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Authors: H.J. Bellus

The Hunted (14 page)

BOOK: The Hunted
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t’s shocking
how easily I mold back into life in the city. I go back to work. Stew doesn’t harass me or give me one ounce of shit about walking out on the job and vanishing for two weeks. He welcomes me back with open arms and also warns me not to break Van’s heart.

Honey’s her same old cunt self and my first night back I begged Van to fuck me in the hallway. I made sure to give sour tits the show of her life. She seems to have received the message quite clearly, staying away from me.

The sun tickles my skin on the walk back from the grocery store. Van would kick my ass if he knew I was on my own, but I’ve been itching to cook us a nice meal. I even splurged on two bottles of wine. I stop at the corner, searching for my friend. My heart sinks low in my chest when I don’t spot him. I glance around to all the trashcans, looking for any sight of his coat.

I begin to walk away before a plethora of homeless maul me. I’d help every single one of them if I could. Two steps away and something forces me to turn around. It’s his jacket lying on the sidewalk. I run over to it, setting down the three grocery bags. Tears begin to trickle down my cheeks. He’s gone.

A siren of laughter erupts from behind me, and that’s when I finally see him. He’s dancing in the sun happier than ever. His flimsy nearly see through t-shirt floats around him as he dances and sings. I walk closer to him until he notices me.

As always he humbly plucks his bag from my hand and smiles back at me.

“Are you okay?” I gave up on figuring out his name because every time I asked he gave me a different answer.

“God is good. My life is blessed.”

And he warms my heart just like he does with every visit.

The walk back home is light and fills my heart with each step. My life is good. Not typical or picture perfect but good. I’m happy.

“I should beat your ass.” Van’s on my front steps with his arms folded across his broad chest.

“You should, but…” I leave the sentence wide open.

“There’s no but’s, Junior.”

“So, I’m in trouble?” I tease.

“More than trouble,” he grumbles while taking the groceries from my hands.

“I bought wine.”

“Oh fucking yippee. I’m such the wine type.” He turns, walking into my apartment, and I slap him on his very tight ass.

My time away at my mom's helped clear my head and gave me the time I needed to refocus on my goals, but it also made one thing very transparent–I love Van and want to be with him all the time. With just a mere touch, I’m turned on and ready to rip his clothes off.

“What’s this?” I ask, picking up a small white box from the counter.

“It’s for you since I busted your radio.”

The top of the box slides easily off. A brand spanking new shiny iPod stares back at me.

“Van,” I squeal, slapping my palm over my mouth.

“It’s just a damn music player, not a fucking diamond ring.” He rests back on the counter with his palms splayed out wide and his feet kicked out crossed at the ankle. He’s a fucking sex god.

“Thank you, but I don’t have Wi-Fi to get anything loaded on it.” I twirl the silver shiny iPod in my palms.

“It’s loaded with music. I even put all that crazy shit you listen to on it and some I like.”

“How? Where?” I tilt my head, sending him a questioning stare.

“Had to fuck a hooker so I could hook up to her Wi-Fi.” His devilish grin prances across his face while the blues of his eyes darken.

“Van,” I scream and throw the empty box at his chest.

My reaction seems to amuse him. His deep laughter floats up from his throat and amusement dances in his eyes. I’m lost in his beauty when he lurches forward and snags my wrist. Our bodies collide together, creating a delicious sound of want and need. The electric sensation ignites between us.

Van lightly fingers a loose tendril of hair from my cheek. He wraps his finger around the curl making it bounce.

“All you have to do is say thank you, Junior,” he whispers up against my lips.

“Thank you, Van.” I pursue his lips, planting a slow and meaningful kiss on them. He fists the back of my shirt, letting out a loud groan. I pull away before our romantic dinner is just a mere thought. “And if I ever find this whore you speak of, I’ll kill her.”

My thoughts scramble frantically into action because Van Hollis can so easily distract me like no one else. He reaches over my shoulder, plucking the iPod from my hands. When I turn to look at him, he’s mounting it on a docking station and scrolling through playlists. Playlists. Holy shit, now that’s like a diamond ring from Van.

I stroll forward, extending my hand to give him a stinging slap to his tight buns. “Thank you so much, Van.”

