The Hidden Paths to Power (22 page)

BOOK: The Hidden Paths to Power
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It brought tears but she understood.

It was five in the morning when I woke up and decided to head back. I had a normal dream but it scared me.

I couldn’t stand it, if Ryan got Harold or if I was wrong, and he decided to go after Tina or Debra.

Lisa woke up as well because she had to go to work and I said my goodbyes.

It hurt but I was ready to let this life go and start a new one.

As I mentioned before, I seemed to have amazing timing.

As I was leaving the outskirts of Laramie, I happened to see Ryan.

He was climbing out of the passenger seat of a large semi at a truck stop.

I also saw him add to his body count, as the man who kindly gave him a ride, was killed to prevent him from saying anything. I shook my head because Ryan was obviously not thinking clearly.

The man slumped forward and leaned on the horn. This truck had the horn on the steering wheel instead of the pull-cord.

I watched which way Ryan ran, as people took notice of the noise. He headed behind the truck stop, making his way across empty grasslands. There was a small stand of trees he was looking to hide in.

I knew I only had moments, before the people at the truck stop, called the police.

I saw a dirt road heading in the direction Ryan took and drove down it a little ways.

Parking, I made sure I didn’t have eyes on me then changed my hair to black.

Getting out, I began to run toward Ryan.

Did I ever mention that running wasn’t my greatest skill? Give me a flat sidewalk or track and I do very well. Put me in a field where prairie dogs make their homes and the ground is slightly uneven and I have issues.

I traversed most of the distance, before my foot found the edge of a prairie dog hole.

It brought me down and I think the spirits actually made it happen. They showed me the reason they gave me the gifted wood.

As I came down, my wand cracked a little and I only had a second, to throw it into the trees, where Ryan was hiding then duck and cover. I had to pray I was shielded enough.

I felt the blast as the essence was released and heard, the mild grunt Ryan made, as the energy made contact with him.

When I felt the energy begin to dissipate, I looked up in enough time to see, the unclear image of a spirit wave at me, then disappear into the tree.

It went to visit the one residing in that tree.

I stood up, dusted myself off then went to see what was left of Ryan. I’d seen enough dead bodies lately, the sight of it didn’t bother me.

The whole left side of his body was burned. The freckle was gone and the skin charred. The right side of his face was still intact. It would be enough for the identification.

My timing was still in effect, as I got back in my car and drove up the road, until I found a different gas station to fill up, before the police arrived.

I called Harold, “This is Lieutenant Cramer.”

“You’re slipping but I forgive you.”

“Sorry. What’s got you calling me so early? I just pulled into the station parking lot.”

“I went to visit Lisa to check on her because of my suspicion. It turned out, I was right to be concerned. As I was leaving Laramie this morning, I happened to see Ryan getting out of a truck he hitched a ride in.”


“I’m not done. Ryan obviously lost his mind somewhere because he made a huge error. He killed the driver of the truck. The truck he was riding in, had the horn on the steering wheel, and not a pull-cord. When the driver slumped forward, he pressed on the horn forcing Ryan to run.”

“Did you see where he went?”

“I was coming to that. I pulled down a road to keep track of him for the police, as he took off running over a field of long grass. He was trying to hide in a small stand of trees. I watched him trip and fall, just as he got into the trees, and watched a bright flash. I think the weapon he designed exploded, when he hit the ground. I watched just long enough to see that a fire didn’t get started then left before police showed up. I hope you aren’t going to force me to tell any of this. There are plenty of witnesses at the truck stop where he killed the driver. I would as soon not be on camera. I want to watch this from the cheap seats with the rest of the world. I’m tired of being the focus of attention.”

“The only reason I would need you is, if the exploding of his weapon didn’t kill him. If he’s only hurt then a trial is still going to happen.”

“I hope you won’t be upset if I say, I’m hoping he’s gone.”

“Of everyone involved in this case, you’re the one I’m not surprised to hear those words from.”

“Just get in touch with the Laramie Police Department for the details. Let them know an anonymous tip came in, about the direction he was seen running, if they don’t find him right away.”

“Thank you and I’m torn between hoping for a trial and hoping it’s just simply done.”

“I want you to know that I may disappear after a while. I don’t want to be a focus when the details are made public or for the anniversaries. I plan to hang around long enough, to introduce you to the woman I mentioned before, but I don’t think it’ll be long, before I want to find a place to be as anonymous as possible.”

