The Greek Tycoon's Tarnished Bride (Men of the Zodiac) (21 page)

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Erica spun around, and her heart skipped a beat as she fell under the warm shadow of his large body and was struck by the ferocity in his eyes. “Oh, no we

re not!”

“We need to talk, Erica. You need to listen to what I have to say.”


ve said more than enough,” she whispered harshly. “And now you

re embarrassing yourself and you hate that, so just back off.”

“Just one moment,” the receptionist said in a stern voice. “I need your wife to sign a disclaimer form. Hotel policy.”

They both looked at the woman incredulously. “But I
this room,” said Erica. “Just because I got the booking name wrong—”

“If you

ll come with me,” insisted the receptionist and gestured that Erica should go ahead to a door next to the public payphone. “We can sort all this out very quickly.” Erica felt like a criminal being taken for interrogation, but at least she could fight for the hotel room and get some distance between her and Tito. “Not you,” the receptionist said to Tito as he tried to hang on to the buggy and follow them. “Just your wife and the baby, please.”

“What?” He looked pained and the wildness in his eyes that had been there earlier had faded. Now he just looked tired. He shrugged and rammed his hands into his coat pockets.

A light flickered on as the receptionist opened the door and ushered Erica in. It appeared she was now in the janitor

s cubbyhole judging by the buckets and industrial sized flagons of cleaning products. There was barely enough room for both of them and the buggy in there. The receptionist put her hands on her hips and spoke quickly. “Do you want me to call the police?”

“Is that a threat?” Erica replied in alarm. “I haven

t done anything illegal!”

“No, no, no.” She looked vexed. “That man out there, the one who says he is your husband. Are you running away from him? Is it domestic abuse? There are people who can help you. I will help you.”

“God, no!” Erica

s hand flew to her face. “He would never do anything like that.”

“But you want divorce or something, yes? And he won

t let you go. He wants his child, his wife, and he stalks you everywhere, am I right? He wants you to come home.”

“Well, yes, kind of, but—”

“I see it all the time, women running away. They think they can become invisible in this big city, and they end up coming here first because it is so damn cheap and near public transport so they

re not on the street too long with their children.” She sighed and shook her head. “Makes me wonder about the state of this world, it really does.”

“Actually, I love him.” Erica couldn

t believe those words had just come out of her mouth, and she had to let out a little puff of air to gain some equilibrium. “I love him but he doesn

t want me.

The other woman tipped her head to one side and frowned. “

t want you? Didn

t look much like that to me, honey. He wants you all right. Or did you steal all his money?”

“No,” Erica let out a little laugh. “Nothing like that.”

“Then what

s he after, lady? I can

t let him take you away if I

m not sure you

re safe and willing.”

“He wants his stepson.” She looked down at Nick who was beginning to grunt and strain under the buggy straps. “He wants to adopt him, bring him up as his own in a big castle in Greece, and keep him safe until he becomes a very wealthy young man.”

The receptionist
’s expression darkened.
“Are you ripping the pee out of me now?”

It did sound ridiculous spoken out loud like that. “No, really, it

s true,”
Erica said meekly.

The other woman sighed and was about to speak when the door was thrust roughly open. Tito filled the doorframe with his broad shoulders, which looked even wider than usual under his black rain-splattered overcoat. “What

s going on?” he blurted. “I need to speak to my wife.”

“You sure as hell do, mister.” She gestured for him to step aside so she could pass through and then turned to give him a gentle shove inside the tiny space. “I

ll be right outside, so no funny business. And I

m locking you both in so you can

t do a runner with her or the baby while I

m not looking. Dial zero on that phone on the wall, and I

ll come right away and let you out when you
’re done.

The door closed behind him and the cubbyhole seemed suddenly much, much smaller with Tito inside. He picked up a packet of paper towels and looked at them. Erica could see his hands were trembling. His worst nightmare being locked in a tiny space had just happened big style before either of them could do anything about it.

Tito swallowed, and Erica could see tiny beads of sweat forming on his brow even though the cupboard was icy cold with no heating except the heat given off by a bare lightbulb. “Were there really disclaimer forms?”

“No. She only wanted to make sure you weren

t a homicidal, maniacal, abusive husband. It was perceptive of her to notice something was wrong.”

