The Hellion and The Heartbreaker (34 page)

BOOK: The Hellion and The Heartbreaker
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The days
following Scarlett’s attendance at the theater with the Mortons were
surprisingly reminiscent of her first time in London.  Invitations and
calling cards came pouring in and the comings and goings of the Scarlett Angel
were once again headlining the society pages.  Though she could have done
without the vast amount of attention, she was immensely relieved not to have
been ostracized by the
, if for no
other reason than to preclude the shame and embarrassment it would have caused
her brothers, and eventually her son.

In the four
days that she had been in the city she had attended a small luncheon hosted by
the Duchess of Mawbrey, paid a visit to Georgie, now Mrs. Daniel
, taken Oliver, accompanied by Rory and Gavin to the
races at Newmarket, and had gone to see the latest exhibit at the British
Museum with Colin, in addition to her initial visit to the Royal Theater. 
Surprisingly, she had yet to catch even a glimpse of Alec since seeing him at
the theater.  She had a feeling that might change however, considering the
event that she was attending later that evening. 

Earlier in
the week she had accepted an invitation to attend the upcoming ball being
hosted by Vanessa Brookshire’s parents, the Marquis and Marchioness of
.  She had also agreed to William Morton’s
offer to escort her to the event, even though Colin, who would also be
attending, had also offered to serve as her escort.  She was fairly
certain, considering his apparent interest in Vanessa Brookshire that Alec
would be in attendance as well.  It was a thought that set her already
frazzled nerves even further on edge, for the anticipation, as well as the
trepidation of seeing him again had been mounting with each passing day. 
She knew that she needed to move on with her life and to move past her feelings
for Alec, but here, in the city, knowing that he was so close; it was far
easier said than done.



“Have I told
you how lovely you look this evening?”

times,” Scarlett replied, smiling fondly at William.   

“Forgive me
then, for I cannot seem to help myself.” 

“Are you
always so delightfully charming, My Lord?”

“I can only
hope so,” William replied with a devilish twinkle in his eye.

They had
arrived at the Brookshire’s some thirty minutes earlier, and William had been
by her side ever since.  He was a pleasant companion, exceedingly
courteous and remarkably attentive.  He was the type of man any woman
would be thrilled to be with, and since their arrival, Scarlett had noted many
an envious gaze cast in her direction.  She knew that she was unbelievably
fortunate to have garnered his affection.

when the Duke of Worthe was announced a short time later, Scarlett couldn’t
keep from directing her gaze to the ballroom’s entryway.  She watched as
he descended the few steps that took him to the level of the room’s beautifully
inlaid parquet floor, her gaze riveted on the face that still haunted her
dreams.  Unable to help herself, she followed him with her eyes until he
eventually became lost within the crowd.

“Shall we?”

polite request drew her attention and she smiled graciously, hoping he hadn’t
noticed her momentary distraction.  The small orchestra had just finished
tuning up their instruments and the first dance of the evening, one of the two
William had reserved for himself was about to begin. Offering him her hand, he
led her onto the dance floor.

William was
a wonderful dancer and Scarlett couldn’t keep from smiling as he twirled her
expertly through the midst of the animated throng.  She caught Colin’s eye
as he whirled past with a lovely blonde, and he gave her an encouraging
wink.  He and her brothers were all so pleased with her present
success.  Truly she couldn’t have asked for more. 



Though she
wished it wasn’t so, throughout the evening, whenever she caught a glimpse of
Alec’s tall frame, her heart seemed to skip a beat.  And when she saw him
dancing with Vanessa Brookshire, she couldn’t deny the crushing envy she
Looking over at William, so
amiable and kindhearted, she couldn’t help wishing that it wasn’t so.  The
marquis had proven to be the perfect escort, staying protectively by her side
as they mingled and when they went in to supper, procuring refreshments for her
when she grew thirsty, partnering her on the dance floor for both a waltz and a
minuet, and graciously stepping aside when others asked her for a dance. 
He was a wonderful man, but despite her fondness for him, he still didn’t make
her heart go all aflutter.  He wasn’t Alec.  Lost in thought, she
didn’t notice that someone had come up behind her until she heard the sound of
her brother’s voice.

“I believe
this dance is mine.”

turned to find her brother standing before her, his hand outstretched. 
“Indeed it is,” she said, without bothering to glance at her dance card. 
“Although I must admit, I wasn’t sure you would be able to tear yourself away
from the lovely Miss Clifton,” she teased. 

Turning from
the gentleman to whom he had been speaking, William caught Scarlett’s last
comment and chuckled.

“You see
what I have to put up with,” Colin lamented with a wry grimace. “You are lucky
you haven’t any sisters William.”

swatted his arm playfully and turned her gaze to William.  “Will you
excuse us, My Lord?”

“Of course,”
he responded affably.

“I shall
return her shortly,” Colin promised with a polite nod, and then took her arm
and led her to the dance floor.

“Are you
enjoying yourself, Minx?” he asked as he swept her into a lively country reel.

“I am having
a lovely time, Colin.”  She told him honestly.  “Tonight; these past
few days; I feel as though a tremendous weight has been lifted off of my

“I’m glad,
Scarlett, truly.”

Colin was an
accomplished dancer and Scarlett thoroughly enjoyed herself as he spun her
about the floor.

what about you?” she asked a short time later.  “Are you having a good
time this evening?”

I left the card room with more than twice as much as I had when I sat down, I
would have to say yes, I am having a rather good time.”

see.  And is that the only reason?” she couldn’t resist asking.

“Do you
suspect there is another?” he queried, his tone overly blasé.

“Well… I am
fairly certain that it was you who I saw dancing with a certain blonde, not
once, but twice this evening.”  Scarlett remarked.

