The Hunt for Summer (NSC Industries) (11 page)

BOOK: The Hunt for Summer (NSC Industries)
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“Oh…” a tall blonde
girl gasped as she caught sight of me. I smiled at her, even though I wanted to
throttle her for interrupting my only probable moment to sneak a look at the
contents of the mystery envelope.

“Hi,” she smiled
back “Sara.”

“Lucas Hunt” I greeted
back. She nodded, and then swung her gaze to the microwave as it pinged.


She walked over to
it and pulled out both cups before proceeding to open a couple of sachets of
chocolate powder and poured them in. “I presume one is yours?” she asked as she
turned to me.

I nodded in reply.


At first I thought
she was referring to me with an endearment until she smirked and held up the
sugar canister, “Oh, no thanks.”

She chuckled to
herself and I knew she had read my thoughts, as a long streak of piss walked
into the kitchen.


He wore nothing,
completely nude, and narrowed his eyes on me. I lifted my eyebrows at him in

“For God’s sake,
Rob, put something on!” Sara chastised.

He smirked at her as
he walked across the room and pulled her against him. “Come back to bed, Sare”
he said as he nuzzled into her neck.

She sighed deeply
and moved her neck away “Ten minutes.”


I caught the glint
in his eyes as he leant back in and pinched her arm forcefully. “Now!” he

Sara flinched and
bit into her bottom lip before she nodded and passed me my mug.

“See you later,
Hunter” She said as she followed the arsehole back to her bedroom.


It just occurred to
me that she knew my name and I frowned before a thought jumped into my head.
Had Red mentioned me?

Well that thought
brought a wicked smile to my lips just as Red reappeared.

“Penny for them.”

 I glanced up at her
and she tipped her head with a soft smile “You were obviously thinking of
something nice by the looks of your smile.”


I sighed and took a
sip of my drink “Now that would be telling, Red.”

She smirked then
nodded as she picked up her mug and my eyes swept the length of her. She now
just wore a simple white silk robe and my heart beat maxed out as I noticed the
point of her nipples straining against the thin material.


I looked away before
my dick got the wrong idea and stood from the chair as I followed her into the

She settled her ass
into the window seat and glanced out.


The silence was
comfortable and I suddenly realised how relaxed I was in her company. I had
never been content with just a woman for company but with Red it was different.

It was like she gave
off easy and relaxed vibes and I established myself into the armchair beside


She remained quiet,
just staring out of the window and I reached out and ran a finger up the thigh
that had become exposed when her robe draped open.

She didn’t jump or
jolt, just turned to look at me with a sad expression.

“You gonna tell me
what’s going on?” I asked gently.


She sighed and
scrunched up her face. “I can’t” she replied quietly as she swallowed deeply.

Her face said it
all. She was fucking terrified.


I glanced away and
when I returned my gaze to her she was still looking softly at me, as if
considering whether I would be an ally or an enemy.

I placed my mug on
the table and stood, before taking the one step it required to reach her.


She looked up at me,
a slight anxiousness in her eyes as I palmed her cheek tenderly.

“I won’t let him
hurt you, Red” I told her softly as I moved my fingers gently over the contours
of her delicate cheek bone.

She gulped but still
continued to regard me quietly.


She was so utterly
beautiful and exquisite that I wanted to kiss her more than I’d ever wanted
anything in my entire life.

I heard her gentle
inhalation as I slowly leaned into her and hovered my mouth over hers, silently
asking for her permission.

I didn’t need it.
She reached into me and softly placed her lips over mine, giving me all the
consent I needed.


God, she tasted
divine. So bloody amazing that I wanted to devour her whole, but I also wanted
to relish and treasure each movement of her lips under mine; worship her kisses
as she controlled our ache; the only woman who ever had, and the only woman who
ever would.


She moaned faintly
and I slipped my hand around into her hair and cradled her head as she became
more passionate and hungry.

I returned her moan
with a deep rumble from my chest as I nudged my knee between her thighs to
bring myself into her.

She opened them
instantly and I slipped in and pulled her closer.


She pulled herself
upright and slipped her hands around my neck as we continued to explore each
other’s mouths. Her tongue was winding desperately around mine, and when I
flicked against her top teeth she gasped and pushed her body closer to mine.

Her tight little
nipples brushed through the material of my shirt and I slipped my hand down and
palmed her breast, caressing it tenderly under my fingers.


“We have to stop”
she panted and pulled back.

“The fuck we do Red”
I warned as I leaned back towards her and took her mouth again.

She relinquished for
a while and kissed me back feverishly until I felt her breath falter and she
pulled away more confidently “No Lucas, I can’t do this. I can’t bring you into


I took a step back
to study her and saw the pain and horror in her eyes.

I gently grasped her
fingers and ran my thumb across the outline of each one, before I held her eyes
with mine. “Tell me” I said simply.


Her pained
expression became desolate as she shook her head. “I can’t” she whispered as
she pulled her hand away from mine.

“I wanna help, Red.”