My insides squeeze while I watch him scroll through the playlists passing several that are labeled “Painting for My Girl”, “Painting When I’m Not Around.” But the one he stops on has me busting a gut in laughter.

“Van,” I squeal, my voice flowing out in high octaves.

He shoots me a sideway glance as he presses his thumb down to select the playlist labeled “Fucking Music”.

Before I can protest or make a move for it, he has me pinned up against the cupboard assaulting me with his stare and scent. The combination of both of them combined with the fact all of him is pressed up against me makes me drunk with need.

“Dinner.” I run my hands through his hair. “Then this.”

“No.” He shakes his head from side to side with his stare morphing into a determined one.

“Van, I want to cook for you without burning shit because you have me all tangled up.”

“I want your burnt food and to taste you, so you lose.”

“But I bought wine.” I know I’ve lost the fight and have fun toying with him.

My shorts combust when Van tears them down, wasting no time dipping his tongue into me and flicking at my bundle of nerves. Leaning forward, I slowly curl my fingers in his hair. This is so Van. Demanding, harsh, and always getting it his way. The truth is I don’t want love or my life any other way.

“Wine,” I moan out.

Within seconds, he’s standing, opening the bottle of wine and pouring me a glass. Immediately, the absence of his body on mine is devastating.

“Van, hurry up.”

He glances over, winking at me and then continues to focus on the wine. “What’s wrong, Junior, thought you wanted wine?”

“Now,” I demand, pulling his free arm until he’s standing in front of me holding a full glass of wine.

“Here’s your wine, now don’t spill any on me.”

Van bows back down, settling between my legs and staring up at me, silently urging me to take a drink of the wine he poured for me. I’m not a big drinker and know just a half glass of red wine will have me on my ass. He circles his fingers on the inside of my thighs, torturing me. I dart my tongue out, running it along the edge of the wine glass until he grumbles at me.

I take a large gulp of the tart yet sweet wine and it flows smoothly down my throat. His palms cover the top of my thighs as his face goes lower. His breath tickles my flesh with just a delicious appetizer of what’s to come. The warm air causes me to buck up into his face to gain some friction on the situation.

“Enjoying the wine?” he challenges, looking back up at me. His warm breath vanishes. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he’s punishing me.

I let out a light moan and then nod my head. This time we never break eye contact when I take another drink.

“Fuck me, you’re gorgeous, Junior.”

My loose curls tumble over my shoulder when I look down at the man between my legs. “Only because you make me beautiful.”

I want to add eat my pussy or die bad boy, but the mood is too intense to ruin it. He goes back to breathing heavily on me, sending chills up my spine. One of my hands goes back to his hair, tugging on it. He must be done teasing me. My eyes slam shut, focusing on his roving tongue and the way it makes me feel. He lazily moves his tongue up and down me then with one swift sweep, I feel the desire pool in my belly.

Another drink of wine goes down easily, making my head swim and belly dance. I’m warm from head to toe with Van’s luscious tongue circling and licking me until I’m wildly thrusting on his face and screaming. I’m forced to set the wine down before I dump it. “The Hills” by The Weekend blares in the background. Van’s fucking playlist definitely adds to all the mixed emotions swirling around in me.

One flick of his tongue on my pearl makes me scream, the second flick pushes me closer to the edge of the cliff, and the third fluttering lick from him destroys me as the pool of desire washes over me, causing my knees to buckle.

His large palms grip onto the back of my thighs, steadying me. Before he stands all the way, he sweeps out one of his legs attaching it to the dining room chair and swinging it towards us.

“How was that wine?” He looks like Satan himself.

“Delicious.” I barely get it out before I’m in the air in his arms. He settles us back on the rickety chair. His exposed cock nudges at my entrance, shocking me. I didn’t even notice when it came out and let me tell you that thing always makes a grand entrance.

He’s gentle and slow when he fully seats me down on him. I’m frozen with the need building back up again in me. There will never be enough of Van to satisfy me. Never enough kisses. Never enough of his touch. Just never enough of him. “Justify My Love” by Madonna begins to play and the song strikes my heart to the point of shattering it into irreparable pieces.

I can’t bear to keep my eyes open any longer. My shirt is pulled off and then my bra and even without any movement Van remains hard inside of me. His hands roam my delicate skin, possessively paying attention to every single inch.

