The House of Rothschild (123 page)

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Authors: Niall Ferguson

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anti-Semitism in
Björkö meeting and
British relations with
demonetization of silver in
Eastern Question and
economic origins of
1873 crash in
financial repercussions of Franco-Prussian War for
French relations with
imperialism of
joint-stock banking in
military-financial complex in
navy of
railway finance in
Reinsurance Treaty and
Rothschild relations with aristocracy in
in Three Emperors League
in Triple Alliance
unification of
World War I and
World War II and
see also
Weimar Republic
Germany, Nazi
Gerschenkron, Alexander
Gibbs, Alban
Gibbs, Harry,.
Gibbs, Herbert
Gifford, Lord
Girardin, Emile de
Girette, Jean
Gladstone, Herbert
Gladstone, Mary
Gladstone, William
Eastern Question and ,
Franco-Prussian War and
Lionel proposed as peer by
Suez Canal and
Glyn, George Grenfell
God Protects Israel
gold market, gold
Barings crisis and
Franco-Prussian War and
in South Africa
Goldschmidt, Hermann
Goldschmidt, Moritz B.
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Albert von
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Erich von
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Max von
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Minna Caroline Rothschild von
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Miriam Rothschild von
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Rudolf von
Goldschmidt-Rorhschild & Co.
Goldsmid, Francis Henry
Goldsmid, Isaac Lyon
Goldsmid, Julian
Goldsmith, James
gold standard
U.S. transition to
Goltz, Count Robert von der
Goncourt family
Gorchakov, Aleksandr M.
Gordon, Charles George (Chinese)
Goring, Hermann
Goschen, George
Goulburn, Henry
Government of National Defence
Gramont, Agénor, duc de
Gramont, duc de
Gramont, Margaretha Rothschild, duchesse de
Grand Central Company
Grande Société des Chemins de Fers Russes
Grandmother’s 99th Birthday
Grant, Robert
Grant, Ulysses S.
Granville, Lord
Eastern Question and
Great Britain
anti-Semitism in
Austria-Hungary’s relations with
Austrian relations with
banking crisis in (1866)
banking crisis in (1878)
in Boer War
bonds of (consols)
capital exported by
China policy of
in Crimean War
Eastern Question and
elections in
empire of
Franco-Prussian War and
French entente with
French relations with
German relations with
Jewish immigration issue in
Jews in
military-financial complex in
national debt of
N. M. Rothschild & Sons compared with economy of
Prussian relations with
roots of neutrality of
Rothschild relations with aristocracy in
Russian relations with
Suez Canal and
telegraph in
in Triple Entente
U.S. relations with
World War I and
World War II and
Green, A.L.
Greenberg, Leonard
Greene, Benjamin Buck
Greenwood, Frederick
Gresham Life
Greville, Charles
Grévy, François Paul Jules
Grey, Albert H. G.h Earl
Grey, Sir Edward
Grosvenor, Lord Richard
Guinness, Sir Edward
Guizot, François
Guy, Robert
Haber, Samuel
Hahamake, Haim Kohen
Haldane, Richard, Lord
Hambro, Everard
Hambro Life
Hamilton, Edward
Barings crisis and
Ferdinand and
Hankey, Thomas
Hankey, Thomson
Hanotaux, Gabriel
Hansemann, Adolph
Anglo-German amity and
Harcourt, Lewis (Loulou)
Harcourt, Sir William
Hardinge, Arthur
Hardinge, Sir Charles
Hart, Robert
Hartington, Lord,
Devonshire, Duke of
Hartmann, Alfred
Harvey, “Coin,”
Hattersley, Roy
Hatzfeldt, Count Paul von
Anglo-German amity and
Haussmann, Georges
Hayashi, Baron Gonsuke
Heath, Edward
Heine, Carl
Heine, Heinrich
Henckel von Donnersmarck
Herriot, Edward
Hertz, Joseph Herman
Herzl, Theodor
Heseltine, Michael
Hesse-Darmstadt, Grand Duke of
Hesse-Nassau, Duke of
Heydt, Baron August von der
Higginson, John
Hill, Philip
Himmler, Heinrich
Hirsch, Maurice de
Hirsch, Samson Raphael
Hirsch, Samuel
History of the House of Rothschild
(von Scherb)
Hitler, Adolf
Hobbs, Peter
Hobday, William Armfield
Hobson, J.A.
Holden, Sir Edward
Holstein, Friedrich von
Holy Alliance
homosexuals, homosexuality
Hong Kong
Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation
Hope and Baring
Hoskier, Herman
House of Commons, British
disabilities bill and
Reform Bill debates in (1866)
House of Lords, British
Natty’s elevation to
Hovevei Zion (“lovers of Zion”) groups
Howe, Geoffrey
