The Highlander Series (54 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

BOOK: The Highlander Series
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“Alaric is well. His wound is healing and his fever has abated. I didn’t come to speak to you of Alaric.”

“I’m busy,” the laird said shortly. “Whatever it is can wait.”

He turned his back on her dismissively and Keeley’s blood boiled.

“Nay, Laird. It will not wait.” She stamped her foot for emphasis and made sure her voice could be heard above the din.

The laird stiffened and then turned slowly back to stare at her. Around them, activity ceased. Swords were lowered as the men stopped to look at Keeley.

“What did you say?” he asked in a dangerously low voice.

Caelen stared at her in disbelief and then looked to his brother as if confirming that she’d dared argue with the laird.

She raised her chin, refusing to back down. Even if her knees were quaking abysmally. “I said it won’t wait.”

“Is that so? Tell me then. What’s so important that you would interrupt my men in training? You have all our attention now. Don’t be timid.”

“I’ve never been accused of being timid,” she said dryly. “And what is important is that I know of your plans for me. You’ve taken me from my home to care for your brother and you expect that I attend Lady McCabe at her time. I refuse to be treated as a prisoner. I would know my place in your clan.”

Ewan McCabe arched one eyebrow as he continued to stare at her. “Have you been treated with anything but respect thus far? I assure you, I don’t give my prisoners their own chamber nor do I give them leave to make requests of my serving staff. I have a dungeon where my prisoners are made welcome.”

She refused to be cowed by the sternness in his voice. She met his gaze and stiffened her spine. “I would know exactly my position here, Laird. So there is no misunderstanding at a later date. I’ve had to give up the only home and security I know. I’m used to living on my own and abiding by only my rules. I find I don’t obey the dictates of others so easily.”

Ewan’s expression darkened until she was sure he might explode. Then to her utter amazement he threw back his head and laughed. “Tell me, Keeley, have you been speaking to my wife? Did she put you up to this?”

Around him, his men began laughing. Even Caelen lost his scowl for the barest of moments.

She looked at them all in bewilderment. “Why would Lady McCabe have me talk to you? I haven’t seen her this morn.”

Ewan’s shoulders heaved in an exaggerated sigh. “Jesu, I’m cursed to have two women who insist on defying me at every turn.”

“Just remember it was your idea,” Caelen muttered.

Ewan raised his hand as laughter rose again from his ranks. Keeley viewed him anxiously. They seem to think it was all a jest. She was entirely serious, and it infuriated her that they could laugh when she’d been abducted and forced from her home—and worse, her independence.

Her face tight and teeth clenched, she whirled around and stalked back toward the keep. It crossed her mind that she wanted to go up to Alaric and unload her frustration and anger, but it would only cause dissention between him and his brothers. The last thing he needed right now was that.

She was almost to the keep when a strong hand clamped down on her shoulder and turned her around. She balled her fist and swung. Caelen’s eyes widened in shock just before he dodged his head to the side and popped up his hand to block her blow.

“God’s teeth, woman. Stand down.”

“Remove your hand from my person,” she snapped.

“Keeley, I would speak to you,” Ewan said in a grim voice.

She looked beyond Caelen to see Ewan standing a foot behind his brother. She wrenched her hand from Caelen’s grasp and took a step backward.

“I think you’ve said enough, Laird.”

“Nay, I don’t think so. Come inside. We’ll speak in the hall while I break my fast. Have you eaten yet? It’s my practice to eat with my wife. She sleeps longer now that she’s heavy with child.”

Keeley issued a short nod and waited for the laird to precede her into the keep. Caelen backed away and with
a last glance in Keeley’s direction returned to where the men were training.

When they entered the hall, the places were being set and Mairin was already at the table. Her face lit up when she set eyes on Ewan and she started to rise.

“Nay, sweeting, don’t get up,” he said, placing a hand on her shoulder as he walked past her. He paused and dropped a kiss on her temple and gifted her with a smile that made Keeley wistful to her toes.

