The Holly Project (7 page)

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Authors: K.A. Sterritt

BOOK: The Holly Project
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“Oh sorry, um, that’s fine. Working at your office this week. Got it.”

We had dinner at an Italian restaurant in Darlinghurst. Despite making no further attempts to touch me, he was making my plan to stay professional and emotionally detached very difficult to carry out. I was incredibly drawn to him, and not just because he was so physically attractive. He had a sharp wit, a creative mind and was a complete gentleman, which I was mostly happy about, although part of me wanted to rip off his clothes and ditch my stupid plan altogether. What was happening to me?

“So tell me, Holly,” he said, as our coffees arrived. “How is it that a smart, funny and gorgeous girl like you is single?”

“I could ask you the same question. How is it that
are single?”

“Firstly, I asked first. And secondly, who says I am?”

The look on my face must have given me away.

“I’m kidding, Holly. I’m single. I’m not in a hurry to be tied down. So…?”

“So… that was a great meal. Have you ever been to Italy?”

“Nice try. No deflecting.”

Sighing, I sank down in my seat slightly. “I’m not interested in serious relationships either. I’m focused on my career.” It was an honest answer, and I hoped we could leave it at that.

“If I tell you something do you promise not to laugh?”

“No. I will definitely laugh. That’s like saying ‘promise you won’t think about pink elephants’. It’s impossible not to do something when you’re told not to. That’s a well-known scientific fact.”

“Okay then. I won’t tell you.”

“No, you have to now. Another well-known fact is that you can’t ask a question like that and then not spill it.”

He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “Wow, Holly. What must it be like to be your brain?”

“Spill it, Davenport.” I gave him my sternest look, making him laugh.

“Okay, okay.” He uncrossed his arms and put his elbows on the table. “I spent the weekend formulating a plan to keep my professional distance from you today.”

“Really?” I shocked myself with my composed response. “And how successful was your plan?” Butterflies were rioting in my stomach. It seemed we really were on the same page.

“Well, that depends on your perspective,” he replied, flooring me with his dazzling gaze.

“It was your plan. Surely there’s only one perspective?”

“No, what I mean is from a professional perspective, it went really well – I haven’t yet crossed any lines. But I desperately want to take you home and rip your clothes off, so it’s also going really badly.”

“Oh.” Staring at each other across the table, my mind went into a death spiral. What was I supposed to say to that? The heat in my cheeks burned and I could no longer risk looking him in the eye. He would be able to see my shaking resolve.

“It’s not worth the risk,” I whispered. But when I glanced up and met his eyes, I immediately questioned that statement.

Ryan signalled to a passing waiter for the bill.

“Look, Holly.” He reached across the table and took hold of my hands. “I don’t play games. I like you. You are a beautiful, sexy, talented woman and I’m not going to deny being out-of-my-mind attracted to you.”

I blushed at his compliment and pulled my hands back, placing them on my heated cheeks.

“What are you trying to say?” I whispered.

“I’m not sure exactly. I guess I don’t agree about it being such a great risk. We seem to both want the same thing here – neither of us is interested in anything serious.”

“Just sex, no relationship to complicate it. Is that what you mean?” I asked, trying to keep my voice as even and unaffected as possible.

“Let’s get out of here.” He stood, and held out his hand. I took it, which felt a lot like agreeing to his suggestion.

Ryan settled the bill, ignoring my attempts to split it with him. I didn’t push the point – it was, theoretically, a work dinner.

There were cabs lined up outside the restaurant but neither of us made a move towards them.

“Thanks for dinner.” I had no idea what to say or do.

Ryan stood directly in front of me and tilted my chin up, leaving me no choice but to look him in the eye.

“Tell me what’s going on in that crazy brain of yours, Holly.”

“So much. Too much. Possibly not enough? I’m confused, I guess.”

His lips touched mine and incredible sensations took over my entire body. I was insanely affected by this man, but I just wasn’t sure an emotionally detached fling was possible.

“We both know it will be amazing. Give it some thought. But don’t take too long.” He kissed me again, then led me to the cab at the front of the queue.

