Read The Highlander's Lady Online

Authors: Eliza Knight

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Romance, #Scottish, #Historical Fiction, #Historical Romance

The Highlander's Lady (8 page)

BOOK: The Highlander's Lady
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“Ye were hoping I’d say n
?” Her words came out before she could pull them back, and Myra felt heat suffuse her cheeks. Being so sheltered within Foulis she’d often spoken her mind, however it got her a paddling from her father or from her nursemaid, and as she got older, penance from the priest.

Daniel chuckled, though the smile barely reached his eyes. “Nay, ’tis glad I am ye said aye.”

Myra narrowed her eyes, watching as beads of sweat formed on his brow and trickled down over his temples. His reaction was not only priceless considering he was the one who laid it out on the table, but also moved to ease her sense of weariness. Daniel was human after all, and genuine.

“I promise not to kill ye on our wedding night,” she offered in half humor, her lip quirking up slightly.

Too late she realized what her reference brought to mind as Daniel’s eyes darkened a little and his gaze roved over her.
He grunted, as if accepting her at her word, but his mind was far
. Nay, he was where she was—thinking ceaselessly and with abandon about…
The wedding night. A bedding. One she was not entirely opposed to. What would it be like to feel his large, strong, coarse hands on her? To have his lips brush over hers, brand her flesh as he claimed her? Myra’s heart
and sweat form
ed in beads
along her spine. Goodness she felt hot of a sudden.

Myra was completely and utterly aware of what went on between a man and a woman. Not only because she’d been told—and she’d been warned that it was not pleasant at all for a woman, but being that one of her favorite pastimes was to sneak about in the hidden passageways, she’d seen more than
one occasion of lovemaking. And it didn’t look unpleasant at all.

Quite the opposite.

! Why was she even thinking about making love to Daniel? She was not really going to marry him. She was going to go along with it until she’d kept her word to her brother, then she’d go back to Foulis and take on the responsibilities of laird. Rebuild their castle, reinforce their clan. Until the day her nephew could do so himself—
be a nephew

Daniel stepped toward her, and she stared down at his booted feet, taking note
once more
how much larger they were than her own.
What was it she’d heard the vulgar warriors shout out on more than one occasion? The bigger a man’s feet, the bigger his… She gasped.
Slowly, she allowed her gaze to travel upward over his
, muscular legs, the plush wool plaid, leine shirt that clung to his broad chest, thick arms, then finally back to his ruggedly handsome, chiseled face.

Myra swallowed at what she saw there. Desire. And it only intensified her own. Suddenly her mouth was dry, and she was afraid if she spoke only a choking sound would come out.

“How shall we insure our agreement is set?”
His voice was lower than before and sent a shiver racing through her.

“What do you mean?”

“I canna have ye back
away from this

Why did he suddenly seem so much closer?

“Why do ye need a wife?” For there was no other reason for him to have made that the condition. The man was in need.
She had to know why
before she agreed to anything further

He smiled, his eyes dancing at her having figured him out. “Ye are astute, my little lass.”

“And ye are not answering the question.”

He grinned wider. “’Tis a promise I made to my clan. I’ve not yet married and they hound me at every waking moment.”

She nodded, completely understanding that. Her clan had hounded her too, and thank goodness her marriage had yet to take place.
Daniel needing to marry only further proved his importance to his clan. Was it possible a powerful chief stood before her?

Myra cocked her head, more questions filling her mind.
“Why are ye going to the Bruce?”

Daniel shrugged.
“I like to fight.”

Myra l
aughed. “At least ye’re honest. I’ll be a widow before long.”

He grinned and winked, thrilling her to her toes. How could he do that by simply shutting one eye? Myra didn’t know, but she certainly wouldn’t mind him doing it again.

“Now ye are avoiding the question.”

“What was the question?” she asked, hoping he wouldn’t make her do some sort of pagan blood oath.

“How can I ensure ye will not run away once I
’ve seen ye safely to the Bruce?

She had no idea… For she planned to go back to Foulis upon relaying her message. Myra shrugged. “Trust?”

“A Highlander never trusts anyone completely.”

“Then ye are without many friends.”

Daniel frowned. “Enough playing games. I must have a guarantee that ye’ll marry me come spring.”

“Or else ye’ll have hell to pay from your clan?”

“Nay. My mother and uncle will only make sure I’m married to someone else.”

“Then why not do that?”

“I want to marry ye.”

His confession took her breath away.
She took a step back, unsure of herself and the worth he thrust onto her.

