The Good Student (2 page)

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Authors: Stacey Espino

BOOK: The Good Student
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Kaya peered in the open doors as she navigated the hallway. So many unfamiliar faces. They all seemed to stare back at her accusingly. No doubt her nerves and natural inclination to be shy were playing tricks on her.

Her first class was economics.

Soon after entering the class, a teacher came in. “Ladies and gentleman. Please take a seat." The teacher dropped his briefcase flat on his desk with a bang and turned to write on the chalk board. He wrote down his name, Mr. Stellar, and then he proceeded to shut each door at either side of his desk. With the drone of students from the hallway cut off, tension rose in the confined space. Everyone sat in silence as they waited to catch a glimpse into the new teacher’s personality. Would he be rigid or laid back?

Mr. Stellar appeared to be in his early sixties. His receding hairline was almost indistinguishable as he kept his hair buzzed short.

“Alright. I’ll state this upfront.” He leafed through some papers as he spoke. “This isn’t high school and I don’t intend to babysit any of you. I won’t be hounding you for assignments or giving out reminders like your mommy. Show up. Do the work I assign. And you’ll pass this course.”

Nobody said a word. Even though it was clear this teacher meant business, Kaya liked him. No frills. No fuss. She planned on getting all her assignments done, just like at her old school. Except now she’d have to juggle her time between work and sleep. No need to worry about a social life that didn't exist.

As her first class ended, she stole one more peek at her schedule to find the room number of her philosophy class. It was on the main level, so she took the stairs down, not willing to stand motionless on the escalator filled with students. Stairs were always a good thing. She kept her body in peak shape—it was one thing going for her. Physically, she didn’t have a problem attracting men. Her issues were internal. As Eric stated, she was clingy and passionless.
Kaya mentally chided herself from bringing the asshole to mind.

Eric was history and she shouldn’t allow him to affect her negatively. This was her time to shine. Like she told Cynthia, from now on she’d take what she wanted and never become a victim to a man’s whims again. If someone was going to be dumped, it sure as hell wouldn’t be her.

Her next class was in one of the large stadium-style rooms. The seats were already half filled. What a difference from her small economics class. Kaya examined the curved rows that focused on the single desk below, and made her way down the stairs. She found an empty seat in the third row.

Once she felt settled and conversation buzzed around her, she dared to scan the room and the variety of new faces. Everyone seemed to know one another which only singled her out further. As she observed the section curving in front of her, her line of sight snagged on a set of eyes staring right at her. He had brown hair and broad shoulders. He fiddled with a pencil as he slumped over the side of his desk not taking his eyes off her. Even when his friend spoke with him, his didn’t turn his head, but kept staring at Kaya with a focused intensity.

At first she countered his assault, tilting her head and tucking her hair behind her ears playfully. She enjoyed casual flirting, and right now she needed any confidence spike she could get. But as he continued to look at her, she began to feel awkward and shifted her gaze to the main desk below. She studied the old oak laminated desk while feeling the heat of the stranger’s stare taking in her profile from the distance. Kaya shifted uncomfortably on her hard plastic seat, praying the teacher would just show up already and start the class.

A tall girl shuffled by her to sit in the second seat over. "Hi, I'm Samantha."

“Hi, I'm Kaya. I’m friends with Cynthia Baker. You might know her.”

“Cynthia?” Sam scoffed. “Everyone knows Cynthia.” She didn’t need to explain. Cynthia did and said as she pleased with no apology. People radiated to her like a moth to flame. If only Kaya had that kind of pull on people, she’d never have to worry about a social life.

The teacher entered through a separate door at the bottom of the room and the voices hushed, but the general murmur continued.

Sam leaned over to whisper in Kaya’s ear. “That’s Mr. Taylor. We’re lucky. He’s nice.”

Kaya watched as the teacher set a cardboard box on the desk and then started to remove his suit jacket, shrugging it off his shoulders. Underneath he only wore a fitted gray T-shirt tucked into suit pants. Very casual, but neat, and somehow…sexy. The guy had to be in his late thirties, but age was often difficult to gauge, especially in her case. She still got carded everywhere she went, even at twenty-six.

Mr. Taylor hooked his jacket on the back of his wooden chair with care and adjusted his belt without a concern that close to a hundred students watched his every move. He exuded a rare confidence. His stomach was flat, and when he turned to write on the chalk board she couldn’t help but notice he had a nice tight ass. She didn’t even realize she blatantly stared at the teacher until her peripheral vision caught the same guy across the row staring at her again. What was his problem? It’s not like he innocently flirted with her. He didn’t smile or wink. He just stared and made her feel self conscious.

“I’m Mr. Taylor. Welcome to philosophy.” He extended his arms in the air in a welcoming gesture. “The only class where you’ll get to speak your mind without getting reprimanded. I encourage honesty. There are no right or wrong answers here, only opinions. And I’m interested in hearing everyone’s.” He pulled out a wide wooden ruler and smacked the desk.
Most of the students flinched as the resulting sound pierced the quiet. Kaya was surprised the thing didn’t snap in two. “Good. Got your attention. Get all your assignments turned in on time and I won’t have to use this.” He winked, and a wave of laughter erupted through the crowd of students.