“Keeping an
eye on me, are you?”

“She seemed
quite enamored.” 
As did you
, she refrained from saying
aloud.  “Is there a chance we will be adding another member to the family
in the near future?”  Though her tone was light and teasing, she couldn’t
help wondering if her eldest brother was finally looking to settle down and
start a family.

“In the city
less than a fortnight and already looking to see me leg-shackled,” he
responded, shaking his head in mock dismay.
“Shall I warn Rory and Gavin too?”

not,” Scarlett murmured.  “Neither of them will agree to escort me to
another event if they think I am trying to play matchmaker and hasten them to
the altar.”

“Speaking of
matchmaking,” Colin
his tone more serious, “it
appears the Marquis of Fordham has taken quite an interest in you.  Will
you encourage his suit?” he asked, his expression curious.

“I think it
is a bit soon to be thinking along those lines Colin,” Scarlett said, surprised
that her brother would be so quick to assume the marquis would offer his
suit.  “William is merely being kind by lending his support to aid my
reentrance into Society.”

“If you say
so,” Colin replied, looking unconvinced.  “I suppose I had best return you
to your escort then,” he said, heading in William’s direction as they left the
dance floor, “so that he may continue to lend his

“If you
don’t mind, I was hoping for the opportunity to take your lovely sister for a
turn about the dance floor myself,” came a familiar voice.  “Unless of
course someone else has already reserved the upcoming set.”

hadn’t realized that Alec had come up behind them as they’d exited the floor,
and the sound of his voice caused her breath to catch in her throat. 
Fortunately, Colin didn’t seem to notice.

you’ve stepped away from the card room,” Colin noted.  “Does that mean you
have finally emptied Groveland’s pockets?”

“Indeed it
does,” Alec chuckled.  “The poor sod just furnished me with enough coin to
buy an entire case of that dreadfully expensive French brandy that I have
recently acquired a taste for.  Though fortunately for Groveland, he’s got
plenty of blunt to spare,” he added, his expression not in the least bit

“And then
some,” Colin added in agreement.

“So, Mrs.
McKinnon,” Alec said, suddenly pinning her with his emerald gaze.  “Will
you do me the honor, or have you promised this dance to another?”

looked down at his hand, outstretched in invitation.  To be held in Alec’s
arms once again would surely be akin to a dream come true, but even so, it also
filled her with trepidation.  On the dance floor, so close to one another,
would she be able to disguise the fact that she loved him still?  Despite
her apprehension, she could hardly refuse, not with her brother looking
on.  Nor, if truth be told, did she want to.  “No, Your Grace, I have
not promised it to another, and of course I would be honored.”

then, enjoy,” Colin said, stepping back as Scarlett placed her gloved hand in

As the
orchestra began the first strains of the waltz, Alec guided Scarlett onto the
dance floor, and then pulled her gently into his arms.  He hadn’t planned
upon asking her to dance, but as she had so many times before, Scarlett
McPhearson seemed to draw him like a lodestone.  When he had stepped out
of the card room and had seen her dancing with her brother, the memory of their
first waltz, years before, had invaded his thoughts, and in that moment the
desire to hold her in his arms once again had been too overwhelming to
resist.  His legs had then carried him toward her, seemingly of their own

however, as their bodies moved once again in perfect harmony, their steps
faultlessly in time with the flowing cadence of the music, he found himself
discomfited and at a surprising loss for words.

too, felt the awkwardness of the moment.  She and Alec had been as
intimate as two people could possibly be, but now, now it seemed as though they
were almost strangers.  Hesitantly, she raised her eyes to his. 
Their gazes met and held.

She is
even more beautiful now than she was before, Alec thought in amazement.  If
possible, the past three years had only enhanced the seemingly implausible
perfection of her features.  Would this dazzling creature always have the
ability to take his breath away he wondered?  Inhaling the delicate scent
of her perfume, he was suddenly overcome by memories of their time
together.  “Do you remember the first time we danced,” he asked, finally
breaking the silence between them.

His tender
smile brought a lump to her throat.  She wondered if he had any idea of
just how much she had missed that subtle, endearing curve of his lips. 
“It was the final waltz.”  Just as it is now, she thought.

“You are
even lovelier now than you were then.”  He gave his head the slightest of
shakes, as if he could not believe the truth of his own words.  “How is
that possible?” he asked, the gentle timber of his voice like a caress, a
caress he longed desperately to brush softly against her cheek.

merely smiled in response, praying the simple gesture would disguise the pain
that lurked deep within her soul.  If she had ever thought that her love
for him had lessened with time, she knew now that it wasn’t so.  Despite
the fact that he had broken her heart, and regardless of the passing of time,
she loved him still and knew that she always would.

“I never
meant to hurt you Scarlett.”

The softly
spoken words nearly brought tears to her eyes, but she valiantly fought them
back.  “I know.”

Morton… he is… well, he’s a good man,” Alec said, his voice suddenly husky.

Scarlett nodded in agreement,
but he’s not you

“I want
you to be happy, Scarlett.  I hope you know that.”  He tried to
convince himself that he meant it, that he would be happy for her if she ended
up wed to the Marquis of Fordham.  She had already lost so much.

She nodded
again, unable to speak.

“I’m sorry
about your husband,” he said with sincerity.  “Sometimes life…well…it just
isn’t fair is it?”

sometimes it isn’t.”  She wanted to ask him if he was happy, and to ask
him if he had found what he was looking for.  Did he intend to wed Vanessa
Brookshire?  Was she the agreeable, non-threatening partner he desired, or
had his views changed?  Did he love her? They were all questions she
longed to ask, but despite her burning curiosity, she couldn’t bring herself to
utter the words.

BOOK: The Hellion and The Heartbreaker
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