The Highlander's Hope - A Contemporary Highland Romance (9 page)

BOOK: The Highlander's Hope - A Contemporary Highland Romance
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“Is that so?”

“Aye, it is.”  He reached over and pulled the clip from her hair, running his fingers through it to free her curls.  “How many of these cursed hair things do you have, anyway?  I swear, I’ve stolen a half dozen, yet they keep coming back.”

“Do you think this is a wise idea?”  She glanced away for just a second, uncertainty worrying that pretty face of hers.

“Dinner?  Usually it is, though I guess we could be unconventional and opt for a very late—or early, depending on how you look at it—breakfast.”  Iain knew it wasn’t what she was referring to, but he certainly wasn’t in any mood to discuss their casual flirtations and turn them into something serious.  “Come on, Cat.  It’s just dinner.”

“It’s not dinner I’m concerned with.”  She sighed, gave her head a quick shake, and then looked at him with a smile, as if her concerns had evaporated.  “You
’re right.  I’m starving.  Dinner it is.”

“We’ll head into town, if that’s a
ll right.  I want to make sure we keep up appearances, so people don’t think we’re up to anything more than just enjoying each other.”

“Enjoying each other, huh?  Nice choice of words there.”

Unable to resist, he nuzzled her, his heart thudding against his chest.  “I do try.”

“I noticed.” She turned toward
s him, her lips only a whisper away.

“I can’t imagine people will suspect we’re not a couple.”  He brushed his lips against hers, and then nipped at them. 

She shifted away, though only far enough to look him in the eyes.  “Except for James.  If he broke in here, then he knows we’re looking at the paintings.”

shrugged and wrapped his arm around her waist.  “They’re just paintings, and they could easily have been in the library for storage.  It’s not like he found the letters and journals.  We just need to make sure he has no doubts about why ye’re here.  Do ye think ye’re up for a dinner and a stroll through town on a Saturday night?”

She leaned against him, their cheeks touching as she spoke, her lips at his ear.  “I’ll admit, I’m finding it easier to play my role as of late.”

His chest tightened with need, and he knew if he didn’t pull away, he’d try taking her then and there on the library sofa.  Better if they made good use of the sexual tension between them to make their ruse more convincing—though he was starting to wonder just how much of a ruse it actually was.

How he found the strength to pull away from her, he didn’t know.  “We should go
.  But we need not stay out long.  I promise to have ye back to yer paintings and journals in no time at all.”

Her eyes narrowed for a moment, as if she was trying to decipher him.  In the end, she gave him a smile and threw on her jacket.  “I’ll hold you to that, then.”

Yet during the drive into town, he could feel her gaze on him.  “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.  Just wondering.”

“Wondering what?”  By the gods, he doubted it was anything good.

“Why you’re still single.” 

“Me?  Too busy with work.  I haven’t the time or desire to pursue anything serious.”  His rote answer came tumbling out by habit before he’d given it much thought—and now he regretted it.  He liked Cat more than he was willing to admit, and maybe more so because his interest in her had been completely unexpected, especially given how they started.  “Not that I’d let the right lass pass me by.”

Her laugh made him smile.  “Good answer,

“Aye, I thought so my
self.”  By the gods, the woman kept him on his toes at least.  He didn’t think he’d ever find himself bored in her company—an all too frequent occurrence with most of the women he dated.

He parked, and then shifted in his seat to face her.  “Are ye r
eady then?  The more people who see us together the easier it’ll be to pass us off as a happy couple in love.”

“I just want James to go away.  I hate knowing he’s snooping around.  It puts me on edge.”  Her smile faded, leaving
Iain all the more furious that James had such a negative effect on her.

“Cat, I know we’ve not
known each other long, but I swear I’ll do all I can to protect ye from that bastard.”  The possessiveness he felt over her was unlike anything he’d felt before, and Iain realized it was because it didn’t come from a place of control or jealousy, but rather a place where he needed to do right by her and keep her safe.

“I appreciate it.”  Her eyes sparkled in the dark of night, caught by the street lights,
as her hand cupped his cheek and her thumb brushed his lips, before she kissed him sweetly.  “I’m ready if you are?”

“Aye, love.”  Never had he been more ready, though he knew it was
for far more than a meal and stroll through town. As if to reinforce what they were doing and to keep his mind from being sidetracked, he said, “Dinner.”