Daniel shrugged. “Ye are fair bonny, lass. Ye’re brave and I like my women strong in mind as well as body.”

She was flattered that he’d noticed those things about her and that he liked them. Most were turned off by how
simperish she was. Myra was no Rose. She was not likely to do what her husband told her, and she was likely to get into trouble with the gust of the wind.

“Thank ye.”

“No thanks required. I didna say it to flatter ye, simply stating facts.”

How could he make the nice things he’d said sound so horrid? Myra frowned, whatever warmth she’d gained from his praise dissipating.

He was a man after all. ’Twasn’t like she could expect much. Why was she trying to make him out to be better than the others she’d known and met along the path of her life? He was exponentially better than the vagrants, but was he up to par with some of the other nobles that had visited Foulis?

Her frown deepened and her fingers played distractedly with
a string along the wrist
of her
once beautiful
gown. She couldn’t understand why, but she did find him better. And he was ruining it by scowling and being so matter of fact.

Refusing to let him dampe
her mood,
decided she
would take the higher road. “Nonetheless, I thank ye. What did ye have in mind? I’ve no parchment paper, have ye? ’Haps when we arrive at Eilean Donan, or at an inn along the way, we could write up a contract of marriage.”

Daniel shook his head. “Nay. Must be now.”


She glanced around. They had no way of getting parchment paper anywhere near here.

“So ye’ve something in your sporran then
or in your satchel on that warhorse

Daniel snickered, and Myra narrowed her eyes.

“I’m of a mind to handfast, lass.”

She took a step back.
“Handfast?” Now she was
the one
shaking her head. That was not good. Handfasting wasn’t permanent, but it could be made so. If he bed
her and she were to become with child…

“Then ye did plan to run.”
His voice hardened sending a chill through her.

Myra shook her head vehemently, keenly aware of how alone she was with this man.

“Why would ye deny a handfast then? ’Tis the best solution to our dilemma.”

Myra didn’t see it that way.
Nay, handfasting was as good as a wedding ceremony in her eyes. Would be harder to get
of too.

“Who are ye?”

“I told ye, I’m Daniel.”

“Aye, but what of your clan?”

Daniel stepped closer, and
the air around her grew warmer
. She had the urge to snuggle closer, to pull some of that heat off of him and onto herself.
He was distracting her from what she needed to know.

She took a
step back.

Daniel followed her, his toes nearly touching her own.

“I am a relation to Andrew Moray—William Wallace’s leader until he passed. Does that satisfy your curiosity?”

She nodded, although it only assuaged it somewhat.

“Then we shall handfast.”

Her face was so hot now, she swore it was going to burst into flames. He wouldn’t take no for an answer and she was fast running out of options.

He gripped her hand
, those large calloused fingers scraping over overs.
Myra forced her fingers not to tremble which only made her knees knock together. The intent look in his eyes scared her more than when she and Rose had come to the end of the tunnel and she had to go in search of horses. This was frightening in an entirely different way, for it looked
like he would kiss her and she’d never been kissed before.
Worse still, she wanted him to kiss her. No, nay, she didn’t!

Myra swallowed, trying to catch her breath as his boots nudged into her feet.

“I would handfast with ye, Myra, if ye’re to be my wife come spring.”

She found herself nodding in agreement. Oh, wayward neck!

Then he did bend down, eyes slightly closed, his black hair falling in virile wisps against his stubbled cheeks. Myra was not going to close her eyes. She was going to watch every moment of this. Feel every touch, breath.

Daniel’s lips
hers. They were warm, soft and rough at the same time. They brushed back and forth as if he wanted to feel every last trace of her lips.

His lashes were dark, long, thick, and pressed to his cheeks. Little blue veins were etched over his lids, and his brows were arched, full. A tiny scar graced the space between his brows. As his lips tenderly touched hers, making her heart race, her palms sweat and legs tremble, Myra found she could no longer concentrate on his features.

She closed her eyes.

Chapter Six


oly Mary Mother of God…

Myra’s lips were the sweetest of sins. Soft, plush, warm, wet where she’d flicked her tongue over them. Daniel couldn’t get enough of her sweet kiss. Couldn’t get enough of

tempting, seductive. Her cheek was warm as his nose bumped against it. Daniel wanted to tuck her tight against him, to feel the entire length of her body pressed to his. But he couldn’t.

Not yet.

She was so innocent. He didn’t want to scare her. Handfasting was important. Must be done, and now.

