Read The Harem Master Online

Authors: Megan Derr

Tags: #LGBTQ romance, Fantasy, Tavamara

The Harem Master (25 page)

BOOK: The Harem Master
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Kitt's smile turned almost sad. "I am sorry you had to become acquainted with it at all. That it's my fault you did." He leaned up, pressed the barest kiss to Demir's cheek, then withdrew. "We should go. Haluk, help me with the body. On the bed?"

"Yes, but leave some coin for the poor person who will find it." Once Kitt had cut the body free of the chair, they hefted it up and hauled it to the bed, covering it with blankets so it looked as though the man was merely sleeping. "May he find peace," Haluk said quietly.

Kitt sneered as he left a handful of coins on the table. "May he dwell forever in the ice, never again to know the warmth of Dragon Fire. Let's go home." He led the way out of the room, then took them through a back entrance of the bar, tossing a silver coin at the barkeeper, who grunted and otherwise ignored them.

Thankfully their journey back through the city to the palace was uneventful. Stepping back into his bedroom was such a rush of relief, it left him dizzy; the only thing better would be when he could finally crawl into his bed.

Sabah was in his sitting room, a tight frown on his face. He closed the book he was reading and set it aside as he rose. "Bulut was here earlier, though he did not get past the guard. I think he will return. He wants to speak with Lord Demir and was not pleased you were sealed in here with us. I told the guard that if he returned, the harem guards had leave to detain him and were to summon Prince Ihsan to address the matter since it's his harem being interfered with. How did your adventures go?"

Kitt grunted and began to strip off his clothes. "There's a lot to explain, but the short answer is that at least part of the council and a few of the ambassadors are contriving to turn the royal harems into a farm for sex slaves."

"What in the name of the Divine…" Sabah stared at them then shook his head. "I don't know what to say. No, I do. Ihsan is going to set this entire palace on fire. We'd better not let him anywhere near the council until he calms down."

"Agreed," Kitt and Haluk chorused.

Demir left them talking, returning to his bedroom to change back into his harem garb. He sat on the edge of his bed when he was finished, scrubbing at his face with one hand and trying to ignore the way it trembled. Every time he closed his eyes he saw Kitt snapping that man's neck, the movement as flawless and smooth as Demir serving wine.

The sound of feet treading softly across the floor forced him to look up, and he watched Haluk walk toward him bearing a small cup. "Did you need something, Lord Haluk?"

Haluk knelt on the floor just to his left. Demir tensed, face going hot. What in the name of the Divine was with these men that they could not remember basic protocol. Haluk did not even have the excuse of being foreign. He tried to stand, but Haluk grabbed his arm and dragged him back down. Demir just looked at him, baffled and disconcerted. "You do not kneel before me."

"I am fairly certain the Harem Master outranks a simple concubine."

"You know that is not how it works," Demir hissed.

Haluk smiled faintly, eyes glinting with entirely inappropriate amusement. "I know that since our arrival we have asked much of you, dragged you further and further into deadly games you should not be part of, all while your position and livelihood are in danger of vanishing forever. Not to mention Kitt's insensitive behavior tonight."

"I'm an adult and older than all of you," Demir replied, anger sparking. "If I had not wanted to endure it I would have left the room. I'm not a fool, I knew how it would end."

"That doesn't mean it is easy to take. You might be older, but you did not spend the better part of five years at war." Demir started to argue with that, but Haluk offered up the wine, clearly expecting Demir to drink it while Haluk held the cup, but that was going too far.

Demir took the cup and drank the wine in several quick sips. It was a particularly potent one, from his private stock that should have been tucked away in a locked cabinet. Endless Midnight was its name, and true to its name, it was so dark a blue it appeared black with flecks of gold gleaming within. It cost him dearly but was one of his few private indulgences. "Who's been picking the lock on my wine cabinet?"

"Who do you think?" Haluk asked dryly. "He says your locks are mediocre at best."

Demir shook his head, a smile twitching, winning out. "He is welcome to replace them if he is so offended."

"Don't grant him that permission. If you give Kitt a coin he will help himself to your purse."

"Only half of it," Kitt said from the doorway. "You have excellent taste in wine, according to Sabah. He was practically weeping with joy over that bottle when he saw it."

