The Horror Squad: An Apocalyptic Tale (6 page)

Read The Horror Squad: An Apocalyptic Tale Online

Authors: TJ Weeks

Tags: #Zombies

BOOK: The Horror Squad: An Apocalyptic Tale
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Everyone got some except Justin, he pulled one of the coffee pouches out, tore it open and grabbed a pinch putting it in his mouth like a dip. “Wheew! Almost as good as morning sex.”

I shook my head and continued to drink my coffee while everyone else laughed about the gesture.

“Bingo bango!” Gizmo called out.

“What the fuck is, bingo bango?” Steven asked.

Gizmo started laughing. “It’s just something I said one day at work when a project we were working on worked out and it has stuck. Hell, even my son says it now.”

“It’s a way for them to say their bromance is still going strong.” I stated while laughing at my own gesture.

“Fuck you!” Gizmo replied.

I just laughed and shook my head.












, bring me out something to put these ribs on.” Gizmo called out while standing over the delicious smelling racks of meat.

“What do you want me to bring?” His wife, Tina called back.

“I don’t give a shit, just bring something before they start to burn.” He called back.

He pulled his little pocket knife out of his pants and cut a sliver off for me and Steven to try.

I took the small bite. “That’s pretty good.”

“Well hell yeah they’re good, I cooked them.” Gizmo stated.

“Bitch, you think all your cooking is the best.” Justin replied before I could say a word.

“That’s because it is.” He responded.

“Who showed you how to cook most of the stuff you throw on the grill?” Justin questioned.

“You showed me how to cook quite a bit of it, BUT…I’ve perfected it.” He responded.

“You’re so full of shit and I guarantee your ribs or brisket isn’t better than TJ’s. His is the best I’ve ever tasted and that’s no shit.” Justin added.

I started laughing before I took a big swig of my beer.

“Well, maybe we should have a cook off one weekend.” He suggested.

“Shit, I’m down.” I stated.

“I know you can’t beat my chicken.” He suggested.

I started laughing. “We can do it all.”

“GIZMO!” Tina called out.

“What? Where’s my pan or something to put these ribs on?” He questioned.

“Let one of them take the ribs off. Your mom is on the phone and she sounds like something is wrong. I think it’s something to do with your dad.” She added.

Gizmo’s eyes widened and he quickly ran over to take the phone from his wife. “Momma, what’s wrong?”














across their safe haven. The younger kids fast asleep as a small lamp lit up a corner of Kris and TJ’s room as Sidnie read a book she had taken from the small library of the school. Kris closed the door and headed down the hallway, she clicked the handle down of the double doors that led outside and walked out underneath the stars and moon.

“I always wonder if he is looking at my moon at the same time I am.” She told Tina who sat on the steps that led down to the courtyard.

“Stingy bitch, it’s everyone’s moon.” She laughed.

Kris sat down next to her. “When TJ and I first met, we were talking on the phone and I was sitting on my porch and the moon was huge and full, I asked him if he could see the moon and he told me that there were too many trees where he was. I told him that I guess it was just my moon and explained to him how huge and pretty it was. Now when the moon is full, I always tell him to come see my moon.” She explained.

“That is sweet.” Tina lied her head on Kris’s shoulder as they sat and looked upon the gates that their husbands should be coming through any day now.

Suddenly Tina jumped and sat straight up and wrapped her arms across her stomach.

“What’s wrong?” Kris questioned as she held Tina’s shoulders.

“This fucking IUD is killing me.” She stated.

“We have to do something about that.” Kris stated as she thought of a solution.

“Karen, she will help, she knows about all kinds of shit.”

Kris helped Tina to stand and led her back into the building. They slowly made their way down the hall to Karen’s room and knocked lightly. Tina doubled over in pain again as Karen opened the door still dressed from her days work.

“What’s wrong?” Karen asked.

“Tina has had an IUD in for far too long and it needs to be removed before it starts to embed itself, which is why I think she has been having pains from it.” Kris explained as they both led her in.

Karen closed the door and stood over Tina as she sat in the nearest chair. She thought for a moment and pondered on the situation.

“IUD’s have strings at the bottom of them so that they can be pulled out easily, if they are embedded it is going to be harder to get out. It needs to come out now. So I guess there is no other choice, let’s get it done. Kris, I need some latex gloves and…forceps maybe, if you can find them.” She instructed.

Kris ran to other classrooms and searched for what was asked for. One of the empty classrooms appeared to once be a science lab of some sort. Gloves were mounted on the wall and trays scattered the room with stainless steel tools placed upon them. Kris gathered the box from the wall and anything that could be used to pull out the IUD. Face masks seemed to be something that would be able to be used as well as the towels that were folded in a drawer that she rummaged through. She loaded her arms full of the things that she had found and hauled it all back to the room where Karen already had Tina laid up on the desk undressed and covered with a blanket. Tina was moaning in pain and trying not to make noise that may wake up the kids that were next door.