With her tucked by his side, t
hey headed towards the pub, knowing it’d be the busiest place in town.  They grabbed a seat at a booth, but before they’d even gotten their food, Angus slid into the spot next to Iain, a shit-eating grin on his face.

Iain, Angus turned his charms and attention on Cat.  “I hope ye don’t mind my joining ye.  It’s just that Iain so rarely brings around his dates, and when he does, they seldom have much of interest to say.”

“And what makes you think I’m any different?”  Her eyes
sparked alight, a teasing smile dancing on those full kissable lips.

“Even a blind man could see
ye’ve got plenty to say, and it’d be nothing but interesting.  Is that not right, Iain?”  Angus’s smiling face turned towards him, making Iain want to curse.

“Aye, though I
don’t know what has ye so interested in my love life, when ye should be concerned about yer own.  Can’t remember the last time ye brought around a lass.”

Angus turned back to Cat
, ignoring Iain.  “So will ye be staying with us long?  Iain will have to show ye the standing stones.  They’re not far from here.”

“I’m here for at least another week or two, though I’ll have to return to Cambridge before long.”
  Cat reached out and took Iain’s hand with a smile that lit up her face.  “We haven’t gotten to the stones yet, but I’ve enjoyed myself thoroughly. I’ll be sorry to go when the time comes.”

could see his friend was starting to wonder if he’d been mistaken about them not being a couple.  He hated keeping the truth from him, but telling Angus about the jewels would only complicate matters.  He’d tell him everything once it was over with. 

Cat squeezed his hand, her smile fading. 
Iain followed her gaze, already knowing whom he’d find.  Anger rose within him like a loosened beast.  “Move, Angus.”

His friend looked at him in question, but got to his feet, as Cat held onto his hand, her grip tightening.

“Iain, it’s not worth it.” 

But already he was gone, riding a wave of fury.




Chapter Nine


Cat couldn’t get to Iain fast enough to stop him.  Blood was pouring from James’s nose, and Iain was getting ready to throw another punch, when Angus grabbed hold of him and wrestled him away.

“I’ll fucking kill ye if ye threaten Cat again.  Do ye hear me?  I’ll tear ye limb from limb.” 
Iain still struggled to get free, but Angus was strong enough to keep hold of him.

Angus turned
Iain away from James, waiting for him to stop struggling.  “I’m going to let ye go now, aye?  Don’t make me regret it.”

shrugged free as Angus let him go, and Cat rushed to his side.  “Are you ok?”

nodded while glaring at James, who didn’t have enough sense to stay away.

“I’m calling the authorities.  You can’t get away with this.”  James was furious, his nose yet to stop bleeding. 

“Go ahead.  Call.  Then maybe while we’re at it, ye can explain to them how ye broke into my home and threatened my girlfriend.” 

Angus’s eyes narrowed in question as he took a step closer to James.  “Is it true?  Cause I like Cat, and if I find out ye’re mistreating her in any way, I
won’t be happy.  Might have to let my friend have another go at ye.  Are we clear?”

Picking on the onl
y one there smaller than him, James turned his attention on her.  “I’ll be sure you pay for this.  This isn’t over, Cat.”

“I think it is.  And if you bother me
again, I’ll make sure your nose never sets properly.”

Cat watched James leave but knew the matter was far from over.  He was prideful, and his ego had been wounded in a very public way.

Iain pulled her into his arms protectively.  “Are ye all right?”

She looked up at him, feeling emotional now that the adrenaline was starting to wear off.  “Me?  You’re the one who’s probably busted half your fingers.”

He brushed her cheek, and kissed her.  “And I’ll do it again if he even looks at ye the wrong way.  I won’t have him threatening ye, Cat.”

Angus looked at the two of them, and then sat down, letting her and
Iain slide in across from him.  The pub had gone quiet during the fight, and was now returning to normal. 

shook his head.  “Let me see yer hand.  Cat’s probably right.  I’ve ne’er seen ye hit anyone so hard.  Hand.”

’s knuckles were scraped and already swelling.  Angus carefully worked his way down each finger, his lips pursed in annoyance. “So are ye going to tell me what the hell is going on around here?  I know something’s up.  I’m not an idiot, Iain.”

