The History of the Renaissance World (133 page)

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Authors: Susan Wise Bauer

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Richard of Cornwall, 360

Robert, duke of Normandy, 3–4

Robert, king of Naples, 416

Robert (illegitimate son of Robert the Bruce), 498

Robert (Louis IX’s brother), 333, 335–36

Robert II “the Pious,” king of France, 235

Robert III, count of Flanders, 462

Robert Guiscard, 13

Robert of Artois, 412

Robert of Courtenay, ruler of Constantinople, 221–22

Robert of Geneva,
Clement VII, pope

Robert of Ketton, 46

Rogerius of Apulia, 315

Roger of Hoveden, 166, 172, 202

Roger of Lauria, 391

Roger of Wendover, 78, 168, 174, 203, 204–5, 248, 250–55, 257–58, 275, 294–95, 304

Roman Catholic Church, 179, 219, 240, 539, 542, 555

absence of pope in, 375

anticlericalism and, 354–55, 357

antipopes of, 83, 85–86

Cathar opposition to, 236

Hussites as part of, 649

Louis IX’s devotion to, 357

Orthodox beliefs vs., 376
, 651–52

Papal Schism and, 413, 486–87, 579, 601, 612–18, 645

slavery supported by, xxv, 659–60

Wycliffe’s defiance of, 582

Roman empire, 144, 443

Romanus Pontifex
, xxv, 660

Rome, 7, 10, 77, 82–83, 128, 172, 180, 204, 235, 238, 242, 244, 249, 257, 258, 283, 296, 320, 321, 322, 339, 359, 364, 365, 375, 376, 389, 391, 413, 416, 461, 486, 488–89, 541, 571–74, 615, 650, 659–60, 669, 673, 677

Senate of, 541

Rome, ancient, 488–89, 633

Christianity in, 3

ideas and thinkers of, xxiii–xxiv

Romulus, 489

Rory O’Connor, high king of Ireland, 148–49

Rothelin Continuation, 369

Rouen, 174, 203, 625, 667–68, 669

Rouen Castle, 517

Rousillon, 391

Royal Chronicles of U Thong, 531–32

Rudolf of Hapsburg, king of Germany, 365, 388–89, 410

Ruhuna, 108

ruins, Nazca, 189

Rum, Turkish sultanate of, 17, 34, 135, 222, 340, 419, 599

Runnymede, 253–54

Rupert, king of Germany, 613, 616

Rus’ people, 266, 283, 284, 315, 341, 349, 506, 509, 555, 560–61, 627

timelines, 269, 274, 317, 325

Russia, 560

Rye, 579

Sabbah, Hasan, 227–28

Sabea, 288

Sahara Desert, 94–95, 457, 587

Saifawa dynasty, 288

St. Denis, 665

St. Denis abbey, 50

St. Edmonds, 251

St. John Lateran, 416

Saint-Leu-d’Esserent, 520

Saint-Malo, 304

St. Mary’s of the Germans, 282

St. Peter’s Basilica, 486, 649

St. Romanus gate, 678, 680

Sajo river, 315

Saladin, 89, 105–6, 155–59, 166, 168, 170–73, 275, 282, 449, 628

conquests of,

Saleph river, 170

Salian dynasty, 20

Salic Law, 417, 463, 467, 499, 515

Salih Ismail, as-, 333

Salimbene, 24, 324

Salisbury, earl of, 335

Salmama I, king of Kanem, 97

salt, 95

Salt Range mountains, 230

Salvatierra, 243–44

Salzburg, 445

Samana, 404

Samarkand, 264, 558, 561, 563, 627, 632

Samguk Sagi
, 71

samurai, 62, 66, 161, 163, 211, 382–83, 470, 473, 475

Sancho, king of Castile, 88

Sancho I, king of Portugal, 242–44

Sancho the Strong, king of Navarre, 242–44

Sanctus, Louis, 507

Sandwich, rumored French landing at, 593

Sankama, king of Kalachuri, 115

Saracens, 239

Sarai, 316, 561

Sardinia, 321–22

Sargon, 102

Sarrasin, John, 335

Sartaq, 310–11

satin weave, 56

Savelli, Giacomo (Pope Honorius IV), 391, 392

Savoy, 574

Savoy Palace, 521, 583

Saxony, 82

Count Palatine of, 316

Scandinavia, 604–9,

Scania, 608

Schiltberger, Johann, 601–2

Schweppermann, Siegfried, 484

Scipio Africanus, 488

Scone Abbey, 398, 399, 498

Scotland, 22, 394,
, 463, 466, 574, 583, 621

England at war with, 397–401, 433–38, 497–99

France and, 433, 501, 663

timelines, 24, 402, 409, 439, 448, 454, 469, 477, 483, 504, 511, 524, 536, 586, 597, 603

