The Hairdresser Diaries (5 page)

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Authors: Jessica Miller

BOOK: The Hairdresser Diaries
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“Cause C…” I stopped myself. “You know what, my mistake, I’m sorry. Forgive me, please,” I said giving him my best sad puppy face.

He picked up my hand and kissed it. “All is forgiven. Will you do me a favor and tell Cole I had to leave and I’ll talk to him later.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah I just want to sneak away before Peyton gets back.”

I totally understood. “No problem, I’ll let him know.”

Tommy said goodbye and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I thought I might never wash this cheek again.

About two minutes after Tommy left Logan appeared and sat down next to me. This was definitely out of character for him. He never acknowledged me in public like this. “You look beautiful tonight,” Logan said.

“Thanks,” I mumbled.

What is he up to?

“I can’t wait till later,” he whispered in my ear and then kissed my cheek. I almost fell over from shock. What the hell was he doing? Even Jessie gave us a funny look. He never showed affection towards me, especially in public and with witnesses. He always said it would ruin what we have, that our relationship was special. I wasn’t that dumb. It was so he could still hit on other chicks without them wondering who I was. I was his fun on the side.

He put his hand on my knee and shot me his ‘come hither’ smile. I looked into his eyes and at that smile and I forgot everything. I didn’t even notice Cole and Peyton had come back with the drinks.

“Where’s Tommy?” Peyton asked.

“Oh Yeah, Cole, Tommy wanted me to tell you, something came up and he had to leave. He said he’d talk to you later.”

“He text me and told me, thanks.”

I was feeling a little guilty with Logan sitting next to me. Since Cole was now by himself.

Logan was staring at Cole giving him the once over. He put his arm around me all possessively and just smiled at Cole.

Cole just stood there not even looking at Logan, he just kept his eyes on me. He had an expression on his face like he felt sorry for me. Sorry, because he knew what kind of guy Logan was and sorry because he thought I didn’t know better.

I couldn’t look at him anymore, there seemed to be too much pain in his eyes. “Here Cole, since Tommy left you can sit here,”

Peyton said and got up and moved over a chair so Cole would be sitting right next to me.

“Thanks, but I’m alright,” Cole said.

Logan had a cocky grin on his face and I started understanding why he was acting the way he was. I just wanted to say to him,

“Why don’t you just take your dick out and piss all over me. It’s obvious you’re trying to claim your territory.”

Annoyed, I sat up causing his arm to fall off my shoulders. He looked at me, shrugged, and kissed me on the lips once again marking his spot. “Text me later,” he said as he stood up and gave Cole a look like he won.

As Logan walked away he accidentally, on purpose, bumped into Cole slamming his shoulder into his. Cole didn’t seem to let it bother him. He just brushed it off like it was nothing.

Once Logan was out of sight, Cole slowly made his way back over to the seat next to mine. Being cautious not to step on anyone’s toes—metaphorically speaking. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had a boyfriend,” Cole said.

“I don’t. He’s not my boyfriend.” Cole looked at me as confused as anyone would after Logan’s ridiculous display. So I just said,

“Long story.”

“I’ve got time,” he said coyly.

Before I could come up with an excuse one of the bouncers starting letting everyone know it was closing time and we had to finish up our drinks and go.

“Maybe some other time, here’s my number,” Cole said handing me a card. “Give me a call, anytime.”

“I…” I was about to tell him, “don’t bother, I won’t call,” in a nice way, but he cut me off.

“Just take it, in case you change your mind.” I reluctantly took his number and threw it in my purse. “It was nice to meet you Tatum,” he said as he took my hand and kissed it. “Sweet dreams.”

As soon as he kissed my hand I automatically thought he was a player. Most jerks I knew kissed the hand because they thought it was smooth. Please, not me, it was a warning sign. I knew only creeps and players did that.

When he walked away, Peyton leapt across my lap and yelled for Cole. “What are you doing?” I growled at her in a low voice.

He turned back around and walked over to the table.

“Can you give Tommy my number?” Peyton asked.

“Sure,” he laughed, “What is it?”

Peyton search through her purse for a pen and paper, but couldn’t find anything. Seeing that she was getting frustrated, Cole just told her to put her number in his phone and he would make sure Tommy got it.

After she was finished he leaned over me to take his phone back. When he pulled back, he turned towards me and our faces were almost touching. I could feel his warm breath on my face.

Trapped by the intense pull of his beautiful, blue eyes, I could barely breathe. I wasn’t even sure if I was breathing. I have no idea what came over me, but I wanted him to kiss me right here, right now. I almost leaned into him, but then he stood up and it was too late. I felt like I was gasping for air.

“Oh and Cole, don’t be afraid to use that number yourself,” Peyton said winking at him. He blushed and walked away.

I turned and shot Peyton a nasty look. “What?” she said.

I didn’t say anything. I turned back and watched Cole leave wondering what had come over me a moment ago. Then I turned back to Peyton and asked, “You ready to go?”

“Yeah let’s go.”

We said our goodbyes to our remaining friends and left. I knew Peyton was tired and feeling a little defeated about not winning over Tommy’s attention. So I didn’t say anything on the way home. I’ll let her down easy tomorrow, when hopefully she won’t remember much.

That reminded me I wanted to bust Cole for lying to me about Tommy. I wanted to do it earlier, but forgot when I was distracted by Logan’s behavior. Then my mind shifted again because I knew Logan would be waiting for my text and right now that was the only thing I cared about.

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


Chapter 3

After I dropped Peyton off I sent Logan a text to let him know I was on my way home. When I got there he was already waiting for me. I got out of my car and signaled for him to follow me inside the house. We didn’t say anything to each other until we got to my room. I planned on talking to him about his peculiar behavior tonight.