“No, ye’re the most brilliant man I know.  And if there was something going on and I could tell ye, I would.”

“But ye can’t tell me.”  Angus looked from Iain to Cat.  “Well, I’m here if ye need me.  Ye lucked out on that hand.  Ye didn’t break anything, though ye still may have a fracture.  I’d tell ye to ice it and have it checked, but I know ye won’t.”

“I appreciate
it.  All of it.”

Angus slipped out of his seat and got ready to go.  “
Take care of him, Cat.  And you—call me if ye need me, Iain.  For anything.”

“Aye, man.” 
Iain watched his friend go, before turning back to Cat.  “I hate not telling him, but I’ll not put him in harm’s way.”

“About James… you shouldn’t have gone after him,
Iain.  He’s got a nasty streak and won’t think twice about retaliating.  This could easily get out of control.”

It got out of control when he stole yer research the first time around.  As for now?  He’s the one who started this.  And I’ll be damned if I’m just going to stand by and let him threaten ye and invade my home.” 

He lo
oked at her with such intensity, it all but took her breath away.   And when he kissed her, with the adrenaline from the fight spurring them on, it was like the world had fallen away from beneath her feet.  She lost herself in him, feeling herself tumble. 

She knew she should just take things as they come, whether it turned out to be nothing more than a fun romp or something more.  And yet... it felt like her heart was on the line.  
“Iain… what are we doing?” 

He kissed her nose.  “Ye
can’t control this sort of thing, Cat.  Ye just need to let it go where it will.”

Maybe he was right.  But could she really take such a risk?  It hadn’t turned out so well in the past.  And this time?  She could already tell that if she gave into the feelings she’d been trying to ignore, she’d fall hard.

“Is that what you normally do, MacCraigh?  Just let things happen as they will?”

e smiled shyly.  “No, love.  But I think I might give it a try this time around.”


After dinner, they made their way back to Iain’s and settled in the library once more.  Cat poured over the journals, while Iain continued to analyze the paintings.  Most of the writings were unrelated to what they were looking for, and more about the crops and weather, along with details of marriages and births.

“I’m not finding too much here.  How about you?”  Cat got up and stretched before heading over to
Iain, who also stood and proceeded to yawn.

I need a cup of tea.”

“You realize it’s close to midnight, right?
”  She was normally in bed and sound asleep by ten.

“Do ye need to be somewhere at the crack of dawn?  I was thinking we might sleep in.” 

The look in his eyes and the way he’d said
had her heart tripping over itself.  It sounded far too much like he expected them to be waking up together—as in tangled-limbs-and-naked-the-morning-after together.

“Ye’re blushing.”  He took a step closer, and her additional step back had her
falling over a bronze dog statue, just as he caught her in his arms and pulled her close.  “Careful there, love.  I wouldn’t want ye hurting yerself.”

“Could you please stop looking at me like that?”

“Like what?”  His eyebrow quirked up in amusement.

Her breath caught in her throat, and her voice sounded thin, like she couldn’t quite get enough air into her lungs to speak.  “It’s like you’re a cat that’s caught a mouse and you’re going to play with your new toy until you’re ready to devour it.”

“That sounds about right.”

Cat stammered like an idiot, not knowing what to say. 

“I’m kidding, Cat.”

Yet he still hadn’t let her go.  “Are you really?”

“No, I’m not.” 

She couldn’t even begin to decipher what that meant with the double negatives, and the fact that the nearness of him had fried her brain.  And he still had
that look
, though it was now laced with humor. 

“Why do I put ye on edge

“I don’t know.”  She bit her lip.  “I’
m no good at this sort of thing, Iain.”

“At flirting?”
  He nuzzled against her cheek, and then nibbled at her ear, sending a shiver of need pulsing through her.  “I like that I make you a little bit nervous.”

I’ve noticed.”  She tried to resist him, but found it futile, her body pressed against his as he kissed her. 

When he finally pulled away, she found herself lightheaded
, desperately holding onto him to keep from melting to the floor.

“You need to stop doing that.”  Either that or he had to
stop.  One or the other.

Do I?”  He kissed her again, and she was more than happy to return his attentions.  His words were but a husky whisper.  “I’ll admit, I’d be disappointed if I could no longer kiss ye.”

“Would you really? Or is that
what you tell all the girls?” 