“I picked this song just for you, Bay. I want you.” His teeth sink into the front of my neck leaving a stinging bite behind. He then sits up and wraps his hand around my neck sealing in his painful bite. His grip tightens as I begin to move my hips. It’s all too painful to watch, so I keep my head tilted back and eyes clenched shut.

He’s confessing his love to me and just waiting on me to justify it. A pang of pain flashes in me that he needs this from me. I’d hope he already knew how much he means to me. I continue to roll my hips slowly and gently at first. I look back down at him making eye contact and never breaking it. I plant my palms on his jawline while one finger runs circles over the stubble.

My pace picks up with each thrust. The rage mixed with hunger and whole lot of protectiveness storms in his eyes.

“At the same time together, Van.” My fingers dig into his face.

When he bites down on his lower lip, I know he’s there. He tries to snake his hand down to my entrance.

“No.” I shake my head. I want this time to be all me screaming out my response back to him. Moans attack as I creep to the edge of the cliff, Van’s teeth sink lower into his bottom lip, and we’re both there together.

“You’re mine,” he declares as he lets go inside me. And all I can do is scream louder than I ever have when my orgasm hits me so hard I see black and go dizzy and collapse onto him.

We now both lay in bed naked with our plates propped on our bellies and heads resting up against my wall. Van had me several more times before he finally got enough and let me cook our meals.

“Have you ever had a boyfriend?” he asks, stuffing a larger than normal size of steak in his mouth.

“Before you,” I clarify. “Um, no. Picking up boys being homeschooled is rough and well I’m not that good at that stuff.

He laughs deep in his chest, knowing exactly what I’m referring to.

“Then why the birth control?”

I roll my eyes, knowing this question would be asked. “It’s girl stuff and something my mother and I don’t see eye to eye on. I have a condition and birth control helps regulate it. Mom refused to let me go to the doctors for years but finally gave in.”

He wrinkles his nose a bit with another forkful of steak on his lips. “I don’t want to know the details of this condition, do I?”

“Ummm, no.” I inhale a mouthful of crisp salad before firing back at him. “So, what about you, Mr. Sex on a Stick. Have you ever been in love with a girl, Mr. Romeo?”

“Two times,” he answers around a mouthful of food. God, even when using no manners he’s stunning. I set my plate on the makeshift crate nightstand, lean over, and dart my tongue out, licking around his lips.

“Tell me about them,” I say when settling back.

“You done?” He points to my plate.

I nod.

“Then give it to me.”

I pass it over to him. “Now talk.”

“She gets a little dick in her and wine, then gets lippy.”

I poke him in the ribs and then snuggle up to him as close as possible without knocking the stack of plates off of his bare abdomen.

“I want to know more about you,” I beg.

“Her name was Lizzy Ackerman. My first love and nothing was more important than her. I would have given her everything of mine.”

My heart sinks and I realize this may be the dumbest thing I’ve ever asked. I don’t want to hear about his long lost love when he struggles to speak the three words to me.

“She had long blonde wild hair, and her laugh tickled my tummy and always tented my jeans.”

Yep, dumbest fucking idea on planet Earth. I fight to squirm away but he pulls me back with one hand.

“Like I said I would’ve given her everything even my coloring box and favorite Scooby-Doo lunch pail.”

I shoot straight up in bed, looking him in the face. The asshole was pulling my leg the whole time.

“I was in third grade when my heart was broken and my first love Lizzy rejected me. She loved Argo, not me.”

The last sentence barely leaves his mouth. Sadness bathing each word. The story is true.

“What about the second one?” I don’t want to fucking hear about it but I’m sure as shit don’t want him wallowing around in that nasty childhood memory.

“The second one is more complicated. Happened at an older age in life when I’d already been chewed up and spit out by the nasty bitch called life. I didn’t trust easily and had always been branded the bad boy.” He pauses, inhaling more food and then proceeds to talk right around his mouthful. “This girl came into my life probably at the worst possible time. I was more broken than any other time in my life, even more fragile and shattered than the years of being treated like trash by my family and always being compared to Argo. But you see, this curly haired artist came into my life and brightened it up and I love her.”

BOOK: The Hunted
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