The Hiding Place (37 page)

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Authors: Corrie ten Boom

Tags: #BIO018000, #REL012000

BOOK: The Hiding Place
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1971 [79]
Corrie spends five months in the U.S.A. (IHT 4–71), then works in Holland, the U.S.A. (IHT 8–70), and Canada (CP).
The Hiding Place
, by Corrie with John and Elizabeth Sherrill, is published in November (IHT 8–71).

1972 [80]
Corrie continues to work in the U.S.A. and Canada (IHT 1972).

1973 [81]
Corrie works in the U.S.A. (IHT 2–73). She begins calling her personal updates
The Hiding Place Magazine
, which is regularly published into 1983. She works in the Netherlands Antilles (HPM Sm 73). In June, she speaks at the Billy Graham Crusade in Atlanta, Georgia (BGCA).

1974 [82]
The Hiding Place
movie is filmed from March through June in Haarlem and England. Corrie visits the set (LST 110, HL 202). Corrie works in the U.S.A. and Israel (HPM Sm 74). In July, she speaks at Congress for World Evangelization in Switzerland (MY 122).
for the Lord
, by Corrie with Jamie Buckingham, is published. In November, she is interviewed at the Billy Graham Crusade in Norfolk, Virginia (BGCA).

1975 [83]
Corrie works in the U.S.A. for several months (HPM Sp 75) and in Bermuda (HPM W 75). The Beje in Haarlem, Holland, opens as a museum, “The Hiding Place” (LST 98). On September 29,
Hiding Place
movie is to premiere in Beverly Hills, California. Just as it is to begin, a suspected neo-Nazi group throws a tear gas bomb into the theater. Instead of viewing the movie, hundreds of people enjoy a street meeting with Corrie, Billy Graham, Pat Boone as the master of ceremonies, Bev Shea singing “How Great Thou Art,” and Pat and Cliff Barrows leading singing. Newspapers and television carry the story internationally (LST 112).
The Hiding
is shown in movie theaters in many countries. In November, a member of the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary comes to the Beje and presents Corrie with plaques that are hung in the hiding place (LST 98).
Prison Letters
is published.

1976 [84]
In January, Corrie is in Oklahoma (BGCA). In April, Pam Rosewell becomes Corrie's personal companion when Ellen de Kroon leaves to marry Bob Stamps, chaplain of Oral Roberts University (TH 16). Pam works with Corrie seven years. Their first trip is seven months long, working in Switzerland; Toronto, Canada; and the U.S.A. (Honolulu, Hawaii; New York; Wenham, Massachusetts; Charlotte, North Carolina; Williamsburg, Virginia; Knoxville, Tennessee; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Dallas and Waco, Texas; Des Moines, Iowa; Chicago, Illinois; Miami, Florida; Los Angeles, Anaheim, San Diego, and San Jose, California) (SY 40, 42). On April 23, Corrie receives an honorary degree (Doctorate of Humane Letters) from Gordon College in Massachusetts (HPM Sm 76); then she spends three months in Holland (SY 49).
In My Father's
, by Corrie with C. C. Carlson, and
Corrie's Christmas Memories
are published. The film
Behind the Scenes of
The Hiding Place
is released.

1977 [85]
In January, “The Hiding Place” is closed as a museum because of too many visitors (HPM Sp 77). Corrie is the guest speaker at a Billy Graham Crusade in Gothenburg, Sweden, and then works in Switzerland (HPM Sp 77). Also in January, Corrie and Pam receive resident alien status in the U.S.A. and leave for Florida, where Corrie spends several weeks writing a book (HL 209, SY 50). Then she and Pam go to California to look for a house to rent (SY 49). On February 28, they move into “Shalom” house in Placentia, California (LST 120). Corrie works in New York and Florida (HPM Sm 77). On July 4, in Arizona, she is honored by CHIEF (Christian Hope Indian Eskimo Fellowship), receives a headdress, and is welcomed into their tribes. In July, she attends a booksellers' convention in Kansas City and Denver and then goes to Oklahoma for the baptism of Ellen's son, Peter John Stamps. She completes a film made especially for prisoners,
One Way Door
(HPM F 77). On September 25, she speaks at San Quentin Prison, near San Francisco, California (LST 125). In October, Corrie is hospitalized to receive a pacemaker (SY 73). In November, she speaks in Portland, Oregon (HPM Jan 78).
New Day
Prayers and Promises for Every
He Cares, He Comforts
; and
He Sets
the Captives Free
are published.

1978 [86]
On April 15, Corrie spends her birthday in Arizona making a film for American Indians (SY 82). She spends May and June working on the book
This Day Is the Lord's
, which is published in 1979 (ST 156). In the early summer, she works on the film
Jesus Is Victor
(SY 89). In July, she is honored with an evening called “Corrie: The Lives She Touched” (SY 91). On August 23, she suffers her first major stroke (SY 102) and loses most of her ability to communicate (ST 163). Her books
Father ten Boom, God's
A Tramp Finds a Home
; and
Wrestle, Just Nestle
are published.

1979 [87]
On April 15, Corrie celebrates her 86th birthday with a small party in the back garden (HPM May '79). In May, she suffers a second serious stroke, losing the use of her right arm and leg (SY 144, ST 169).

1980 [88]
In October, Corrie suffers her third serious stroke and is bedridden (SY 186).

1982 [90]
Corrie's book
Clippings from My
is published. It is a collection of notes she wrote and photographs she took during her many decades of travel. Corrie's evangelistic film
Jesus Is
is released.

