The Holographic Universe (30 page)

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Authors: Michael Talbot

BOOK: The Holographic Universe
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What was significant
about this experience was that Dryer was my house guest at the time and
happened to walk into the room while I was still sheathed in this phantomlike
werewolf body. She reacted immediately and said, “Oh my, you must be thinking
about your werewolf novel because you've become a werewolf.” We compared notes
and discovered that we were each observing the same features. We became
involved in conversation, and as my thoughts strayed from the novel, the
werewolf image slowly faded.

Movies in the

The images that psychics
see in the energy field are not always static. Rich says she often sees what
looks like a little transparent movie going on around a client's head:
“Sometimes I see a small image of the person behind their head or shoulders
doing various things they do in life. My clients tell me that my descriptions
are very accurate and specific. I can see their offices and what their bosses
look like. I can see what they've thought of and what's happened to them during
the last six months. Recently I told a client that I could see her home and she
had masks and flutes hanging on her wall. She said, ‘No, no, no.’ I said yes, there
are musical instruments hanging on the wall, mostly flutes, and there are
masks. And then she said, ‘Oh, that's my summer home.’”

Dryer says she also sees
what look like three-dimensional movies in a person's energy field. “Usually
they're in color, but they can also be brown, or look like tintypes. Often they
depict a story about the person that can take anywhere from five minutes to an
hour to unfold. The images are also incredibly detailed. When I see a person
sitting in a room I can tell them how many plants are in the room, how many
leaves are on each plant, and how many bricks are in the wall. I usually don't
get into such minute description unless it seems pertinent.”

I can attest to Dryer's
accuracy. I have always been an organized person, and when I was a child I was
quite precocious in this regard. Once when I was five years old I spent several
hours meticulously storing and organizing all of my toys in a closet. When I
was finished I showed my mother what I had done and admonished her please not to
touch anything in the closet because I did not want her messing up my carefully
ordered arrangements. My mother's account of this incident has amused the
family ever since. During my first reading with Dryer she described this
incident in detail, as well as many other events in my life, as she watched it
unfold like a movie in my energy field. She, too, chuckled as she described it.

Dryer likens the images
she sees to holograms and says that when she chooses one and starts to watch
it, it seems to expand and fill the entire room. “If I see something going on
with a person's shoulder, such as an injury, suddenly the whole scene widens.
That's when I get the sense that it's a hologram because sometimes I feel I can
step right into it and be a part of it. It's not happening to me, but around
me. It's almost as if I'm in a three-dimensional movie, a holographic movie,
with the person.”

Dryer's holographic
vision is not limited to events from a person's life. She sees visual
representations of the operations of the unconscious mind as well. As we all
know, the unconscious mind speaks in a language of symbols and metaphors. This
is why dreams often seem so nonsensical and mysterious. However, once one
learns how to interpret the language of the unconscious, the meanings of dreams
become clear. Dreams are not the only things that are written in the parlance
of the unconscious. Individuals who are familiar with the language of the
psyche—a language psychologist Erich Fromm calls the “forgotten language,”
because most of us have forgotten how to interpret it—recognize its presence in
other human creations such as myths, fairy tales, and religious visions.

Some of the holographic
movies Dryer sees in the human energy field are also written in this language
and resemble the metaphorical messages of dreams. We now know that the
unconscious mind is active not only while we dream, but all of the time. Dryer
is able to peel back a person's waking self and gaze directly at the unceasing
river of images that is always flowing through their unconscious mind. And both
practice and her natural, intuitive gifts have made her extremely skilled at
deciphering the language of the unconscious. “Jungian psychologists love me,”
says Dryer.

In addition, Dryer has a
special way of knowing whether she has interpreted an image correctly. “If I
haven't explained it correctly, it doesn't go away,” she states. “It just stays
in the energy field. But once I've told the person everything they need to know
about a particular image, it begins to dissolve and disappear.” Dryer thinks
this is because it is a client's own unconscious mind that chooses what images
to show her. Like Ullman, she believes the psyche is always trying to teach the
conscious self things it needs to know to become healthier and happier, and to
grow spiritually.

Dryer's ability to
observe and interpret the innermost workings of a person's psyche is one of the
reasons she is able to effect such profound transformations in many of her
clients. The first time she described the stream of images she saw unfolding in
my own energy field, I had the uncanny sensation she was telling me about one
of my own dreams, save that it was a dream I had not yet dreamed. At first the
phantasmagoria of images was only mysteriously familiar, but as she unraveled
and explained each symbol and metaphor in turn, I recognized the machinations
of my inner self, both the things I accepted and the things I was less willing
to embrace. Indeed, it is clear from the work of psychics like Rich and Dryer
that there is an enormous amount of information in the energy field. One
wonders if this is perhaps why Hunt obtained such a pronounced chaos pattern
when she analyzed data from the aura.

The ability to see
images in the human energy field is not new. Nearly three hundred years ago the
great Swedish mystic Emanuel Swedenborg reported that he could see a
“wave-substance” around people, and in the wave-substance a person's thoughts
were visible as images he called “portrayals.” In commenting on the inability
of other people to see this wave-substance around the body, he observed, “I
could see solid concepts of thought as though they were surrounded by a kind of
wave. But nothing reaches [normal] human sensation except what is in the middle
and seems solid.” Swedenborg could also see portrayals in his own energy field:
“When I was thinking about someone I knew, then his image appeared as he looked
when he was named in human presence; but all around, like something flowing in
waves, was everything I had known and thought about him from boyhood.”

