Read The Hammer of the Scots Online
Authors: Jean Plaidy
It did occur to the Queen that so often throughout their lives God’s will had coincided with that of the Queen Mother. But Edward half believed her and she knew that if he did not give way to her his mother’s doubts would creep into his mind, and it was necessary for his confidence to remain firm.
In her quiet way the Queen understood them both far better than they realised and it was easier to let Mary go as she showed no repugnance for the life chosen for her. Poor child, how could she when she had been told from birth what was awaiting her and had come to accept it? And what did she know, in any case, of what life would be with a husband and children?
‘Mary will not be lonely there,’ said the Queen Mother. ‘I shall be there to watch over her and her cousin Eleanor is already there.’
‘Of course Eleanor is much older than Mary.’
‘True, but she is her cousin and of the same rank. I am sure Mary is going to know such happiness as is denied to so many.’
The Queen sighed. The Queen Mother had, on the death of her daughter Beatrice, sent Beatrice’s daughter Eleanor to the convent at Amesbury. She had wanted a girl from each family to go there for she had a notion that it gave pleasure in Heaven and she was feeling the need more and more as the days passed to find favour there.
The Queen Mother thought that the Princess Mary should enter the convent at the time of the festival of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary – since the child bore the Virgin’s name.
This was arranged and the family returned to London, there to make the journey to Amesbury in order to be present at the ceremony.
Even baby Edward – now a year old – was taken along.
The Queen Mother was well satisfied. None of them would regret this, she was sure. The King, loving his daughters dearly, was a little unsure, but he had insisted that thirteen girls of noble families and of Mary’s age should accompany her as her companions.
The ceremony was most impressive and the Queen wept when the monastic veils were thrown over the heads of the young girls and the spousal rings placed on their fingers.
After that all the members of the royal family placed a rich gift on the altar and the King promised his daughter an annual allowance for the upkeep of her state in the convent. The Princesses Eleanor and Joanna discussed the ceremony afterwards and Joanna commented that it was easy to see why convents and monasteries welcomed royal people and those of great wealth.
‘The wealth of those who enter goes to the convent of course,’ said Eleanor.
‘Not always,’ retorted Joanna. ‘Our grandmother made sure that she retained hers.’
They smiled. They loved their grandmother but they were not sorry to see her take up her new abode. They were always a little afraid of her interference and that she would persuade their parents that something she wanted was good for them.
It was fortunate that she had been so impressed by the Princess Eleanor that she had been in favour of her being recognised as the heiress to England – but now that young Edward had arrived no one could do anything about the matter any more.
‘How sad to be old as she is!’ said Joanna. ‘She is always brooding on the past and so many people she loved are dead, even those whom you would have believed would have outlived her.’
‘I don’t think she ever got over the deaths of her daughters. It was so strange that Beatrice should die so soon after Margaret.’
‘I think she loved Margaret better than any of them. She could never forget that affair of her marriage when they almost starved her and kept her from her husband. Oh Eleanor, do you think we are ever going to get husbands? You are quite old and I am no longer young.’
‘We did not want to be sent away … I to Aragon and you to Germany. We had our wish.’
‘I know. But now that Edward is here it is different. I think we should marry soon. I should like to marry in England. Would you?’
Eleanor smiled secretively. ‘I think that is what our father wants.’
‘Then,’ added Joanna, ‘since his mother is no longer here he might have his way.’
‘That is not fair. He always had his way … and always will.’
‘But you must admit he took a great deal of notice of his mother. Look at Mary. Do you think
wanted her to go into a convent?’
‘He did not care very much and he thought it would serve him well in Heaven. Had Mary been unhappy he would not have allowed it.’
‘Well, sister, you are twenty-two years of age. If you are ever going to marry you will have to do so soon.’
‘And you are fourteen.’
‘A babe in arms compared with you.’
Eleanor sighed. It was true.
‘The gentleman of Aragon is still in his kingdom. It may well be those negotiations will be renewed.’
‘I don’t want to go to Aragon.’
‘Well, sister, even our father would not prevent it if it was necessary to state affairs.’
‘It was necessary before, but he prevented it.’
‘Oh, I thought that was God with the Sicilian Vespers.’
‘Our father took the opportunity that was offered.’
‘Oh, he loves you truly. You are his favourite and always will be. But alas, in this world we live in, a boy is a boy and therefore of greater importance than we are.’
‘Yet our grandmother loved her daughters and so does our father.’
‘Oh yes, but that is a private loving. But I like it well when a woman comes into her own.’
‘Oh yes, a woman queen … Queen in her own right … not simply because she is married to the King!’
It was strange, but very soon after this conversation an event took place which was to have a great effect on the crown of England.
It concerned the Scottish succession. There was one thing the Queen Mother had always been grateful for and that was that her daughter Margaret had been spared the suffering she would have undoubtedly endured had she lived to see the death of her two sons – those little princes David and Alexander on whom she had doted. David had died when he was only eleven years old and Alexander, the elder, having just made a good match with the daughter of the Earl of Flanders, had died a few years ago. That meant that only one of Margaret’s children was living and that was the girl, named Margaret after her mother, who had been born in England and for whom the Queen Mother had a very special affection. The Princess Margaret was beautiful and for the Queen Mother heartbreakingly like her mother; she was clever too and King Eric of Norway had asked for her hand in marriage. The Princess herself had been most unhappy at first and had implored her father not to send her to Norway.
