The Gospel of John and Christian Origins (34 page)

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Index of Names and Subjects

Aberle, Moriz von, 87

Abraham, 124, 142, 162, 170, 174, 188

Aland, Kurt, 153, 154

Alexander Jannaeus (king), 50, 53n6

Alexandra (queen), 50, 53n6

Andrew (disciple), 10n4, 120, 138, 157, 173

Annas, 47n3, 176

Antigonus, 47

Antiochus Epiphanes, 95, 109, 121

Apocalypse of Abraham
, 185

apocalyptic, 5, 97–118, 203

Archelaus, 47–48

Aristobulus, 47

Ascension of Isaiah
, 193

Asclepius, 144

Ashton, John, 59n4, 72n21, 75, 82n27, 94n21, 130n34, 134, 145, 146, 167n27, 170n30, 177n45, 182n7, 190n22

Augustus (emperor), 48

Aune, David E., 25–26, 28–29


Bammel, Ernst, 34n4, 54

Barrett, C.K., 27n16, 21, 36n9, 43, 88, 90, 121, 122–23, 154, 164–65, 169n29, 202

Bauckham, Richard, 3, 28, 75, 78–82, 85n1, 123, 129

Baur, Ferdinand Christian, 1, 181–82, 202, 204

Becker, Jürgen, 123n16, 128, 154n34

Ben Sira, 146

Bieler, Ludwig, 159n7

. See

Birkat ha-Minim
, 75, 79, 87, 88, 94

Blenkinsopp, Joseph, 62

Boismard, Marie-Emile, 123n16, 163

Book of Signs.
Signs Source

Borgen, Peder, 19, 126n21, 130–31, 144n21

Bornkamm, Günther, 186n15

Botticelli, Sandro, 7

Boyarin, Daniel, 46n2, 54n11

Box, G. A., 148n12

Bretschneider, Karl Gottlieb, 86–87

Brown, Raymond E., 3, 14n14, 20–21, 38n11, 40n13, 47n3, 75, 88, 120, 121n8, 134, 137–38, 154n35, 163, 165–68, 202

Browning, Robert:
A Death in the Desert
, 195–98

Bühner, Jan-Adolf, 175

Bultmann, Rudolf, 4, 13, 16, 24, 39–40, 42, 45, 51, 88–89, 90, 99n2, 116, 122, 127–28, 130, 133–35, 148, 154, 157, 160, 164, 168n29, 182–84, 190, 191, 194, 195–96, 201, 202, 203, 205

Burkitt, F. C, 148

Burridge, Richard A., 23–29


Callimachus, 76

Cana, 25, 194

Capper, Brian J., 59–60

chief priests, 4, 34n4, 46, 47–48, 51–53

Collins, John J., 60n6, 103, 107, 140n14

Colpe, Carsten, 116, 134, 172

Cox, Patricia, 27–29

Culpepper, R. Alan, 123–24


Dahl, Nils Alstrup, 193

Damascus Document, 61–67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 106

Daniel, Book of, 59n4, 67n16, 97–100, 102, 105, 107–9, 112–13, 176, 185

Davies, Philip R., 63n10

Dead Sea Scrolls, 4, 55–64, 66n16, 72, 76n8, 93–95, 99, 103, 116, 169–72, 198

Dodd, C. H., 4, 6, 88, 119, 123, 128, 130, 164, 184, 185, 191, 201


Edwards, H. E., 129

Elijah, 11, 140, 161, 170n32, 172, 174

Enoch, 161, 170, 172, 204;
1 Enoch
, 59n4, 61, 99–100, 101, 107, 109–11, 173, 185

Esler, Philip R., 103

Essenes, 4, 57–71, 97, 100, 103, 105, 185, 188

Evans, Craig A., 145

Ezekiel (tragedian), 162, 171, 184


Farewell Discourse, 1, 10, 18, 37–41, 81, 93, 179, 183, 195

Frei, Hans, 76


genre: genre, 4, 23–29, 31–43, 75; genre, 23–29, 75–76

Gese, Hartmut, 154n34

Ghirlandaio, Domenico, 7

Grünewald, Matthias, 192


Habakkuk (pesher) 67–69, 97–98, 100

Haenchen, Ernst, 153–54

Hanukkah, 143

Harnack, Adolf, 1, 133, 135

Hasmoneans, 45, 48, 60

Heidegger, Martin, 99n2, 158

Hengel, Martin, 29, 79n15, 119, 122n9, 130, 166n25, 192n30

Hermetica, 4, 147, 180, 187

Herod the Great, 47, 50

Hilgenfeld, Adolf, 40n14

Holladay, Carl, 160

Hyrcanus, John, 50


sayings, 157, 185–86, 199

Iamblichus, 26–27

Isocrates, 23


Jacob, 12, 115–16, 142, 162


Jesus Christ,

Jewish law.