Demir laughed softly. "He is welcome to help himself. I think after the past few days, we are all entitled to excellent wine. It is a shame we cannot safely invite His Highness, but you can certainly take it to him."

"You should come and drink it with us in his chambers."

"I need to drive off Bulut when he gets here."

"Then drinking that fine wine can wait until we can all drink it tog—" Kitt broke off at the sound of someone pounding on the door. "That must be Bulut, paying a grossly inappropriate visit at half past midnight. Even I am not that rude. What should we do?"

Demir stood. "Kneel," he said, pointing to Kitt, then to the floor immediately in front of the bed. He reached under his bed, pulled out a small rug, and laid it out on the spot he'd indicated. "Kneel here, legs spread, hands behind your back, left hand gripping your right wrist."

Kitt grinned, eyes turning hot and approving. "Yes, Master."

"Not a word out of you," Demir said. "Lord Haluk, discard your skirt, lay out on the bed on your back, arms gripping the headboard." He turned as Sabah entered the room and the knocking came again. "Sabah, bind Haluk's wrists then straddle him."

Sabah gave a slow, sly grin. "Yes, Harem Master."

Demir shook his head. "You all need discipline."

"We won't complain if you administer it," Kitt said.

Demir nudged him as he walked by. "You were ordered to be quiet." He looked at Sabah and Haluk. "I will stall him at the door, but I'm sure he will press to come inside. Make it look like we've been doing this for some time."

"Yes, Harem Master," they all chorused.

Demir turned toward the door.

"Wait," Kitt said and rose to his feet. "Pardon my impropriety, Harem Master, but you do not look at all like you've been training us." Before Demir could say a word, Kitt grabbed his head and dragged him down into a hard, wet, and biting kiss. He tasted like bitter wine and fragrant smoke.

Rough hands worked on the knot of his hair, getting it partially undone and combing through the strands that came loose. Kitt tore away from his mouth, dragged his nails down Demir's chest, and flicked at his nipple rings.

"Kitt!" Sabah said behind them. "Ihsan will kill you if I don't do it first."

"How do you expect him to carry the lie if he looks as impeccable as ever? Now you look like you've been training us—and enjoying your work." He winked and then shoved Demir toward the door as the pounding came a third time.

Demir tried to put his thoughts back where they should be and far, far away from Kitt's mouth and rough, knowing hands. He finished the work Kitt had started with his hair, leaving it to fall unbound down his back as he walked to the door, unlocked it, and pulled it open. "Good evening, Steward. Has there been an emergency?" Bulut tried to step past him into the room, but Demir blocked him. "Respect, Steward, you have no right to be here unless invited. Why do you disturb me?"

"I am under orders from His Majesty to keep a close eye on you and the concubines. His Majesty is not the fool that lots takes him for. He is well aware of his son's penchant for sneaking about when he was a boy and has every confidence that bad habit was retained. You and his concubines have been locked up in here for the past few hours, and I do not trust—" He broke off at the sound of a hoarse, quickly muffled cry.

Demir regarded him coldly. "I am under orders to train Prince Ihsan's men. While Lord Sabah is of noble birth and has received proper training all his life, Lord Kitt and Lord Haluk have not. Sabah is assisting with the training, as they are more comfortable learning with someone they know and trust. If you do not approve, you may speak with His Highness."

Bulut looked him up and down, mouth tightening—then he abruptly shoved past Demir and strode across the sitting room and into the bedroom. He stopped in the doorway. Demir did not move from his spot, could see well enough past Bulut to where Sabah was fucking Haluk's mouth while Kitt remained kneeling on the floor, still and silent, all the more beautiful for such rare, perfect obedience.

Demir turned to the open door. "Guards! To me at once!"

Six guards came running, led by Ruth. "Remove the Steward. He has grossly violated, by force, the privacy of Prince Ihsan's concubines. He is not to enter the harem hall without my permission and personal escort."

Bulut whipped around. "You have no authority to—"

"I do not have authority anywhere else in the palace, Steward, but here in the Jeweled Garden my word is law. The concubines are meant to feel safe here, away from the prying eyes of the court and the exhausting demands of the royal family, however much they love to serve. These men were in my chambers, behind locked doors, to learn in privacy. You were not invited in but shoved past me, driven purely by your own selfish curiosity. I do not care what His Majesty's orders were—you do not have grounds to violate the harem hall. Remove him."