As he sat, he motioned for Keeley to sit on his other side across from Mairin.

“Good morning, Keeley,” Mairin said, offering a smile in her direction.

“Good morning, Mairin,” Keeley returned.

“How is Alaric?” Mairin asked.

Keeley gave her a reassuring smile. “He is much better this morning. His fever has abated and I’ve instructed him to rest for the next few days.”

“ ’Tis wonderful to hear, and we owe it all to you,” Mairin said.

Ewan cleared his throat and glanced up at Keeley as the serving women came in with trenchers of food. “While the circumstances of your coming here were less than desirable, ’tis my wish that you stay on with us, at least until Mairin has safely delivered our child. She means everything to me. I want the best care I can give her.”

“Your regard is admirable, Laird. Your lady wife is fortunate to have a husband so concerned with her welfare.”

“I sense a but in your statement,” Ewan said dryly.

“I want your guarantee of my status here,” Keeley returned. “I want the freedom to come and go as I please.”

Ewan sat back and studied her for a long moment. “If I give you these freedoms, do I have your word that you won’t leave my lands?”

Keeley sucked air through her nose. Once given, her word would not be broken. Which meant she would stay the winter with the McCabes. She’d been in constant proximity to Alaric and temptation like she’d never known.

She glanced at Mairin who looked both delicate and tired, and she looked at the love and concern in the laird’s eyes. He truly loved his wife and feared for her welfare. If Keeley could alleviate that worry and see Mairin through the birth of her child, it would please her.

“Aye. You have my word.”

Ewan nodded. “ ’Tis important for you to know that your freedoms come with conditions. You aren’t ever to leave the keep unescorted. We have enemies who would use whatever means necessary to strike at us.”

“I can live with those conditions.”

“Aye, Keeley. You will have a respected and revered position in our clan. Though I brought you here to tend to Alaric and to deliver my child, ’tis the truth we have no healer and the members of my clan will have need of your services between now and the time Mairin delivers. I would hope that you see fit to help them. If you give your allegiance willingly, you will be treated as a McCabe, which means you never have to want for whatever we can provide.”

His speech was earnest and sincere. He didn’t look to be a man who offered deceit. Nay, he was a man of honor. She’d wager all she owned on it.

“I will do as you wish, Laird,” she murmured.

Mairin clapped her hands together in delight. “ ’Tis wonderful news! ’Twill be nice to have another woman in the keep. Perhaps you can teach me some of your skills, Keeley.”

“As if we don’t have enough women,” Ewan grumbled.
“You already shamelessly run over the men of the keep.”

Mairin covered her mouth with her hand, but her eyes twinkled merrily in Keeley’s direction.

“After the meal, Maddie and I will show you the clothes we’ve gathered for you. Then I’ll show you around the keep and introduce you to the clan. Everyone is excited to learn we have a new healer,” Mairin said.

Keeley smiled at the other woman. “Thank you. I’d like that.”

After a light repast, Ewan pushed away from the table and leaned down to kiss Mairin’s cheek. “I must return to the men. Make sure you keep Gannon and Cormac with you while you give Keeley the tour.”

Mairin rolled her eyes as Ewan walked away.

“I saw that, Mairin,” Ewan growled.

Mairin grinned and waved her hand in dismissal. “Do you need to check in on Alaric before we begin?” she asked Keeley.

“He’ll be fine,” Keeley said quickly. “He was resting comfortably when I left his chamber, and Gannon was bringing him up something to eat. I’ll check in on him once we’ve finished touring the keep.”

Mairin nodded and then rose clumsily from her seat. “Come then. I’ll introduce you around to the women.”


Throughout the tour of the keep and the cottages that dotted the hillside just outside the stone skirt, Mairin kept up a steady conversation. Keeley’s head spun through most of it, but she tried to hone in when people’s names were mentioned.

Mairin didn’t give Keeley’s surname, and many of the McCabes viewed her with suspicion, though some were warm and welcoming.