Jews in John’s Gospel, 4, 14, 15–17, 35, 51, 53–54, 87, 90, 93, 95, 104, 137–38, 172, 187–88, 202

Johanan ben Zakkai, 52

John the Baptist, 10n4, 11, 14, 118, 140, 164

John (evangelist),
; Johannine community, 3, 75–83, 95, 103, 162, 199, 203

John Hyrcanus (king), 50

Josephus, Flavius, 47n3, 48–52, 53n6, 58, 59, 61, 85

Joshua, 18, 20, 42

Justin Martyr, 13, 15, 86

Käsemann, Ernst, 90n14, 157–58, 163, 181–82, 186, 197–98, 204–5

Keener, Craig S., 129–30

kerygma, 29, 32

Klink, Edward W., 75–78

Kovacs, Judith, 101n4


Lamarche, Paul, 145–52, 168

La Potterie, Ignace de, 40n14, 148, 168n29

Lenski, Gerhard E., 50n5

Léon-Dufour, Xavier, 24–25, 91–92

Lincoln, Andrew T., 130

Lindars, Barnabas, 16n16, 17, 18–19, 21n29, 119–20, 121n8, 122–23, 130–31, 147, 153, 154, 163n15

Greek and Roman
, 23–29, 75, 85

, 73, 145–55, 162, 165–66, 177, 191, 197, 205

Lucian, 24, 26n11

Ludolph of Saxony, 128n29

Luke (evangelist), 31, 33, 35, 104, 181

Luther, Martin, 8


McGrath, James F., 165n20

Mandaean hypothesis, 134, 160, 163, 182, 183–84, 191

Martha (disciple), 173

Mark (evangelist), 27n16, 31, 32, 33–34, 46, 55, 104, 115, 172, 175–76, 181, 185, 186, 193, 194

Martyn, J. Louis, 3, 10n4, 12n8, 19, 20n27, 75–80, 81, 88–94, 111–13, 123, 126n24, 127nn25–26, 136–37, 140nn15–16, 176, 181n1, 187, 191, 202–3

Marxsen, Willi, 45n1

Matthew (evangelist), 8–9, 31, 33, 46, 55, 104, 181, 194

Meeks, Wayne A., 12, 12n7, 17n18, 19, 89n11, 94, 116, 134, 140n17, 161–63, 172, 182, 184, 186n15, 191, 192

Messiah, 10n4, 11, 12, 32–33, 136–38, 140, 176, 191

Messianic Secret, 33, 34, 100

Michelangelo, 7

Mishnah, 53, 54

Moses, 2–3, 19–22, 42, 74, 93–94, 110–11, 118, 139, 141, 161, 162–63, 167–68, 170, 171–72, 174, 178, 191, 192; disciples of, 10, 17, 93, 141, 172, 174, 203; Moses-like prophet, 5, 10n4, 11–12, 20, 22, 135–41, 143, 182, 191; Moses–Messiah, 118n7; Moses in Sistine Chapel, 7–9, 20