Gently, he pulled away from her, took in the dazed look in her eyes. She gazed at him with wonder, surprise, and there was a bit of fear dancing in there as well.

He gripped her hands in his, feeling them tremble slightly at his touch.

“Why did ye do that?” she asked.

“Kiss ye?”

“Aye.” She kept pressing her lips firmly together, only to move them around a little, like she could still feel him kissing her.

Daniel tried hard not to laugh a little at that. He’d kiss her again if she didn’t stop.

“I couldna help myself.”

“I told ye
, ye
had little control.” She frowned in the most adorable way.

Daniel grinned. “Ye tempt me. Did ye not enjoy it?”

Myra’s face flushed a pretty shade of red and she flicked her gaze toward the ground. “Nay.” She bit her lip.


Her head snapped up. “Why do ye say that?”

“Well, from the way ye kissed me back, and the feel of your quickened breath upon my cheek I would have thought ye did. Ye didna pull away either. ’Twas I who ended the kiss.”

At this she met his eyes, fire dancing in their depths. “Are ye saying that ye didna enjoy it?”

Oh, saints, this woman was a pleasure to tease.

“Well, I could tell ’twas either your first, or ye’ve been
some lousy kissers.”

She gasped, her blush deepening, spreading down her neck, and he wished to rip open her cloak and spy if that blush caressed her breasts.
She wiggled her fingers at him and too late he realized
he’d been staring. And she’d caught him.

“What was it ye were saying about self-control? Ye have none?” Myra gave
disgusted snort
and rolled

Daniel had to remember that she was a lady. A virgin. An innocent. Not one of the women he’d likely take up with at a tavern or one of the more promiscuous widows he enjoyed well into the night. Myra may not even know exactly what went on between a man and a woman.

He was suddenly contrite.

“Apologies, my lady. I seem to have forgotten myself.”

She grunted in a very unladylike way. “I’d say so. Shall we get on with it?”

“With what?”

At this, she rolled her eyes
once more
. What the hell was happening? Daniel always had the upper hand
How was it that this slip of a woman had made him lose his mind? How had she taken over control of him so quickly and
’Twas only a kiss, and not even a very good one. There’d not even been one tongue involved.

Daniel glowered down at her, sickened when he noted that slight streaks of
red twisted through her otherwise black hair. Why should he notice such a fine

“The handfasting, ye brute. ’Twill not be lon
g before the man’s friends come
along, hoping to catch me off guard. They
’ve not
kindly to me killing their leader.”

“My men will have likely met up with them and sent them on their way.”

“Let us pray, since ye do not
appear to
have your wits. Does kissing always affect ye so?

The little twit… Daniel gripped her hands harder, stared at her with sudden seriousness and watched her eyes widen. “
Nay, it doesna, and ye’ll need to learn to treat your husband with a bit more respect.” Now he realized why her brother
kept her hidden away.
Understood why when
Daniel asked about her, Byron had claimed she was unruly.
She was a spritely woman with a fiery temper and he aimed to tame her.

Come spring, she’d be the model wife, one he’d be proud to show off to his mother
and cousins
. But most of all, if she didn’t tone down her
, she’d likely get herself into trouble. Which she’d already done.
Been forced to kill a man
, and had seemingly recovered quite well after the initial shock.
Daniel was puzzled. The woman made no sense to him.

Perhaps he’d not given her enough credit.

Myra yanked her h
ands away. “I’ll not
handfast with
a brute.
I’ve come this far, I can make my way, with or without ye.”

Despite her words he could see the fear in her eyes, see her lip tremble. She was scared. Perhaps most of her bravado was from fear. Daniel had no sisters and while he did spend much time with his female cousins, women still mystified him. He’d need to be gentler with her. Especially if he was going to gain her agreement.

Daniel needed a wife, and Myra offered up the perfect opportunity. She would save him from certain doom
. Marriage
to a

“I’m sorry, lass. I didna mean to frighten ye. I promise ye, I’m not a brute.”

She frowned. “Ye promised to control yourself too and yet ye’ve already kissed me.”

Daniel reached for her hands once more, stroking his thumb over her knuckles. “Aye. If ’tis your wish, I’ll not kiss ye again.”
Until the bedding

The way she hesitated showed him that she wanted him to kiss her again, that she wasn’t as opposed to it as she made out.

Daniel smiled, trying for sweet to keep her calm and it worked. Myra smiled back, the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen.

“Ye are beautiful, lass.”

“Thank ye.”