Christina, a young girl perhaps a year or two younger than Keeley, was vivacious with sparkling eyes and a ready smile. It was nice to feel an immediate kinship with the other woman.

Keeley smothered a smile at the obvious flirtation between Christina and Cormac. Neither could keep their eyes from the other but both fiercely pretended disinterest.

They circled to the back of the keep where a group of children were valiantly trying to scrape up the smattering of snow on the ground. The flakes had stopped falling for now, though a look at the sky told Keeley they would begin falling again at any moment.

One of the boys looked up and when he saw Mairin, he left the crowd of children and ran straight toward Mairin and Keeley.


The child threw his arms around Mairin while Mairin hugged him close. Keeley watched with interest. Mairin looked far too young to have birthed a child of this age.

Mairin scrubbed the top of the boy’s head and then turned to Keeley, an indulgent smile on her face. “Crispen, I’d like you to meet Keeley. She’ll be staying with us for a while and lending us her healing skills.”

Keeley extended her hand in a solemn gesture. “ ’Tis wonderful to meet you, Crispen.”

He cocked his head and looked up at Keeley. Keeley was surprised to see anxiety flashing in the boy’s eyes.

“Are you here to attend my mama when her time comes?”

Keeley’s heart softened at the worry she heard for Mairin. What a sweet boy. She wanted to gather him in her arms and hug him tight. Mairin looked close to doing the same.

“Aye, Crispen. I’ve delivered many a babe. I’ll be attending your mother when ’tis her time to deliver.”

Relief washed through the child’s eyes and he grinned broadly. “ ’Tis good, that. Papa and I want her to have the best. She’s carrying my brother or sister!”

Keeley smiled. “Indeed she is. Do you have a preference as to boy or girl?”

Crispen wrinkled his nose and then glanced back at the group of children who were shouting for him to return. “I wouldn’t mind a sister as long as she wasn’t like Gretchen. But a brother would be nicer to play with.”

Mairin chuckled. “I think we’ve established that Gretchen is one of a kind, dearling. Run back and go play. I must finish showing Keeley around the keep.”

Crispen gave her another quick hug and then bounded back to the noisy pack in the distance.

Keeley shot Mairin an inquisitive look, not knowing where to start with the questions. Mairin shook her
head. “Gretchen is a strong-minded young lady who will no doubt rule the world one day. She is the bane of Crispen and the other boys’ existence. When she’s not besting them in mock war play, she insists that she will one day become a warrior.”

Keeley grinned, easily searching out the girl named Gretchen in the group. She was sitting astride one of the boys, holding his arms to the ground while he shouted his protests.

“Crispen is Ewan’s son from his first marriage,” Mairin explained. “His wife passed when Crispen was but a babe.”

“ ’Tis obvious he holds you in high regard.”

Mairin’s face softened. “I am heavy with a child of my own, but Crispen will always be my first. The child of my heart though he didn’t come from my womb. He is the reason I came to Ewan. He brought me here.”

Impulsively Keeley reached over and squeezed Mairin’s hand. “You are a very fortunate woman. ’Tis obvious the laird loves you dearly.”

“You must stop. You’ll have me all weepy.” Mairin sniffed. “I cry over the least little thing these days. It drives Ewan daft. All his men avoid me for fear of doing or saying something to make me cry.”

Keeley chuckled. “You aren’t the only lass who suffers so. Many of the women I’ve attended find themselves overly emotional. Particularly as their time draws near.”

They continued to walk along the hillside farther from the children and as they circled around the keep, Cormac at their heels, the courtyard came into view. At first Keeley paid little attention to the goings on. Men spent their time fighting. ’Twas the life of a warrior. A man had to be prepared to defend his home at all times.

But then a particular warrior caught her eyes. He wasn’t practicing. He didn’t even hold a sword. He
stood to the side with the laird watching as the other men sparred.

“That bloody fool,” Keeley muttered.

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