Kris laid everything down on the floor at Karen’s feet. She handed her a pair of gloves first. She pulled them on one by one. Karen pointed to the mask that had rolled off of the pile and placed it on her face as. Kris held up three sets of different kinds of forceps; some were locking forceps and some just appeared to be non-locking holders. Karen grabbed the pair that locked open and placed them inside of Tina to hold her open. She took another pair that looked like a pair of small pliers and leaned far down.

“Put on some gloves.” Karen advised Kris.

Kris pulled on gloves willing to help her friend not be in pain any longer and stood next to Karen.

Karen placed Kris’s hand on the blanket to hold it up for her and nodded at her to make sure that is where she kept it. Karen leaned in and stuck the pliers inside of Tina and began pulling once she clamped down on something and then stopped.

“I have the strings, I am going to pull and pull it out in one quick motion. Kris, hold her hand, you are going to feel some pressure and then hopefully all that you will have is cramping from what I understand. Are you ready?” Karen asked.

Tina nodded and laid very still. Kris slipped her hand into Tina’s and squeezed as she teared up knowing that she has to be in pain.

Karen pulled hard and Tina’s body tensed up. She squeezed Kris’s hand hard and covered her mouth with her other hand.

“It’s out! It’s all in one piece, you are good.” Karen stated.

Karen grabbed a towel and placed on Tina as the blood trickled out from her. Tina stayed still and dropped her head against the desk. Karen took her other hand and pulled her to sit up. Tina swung her legs over the side and hunkered over a bit.

“I will have fifty kids before I get another one of those things put in me.” Tina whispered.

“Well, I am fairly certain that you won’t be getting one even if you wanted to anytime soon in this day in age.” Kris joked.

Tina shot a death glance her way while Kris still laughed and helped her to stand.

“You are going to have some discomfort, cramping and bleeding. I have some pads down in inventory I will go get for you and you can use those. I wouldn’t use tampons for a few weeks.” Karen said.

Tina nodded while slipping on her sweat pants she had on earlier with the towel still between her legs.

“Thank you Karen. I was in so much pain, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do.” Tina explained.

“You should have come to me earlier.” Karen told her.

“I wasn’t aware there was anyone that knew anything about this crap. Kris is the one that stated you knew about all kinds of shit. I thought you just did inventory.” Tina told her.

“I was in the midst of a lot of things before everything happened. I know a little about a lot.” Karen smiled and patted her on the back.

Tina walked doubled over towards the door trying to hold the towel between her legs.

“I will go grab what you need and bring them to your room.” Karen hurried down the hall.

Kris opened her door and holding her by one arm, led her to her cot that was set up in the corner and helped her sit.

“I hope that makes you feel better. I am sorry you hurt.” Kris told her. “You need to get some rest and maybe it will not be so bad tomorrow.”

Tina nodded and sat for moment waiting for Karen to arrive. Kris could tell that she was in pain by the look on her face and hoped that Gizmo would return soon to help comfort her.

Karen came through the door without knocking, bringing Lisa with her.

“Okay, here are a few pads. Get some rest and I am pretty sure that I have something to help if the pain gets too bad.” Karen told her.

“I brought crackers. I figured you need to snack on something that won’t upset your stomach.” Lisa whispered.

“Thank you everyone.” Tina whispered.

Tina rose and made her way to the bathroom in the hallway. The three waited for her to come back before leaving her to sleep. Kris checked on the kids and covered them up before Tina came back and waved at her as she quietly closed the door.

“Thanks Karen, you were the only one I could think of that may have possibly known anything about this.” Kris told them both.

“What the hell am I, chopped liver?” Lisa laughed.

“I would have come to you if we needed a gun or someone shot or something was wrong at the plant. Guess I just didn’t figure you wanted to reach up inside someone and pull something out.” Kris laughed at Lisa’s disgusted face.

“Fuck that! You’re right.” She stated back. “I hope she is okay. Any idea when the guys are supposed to be back?” Lisa asked.

Karen and Kris shook their head.

“I have everything ready when they get back to get them fed and I am sure they will want a nice shower, so I have set out all of the hygiene stuff for them.” Karen told the two.

“They should hopefully be back soon.” Kris stated. “My TJ will do everything he can to get back as soon as he can. I know…or hope they are okay.”

Lisa and Karen hugged Kris as she began to tear up again over her husband. The three quickly released as a noise was heard from Kris’s room. They stared at the door for a moment and backed up as Sidnie opened the door and squeezed through it and shut it back. Kris walked up behind her. Sidnie jumped and covered her mouth when she turned around and saw her mother.

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