The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest (4 page)

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Authors: Melanie Dickerson

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BOOK: The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest
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When it was over, she said, “I should get back to my uncle.”

So the man was her uncle. Jorgen wanted to dance with her again, but he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. “I will escort you.” He held out his arm, and she placed her hand on his wrist.

As soon as they turned to move away from the dancing, Odette said, “This is my uncle, Rutger Menkels.”

“Forgive my boldness in dancing with your niece.” Jorgen bowed. “I am Jorgen Hartman, and I am honored to dance with the fair Odette.”

“Indeed. I know of no other maiden in Thornbeck as fair as she.” There was a challenging look in Rutger’s crooked smile.

“Nor do I.”

Rutger seemed to be sizing Jorgen up. But since her uncle said nothing to object to him, he turned to Odette. “I would be honored if you would dance with me again.”

She smiled. “It would be my pleasure.”

They moved back to where the dancers were readying themselves. But this time the music was slower and accompanied by a heavy drumbeat. They formed two lines, the men facing the women. Each man reached out and took the hand of his partner. Jorgen took Odette’s soft hand in his as they stepped toward each other, passing and turning around as they exchanged places. The lines of dancers were quite close now as the
became more crowded.

As they danced forward and back, he and Odette repeatedly brushed shoulders. They rose up on their toes, their hands meeting palm to palm just above their heads. Then they stepped back, then forward, again changing places as they twirled and faced each other. She was so close he could see her long eyelashes, which were darker than her hair, against her pale skin. Her cheeks were flushed in the warm Midsummer night air. She stole the breath right out of his throat, and he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her.

Perhaps his mother would get her wish, as this night did seem full of Midsummer night enchantment.


seen Jorgen Hartman before, and her uncle did not seem to know him. He did not look poor, but he also did not appear to be of the wealthier merchant class her uncle and Mathis were part of. Still, he was young and handsome, and she liked his courteous manner toward her. His dark-blond hair came almost to his shoulders and was thick and slightly wavy. His eyes were a mix of green and blue.

As much as she enjoyed Mathis Papendorp’s attentions, she preferred the look in Jorgen’s eyes.

They rose up on their toes, their faces drawing within a handbreadth of each other, then falling back two steps. Could he see that her face was flushed? Would he realize it was not only from the heat or the dancing but from being so close to him?

His jaw hardened as he seemed to be looking at something behind her. He leapt toward her just before something slammed into her back. She stumbled into Jorgen’s chest. He threw his arm between her and whatever had collided with her back, pulling her aside.

She watched over Jorgen’s shoulder as a man with a torch passed them. He was waving the fire over his head, pushing his way through the crowded
along with a small band of
red-nosed, drunken men, shouting, “Light the bonfire!” Someone screamed, and another person fell to the ground, causing more screams as people scrambled out of the way.

Jorgen kept his body between her and the unruly men, shielding her until they had passed. His brow furrowed as he looked into her eyes. “Are you all right?”

“I am well. Thank you for protecting me.” They were being pressed against each other by the people on either side of them as the music halted in the middle of the song. Some of the dancers loudly protested the shouting and pushing that was disrupting their dance.

Jorgen bent his head close to her ear. “Take my arm.”

She complied, and he started making his way around the revelers. She smelled the wine and strong drink on the bodies passing in front of them. They were headed toward the other side of the fountain where the wood had been piled in readiness for the bonfire. But it was too early. They never started the fire until the Burgomeister had made a speech and darkness had fallen.

Odette and Jorgen moved at a slow pace, often forced to wait for a group to pass, many of them shouting and laughing and pushing. A particularly unruly group almost wrenched Odette’s hand from Jorgen’s arm, causing her to gasp and stumble. Jorgen turned his body so as to block them from her. Then he put his arm around her shoulders and maneuvered her beside him instead of behind him.

He kept his gaze on the crowd and on making a way out of the crush of people, which allowed Odette to study him covertly through her lashes.

He had a solid chin, a muscular jaw, and sturdy cheekbones that contrasted with a gentle look about his mouth and eyes. He
clenched his jaw, his arm tightening about her when someone pushed against them.

Was he aware that she was watching him?

Soon they were free of the boisterous people heading for the bonfire. He loosened his arm around her as Rutger, Anna, and Peter approached them.

“There you are,” Rutger said. “I was afraid you were caught in that crowd of ruffians.”

“We were, but Jorgen kept me safe.” She couldn’t help glancing up at him. The way he gazed down at her made her heart trip and miss a beat.

Her uncle turned his attention to Jorgen. “I am grateful to you for protecting Odette. But now that the more unruly ones have gone to see to the bonfire, I hear the music starting.”

“I believe it is my turn again.” Mathis walked up behind them. “Odette, would you favor me with another dance? Jorgen is a handsome enough fellow. He will find another maiden to dance with him.” Disdain dripped from his tone.

So Mathis and Jorgen knew each other?