As my cab pulled away, I stole a glance out the back window. Ryan was standing where I had left him with his hands in his trouser pockets. He caught my eye and smiled. I smiled back. He knew. I knew. There was something special between us.

When I got home, Zara and Jake were cuddled up on one couch watching TV. Audrey and Jason were on the other couch, a platonic distance between them.

“Long day?” Jason asked. “How was it at the Davenport offices?”

“It was actually really fantastic. I’ve had to make a few changes to my design, but it’s really exciting. Mr Davenport has asked me to work there all week. How did Eva take the loss?”

“Not well. A toddler throwing a tantrum would be one way to describe it. But Slater asked her to help him with one of his other projects, so that shut her up.”

“Ugh. Glad I didn’t have to witness that.”

“Have you eaten?”

“Um, yes. Ryan, I mean, Mr Davenport, took me out for dinner.”

“Oh really?” Zara chimed in. “Well, wasn’t that nice of him.” She turned to Jake. “Holly is working for the sexiest man alive, Ryan Davenport.”

“I thought
was the sexiest man alive,” Jake said, kissing her neck.

“Of course you are, babe,” Zara said, winking at me.

After a shower, I flopped down on my bed and stared out the window at the city lights, blurred by the misting rain. It was only ten o’clock, but it felt much later. Trying to process what was happening to me was near impossible. Closing my eyes, I felt myself drifting off to sleep with a smile.

Chapter Twelve

Getting ready for day two at Davenport, I felt lighter somehow. Perhaps it was the fact that I had enjoyed working there so much the day before. Perhaps it was because I felt like my career was taking off, or perhaps it was the excitement brewing about my chemistry with Ryan. Whatever the reason, I decided to wear a skirt. Audrey was always telling me I should wear skirts to show off my legs, but I usually opted for the more conservative trouser suit option. As I smoothed my pencil skirt down an image flashed through my mind. It involved Ryan, and the skirt pooled at my feet. Holy cow, my mind was firmly in the gutter.

I wandered across Hyde Park and through the city to Town Hall station. I hated the train, especially at peak hour. We were jammed in like cattle, with no choice but to invade each other’s personal space. As I made my way to the Davenport offices I found myself surprisingly nervous about seeing Ryan, yet desperate to see him at the same time.

As I put my laptop down at my workstation, I glanced around the office and could see at least half the employees were yet to arrive. I looked over to Ryan’s corner office. The door was closed, so I couldn’t tell if he was in yet. Part of me was been disappointed when I realised he wasn’t waiting outside my building this morning, but I had quickly pushed those thoughts out of my head.

Today, my only strategy was to get on with my work and try not to let my mind wander. No more daydreaming about Ryan hovering over me naked, with hooded eyes.

Seriously, Holly. That is not helping!

For the next few hours, that’s exactly what I did. I barely looked up from my computer and was surprisingly productive. All my experience with detaching my emotions meant it was easier than I’d expected.

“Hi.” He startled me and I shivered at the sound of his voice.

“Hi,” I replied, swivelling my chair around. I was still startled by his raw beauty. It may sound strange to describe a man as beautiful, but that’s exactly what he was. His commanding frame emanated a rugged strength that was complemented by his clear, dark eyes, which were currently undressing me with their gaze. They must have been – I suddenly felt like ripping my clothes off.

Seriously, snap out of it Holly!

“Sorry I didn’t pick you up this morning. I had an early morning conference call with the London office. Hope the train was bearable.”

“Totally bearable, thanks. I’m perfectly capable of getting here myself.”

“I’m not trying to threaten the feminist movement here, Holly. I enjoy your company. Is that a crime?” He was grinning so I knew he wasn’t irritated. He also glanced down to my skirt, which had ridden a little higher when I crossed my legs.

There goes my contribution to the feminist movement. Using my body to flirt with a man.

“Can I see you in my office?” he asked, appearing mildly pained.

Pushing my skirt down and my shoulders back, I followed him, walking as casually as I could. When I reached his office, he was leaning back against his large black desk, his legs crossed at the ankles.

“What can I do for you?” I asked coyly.

“You can close the door for a start.” I closed the door then paused for a few seconds with my hand resting on the door, trying to muster some mental strength before turning around.