scutage, 203–4, 252, 361

Sea of Parakrama (reservoir), 109

Second Barons’ War, 361–63

Second Council of Lyons, 375

Second Crusade, 39–41, 76, 81, 135

Secret History of the Mongols, The
, 195–97

(Galen), 46

Seine, 249

Semlin, 139

Sena empire, 117, 119–24, 225

Senegal, 459

Senegal river, 455

Sens, bishop of, 52

Seoul, 568

Sephoria, 157–58

Serbia, 137–39, 144, 168, 170, 424,
, 537, 539, 542, 598, 599, 600, 630, 632, 673–76

timelines, 140, 147, 426, 432, 543, 550, 556, 603, 610

Serbia, archbishop of, 222

, 61

Setton, Kenneth, 285

Seuna, 112, 115

Seven Summits, 189

Seventh Crusade, 333–37,
, 353–55, 364

Seville, 45, 306–7

(Firdausi), 121

Shah Rukh, 632

Shams-i-Siraj, 482, 548–49

Shams-ud-Din, sultan (Malik Haji Ilyas), 480–81, 544–45

Shang-ching, 58

Shangdong Peninsula, 526

Shangdu, 380, 386

Shaoxing Treaty, 27, 53

Shawar, Fatimid vizier, 104–5

sheep, 445

shepherds, 582

Shewa, 288

Shi’ite Muslims, 226–28

, 212–15, 382–83, 470–75

Shimotsuke, 473

Shin Ton, 565–67

Shirakawa, emperor of Japan, 62–63

Shiraz, 97

Shirkuh, 104–6

Shiva, 108, 110, 113–14, 119

Shizong, 58

Short, Jack, 434

Shoshi, 64

Shrewsbury, Battle of, 621

, 471

Siberia, 561

Sibylla, queen of Jerusalem, 156–57

Sic et Non
(Abelard), 51

Sicilian Code of 1231, 320

Sicilian Vespers, 390–91,

Sicily, 82, 141, 176, 318, 319, 320, 323, 359–61, 363–65,
, 373, 374, 389, 390, 391, 410, 571

Siena, 415, 573, 574, 575

Sigismund, Holy Roman emperor, 553–54, 600–601, 616–18, 645–50,
, 673, 675, 677

Sikandar, 545

Silesia, 284

Simeon of Durham, 21

Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester, 205, 238, 240, 242–43, 245–46, 257–59, 305