Muhammed, 93

Murphy-O’Connor, Jerome, 63n10


Nathanael, 15, 115–16, 138, 173

Nebuchadnezzar, 67n16, 95, 102, 107–8, 112

Nepos, Cornelius, 23, 26n11

Newsom, Carol A., 62n8, 72, 151

Nickelsburg, George W. E., 111

Nicodemus, 116, 173


Odeberg, Hugo, 88n7, 170–71, 174, 191n24


Parables of Enoch, 156–57, 181

Paraclete, 18, 37–42, 81, 102n5, 118, 178, 195

Passover, 125

Paul (apostle), 3n2, 8, 23, 31, 55, 100, 189, 192n30, 201

Perugino, Pietro, 7

Peter (disciple), 32, 36, 82–83

Pharisees, 4, 34n4, 46, 48–54, 63–64, 68, 92–93, 141

Philip (disciple), 10n4, 15, 120, 138, 169n, 173, 178–79, 195

Phillips, Peter, 145–52

Philo, 12, 24, 58, 61, 162, 171, 184

Philostratus, 24, 27, 37, 39, 40

Pilate (governor), 173

Pindar, 76

Pliny the Elder, 58, 59

Plutarch, 24, 26n11

Pollard, T.F., 165n37

Pompey, 47

Porphyry, 26–27

Portier-Young, Anthea E., 110n11

Powell, J. Enoch, 121n6

Prologue to John, 2, 3, 10–11, 20–21, 22, 25, 33, 135, 141, 146, 147–53, 155, 157, 159, 161, 162, 163–69, 177, 182, 190–91, 198, 203–4

Prophet like Moses.
Moses-like prophet

Providence of God, 70–72

Ptolemy, 169n60


Qumran, 4, 57–61, 99, 100, 107, 109; Qumran Community, 4, 60–61, 66–70, 98, 100, 103, 105–6, 109, 114


remembrance, 36–37, 39

Redaction criticism, 85

Roberts, Colin, 128n32

Roselli, Cosimo, 7, 8

Rowland, Christopher, 183, 191, 193


Sadducees, 49, 50n5, 68

Saldarini, Anthony J., 50n5

Samaritans, 10, 12, 14–15, 163, 191; Samaritan woman, 11–12, 142, 173

Sanhedrin, 48, 50–51

Satyrus of Callatis, 23

Saussure, Ferdinand de, 120

Schechter, Solomon, 61

Schlatter, Adolf, 88n7

Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 198

Schnackenberg, Rudolf, 128, 140n15, 152, 153

Schürer, Emil, 52–53

Schwartz, Daniel, 66n13

Schwartz, Eduard, 122

Schweitzer, Albert, 158

Second Temple Judaism.

Segal, Alan F., 170n32, 176n43

Segovia, Fernando F., 124–26, 129

Shakespeare, William, 36n6, 51–52

Signs Source, 10, 126, 185, 194

Sistine Chapel.

Skeat, T. C., 128n32

Smith, Dwight Moody, 78, 88, 94nn21, 23, 159–61

Smith, Jonathan Z., 27–28

Smith, Morton, 54

Son of Man, 5, 13, 32, 108, 115, 135, 142, 166, 170–77, 182–83, 192–93

Sophocles, 35n6

Spitta, Friedrich, 163n

Stegemann, Hartmut, 63n10

Stein, Edith, 1, 3n2

Stibbe, Mark, 126n24, 129

Stone, Michael E., 148

Strauss, David Friedrich, 119

Streeter, B. H., 184n10, 185, 189n21

Suetonius, 24, 26n11

Sukkoth, 143



Tacitus, 24, 26n11

Talmon, Shemaryahu, 54n11

Tatian, 128n29

Teacher of Righteousness, 66–68, 98

Teeple, Howard M., 13n12

Teicher, Jacob, 60

Temple of Jerusalem, 33–36, 52, 91, 100, 101, 142; Second Temple Judaism, 54n10, 55, 62, 85, 110

Theobald, Michael, 154n34

Theodotion, 40n14, 102

Thiering, Barbara, 60

Thomas (disciple), 27, 173, 177, 179

Torah, 2, 4, 10, 12, 15, 16–17, 22, 48–49, 62, 64–65, 69–70, 100, 105, 110, 118, 143, 162, 167, 188


understanding: two times or levels of, 34–37, 41–42, 81, 91, 102, 188


Verdi, Giuseppe, 95

Vermes, Geza, 57–58, 67, 69, 139

Virgil, 76

. See


Wellhausen, Julius, 45, 51, 80, 122

West, M. L., 121n6

Wetter, Gillis P., 159–60

Wills, Garry, 3n2

Wilson, Brian R., 103

wisdom, 5, 69–71, 135, 163–69, 182

Wrede, William, 32–34, 36–37, 87, 157n1


Xenophon, 23


Yavneh, 4, 52, 57, 94

Young, Frances, 76

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