Tito nodded silently as he looked down at Nick who had started blowing angry bubbles of frustration. “Can we get him out of this buggy before he explodes?”

She bent down to unfasten him. “Good idea, but we

ll have to keep an eye on him. It

s dangerous in here with all these cleaning chemicals.

His voice was unsteady. “What happened, Erica? Why did you leave like that? I

ve been worried sick.”

“Worried sick I had taken your only connection to Yannis? Worried that your business empire might spin out of control if you don

t get to meddle with his legacy for the next twenty-odd years?”

He let out a harsh breath. “Worried that both of you have just come out of hospital and have no one to look after you! Worried about your state of mind in doing something like that. Worried that I might never find you again.”

Erica drew up a battered beer barrel and sat Nick on her lap. “Okay, here goes. I learned a lot in Crete. I learned that freedom and independence are still important to me but also how much I enjoyed family life. Even if the Frangos tribe are a bit mental, they mean well. If I could wave a magic wand, I would love nothing more than to stay with you and Nick in Greece, watch him grow up, and help you with your projects. You

re right, I do need something to do with my time. I have skills and passion, and I want to use them, but not in the way you assume I do.”

So tell me.

“In a dream situation?” He nodded for her to continue. “I wouldn

t spend years finishing a psychology degree now because I don

t want to spend even more years seeing one person at a time in a soulless room trying to help them. I would aim for something bigger, something that would help children who have been psychologically traumatized like we were. You inspired me with your plans, Tito, you really did.” She sighed and her breath rattled in her lungs. “And I could help you get some therapy for your cleithrophobia …”

He looked startled. He also looked ill. “You found out about that?”

“Valeta has a big mouth and couldn’t resist telling me, but I

m fully aware of what you must be going through right here, right now in this tiny locked cupboard trying to talk me round to whatever it is you want from me.”

Tito leaned an elbow against the edge of a storage cabinet and fixed her with soft green eyes. “I want you, that

s all. You can do all the things you dream of, Erica. Come back to Crete with me, and we can make it happen.”

The backs of her eyes prickled ominously. “I can

t do that, because I

m greedy and it

s not enough.”

Tito shook his head disbelievingly. “What else? Just tell me.”

You won

t like it.”

I don’
t care, say it.”

“I signed those divorce papers because I was angry, and I couldn

t bear to be tied to a man who doesn

t love me. I couldn

t live with you being ‘

and knowing I would never share your bed again. It

s crazy but I don

t want a divorce. I want to be your wife and have a proper marriage and a sibling for Nick. Maybe even a few of them. I never had a brother or sister, and I don

t want it to be the same for him. But you can

t give me that. You

give me that. I want too much. I won

t compromise, and I have to face the fact that you don

t want me in your life.”

“Wrong.” He stood up straight and took a step towards her, hands outstretched. “You

re wrong because I do love you and until a few hours ago I was simply too scared to admit it. You

re not like my mother, I realize that now. I was ridiculous thinking I would end up like my father because I

d fallen in love with you. I want you as my forever wife and lover. I want to have children with you too, because now I

m not so scared to try, not if I know you will be there with me all the way. If I can be there for Nick, I can be there for his siblings and for you. ”

Erica stood up on weak knees. “Is this true? It

s not just me having a delirious dream?”

Tito took Nick by the waist, and she made no move to stop him as he lifted him into his arms. “I will do whatever it takes to make this work, Erica. I should have manned up the first time I was faced with possibly losing you both in that hospital, but I didn

t. Something, somehow, gave me a second chance, and I blew that too when I was too slow and stupid to stop you leaving Crete. I

m not leaving this
firmly locked
cleaning cupboard until I

ve convinced you to forgive me and give me another chance.”

Her trembling fingers touched the dark stubble on his jaw. “Oh, Tito.”


s taken you standing up to me and leaving me to wake me up to so many things. I

ve been letting my past define my future, but it shouldn

t be like that. I can

t change my childhood or what happened to Yannis and in Germany, but if I can learn from it, not repeat the mistakes and move on to make the world a better place then that

s what I want to do. With you by my side.”

Erica leaned forward and touched her lips to his. “God, I do so love you.” He closed his eyes as the kiss deepened and Erica felt dizzy with joy at what had just happened.