Ruth motioned for two of the guards to follow as he stormed across the room. He grabbed Bulut's arm—and caught the other when Bulut tried to hit him. Jerking him around to pin his arms behind him, Ruth held them firmly there until another guard bound them.

Demir followed the guards out. "Ruth, see he is locked up for the night. He is free to go at the changing of the guards in the morning. He is not to be released before that time. He is not allowed in the harem hall without my permission. He is not permitted to approach or speak to the concubines no matter where they are in the palace." He glared at Bulut. "Prince Ihsan will have my report within minutes. His Majesty will have it when he wakes in the morning."

"I was following His Majesty's orders."

"His Majesty's orders do not include violating the harem hall," Demir replied. He turned to Ruth. "I am going to see Prince Ihsan. No one leaves or enters the harem hall. If someone tries, stop them by whatever means necessary. I do not care who it is."

"Yes, Harem Master," Ruth said and bowed.

"Thank you. If Prince Ihsan's men require anything, see they have it. I'll be back as soon as I can." Ruth bowed again, and Demir strode off, signaling for the guards holding Bulut to follow him.

Outside the harem hall, guards wearing the black sashes of the court curled hands around the hilts of their swords. "You are not permitted to leave, Harem Ma—" The guard speaking broke off as he saw Bulut. "What is the meaning of this?"

"You are not very good guards, to hear the commotion that was going on in there and do nothing," Demir said. "The Steward has been placed under arrest for violating the sanctity of the harem—for knowingly and willfully violating the promise of privacy granted all concubines who enter here. The privacy of Prince Ihsan's harem specifically. I will speak with Prince Ihsan immediately, and my orders regarding Lord Bulut will not be countermanded save by His Majesty." He gestured to the harem guards holding Bulut. "Take him away."

The guards dragged him away, one clapping a hand over Bulut's mouth when he tried to speak.

When they were gone, Demir turned back to the court guards. "Escort me if you must but do not prevent me."

"We will have to report to His Majesty," the second guard said.

"Do what you must," Demir replied and strode off, keys jangling loudly as he strode through the dark halls.


Ihsan jerked awake, hand going to the knife tucked into a concealed nook in his headboard before he registered the disturbance was someone pounding on his door. "Enter!" he called out.

A guard opened the door. "Your Highness, Lord Demir is here and says he must speak with you at once."

Fear banished all remnants of sleep. "Send him in." Ihsan threw back the blankets and opened the bed curtains, entering the main area of his chamber just as Demir reached it. "What's wrong? Is everyone well? Was somebody hurt? Where are my men?"

"Your men are well," Demir said. "I am sorry I caused you alarm. I need to speak with you about Lord Bulut." Demir did not bow, did not even lower his head.

Ihsan had never known Demir to break protocol, save for when he'd lost his temper after Ihsan had questioned his relationship with Bulut. He was completely unsurprised that Bulut was yet again the source of Demir's distress. "Are you all right? What did he do?"

"Apparently His Majesty ordered Lord Bulut to keep a close eye on your harem. He came by earlier in the evening while I, Lord Haluk, and Lord Kitt were still in the city. Shortly after we returned, he came by again and forced his way past me into my private rooms—into my bedroom, where your men were making a show of training so he would believe the lie. I have ordered him locked up for the night."

"I will see him removed from his post for such disrespectful and violent behavior," Ihsan snarled. "Let me get dressed." Merciful Divine, he was standing around naked. In all his hideous glory. At least Demir had been considerate enough not to say anything, or show his horror.

Going to his trunks, he quickly pulled on clothes, jerking the dark teal sleeves on hard enough he half-expected them to tear. When they were securely laced, he wrapped a teal sash around his waist and tucked away a few small daggers, then at the last moment, buckled on his sword.

Binding his hair in a knot at the back of his head, he rejoined Demir at the door. He faltered briefly, noticing only then that Demir's hair was loose. It had always been braided back before, Ihsan had never appreciated how much there was. It fell to his hips, long and straight and beautiful. Ihsan shook himself, cursing himself for a pathetic fool. "Tell me exactly what transpired this entire night; leave nothing out."

BOOK: The Harem Master
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