I bet you didn’t think I could send you an e-mail. I’m not real crazy about QVC on-line, I’d rather watch it on TV. Don’t forget to e-mail me. From, Mom.”

Two hours after that, I got a phone call.

“Are you mad at me?” my mother asked. “Why haven’t you e-mailed me back? I’ve been waiting!”

“I didn’t have anything to say,” I confessed.

“Then say
!” she said, her voice rising. “I love it when the machine says, ‘You have mail.’ It makes me feel like Meg Ryan!”

I felt a dark precedent coming on. I could see my mom using the Internet to do all of her Mom’s Dirty Work, because in the realm of my mom’s e-mail world, I was
It was her dream, a dangerous, magical dream. I quickly imagined being barraged by her e-mail messages, saying things to me without the potential to even talk back to her.

“Hi Laurie. It’s Mom. Clean your filthy house. From, Mom.”

“Hi Laurie. It’s Mom. Go to church or go to hell. You choose. From, Mom.”

“Hi Laurie. It’s Mom. Shave your monkey armpits or you’re going to find yourself single again. From, Mom.”

“Hi Laurie. It’s Mom. Why don’t you answer my e-mails? From, Mom.”

E-mail, however, wasn’t the only Internet frontier my mother wanted to conquer. After watching
The Rosie O’Donnell Show,
she called me again.

“What’s eBay on the Internet?” she wanted to know. “Is it ebonics for something dirty, because I don’t understand it.”

“Remember the Internet auction I got addicted to last year?” I asked her. “That’s eBay.”

“I want to do the eBay,” she said sternly. “Rosie does something on it for charity. I want to help. As long as it’s not pornographic or a perverted chat room. I don’t want anyone putting my head on a naked body like they did to Sophia Loren. I don’t get my kicks that way. Will you come over and help me do the eBay?”

“Only if you show me the naked picture of Sophia Loren,” I replied.

“Don’t get fresh,” she warned.

So I went over to help, and logged onto the site to register her. “You need a user name,” I explained. “What do you want to use?”

“Not my
name,” she cautioned. “I don’t want anybody knowing who I am. I watch
I know people can get your address and start sending you . . . things. I know someone is going to try and put me on the Internet naked. Those things happen, I’ve seen it on
! The Internet is all smut and perverts!”

“Mom,” I said, trying to reason with her, “it’s not like some old man is going to mistake you for a sixth-grade boy and offer to buy you a bus ticket to Orlando, Florida. It doesn’t work that way. You don’t just turn on your computer and then proceed to run through a gauntlet of sex offenders.”

“What would your father say if his friends saw me on the Internet naked?” my mother shot back.

“They’d probably be nicer to him, but it just doesn’t happen like that,” I said. “I’d be giving away snapshots of myself if I really thought someone would paste my head on a naked Pamela Anderson and put it on a website. Kodak couldn’t process enough film. Go ahead, take my head, terrorize me with it. If someone put a picture of my foot on a naked Pam Anderson, I’d be thrilled, let alone a part of me that could be identified.”

She shot me a look, then thought for a long, long time. “Um . . . Cory! How’s that for a name?” she finally said.

“Your dog?” I said as I typed it in. “I don’t know, Mom.
Entertainment Tonight
might pick up on that. Well, it’s taken anyway. Pick something else.”

“How can it be taken?” she argued. “Cory is
dog! I want to use that name! I need something I can remember!”

So then she made me enter the names of all the dead dogs we’ve ever had, like Bambi, Pookie, Ginger, and Brandy. “This is dangerous, Mom. You’ve been subconsciously naming your pets after strippers,” I said, but she just ignored me. “You’ll be a pervert magnet.”

After we learned that those names were also all taken, she agreed to the next available “Cory” name, which was “Cory34.”

“Now just how am I supposed to remember that?” she asked, still pouting. “I’m going to have to change the dog’s name! ‘Want a cookie, Cory34?’ ‘Look, Cory34 made a doody on the floor.’ Oh, yeah. That sounds smart. Just show me Rosie’s stuff!”

I clicked on the Rosie pumpkin head, and a new screen appeared with the charity auctions. When my mother got a good look at what was up for sale, she threw down her mouse and balked.

“Rosie’s out of her fat little head if she thinks I’m paying a thousand dollars for Madonna’s autograph!” she said in disbelief. “I don’t even
Madonna! That’s not help! I’ll
somebody, I’m not above that, sure, here’s five dollars! But this? That’s like asking for a kidney! Get me off of this thing! You stop laughing at me, Laurie!”

When I went home later that night, I checked my e-mail. I already knew what the message said before I opened it, but I clicked on it anyway.

“Hi Laurie. It’s Mom. If you write a column about this, I’ll kill you. From, Mom.”

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