Simon de Montfort the Younger, 308, 361–63

“Simonie, The,” 463

Sind, 228, 229, 329

Singh, Jaitra, 230

Sinjong, king of Goryeo, 73

Siraj, Shams-i, 544

Sira-ordu, 339

Sirisamghabodhi, king of Sri Lanka, 271

Sixth Crusade, 295–96


in Africa, 95, 97, 100, 208–9, 588, 654, 658–60

in Byzantium, 145

Christianity and, 659–60

Circassian, 628

in Delhi, 327, 330

Egypt and, 349

fall of Antioch and, 351

Islam and, 226, 588

mamluks and, 225–26

Mongols and, 349

Portuguese trade in, xxv, 654, 658–60

Slavic territories, 81, 83

Slavic tribes, 137, 238, 283

Sluys, 593

Sluys, Battle of, 499, 501

Smolensk, 266

Sofia, 598

Sogut, 419

(warrior monks), 62, 63

Soissons, 49, 51, 235

Solankis, 123

Solomon, king, 288

Solomonid dynasty, 288

Someshvara, king of Kalachuri, 114, 115

Somesvara IV, king of Western Chalukya, 115


Northern, 526

Southern, 27–29,
, 55–59,
, 195, 312–13, 339, 340–43, 379–80, 382–83

timelines, 33, 42, 60, 68, 75, 201, 206, 210, 269, 274, 317

Song Bing, 383

Song of the Cathar Wars
, 259

Song Duanzong, 382–84

Song Duzong, emperor, 379, 380, 382–83

Song dynasty, 25–29, 197, 199

laws and institutions of, 299

Song Gaozong, emperor of China, 26–27, 55–58

Song Gong, emperor of the Southern Song, 382

Song Qinzong, 55

Soninke people, 99–100

Sosso clan, 100, 207–9,

timelines, 101, 107, 116, 210, 216

South America, 188–93,

timelines, 194, 201, 206

Southampton, 501, 579

Southeast Asia,
, 298–301,

, 135, 177, 275, 293, 522, 574

in the Americas, 188, 192

Christian reconquest of, xxiii, 43–47, 88–92, 243–46, 304–7, 515, 655

Crusade in, 244–46

discord between Christian kings of, 242–44

Muslim, xxiii, 43–47, 88–92, 177, 242–46, 306–7, 372, 373, 515, 655

timelines, 48, 54, 93, 101, 107, 246, 247, 261, 309, 317, 378, 393, 402, 418

Spandounes, Theodore, 539–40

Sri Lanka, 108–12,
, 113,
, 119, 270–73, 428, 547, 548, 638

timelines, 116, 125, 133, 274, 280

Staines, 253

Statute of Rhuddlan (1284), 397

Stefan Dushan, king of Serbia, 424–25, 537, 539, 542

Stefan Lazarević, king of Serbia, 630

Stefan Nemanja, grand prince of all Serbia, 139, 144, 424

Stephen III, king of Hungary, 139

Stephen of Blois, king of England, 21–22, 76, 78, 127, 149, 254

Stirling, 399

Stirling Bridge, 400–401, 433

Stirling Castle, 433

Stockholm, 607

Stone of Scone, 398, 399–400

Studium Arabicum, 373

Subotai, 263, 264, 310, 312–13, 315–16, 340

Sudan, 458–59

Sufism, 544–45

Sukhothai, 300, 531–32

Sulayman, Dawed b., 97–98

Suleyman (son of Bayezid), 630

Suleyman Pasha, 538–39

Sully, 667

Sultanpur, 479

Sumanguru Kante, 100, 207–9

Sumatra, 108

Sundiata, king of the Sosso, 208–9, 455

Suphanburi, 531

Suryavarman II, king of Khmer, 29–31, 300

Sussex, 579

Sutoku, emperor of Japan, 64–65

Swabia, 611–12, 616

Swabian League, 611–12

Swahili peoples, 97

Sweden, 604–7,
, 609

timelines, 610, 619, 626

Syam, 300, 531–32

timelines, 302, 309, 536, 543, 550

Sylvester II, pope, 46

Sylvius, Aeneas,
Pius II, pope

Syr Darya river, 313

Syria, 34, 102, 156, 157, 295, 333, 335, 347, 348, 375, 450, 506, 628

First Crusade and, 3

plague in, 50

timelines, 12, 18, 24, 33, 42, 48, 107, 116, 125, 140, 160, 165, 175, 183, 194, 201, 280, 286, 292, 297, 302, 325, 331, 338, 345, 352, 358, 366, 378, 387

Syrian revolt, 296

Szörény, 675

, 122, 200, 225–26, 326, 329

Tabriz, 558, 632

Tacaynamo, 192

Taejo, emperor of Joseon, 566–68

Tafur, Pero, 673, 675

Taghaza, 95, 456

Tagliacozzo, Battle of, 365

Taichi’ut clan, Mongol, 195

, 195

, 472, 474

Taillebourg, 308

Taira clan, 62–63, 65–67, 161, 163

Taira Kiyomori, 66–67, 161–63

Taira Munemori, 162–63

Taira Shigemori, 161

Taira Tokuko, 161

Taira Yorimori, 161

Takakura, emperor of Japan, 161

Tale of Hogen, The
, 65

Tales of the Heike
, 161–63

Talsandah, 329

Tamar, queen of Georgia, 264

Tamil language, 273

Tang dynasty, 341, 640

Tangier, 451, 656–57

Tangut language, 198

Tanis, 105

Tarain, Second Battle of, 123

Tayisi, Esen, 643

Ta Yu,
Dai Viet

Tbilisi, 264, 313, 630

Temple Bar, 583

Temple Mount, 296

Genghis Khan

Tenedos, 538

Tenochtitlán, 494–95

Teotihuacan, 192

Terek river, 561

Battle of, 561–63,

Termes, 240

Teutonic Knights, 282–85, 315, 552, 554

Teutonic Order of Prussia, 646

Texcoco, Lake, 492–94

Tezozomoc, king of Azcapotzalco, 494–95

Tezozómoc, Fernando Alvarado, 492

Thai, 531, 533

Thailand, 300

Thai Tong,
Tran Canh, king of Dai Viet

Thames river, 78, 253

Thang Long, 27, 29, 30, 298, 301, 342, 385, 534

Thanjavur, 273

Theobald, king of Navarre, 373–74

Theobald of Bec, archbishop of Canterbury, 127

Theoderic the Ostrogoth, 5–6

Theodore Comnenus Ducas, ruler of Epirus, 221

Theodore II Lascaris, ruler of Nicaea, 369

Theodore Lascaris, rule of Nicaea, 220–21, 222

Theodosian Code of 438, 234

Theologia Scholarium
(Abelard), 49, 50–52

theological categories, 53

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