Holographic Body

Frequency is not the
only thing that is distributed holographically throughout the field. Psychics
report that the wealth of personal information the field contains can also be
found in every portion of the body's aura. As Brennan puts it, “The aura not
only represents, but also contains, the whole.” California clinical
psychologist Ronald Wong Jue agrees. Jue, a former president of the Association
for Transpersonal Psychology and a talented clairvoyant, has found that an
individual's history is even contained in the “energy patterns” inherent
the body. “The body is a kind of microcosm, a universe unto itself reflecting
all of the different factors that a person is dealing with and trying to
integrate,” says Jue.

Like Dryer and Rich, Jue
has the psychic ability to tune into movies about the important issues in a
person's life, but instead of seeing them in the energy field, he conjures them
up in his mind's eye by laying his hands on a person and literally
psychometrizing their body. Jue says this technique enables him to determine
quickly the emotional scripts, core issues, and relationship patterns that are
most prominent in a person's life, and often uses it on his patients to
facilitate the therapeutic process. “The technique was actually taught to me by
a psychiatrist colleague of mine named Ernest Pecci,” Jue states. “He called it
‘body reading.’ Instead of talking about the etheric body and things like that,
I chose to use the holographic model as a way of explaining it and call it
Holographic Body Assessment.” In addition to using it in his clinical practice,
Jue also gives seminars in which he teaches others how to use the technique.

X-Ray Vision

In the last chapter we
explored the possibility that the body is not a solid construct, but is itself
a kind of holographic image. Another faculty possessed by many clairvoyants
seems to support this notion, that is, the ability to literally look inside a
person's body. Individuals who are gifted at seeing the energy field can also
often adjust their vision and see through the flesh and bones of the body as if
they were no more than layers of colored mist.

During the course of her
research, Karagulla discovered a number of people, both in and out of the medical
profession, who possessed this X-ray vision. One, a woman she identifies as
Diane, was the head of a corporation. Just before meeting Diane, Karagulla
wrote, “For me as a psychiatrist to be meeting somebody who was reported to be able
to ‘see’ right through me was a shattering reversal of my usual procedures.”

Karagulla put Diane
through a lengthy series of tests, introducing her to people and having her
make on-the-spot diagnoses. On one of these occasions Diane described a woman's
energy field as “wilted” and “broken into fragments” and said this indicated
she had a serious problem in her physical body. She then looked into the
woman's body and saw that there was an intestinal blockage near her spleen.
This surprised Karagulla because the woman showed none of the symptoms that
usually indicated such a serious condition. Nonetheless, the woman went to her
doctor, and X rays revealed a blockage in the precise area Diane had described.
Three days later the woman underwent surgery to have the life-threatening
obstruction removed.

In another series of
tests Karagulla had Diane diagnose patients at random in the outpatient clinic
of a large New York hospital. After Diane made a diagnosis Karagulla would
determine the accuracy of her observations by referring to the patient's
records. On one of these occasions Diane looked at a patient unknown to both of
them and told Karagulla that the woman's pituitary gland (a gland deep in the
brain) was missing, her pancreas looked as if it was not functioning properly,
her breasts had been affected but were now missing, she didn't have enough
energy going through her spine from the waist down, and she had trouble with
her legs. The medical report on the woman revealed that her pituitary gland had
been surgically removed, she was taking hormones which affected her pancreas,
she had had a double mastectomy due to cancer, an operation on her back to
decompress her spinal cord and relieve pains in her legs, and her nerves had
been damaged, making it difficult for her to empty her bladder.

In case after case Diane
revealed that she could gaze effortlessly into the depths of the physical body.
She gave detailed descriptions of the condition of the internal organs. She saw
the state of the intestines, the presence or absence of the various glands, and
even described the density or brittleness of the bones. Concludes Karagulla,
“Although I could not evaluate her findings regarding the energy body, her
observations of physical conditions correlated with amazing accuracy with the medical

Brennan is also skilled
at looking into the human body and calls the ability “internal vision.” Using
internal vision she has accurately diagnosed a wide range of conditions
including bone fractures, fibroid tumors, and cancer. She says she can often
tell the condition of an organ by its color: for example, a healthy liver looks
dark red, a jaundiced liver looks a sickly yellow-brown, and the liver of an
individual undergoing chemotherapy usually looks green-brown. Like many other
psychics with internal vision, Brennan can adjust the focus of her vision and
even see microscopic structures, such as viruses and individual blood cells.

I have personally
encountered several psychics with internal vision and can corroborate its
authenticity. One psychic I have seen demonstrate the ability is Dryer. On one
of these occasions she not only accurately diagnosed an internal medical
problem I was having, but offered some startling information of an entirely
different nature along with it. A few years back I started having trouble with
my spleen. To try and remedy the situation, I began performing daily
visualization exercises, seeing images of my spleen in a state of wholeness and
health, seeing it being bathed in healing light, and so on. Unfortunately, I am
a very impatient person, and when I did not have overnight success I got angry.
During my next meditation I mentally scolded my spleen and warned it in no
uncertain terms that it better start doing what I wanted. This incident took
place purely in the privacy of my own thoughts, and I quickly forgot about it

A few days later I saw
Dryer and asked her if she could look into my body and tell me if there was
anything I should be aware of (I did not tell her about my health problem).
Nonetheless, she immediately described what was wrong with my spleen and then
paused, scowling as if she was confused. “Your spleen's very upset about
something,” she murmured. And then suddenly it hit her. “Have you been
at your spleen?” I sheepishly admitted that I had. Dryer all but threw her
hands up. “You mustn't do that. Your spleen became ill because it thought it
was doing what you wanted. That was because you were unconsciously giving it
the wrong directions. Now that you've yelled at it, it's really confused.” She
shook her head with concern. “Never, never get angry at your body or your
internal organs,” she advised. “Only send them positive messages.”

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