“I picked this up at the airport as I raced through. I called the store while flying over the Med to make sure it was ready as soon as I landed, so I could reach you as quickly as possible.”


s mouth felt dry as he pressed a square red and gold leather box into her hand. “Bloody hell,” she gasped. “Cartier? For real?”

“It had you written all over it when I saw it in online—beautiful, radiant, sparking, and larger than life. But if you don

t like it, I

ll get you another.”

She pressed the lid upwards on its tiny golden hinge and gasped. A platinum ring with a heart-shaped diamond set between two other hearts formed from twenty-eight brilliant cut smaller diamonds. “Dear God, how many carats is that thing?”

“The big one is five carats, not sure about the others. I didn

t ask.” His hands were shaking even more now. “I can get you a bigger one.”

“You didn

t need to buy me this.”

“I wanted to. I want to get married all over again and do it properly this time. If you

ll have me…”

“Properly? Like with meeting your parents and stuff? And your sister?”

Tito paused for a second and let out a long breath. “If that

s what you want, but I warn you they are completely awful. In that case, I will meet your mother too?”

Erica had to think for a moment on that one. “I guess one more chance for all of them might bring us luck? Maybe even some kind of reconciliation?”


s mouth curved into a wry smile. “Maybe.” He took her left hand and stroked the pad of his thumb over her ring finger. “So will you be my wife, Erica? Will you wear my rings?”

I don’
t even need to think about that. Of course I will. I love you!” she said breathlessly and watched with wonder as he slid the ring onto her finger. “And it even fits, you clever sod!” She had been to the depths of despair and wrecked self-esteem and now…now it felt like she was flying on a magic carpet to a secret place that only they knew. Just the three of them.


s go home.”


Santorini, one year later.

our choice of honeymoon location is totally inspired!” Erica giggled as Tito carried her over the threshold of their luxury suite set high up over the jumble of white and blue buildings teetering over an impossibly blue sea.

“A second wedding called for a second honeymoon, it

s only fair,” he said, setting her down and making quick work of helping her out of her wedding dress.

At the same time she undid the buttons of his shirt with fingers that were unsteady with excitement. “I only said yes to that insane orthodox ceremony because I got to wear one of those golden crowns. I bloody loved that crown. Although you were right about your mother.”

“Your mother was interesting too. I don

t think they will be in a hurry to meet each other again, but we did try.”

“Never again and Christmas is canceled as far as those two are concerned as well!”

Tito laughed loudly.
“Good plan! But you looked so beautiful today. The envy of every man in Crete. And now I get you all to myself.” They were both now naked and grinning. Tito had eased her down into the center of the huge bed.

Phft! It

s only been three months since I gave birth to Athena, so less of the beautiful, Makris.” She closed her eyes as his lips feathered kisses down her neck and he heard her groan with pleasure.

the most stunning woman in Greece,” he whispered and straddled her hips with his knees. Staring down into her rebellious blue eyes he smoothed a lash of blond hair off her forehead and lowered his head to kiss her. He had been anticipating this moment for so long, and now he was going to take it slowly. She opened her lips to him as he explored them with his tongue and when it slipped inside her mouth it was like tumbling off a cliff top into a lake of marshmallow—terrifying apprehension followed by heavenly, delicious sensation. Her fingers skimmed his shoulders as she pressed her body into his, signaling her appreciation. His hands trembled as they slid to meet the heat between her legs. She moaned softly, and he felt her teeth scrape against his flesh as he entered her. When he looked down her eyes were open, black lashes framing piercing blue windows that reflected back the enormous, unconditional love he had for her.

He moved slowly as she wound her limbs around him, and everything began to feel tighter as the tension built and she urged him onwards with her mouth and hips and wicked words. He closed his eyes and was swept into a red velvet whirl of sexual hunger, pounding into her until she let out a string of harsh gasps and spasmed around him. As she shattered helplessly beneath him, his fingers threaded into the thick gold of her hair, and he clung on tight as he too let go, propelled into the throes of a dizzying orgasm.

“I love you,
Kyrs Makris
,” he whispered into her hair and then kissed the edge of her dreamily smiling mouth.

“I love you too, Tito,” she murmured sleepily, still breathless from their lovemaking. “I love you so much I married you twice, remember?”

He chuckled and kissed her wedding band. “Oh, yes, so you did.”

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