Howell, George
Hoyland, Philip
Hübner, Count
Hungarian General Credit Bank (Magyar Atalanos Hitelbank)
see also
Huret, Jules
Iddesleigh, Lord
Ignatiev, Nikolai Pavlovich
Imperial and Royal Chartered Austrian State Railway Company (Staatsbahn)
armaments and
Barings crisis and
Eastern Question and
risk and returns of
Suez Canal and
Imperial Lombardo Venetian and Central Italian Railway Company
Imperial Maritime Customs
Imperial Ottoman Baghdad Railway
Indian Midland Railway
Industrial Reorganisation Corporation
Inglis, Sir Robert
Inland Revenue
Inter-American Development Bank
International Acceptance Bank (IAB)
International Bank of St. Petersburg
International Financial Society
International Land Company
International Monetary Conference (1892)
international monetary system
Home Rule and
Isabella, Queen of Spain
Ismail Sadyk Pasha
Israelite Religious Community for Orthodox believers
Eastern Question and
French relations with
Jews of
Landau initiative and
military expenditures of
railways in
rentes in
in Triple Alliance
in Triple Entente
unification of
James, Henry
Jameson Raid
Jamnitzer, Wenzel
Janicot, Maurice
Russian relations with
Jardine, Matheson & Co.
Jaurès, Jean Léon
Jérôme, Prince
Jewish Bund
Jewish Chronicle
Jewish Colonisation Association (JCA)
Jewish France
Jewish Pale
Jewish question
Jews, Judaism
conversion to Christianity by
of Damascus
dietary laws and
Disraeli’s fascination with
emancipation of
in Rome
Rothschild fidelity to
state for
in World War I,
see also
specific countries
Jews against France, The
Jews and Economic Life, The
Jews’ College
Jews’ Free School
Johnson, Percival Norton
joint-stock companies
Franco-Prussian War and
mining and
Joseph, Keith
Joseph, N.S.
Journal des Débats
J. Rothschild & Company
J. Rothschild Holdings
J. S. Morgan & Co.
Kahn, Zadok
Kehrl, Hans
Kelly, Sir Fitzroy
Kemble, William H.
Kerensky, Aleksandr
Keynes,John Maynard
Kidder Peabody
Kimberley Central
Kings of the Republic
Kirkpatrick, Maria Manuela
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert
Kleinwort Benson
Kleinwort & Cohen
Knollys, Sir Francis
Koenig, Pierre
Koniggrätz, Battle of (1866)
Kranefuss, Fritz
Kraus, Karl
Kreuger, Ivan
Kruger, Paul
Kuhn, Loeb
Kuntschak, Leopold
Kupelweiser, Paul
Kyd, David Hope
Labour party, British
Laffitte, Charles
Laffitte, Jacques
Lambert, Samuel
Lamont, Norman
Landau, Horaz
Lansdowne, Lord
La Rocque, François de
Lascelles, Sir Frank
Latin Monetary Union
Lauch, Father
Law, Bonar
Lawson, Nigel
Lawson, Sir Wilfrid
Lazard Frères
Lazare, Bernard
League of British Jews
Léandre, Charles Lucien
Leboeuf, Edmond
Le Nickel
Lennox, Lord Henry
Leopold I, King of Belgium (Leopold of Saxe-Coburg)
Leopold II, King of Belgium
Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
Lesseps, Ferdinand de
Letwin, Oliver
Lever, Charles
Lewis, Sir George
Lewisohn, Leonard
L. E Rothschild, Unterberg, Towbin
Liberal League
Liberal party, British (Whig party)
imperialism and
military-financial complex and
Liberal Unionism
Lidderdale, William
Lightfoot, Joseph
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindsay, David
Littlehales, George
Lloyd George, David
People’s Budget of
World War I and
Lobengula, King of the Matebele
Lombard line
philanthropy in
pro-Reform demonstrations in
Rothschild house in, see N. M. Rothschild & Sons
London National Property Co.
London and North Western Line
London and Westminster Bank
Long, Walter
Louis XIV, King of France
Louis Napoleon,
Napoleon III, Emperor of France
Louis Philippe, King of France
Lowe, Sir Robert
Lueger, Karl
Lynch, Henry
Lyons, Lord
McClellan, George
McCulloch, Hugh
McDonald, James G.
McDonnell, Schomberg
McKinley, William
MacMahon, Marshal
Madrid, Zaragoza and Alicante Railway Company
Magne, Pierre
Magnificent Rothschilds, The
Magnus, Sir Philip
Mahmud Nedin Pasha
Mann, Thomas
Manners, Lord John
Manteuffel, Count von
Marievale and Nigel Gold Mine Estates
Marks, Samuel
Marr, Wilhelm
Martin, John Biddulph
Matthey, George
Maurras, Charles
M. A. von Rothschild & Söhne
Bismarck and
closing of
decline of
Franco-Prussian War and
succession struggle in
Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico
Maxwell, Robert
Mayer, René
Mendel, Gregor
Merck Finck & Co.
mercury mining
Mérimée, Prosper

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