She’d been half-
joking when she said it, but he pulled away, his eyes locked on hers, his mood serious. 

”  He brushed a stray curl from her face, his touch lingering, as if he hadn’t quite wanted to let her go.  “I’ll admit I likely deserve whatever it is ye think of me with regards to women, but I’m telling ye now, this is different.  How exactly? I don’t know, if I’m being honest, but it

She wrapped her arms around her
waist, feeling unsure of herself and her feelings for him.  But if he was being honest with her, then she should probably return the favor.  “It’s been different for me too—and I think that’s why I’m feeling skittish.  I really like you, Iain.”

“And I you—a hell of a lot more than I’d ever expected to.”  He
pulled her close and kissed the top of her head.  After lingering a moment more, he stepped back as if to give her the space she still needed.  “How about that tea?”

“Sounds perfect.”


“I can’t believe it’s such a gorgeous day.”  The morning had arrived with clear blue skies and the temperatures feeling more like early September rather than late October. It left Cat feeling like anything was possible.

“The loch’s not much fa
rther.  Ye holding up all right?” 

glanced her way, and she thought he looked far too handsome and rugged. He hadn’t bothered to shave, and his loose curls kept catching the wind, his dark locks making his blue eyes stand out in contrast.  She had been so mistaken about him in the beginning.  The last thing she’d expected was to find someone who was funny and sweet, considerate and caring—even if he could be brash and impulsive at times.

“I’m thoroughly enjoying myself.” 
Busy as she was, she seldom got the chance to go on hikes.  “So, you think the tunnels are close by?”

Aye.  We’re not far from the sea, and there are naturally formed caves and tunnels throughout the area.  Since we know there were smugglers in my clan, it’s likely they had once used them to move around undetected and stash their goods.  Just a matter of finding them.  My father mentioned a few areas we should check.”

“I really like your father.”

“Aye, he’s a good man.  And so ye know, he likes you too.”  He tilted his head to look at her, amusement in his eyes. 

“What?  I’m likable.”

Iain barked out a laugh.  “I’ll have ye know that though he’s always been polite and charming to the few dates I’ve actually brought home and has wanted me to be happy, I don’t think he’s e’er been terribly impressed.”

“And am I one of your dates then?”  Not that she needed to put a label on what they were doing, but she did like a neat and ordered world.

He shrugged.  “No.  I wouldn’t say that.”

She felt her back go up and her pace quicken.  At least he was
being honest.  “Well, I appreciate your honesty.”

He grabbed her arm and pulled her to a stop, turning her towards him so she was forced to look at him.  Amusement quirked at his lips
before he finally burst out a laugh.  “Cat…”

  Frustrated with him laughing at her, she glared at him.  “I’m glad I can still entertain you.”

“For such a smart girl, ye certainly can be a fool.”  When she turned to walk away, he pulled her into his arms.  “Cat, I’m not lumping ye in with
my dates
because I’ve ne’er been remotely interested in them past dinner and the morning after.  This is… new to me.  And our pretending to be a couple?  I don’t want to pretend anymore.”

“Oh.”  Bloody hell.  Was she blushing again? 
She squeezed her eyes shut to try and decipher what he’d just said, since it felt like her brain was wading through molasses.  Did he mean he didn’t want to bother with the ruse anymore since James was likely onto them?  Or was it that he didn’t want to pretend, because he did indeed want to be with her?

didn’t give her the chance to think about it for long.  He tilted her chin up and kissed her, kissed her like they were the only two people in the world, kissed her as if they might cease to exist if he stopped.  She was breathless and dizzy by the time he finally stopped, though he still held her close. 

Are ye all right then—with not pretending?  I want this to be real, Cat.”  He searched her face as if looking for an answer.

She tried to think about it logically, but in the end
, the fluttering of her stomach and the racing of her heart overruled her brain.  “I think I’d like that.”


Cat kept telling herself that Iain was twice her size, and had managed to squeeze through the tiny opening in the hill side with little finagling.  She would
get stuck.  Taking a deep breath, she tried to ignore the feeling of being squeezed to death, and with Iain’s helping hand, got through to the other side.

Cat looked around the cave, grateful
Iain had brought along flashlights.  “It’s bigger than I expected.” 

“What every guy loves to hear.”

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