“I’d miss you but I understand. I may give it some thought. When the details are taken care of, I may think about going to California. That’s where my family lives. I still like living here but I think it’s time I saw them.”

After that, I filled up my car then began the trip home.

I felt free and smiled gloriously as I made my way back to Denver.

Doriane welcomed me home and I insisted we go see Marcus, so I could tell the story to both.

In his fabulous house, I went through everything then said, “I think this is what the spirits intended when they gave me the wood. They must have sensed that Ryan and I, being public faces, would draw attention to magic.”

Doriane responded, “They gave you a way, to provide the legitimate excuse, when it was being speculated, Ryan built a new kind of gadget. You didn’t look closely enough but I’m willing to bet, there won’t be a trace of his wand or yours.”

Marcus said, “We’ll need to work on your ability to run in a natural field. You’re a guardian. How would it look if a guardian of the natural world kept falling on her face running through such a place?”

“About how’d it look, if you tried to walk into a men’s club, and pretended to be interested in the wares displayed on stage.”

Harold called me this time, “Ryan is dead. The explosion of his gadget burned him badly but enough was left for identification. There was nothing left of his gadget but the news is flying out that Ryan Gilpatrick is no longer a threat. The driver of the truck is being added to Ryan’s tally sheet but people are giving him some mild hero status. Walter Fredericks will be known, as the man Ryan made his mistake with, and ended this thing. I won’t need you. There are plenty of people who want to see you but it isn’t required. The witnesses at the truck stop are plenty.”

“Good and now I have a question for you. How tied into the finishing details are you at the moment?”

“Ryan’s body is being transported back to Colorado. Though he died in Wyoming, his family wishes to take care of the expense of burying him. Paula Dennison was quick to find me after the news went public. The reports on his final kill are the responsibility of the Laramie Police. I have a press conference tomorrow but for tonight, my captain insisted I take some time off.”

“I’m going to give you the address for, The Dragon’s Den metaphysical and gift shop. I want you to meet me there.”

Doriane smiled as she guessed what I had planned. She rode with me, as we went to the shop.

Barbara was there doing the accounting but wasn’t the one I came to see.

The fifth woman to buy into the store, was a lovely blonde lady, by the name of Ginger Thompson. She was a few years younger than Harold and still single. She ran a successful flower boutique but agreed, to become a partner in the shop to help Barbara.

Ginger was currently helping Barbara, as they trained the manager, who’d be taking over for Sheila, as the primary shopkeeper. I could see the tension in Ginger, as she had to juggle being here, and keeping track of her flower shop.

The new manager happened to be Brad’s wife. She had been a stay at home mom but her children were starting to reach the age, when they didn’t need her at home as much.

Carrie was a joy in her personality and would fit right into this place.

I tried to be sneaky but couldn’t keep my face neutral around Ginger, when I came in.

She caught me with a, I’m hiding something I think you’ll like, look on my face. She grinned then pulled me and Kim into the office and shut the door.

Ginger said, “Before I pummel what you’re hiding out of you, I and the others want to thank you, for stopping us from going the legal route, with Sheila. She and Derek had a long conversation, after he got back from the hospital. Sheila told him, if he couldn’t put the needs of the whole family, ahead of his vice, she would move in with her parents and divorce him. Derek has enrolled in gambler’s anonymous meetings and is working to get things fixed. He’s a salesman. He made enough on the commission from his last sale that Greg won’t have to change schools. I think they’re on the mend.”

I answered, “Only time and effort will tell. Now, why would you pummel me?”

“I’m not a fool, Deana. The look you had said, I have a surprise for you, in every line of your face.”

“I hope you won’t think I’m meddling, in something that isn’t my business, but want to introduce you to someone. He’s very important to me and has lived his life based on the needs of his job for too long. I don’t know, if you and him, will like each other, but give him a chance.”

“I sort of know how it is, to live for your career, and put the personal on hold. I’ve looked, and dated, but just haven’t found the man who’s right for me.”

“He’ll be here shortly. You, and everyone, will know him instantly, but he may just have the time now to devote to a personal life.”

We walked back out and just as the office door opened, Harold Cramer walked into the store. I saw a relaxed smile on him for the first time since I met him.

Though he didn’t catch Ryan, he didn’t feel like a failure anymore.

I brought Ginger to him, “Uncle Harold; this is Ginger Thompson. She’s a good woman and you are a good man. Go out tonight and see if anything comes of it.”

I could see the attraction was there and left them to make their plans.

Doriane and I said our goodbyes to everyone then went home.


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