Jorgen looked into her eyes, as though to see if that was what she wanted. Not wanting to slight either of them, she wasn’t sure what to say.

“I thank you for dancing with me.” Jorgen bowed to her. “Perhaps I will see you again.” He smiled before walking away.

She bit her lip as she watched him go.

But when she turned, Anna gave Odette a wide-eyed look and raised her eyebrows. Anna seemed to be asking her what she thought of Mathis and Jorgen. Odette was under no illusion that Anna would let her go home without telling Odette her thoughts, and in great detail.

The section of the cobblestone town square devoted to dancing became less crowded as some moved closer to the bonfire. Odette danced with Mathis but found herself glancing over at Jorgen, who was dancing with a pretty red-haired girl.

When the song ended, Mathis leaned down and said with a grin, “You dance as gracefully as a swan.”

“Thank you. You probably say that to every maiden who dances with you.”

“Indeed, I do not.” He feigned seriousness and leaned even closer. “You must come to my father’s house when he gives his next party. As the most graceful woman in Thornbeck, you must come to all the mayor’s gatherings.”

She simply smiled back at him.

“I believe I should dance with Jorgen now.” She turned away from Mathis before he could protest.

At seeing Jorgen talking with the red-haired maiden, Odette’s heart sank. Would he want to dance with her again?

He seemed to be bidding the girl farewell and turning away. She caught his eye. He just stood there, looking at her, so she walked toward him.

One side of his mouth quirked up. “Would you like to dance?”

She tried not to exhale too loudly the breath she had been holding as she took Jorgen’s hand. Never had she been so attracted to a man. Would her uncle deem him worthy? Not that Jorgen would ask her to marry him, but it was never too early to find out.

When the dance was over, Jorgen gave her hand a small squeeze and held on to it. “Are you thirsty?”

Odette nodded. “Let us go for water.” She looked around Jorgen’s shoulder at Anna and Peter. “We’re going to the fountain for water. Do you want to come?” She didn’t wait for their answer
but turned and walked with Jorgen, her hand on his arm. She was too afraid to ask him his profession—afraid he would think she was using that to judge his acceptability—and afraid his profession would
be acceptable to Uncle Rutger. What could she ask him to make him talk about himself?

Peter and Anna caught up with them, and Peter said, “You may not remember me. I’m Peter Voreken. Do you live in town?”

“In Thornbeck Forest. The margrave has appointed me the new forester.”

The new forester? Odette’s heart sank into the pit of her stomach, then seeped all the way down to her toes. It was worse than she’d feared. Much worse.

This was the man who could send her to the margrave’s dungeon.

It was as Jorgen had feared. Peter Voreken’s smile faltered when Jorgen told him he was the forester. Peter’s father was a wealthy merchant and a prominent person in Thornbeck. Jorgen was orphaned by the Great Pestilence of 1348 and left destitute. His adoptive father had taught him all about taking care of the game animals and all the duties of a gamekeeper, and although Jorgen still aspired to greater things, he was not ashamed of his position. But perhaps it had been a mistake to set his sights on Odette Menkels.

He dared a glance in her direction. A flicker of something akin to fear crossed her face, and her smile seemed frozen on her lips. Of course she thought his status too low, but she seemed afraid of him. Her fingers went loose on his arm. He should give her an easy way to excuse herself from his company, but . . . he
wasn’t ready to let her go. He would only go if she expressed her wish for him to go.

“Forester,” Peter said. “That position is appointed by the margrave, is it not?”

“It is.”

“Have you caught any poachers?”

“Not yet. But I consider capturing poachers my most important duty.”

Why did Odette look pale?

“I’ve never spoken to the margrave,” Peter went on. “I suppose you speak with him very often.”

“I report to him once every week, sometimes more.”

“You must be busy. Thornbeck Forest is very large.”

“I am training two new gamekeepers now, so
, I have a lot of work. What do you do?”

“I help my father with his merchant business, bringing goods here from the Orient and selling them.”

The sun had gone down, and dusk settled around them as they stood with the others waiting to get a drink at the fountain. Some more people crowded in, causing a shift in their line, and Peter and Anna became separated from Jorgen and Odette. They seemed almost alone now in the middle of the crowd.

Odette appeared to have recovered from whatever had made her turn pale and look frightened. “What else do you do all day besides train gamekeepers?”

“You don’t want to hear about my dull work—keeping track of the animals in Thornbeck Forest. I am interested to hear about you, though. What do you do when you’re not attending Midsummer festivals and dancing in the town square?”

“I see. You want to turn the talk away from yourself and onto me now.” She nodded and closed one eye, as if they were in on some
secret. “You will probably think me strange, but I teach reading and writing lessons to the children who live outside the south wall of Thornbeck.”

He turned his head to look full into her face. “That was you? I saw someone several days ago teaching the children outside the town gate. They were drawing in the dirt with sticks.”

“I taught them their letters and now I’m teaching them words.”

His heart thumped harder. There was more to this beautiful maiden than he could have imagined.

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