She turned away and
I watched her shoulders slump in resignation “You can’t. Nobody can. He wants
me? Then he will have me.”

“No, Red. Only with
your permission. It’s the same with all D/s relationships. You know that.”


She laughed loudly,
bitterly and with absolutely no humour. “Why do you think he calls himself
Diablo, Lucas?” she spat out angrily.

My own anger surged
at her defeatist attitude “You just say No, Red. It’s fucking simple!”


She rolled her eyes
and shook her head before she disappeared across the room and reached into her
bag for the envelope. My heart skipped a beat when I realised what she was

She walked back
towards me and flung the damn thing at me. “This is what happened the last time
I said no to him!” she practically shouted at me and then turned and left the


I stood and watched
her leave before I plonked myself in the window seat and removed the contents
of the envelope.

“Holy Shit!”


There were roughly
eight photos of Red but she was blonde in these pictures. One was of Diablo,
Mason and Red in a threesome. Two of them were of Diablo, holding Red by a whip
around her throat as he took her from behind.

Five of them were of
her chained to what looked like a cellar wall, as three men took her at once,
her face was dirty and pained and I fought back the bile that was rising in my

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”


Chapter 11



Light drenched my
room beyond my small nightlight as Lucas opened my bedroom door but my shame
and embarrassment halted me from turning to him.

I felt the bed dip
as he sat on the edge and sighed deeply.


“When did it
happen?” he asked frankly and I squeezed my eyes shut at the disgust in his

“Six years ago. When
I lived in Sheffield.”

“Was it a
punishment?” he asked slowly and I nodded in answer.


He was quiet for a
while and I could feel the question on his lips. It permeated the air and made
it difficult to breathe so I answered it before it was asked.

“Mason got me out of
there after he realised what was happening. He took me back to his and let me
stay with him until I found my feet. I owe him a lot; in fact I owe Mase my


I climbed off the
bed and walked over to the window, looking out into the back street just for a
diversion. “It was when I tried to end our relationship after he started to get
a bit… a bit nasty” I barked out a sour laugh as I remembered what had become
of that attempt.

I turned back to
Lucas and held his eyes, trying to get him to see how dangerous it was to get
involved with me “He chained me to the basement wall and made different men
take me every which way they could, until I bled from every single orifice on
my fucking body.”


Lucas closed his
eyes at the vision I had just put into his head. “After being down there for
five days Mason came to join the fun, but he thought I was a consenting sub. He
soon found out I wasn’t when Diablo nearly strangled me when his control got a
little heavy.”


I shivered at the
memory and swallowed back the nausea that was threatening to surface. Lucas was
still regarding me and listening intently, catching each of my horrific
revelations with repulsion plastered over his beautiful face.


Then I grinned at
him, a dirty great big grin as the memory of Mason came to the forefront of my
mind. “Mason beat the shit out of him in that cellar. To a pulp. Then silently
took my hand and led me from the house and I never once looked back!”


Lucas stood now and
cocked his head at me “How come he’s found you after all this time?”

I shrugged and
pursed my lips “The only thing I can think of is Simon Bell; the bloke who was
on the street when you brought me home. He’s a contract… killer.”


Lucas’s eyebrows hit
his hairline and he reared back a little “But why the fuck would he wanna kill

I laughed again and
shook my head. “Because I ran. Because he can’t have me. Because he can” I told
him simply.

His eyebrows knitted
as he sucked on his lips “But that’s…”

“That’s just how
Diablo works Lucas; this is why I don’t wanna get you involved. He won’t think
twice about removing you from my life, and he won’t do it the easy way.”


He took a step
towards me and I pulled in a breath as he reached me. He ran his finger down
the slope of my nose as he penetrated my eyes “But, you see Red, I kinda think
you’re worth the risk.”

I frowned and
regarded him. “What are you saying, Lucas?” I asked quietly.


He came closer, his
own nose now resting against mine as his bright blue eyes pierced me “I want
you Red, more than I have ever wanted anything in my whole life. I want to
govern you, I want to dictate you but more than that, I want to pleasure you,
please you and I want to watch your beautiful face as I make you quiver and
scream in ecstasy.”


My breath was now
coming in short sharp bursts as his mouth moved across my jaw, his lips kissing
as his tongue savoured and I ran my fingers through his hair.

“You want to sub
me?” I asked plainly.


He pulled back a
little and scanned my face. “Yes, but I want more than that, Red. I want all of
you, every single inch of you, and not just your body. I want your mind and
your spirit. I even want your fucking soul to belong to me” he said as he undid
the belt on my robe and pulled it from the loops.


I watched his
movement and exhaled as he parted my robe, slipped it off my shoulders and
scanned his eyes over every inch of my naked form.

He was suddenly
walking us backwards until my back hit one of the bedposts and his lazy smile
caused my blood to fire straight down to my already wet pussy.

“Arms up, Red” he
ordered and I immediately did as he asked and raised my hands high above my


He wrapped the silk
belt around my wrists and then tied them to the bedpost before he stared
straight into me “Submit.”

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