Politics, however, decreed that she should go. There had long been a dispute between Scotland and Norway over the sovereignty of the Western Islands and the marriage would be of immense help to both sides. So Margaret set aside her prejudices and went to Norway as the bride of Eric. The marriage turned out better than might have been expected and this was due to the gentle and gracious manner of the young Princess of Scotland. In due course a child was born. She was known as Margaret, the Maid of Norway.
Alexander had been a widower for nine years. He had dearly loved his wife and had felt no desire to replace her, but on the death of his two sons, remarriage became a political necessity. He had, therefore, chosen as his second wife Yolante, daughter of the Earl of Dreux, and they were married.
At the wedding a masque was performed and many declared that, among the masked dancers, there appeared one of an unearthly shape who beckoned to Alexander. Later it was said that this was the angel of death who had come for the King.
It did indeed seem that Alexander was ill-fated. Less than a year after the marriage – and there was no sign of a child so far – he decided to give a banquet at Edinburgh Castle. Rumours had been in circulation that the end of the world was approaching and was, in fact, destined to end on the very night fixed for the banquet. Instead of depressing the company this appeared to make them all the merrier, as though they were determined to eat and drink as much as they could before they came face to face with their Maker.
By a strange coincidence a violent storm arose and the darkness was intense.
Queen Yolante had not attended the banquet but had stayed in the castle of Kinghorn, where the King had promised to rejoin her that night.
All the members of the company protested when he said his farewells to them. He could not ride out on such a night, they told him. He only had to listen to the wind and the rain to know why.
‘I have promised the Queen,’ replied the King, ‘and I shall keep my word. If anyone is afraid to ride out tonight then he can stay behind.’
One of the knights replied, ‘My lord, it would ill become me to refuse to die for your father’s son.’
‘The decision is yours,’ replied the King.
So Alexander left Edinburgh in the company of a small band of his most devoted friends. Safely they crossed Queen’s Ferry and reached Inverkeithing.
‘See,’ said the King. ‘Here we are and what harm has befallen us?’
‘My lord,’ said one of the King’s men, ‘you must see that far from abating the storm grows more fierce. The roads are flooded ahead. Our horses cannot ride on paths such as these and there are danger spots on the coast road to Kinghorn.’
‘I see you are afraid,’ replied the King. ‘Very well, I shall go on alone. I will take two men to show me the way and that is all I ask.’
‘My lord, my lord,’ cried one who was very near to him in friendship, ‘this is unwise. The road to Kinghorn is very dangerous. The Queen will not expect you on such a night. You know the precipice close to which you would have to pass. In the most clement weather that path must be trodden with caution.’
‘Enough,’ replied the King, and there was a light of fanaticism in his eyes, and afterwards some wondered whether he had deliberately challenged death that night. ‘I am bent on going.’
So he set out. The road of which they had spoken lay along the top of the rocks from which there was a sheer drop down to the shore of Pettycur. In the darkness and driving rain the King’s horse stumbled and he and his rider went hurtling down onto the rocks below.
So the King of Scotland went to his death – willingly some said, for he had wanted to join his first wife Margaret, and the story went that on that steep cliff path the angel of death had appeared again as it had at his wedding feast and this time he had followed it to death.
This was a fanciful legend such as the Celts loved. The King of England was sceptical about the angel of death. What struck him immediately was that the little girl in Norway was now the Queen of Scotland, and he had seen a way of uniting the two kingdoms without the disastrous bloodshed which had been necessary in Wales.
Eric of Norway was delighted that his daughter should be betrothed to the heir of England and young Edward was told by his mother that he was to have a bride.
He was mildly interested, but when he learned that it was not to be just yet, he was ready to forget the matter. ‘It is a happy state of affairs,’ said Edward to his Queen. ‘Fortune is smiling on me. Wales in my hands and if Edward becomes King of Scotland when he comes to the throne the two kingdoms can be united. You see how much more peaceful we shall be when we stand together.’
‘I do, Edward. And the people should be grateful to you. I hope they appreciate what you have done for them.’
‘They applaud what I have done when all goes well,’ he answered. ‘If all did not go well they would be quick to blame me. There is a certain luck required in kingship.’
‘Good judgement often results in what seems like luck.’
‘Aye, my Queen, and good luck as often looks like good judgement. By God, if I can be successful with Scotland as I have with Wales, if I can make us one nation, then I shall achieve that which even the Conqueror failed to do.’
‘You will do it, Edward. I know.’
It seemed that he might. Several of the Scottish lords came to see him and when he realised that they were by no means averse to the marriage between the heiress of Scotland and the heir of England, he was jubilant.
‘They are over-young yet,’ he said. ‘But we shall not wait long. We will have the child sent over from Norway and she shall be brought up here in your nursery, my love. There she will get to know and love Edward long before they can be married.’
It was an excellent plan.
So good that Edward felt he could make a long-postponed and very necessary trip to the Continent. There were several matters which demanded his attention. He needed to be in Aquitaine for one thing; he had been away too long from this stronghold. It had been a great disappointment when his brother Edmund’s stepdaughter had married the son of the King of France. Edward had hoped that marriage of Edmund’s with the Comtesse of Champagne would bring Champagne to England. King Philip of France had been too wise to allow that. It was why he had offered the dazzling prize – his own son and heir – to the heiress of Champagne which made it certain that that rich territory should come to the crown of France.
There was another matter. Edward could no longer shut his eyes to the fact that it was time his daughters married. Eleanor was well into her twenties. The match with Aragon could still be made and it was a good one. He had to overcome his repugnance to her leaving England and take up negotiations once more with Aragon.