“So, I’m all yours.”

“Interesting choice of words, Holly.”

“I meant… we’re in private now. What did you want to talk to me about?” I took a couple of steps towards him and his eyes raked down my body. I should have felt objectified, but instead I felt empowered by the appreciative look in his eyes.

“You should wear skirts more often. You have great legs.”

“Thank you.”
I wore it for you.

“I’ve booked a table for us to have lunch on Friday at a venue just north of Sydney.”

“Oh, okay. Sounds lovely.”

“It’s a stunning property and it’s won countless environmental awards for its luxury accommodation. It reminds me of your design concept for my apartment building.”

“Oh… Right… Okay…” My whole body flushed at the mention of accommodation. I felt dehydrated suddenly.

“Excellent. I know the owner so I’ll arrange for a full tour.”

The magnetic draw to him was stronger than ever and my body was screaming at me to be pressed up against him. As if he could read my mind, he stepped forward and ran his hand across my cheek. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and my whole body tingled at his light touch. My desire for him was overwhelming,

“Come on, we’re going on an Aqua Vue site visit. I know you’ve been there, but I’d like to take you there myself. I love the location even more since hearing your presentation.”

Davenport Property had bought an old apartment building on the harbour foreshore next to McMahons Point ferry wharf. Extensive building works had already been undertaken to ensure it was structurally sound. The guts had essentially been ripped out, and the building was ready for a whole new layout. My design was for eight luxury apartments, each taking up one of the graduating levels. The design took advantage of the incredible water views whilst also minimising the environmental impact.

As Ryan drove us the short distance to the site, he fired questions at me about my ideas on design and the current architectural trends – my favourite topic.

One of the reasons I loved the Aqua Vue site so much was the view of the CBD skyline from the north. The hundred-and-eighty-degree view captured Luna Park fairground directly across Lavender Bay, then the Harbour Bridge, across to the CBD and then down towards Darling Harbour. From here, you could feel you were a part of the city while still being removed enough for a tranquil perspective. A cold breeze rushed up off the water and Ryan immediately put his arm around me.

“I love this view,” Ryan said, quietly.

“Me too. I was just thinking that.”

Ryan smiled at me, then stared out across the water.

“I’m going to keep one of the apartments when the building is complete,” he said, still not looking at me. “So this development is personal.”

“As a kid, I loved Luna Park.” Ryan raised his eyebrows, obviously surprised. “I loved the scary rides. The roller coaster was actually pretty terrifying, but the adrenaline rush was like nothing else. I was a bit of an adrenaline junkie as a kid.”

“Did something happen to change that?” His arm seemed to tighten around my shoulder.

“I grew up, I guess. I like to be in control of my own actions. I don’t enjoy things being beyond my control the way I used to. Does that make sense?”

“I like being in control too. I love running my own company. But sometimes you have to let your hair down and have some fun, too. What do you do for fun, Holly?”

“I hang out with my friends. I run. I go out for coffee. I walk through old buildings.”

“Can you add casual sex with your boss to that list?” He was laughing.

I elbowed him in the side. “You’re not my boss, you’re my client. And there’s no way I would ever have sex with Slater.”

We both laughed and I realised how much I enjoyed hearing his laugh. I shook my head. I enjoyed everything about him. His physical presence was overriding all my senses.

“So, I’m meeting my friends for a few drinks after work.” I had no idea why I was telling him that. The words just tumbled out of my mouth. “We’ll probably get dinner together. You’re welcome to join us, though I’m sure you have better things to do.”

“I’d like to meet your friends.”

“Right, of course, okay then, excellent.” I rubbed my forehead, knowing I sounded like an idiot. How was I going to keep this casual if I let him penetrate my personal life? Then again, we hadn’t actually started anything yet, so it would just be dinner with friends.

Looking across at Luna Park, I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Mum had loved the roller coaster too. We must have been on it a hundred times. The rattly cars of the Wild Mouse would propel us forward to certain death before jerking around the corner at the last second, only to hurtle down a steep decline. Mum and I would scream and laugh – usually at the same time. I laughed aloud at the memory and Ryan looked at me curiously.

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