1983 [91]
On her 91st birthday, April 15, Corrie goes to heaven. She dies at approximately 11 p.m. (SY186). Her memorial service is held on April 22, with burial at Fairhaven Memorial Park, Santa Ana, California. Her evangelistic films
One Way Door
Corrie: The Lives She's Touched
are released. Her book
Not I, but Christ
is published this year in Dutch, in 1984 in English.

Jesus Is Victor
is published. It is a compilation of three of Corrie's books.

On April 15, the Corrie ten Boom House opens as a museum in Haarlem, Holland.

Reflections of God's Glory
is published. It contains messages given by Corrie on Trans World Radio.

Messages of God's Abundance
is published. This contains additional messages given by Corrie on Trans World Radio.

The Hiding Place
movie on DVD is released by World Wide Pictures. It includes four of Corrie's other films:
Behind the Scenes of The Hiding Place
Jesus Is Victor
One Way Door
, and
Corrie: The Lives She's Touched.

to the Ten Boom family: there is a Corrie ten Boomstraat (street) and a Casper ten Boomstraat in Haarlem, a Ten Boomstraat in Hilversum named for Christiaan ten Boom (Kik), and a Ten Boom School in Maarssen named for Corrie's brother, Willem.

Timeline References

From the Corrie ten Boom Collection in the Billy Graham Center Archives, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois.
Corrie's passports, BGCA.
In My Father's House
by Corrie ten Boom with Carole C. Carlson. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Book House Company, 1976, 2000. 1976 edition co-published with Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania. All publication rights held by Baker Book House Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Father ten Boom: God's Man
by Corrie ten Boom. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Book House Company, 1978.
Corrie ten Boom: Her Life, Her Faith
by Carole C. Carlson. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Book House Company, 1983.
The Hiding Place
by Corrie ten Boom with John and Elizabeth Sherrill. Chappaqua, New York: Chosen Books LLC, 1971.
Hiding Place Magazine
, a personal update from Corrie ten Boom, in the archives of the Corrie ten Boom House Foundation, Haarlem, Netherlands.
It's Harvest Time
, a personal update from Corrie ten Boom, in the archives of the Corrie ten Boom House Foundation, Haarlem, Netherlands.
Corrie, The Lives She's Touched
by Joan Winmill Brown. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Book House Company, 1979.
My Years with Corrie
by Ellen de Kroon Stamps. Eastbourne: Kingsway Publications Ltd and Alresford: Christian Literature Crusade. Copyright: Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Book House Company, 1978.
Not Good If Detached
by Corrie ten Boom
London: Christian Literature Crusade, 1957. Publication rights held by Baker Book House Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Personal letters from the Ten Boom family, in the archives of the Corrie ten Boom House Foundation, Haarlem, Netherlands.
Prison Letters
by Corrie ten Boom. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Book House Company, 1975.
Prayer Letter
, a personal update from Corrie ten Boom. In the archives of the Corrie ten Boom House Foundation, Haarlem, Netherlands.
A Prisoner and Yet . . .
by Corrie ten Boom. London: Christian Literature Crusade, 1954. Publication rights held by Baker Book House Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Het Leven van Corrie ten Boom
by Lotte Reimeringer-Baudert. Hoornaar, Netherlands: Gideon, 1985.
Return to the Hiding Place
by Hans Poley. Elgin, Illinois: LifeJourney Books, an imprint of Chariot Family Publishing, a division of David C. Cook Publishing Company, 1993. Copyright: Hans Poley.
The Five Silent Years of Corrie ten
by Pamela Rosewell. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1986. Copyright: The Zondervan Corporation.
Safer Than a Known Way
by Pamela Rosewell Moore. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Chosen Books, Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Book House Company, 1988.
A Tramp Finds a Home
by Corrie ten Boom
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Book House Company, 1978.
Tramp for the Lord
by Corrie ten Boom with Jamie Buckingham. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Book House Company, 1974, 2000. 1974 edition co-published with Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania. All publication rights held by Baker Book House Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Dates for births, deaths, and marriages were obtained from official records.

John Sherrill
have authored or coauthored numerous best sellers with sales in excess of fifty million, including
The Hiding Place
The Cross and the Switchblade
God's Smuggler
Speak with Other Tongues
The Happiest People on Earth
, and
from Tomorrow

After meeting on board the
Queen Elizabeth
on their way to Europe, Elizabeth and John were married in Switzerland in 1947. For four years they traveled and freelanced before joining the staff of
, where they have served as authors and editors for more than fifty years. They have published several thousand articles and written more than thirty books, including
The Cross and the Switchblade
with David Wilkerson (1963) and
God's Smuggler
with Brother Andrew (1967).

In 1970 the Sherrills founded Chosen Books—later partnering with their friends Leonard and Catherine Marshall LeSourd—dedicated to developing new writers and finding interesting and helpful Christian books from around the world. After the publication of their first volume,
The Hiding Place
by Corrie ten Boom, in 1971, they published Charles Colson's first two books,
Born Again
. In 1992 Chosen became a division of Baker Book House Company (now Baker Publishing Group).

Elizabeth's own story of personal struggle and spiritual growth,
the Way to Heaven
, recounts for the first time her own journey from atheism to profound commitment. She has also published a collection of devotionals,
Journey into Rest
, and two anthologies of short material,
Glimpses of His Glory
When God Breaks Through

The Sherrills' work has taken them on assignments and to conduct writing workshops on five continents, with numerous trips to the Near and Far East, including year-long projects in East Africa, Europe, and South America (where their three children attended local schools). The Sherrills' family also includes eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Their work still keeps them on the road (in this country and abroad) about half the time, reporting the Holy Spirit's awe-inspiring deeds in the 21st century.

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