The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All (12 page)

BOOK: The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All
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Friends for Saving California Jobs— The
more information my wife and I discovered concerning the globalist
roots of radical environmentalism in California and its harm on the
state and economy, there was no doubt we had to take action. We
recruited three friends/businessmen Robert Ming , Bill Dunlap , Eric
Eisenhammer, as well as a selection of prominent businessmen and
women throughout the state to assist in our efforts to stop the out
of control burdensome regulations strangling California companies.
Visit our website to learn more about our team, join our coalition and
stay up-to-date with the latest issues and actions you can take to make
a difference in your state and the nation.
—regularly updated environmental news from
Marc Morano, a longtime D.C. insider on environmental issues.
“The Greatest Hoax”—
How the Global Warming Conspiracy
Threatens Your Future—is Senator Jim Inhofe’s detailed insider
account of global environmentalism as he occupied a courtside seat
observing how environmentalism works within our government to
control the lives of every American in DC. His book is recommended
by former Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt, who is also a former
U.S. Senator. This book is also available from
—Website for the 28-year old environmental truthtelling organization, CFACT. Co-founders, David Rothbard and
Craig Rucker have traveled millions of miles pursuing the truth on
anthropologic (man-made) global warming.
—The website my wife and I started two years
ago after establishing a state chapter office of CFACT. Our site is
complete with lots of environmental news, speaking schedules, and
recommended sources.
John Coleman
—John is the weatherman at San Diego station
KUSI and founder of the Weather Channel. Now this guy is a wonderful man and someone who really knows about weather! Go to KUSI.
com and click on John’s personal webpage, “Coleman’s Corner”—
This Webpage is Devoted to My Effort to Debunk the Alarmism of
Global Warming… couldn’t have said it better, friend!
—California meteorologist Anthony Watts
launched this website in 2006 just as the California Global Warming
Solutions Act was coming to fruition. Check it out daily. It is the
“most viewed website on global warming and climate change in the
—Dr. Spencer served as the Senior Scientist
for Climate Studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Center and is a self
described environmental alarmism skeptic. His undergraduate degree
is in Atmospheric Sciences and his two advanced degrees were both
earned at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
—A great independent website sponsored by the
Pacific Research Institute. Many of my state environmental articles are
published at this site along with the great work of investigative journalist Katie Grimes.
—Founder Eric Eisenhammer created
a nonprofit grassroots movement dedicated to expanding access to
affordable energy and quality jobs. Visit this website for all breaking
California environmental news.
Environmental Perspectives
—Google the organization’s name
and you’ll meet the man who single-handedly stopped a US Senate
vote on the UN’s Biodiversity Treaty in 1994, Dr. Michael Coffman.
His Doctorate in Forrest Sciences makes him a great source for “environmental perspectives”. His outstanding books are available at his
EPI website.
Brian Sussman
—San Francisco talk show host and former
TV weatherman who has written two great books I highly recommend. “Climategate”—A Veteran Meteorologist Exposes the Global
Warming Scam. And his follow-up, “Eco-Tyranny”—How the Left’s
Green Agenda Will Dismantle America. On the front cover of “EcoTyranny” is a wonderful endorsement from Senator James Inhofe.
Both books can be ordered through the WorldNet Daily website,
—Nothing like getting educated about this UN organization directly from their own website. ICLEI makes no secret of
their history, their goals and their campaigns. Check to see if your
hometown is an “ICLEI GOLD STAR” city.
Agenda 21
—Your search engine will provide you with a wealth of
information about the UN’s Agenda for the 21st Century, along with
the history of the organization, its founders and how it is positioned
to advance a New World Order in the 21st century.
—The website of the English investigative
journalist who was one of the first to break the UN’s IPCC Climategate
Scandal wide open. He details the emails and reports all of the characters involved in the scheme by name. His book reveals what we all
suspect about radical environmentalists: they are green on the outside
but pink in the middle. Thus, his book is titled “Watermelon” and is
available from Read his book.
—Another Englishman has written several
great books and is a constant source of updated climate information analysis. Lord Christopher Monckton is the Third Viscount of
Benchley and was Lady Margaret Thatcher’s advisor on environmental issues in the 1980s. His investigative research is available at the
Science and Public Policy Institute website. He is a real-life genius
who retains a marvelous sense of humor. SPPI is a not-for-profit institute of research and education dedicated to sound public policy based
on sound science.
“Power Grab”
by Chris Horner. Subtitled, “How Obama’s green
policies will steal your freedom and bankrupt America”. Talk show
host Mark Levin says the book “exposes the agenda of the Obama
Administration and its allies” and it is also endorsed by Congresswoman
Michelle Bachman, a personal hero of mine.
is the powerful monthly pamphlet publication from
Hillsdale College in Michigan, a school based on a classical liberal arts
model. Subscription is free at [email protected]
—Joe Farrahs’ brash website, is a
powder keg of news and information unreported by the mainstream
media. It is one of the most widely read news websites in the world.
American Values
—This organization was founded by Gary Bauer
and is a longtime favorite. Gary started the organization Family
Research Council and served in the Reagan White House. His daily
end of the day report from the Nation’s Capitol provides you with lots
of information and insights you need to know.
—This book didn’t give extensive coverage to the Smart Meters being installed on homes all over America
and usually without the homeowner’s permission. This website provides the most comprehensive information.

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