I wasn’t sure how to go about it without him getting all defensive. He didn’t like conflict. He liked to keep things simple and anything that gave him a reason to get worked up about he dismissed. If I brought something up that bothered me, something he did, he would usually blame me for it. Saying it was my own fault and I’m too over dramatic and then not talk to me for a month when really it was always him just being an ass. Normally I could deal with it but tonight it was really bothering me.

I took a deep breath and just decided to come out with it. “You know, you acted like a real ass tonight,” I said sitting on my bed waiting for the blow back. It didn’t come.

“What are you talking about?” he said, acting like he had no idea what I meant.

“I just think it’s funny how you tell me you want to keep our little rendezvous a secret, but after tonight’s little display…”

He cut me off, sat down on the bed next to me, and laid his hand on top of mine. “I know I’m sorry. I was just thinking maybe we could start letting people know.”

“Know what exactly?” I asked hesitantly and a more than a little confused.

“That we’re together.”

What! Did he just really say that? My head was spinning so fast I thought I was going to pass out. I quickly stood up and looked at him and blurted out, “But we’re not together.”

He pulled me onto his lap, smiled, and kissed me. “Let’s not talk about it now, we’ll worry about it later,” he said.

How could we worry about it later, I wanted to talk about it now.

“Logan…” I couldn’t get another word in. He put his finger to my mouth and shushed me. He’s lucky he’s cute or I would have bit that finger off. I don’t like people shushing me.

My mind was still reeling over the fact that Logan just said to start telling people we were together. This was the last thing I expected him to say. I wanted this ever since we started hooking up. For a long time I thought this is what I wanted, but did I really want to be with Logan?

I can’t even believe I’m thinking this. Why do I doubt this? Maybe it’s because deep down I know Logan’s not a good guy.

Cole’s face flashed in my head.

What the hell? I shook my head to get rid of the image. I looked at Logan and he already had all the buttons on my shirt undone.

Not wasting anytime I see. I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes to try and clear my head.

Logan started taking off the rest of my clothes and his. He liked to get right to it. Which was fine sometimes, but hello, a little foreplay was nice too—and he wonders why I never have an orgasm. Definitely something we’re going to have to work on if we make this official.

Don’t get me wrong, sex with Logan is great, but lacking. Sometimes when I’m not feeling it, I just want to tell him to hurry up and get off me. I do give Logan some credit though; he did try, but was always unsuccessful. After a while I told him to stop trying so hard. I was even starting to think I was defective. I mean, I never had an orgasm. I was close once, I think, but no, nothing. I just gave up realizing it was never going to happen. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy sex, I enjoy it a lot. If I could I’d have sex all the time, all day, every day. Okay maybe not all day, that would cause some serious uncomfortable dryness.

That was probably another reason I put up with Logan, I knew I could get some at least once a week. I was always up for trying new things, but Logan, not so much. I once tried suggesting he pull my hair, but it didn’t go over so well. He grabbed the ends instead of near the root like you’re supposed to. So it just hurt instead of feeling good. I could tell he felt a little awkward doing it.

Fortunately he only held on for a minute. I didn’t bother suggesting anything after that. I figured it was a lost cause.

Something was still bugging me though. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I tried to relax a little by taking a deep breath. A minute later Cole’s face popped in my head again. What the fuck! Why can’t I get this stupid guy out of my head?

I opened my eyes to look at Logan and distract myself. He was already on top of me. Huh. I must be out of it; I didn’t even realize we were having sex.

Logan didn’t even seem to notice I was distracted. He never did. For tonight, I was glad he didn’t. If he actually paid attention he might notice something wrong and he might have been compelled to ask. I don’t think I could have told him I was having second thoughts of us being together and oh yeah, I keep thinking of someone else while we’re having sex. I didn’t think that would go over so well.

I didn’t want to close my eyes again afraid of seeing Cole’s face. Not that I didn’t mind, he was very good-looking. It’s just that I felt kind of guilty picturing one man while having sex with another, especially since I had no interest in Cole.

Two minutes later Logan rolled off of me. Wow! Was he really that quick or had I been that distracted I didn’t notice how long we were having sex?

Either way I didn’t care. I wasn’t into it tonight as much as I thought I was. This was definitely one of those times I would have liked to say hurry up and get off. I rolled over on my side and tried to relax.

I was hoping to fall asleep before Logan because he snored. I hated it, and if he fell asleep before I did then I wouldn’t be able to sleep because of his damn snoring. It was one reason I didn’t mind we never cuddled. If I had to deal with that snoring right in my ear I’d go nuts. Unfortunately for me Logan was out before I was.

I lay there staring up at the ceiling and listening to Logan’s pre-snoring warmup.

I couldn’t stop thinking about the thought of Logan and I being together. I also couldn’t stop thinking about Cole.

I looked over at Logan who was snoring loudly by now. Ugh! I need to invest in some ear plugs. I’m never going to fall asleep with this snoring and my constant mind babble.

After two hours of staring at the ceiling while trying not to think of Cole, or of Logan and I being together, or the snoring, I finally couldn’t take it anymore. I kicked Logan hoping to wake him up, but all it did was cause him to roll over on me. Great, I’m going to be crushed to death by a snoring giant. With my free arm I tried shaking him. “Logan,” Nothing. “Logan wake up!” Nothing.

Okay now I’m getting pissed. With all my strength I pushed with my free arm. I was able to lift his shoulder enough to slide out from underneath his crushing body and breathe. “Must be nice to sleep through anything,” I mumbled to myself.

I so wanted to kick him again. Instead I went outside to smoke and thought I’d try and wake him when I got back. I knew he wouldn’t even notice if I was gone.

Ten minutes later I headed back into my bedroom. This fucker was still sleeping. This time I shook him as hard as I could,

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