The Gunman's Bride (20 page)

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Authors: Catherine Palmer

BOOK: The Gunman's Bride
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  1. Rosie’s aim in life is to become a teacher. What steps does she plan to take to accomplish that goal?
  2. Bart has decided to “go straight.” What actions does it take for him to do that?
  3. In Matthew 6:8, 31–34, Jesus commands His followers not to worry. How many things does worry lead Rosie to do after Bart reenters her life?
  4. Is it really possible to stop worrying? How? Do you think Rosie finally learns how to have faith in God—and in Bart?
  5. Bart had not been allowed to enter a church as a child, but he sat on the porch and listened. Do you think everyone has an inborn need to know about God? Do you know someone who has suffered discrimination in a church setting?
  6. In what ways does Rosie change during the course of the story? How does Bart change? What role does their Christian faith play in their transformation?
  7. What impact does the death of Manford Wade have on Rosie and Bart? What do you think of Cheyenne Bill’s assertion that Mannie was an angel?
  8. Robert Ford saved Bart’s life. How does Ford use this to manipulate Bart?
  9. Rosie believes everyone must face the consequences of their bad choices. Do you agree? Does forgiveness by God erase the effects of our poor decisions?
  10. Do you think Bart and Rosie will live happily ever after? Why? Do you think their faith in God is important to their successful future?

ISBN: 978-1-4268-7997-5


Copyright © 2011 by Catherine Palmer

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