Ripping a small strip of cloth form his plaid he wrapped it around her hands.
“I would take ye to be my wife. As God and his bounteous earth would be my witness, I wed with ye.”

Myra swallowed and licked
lips several times before repeating his words.

“Come spring we’ll make it official.”

“Congratulations, my laird.” Leo and his men rode up just then, obviously witnessing their exchange.

“And now we have witnesses,” Daniel said to Myra
turning to Leo. “Allow me to introduce Lady
—we’ve handfasted until spring.”

“My lady,” Leo and the others said as they dismounted from their horses and knelt before her.

Myra looked as shocked as Daniel felt.
She took the strip of plaid from him, shoving it into her boot.
His men were so quick to show her loyalty. They knew not who she was, only
that she now belonged to him. ’Twas a good sign that his men were well and truly on their way to seeing Daniel for his true self, without the veil of his father’s scorn hanging between them.

“Leo, a word,” Daniel said. Turning to Myra he motioned for her to remain where she was. “I’ll be but a moment.”

Myra winged a brow, as though she wanted to retort, but to his surprise she kept her opinion or rejoinder to herself. Daniel smiled. He’d made the right choice.

Several yards away, he came to a stop and met Leo’s eyes. “What did ye find?”

“Found several men burying a dead man. We asked who he was and they said it was their leader, that a woman had killed him.”

Daniel nodded. “Myra.”

“Aye, we gathered that as soon as we came upon ye. There is blood covering the front of her gown.”

Daniel had forgotten about that. They’d have to get her something different to wear soon. A bloody gown would only draw attention. Besides that, he wanted his wife to wear something befitting a lady. Befitting Lady Murray. His wife. The term brought a sick twist to his gut, and Daniel for a moment thought he might toss up his meager breakfast.

“Are ye all right, laird?”

“Fine,” he bit out.

“Ye look a might pale. Did ye know she killed a man?”


Leo nodded. “We made sure the other men headed in the opposite direction with plenty of threats to keep them well away.”

Daniel nodded.

“She is verra brave,” Leo said, staring off toward Myra.


She’ll make ye a good wife


“Well, it’s a good thing we joined ye when we did to provide witness.”

Seemed to be he was speechless, capable of only answering in one syllable words. He’d not expected to be so affected by taking a wife.

“Who is she?”

“She is the sister of the late Laird Munro.”

“Lady Munro arrived at Blair the morning we left, no?”

“Aye. Apparently his sister dropped her off then took
the road on her own.”


Daniel had given his word that Myra’s mission was for his knowledge only. He shrugged. “Nowhere in particular, she was in a bit of sho
ck. I told her I’d protect her.

“By marrying her?” Leo looked skeptical.

“Aye. And she doesn’t know I know who she is. Keep it between us.” Yet another way to test his man’s loyalty.

His second-in-command shrugged, then changed the subject, obviously accepting what Daniel had said.
Daniel couldn’t have been more pleased.
“Saw some smoke coming from
several places in
the woods.
. Most likely
camp fire
. We’re not alone here. Best if we were on our way, so we can make it out of these woods which
filled with rough men.
Especially with a lady in tow.”

Daniel nodded.

“If I may speak freely…” Leo’s expression looked strained.

“Ye are free to speak your mind, Leo, but choose your words wisely.”

“What will ye do with the lady at Eilean Donan? It’s a training camp for soldiers.”

“’Tis also a castle, and castles oft have women to help run things. I’m sure she’ll find plenty to do there.”

However smooth his answer sounded, Daniel wouldn’t let on that he was in fact worried over what she would do
there. Myra had yet to share her message with him. What if the Bruce didn’t like what he heard? What if she was sent on some other errand beyond a message? She’d killed a man easily—albeit in self-defense. Was it possible she was sent to assassinate the Bruce?
If so, by whom?

What better
way to send in a killer. No one would ever suspect a woman, least of all a beautiful woman, sister of a laird who’d just been murdered.

Daniel looked over at Myra, watched as she stood, shoulders back, eyes straight ahead, neither staring at anyone or anything.

She puzzled him, intrigued him. He’d just have to be on his guard. And when she went to deliver her message he would insist on attending her. Even if she was spitting mad over it. There were still a few days left until they arrived at the camp, plenty of time to learn more of her secrets.

“The men and I are pleased ye found a woman to wed, my laird. We’ve watched
your mother
and your uncle bring in many from around the Highlands. None were so bonny, nor so brave as the lass ye’ve tied yourself to.”

BOOK: The Highlander's Lady
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