Mr. Taylor had short, dirty-blond hair and evenly tanned skin. From her seat, she could see the fine lines at the corners of his eyes when he smiled. He had a mature, masculine sex appeal. Her growing attraction to the man surprised her. She usually only went for the virile, young studs that all the girls drooled over. A lot of good that had done her. Mr. Taylor ignited a new deep-seated desire she never felt before. When he'd smacked the desk with the ruler, her body began to hum, her skin tingling. What would it feel like to be dominated by him? He was in a position of authority which aroused her. Would he demand her compliance, order her to strip naked and pleasure him? She swallowed hard, trying to focus on what he was saying.

“Where should we start? Any suggestions? Abortion? Religion? Sexual preference?” The crowd remained silent. “Nothing? How about paper or plastic? You guys are fucking wimps.” He slapped the wooden desk with the ruler again. The students gasped, including Kaya. Rather than rattle her nerves, her pussy sparked to life. She'd never wanted to be spanked before, but Mr. Taylor turned her on in wicked ways. A vision on her stretched over his lap, bare-bottomed entered her mind. “If you can’t speak your mind, what good will you do in this world. Come on! You kids are the future. Have some balls.”

Some females protested from the sea of students. “There we go. Equality issues? What’s the equivalent to balls? Anyone?”

A boy yelled out, “Pussy.”

Instead of getting angry, Mr. Taylor applauded. “There we go. Ladies, get some pussy. Gentlemen, get some balls. Better?” More laughter.

Samantha leaned over, a smile still on her lips. "I told he was great."

Mr. Taylor began handing out packets of stapled papers from the box on his desk to the first person in each row. Everyone began handing the stack down the row to the next person. Since Kaya sat at the head of her aisle, she anticipated meeting Mr. Taylor face to face as he made his way up the stairs.

Mr. Taylor’s casual black dress shoes landed in a wide stance in the aisle beside her. Inch by inch, she looked up from the floor to his hands where he held the stack of papers. Strong hands, with long slender fingers. Even with him standing only a foot from her, and half the class staring in their direction, she couldn’t help but think of those hands on her body.

“You’re new,” he said.
Oh God, please nothing embarrassing.

“Yes.” She peered up to see his face. His eyes were an ocean blue with a squinty, seductive quality, bordered by thick, dark lashes. The rest of the world went away when she met his gaze. She must have stopped breathing, and couldn’t be sure how much time passed.
You have to be mine,

“Good to have you with us.” He continued up the stairs without a hint of interest. Why wouldn't he? He was her teacher. Why did she want him to like her anyway? The guy had to be at least ten years older than her and in a position of authority. She shook away her silly thoughts and went through the sheets of paper.

As the teacher walked back down towards his desk he began to speak with a deep, commanding voice for everyone to hear him. “You’re to pick one of the five topics in the first assignment list. Then you’re to write an essay defending your opposing view.”

Groans filled the room. Writing about something with passion and conviction when it went against everything you believed in was the ultimate challenge. A teacher in high school gave them a similar assignment, but Kaya knew she’d have to take this one a lot further. The choices were not as simple as professional fighting or hunting. They were big ones. Kaya immediately chose the topic she thought would be easiest. She didn’t think she could handle something like religion or abortion, so chose sex before marriage. Already her mind worked, trying to decide exactly where she stood on the subject.

She'd fucked Eric, but that was a mistake because she had nothing to show for it, just the loss of her virginity. The sex wasn’t even good. He may have been a big college football hero, but he had a thin dick that left little to be desired. What would it feel like to be with a real man?


Chapter Three


As class ended, Sam said goodbye leaving Kaya alone. She was glad to have a nice girl to sit beside each day. While gathering her supplies she focused her attention on the teacher below. He cleaned the blackboard down with a chalk brush and then put on his blazer. When his eyes met hers, her body jolted into awareness and she did a quick visual sweep of the room. Only a handful of students remained. Her breathing picked up as he made his way towards her.

She picked up her pace, shoving everything into her oversized jean book bag before standing and adjusting her shirt hem.
“Kaya Waters.”
“You finding everything okay?”

“Yes, sir.” She wanted desperately to chat with him like a normal person. Even flirt a little. But she felt intimidated by him, and her annoying shyness overpowered, masking the real her.

“Have you decided on a topic yet?” He sat on the edge of her desk and got comfortable. No chance of running off now. It would appear rude.

Her mind puzzled at his words until she realized he spoke of the upcoming assignment. “I was thinking of the…the sex one.” Her voice stuttered and she knew her cheeks grew pink from embarrassment. Could he see into her private thoughts? The sexually explicit fantasies she'd already created starring him?

“Interesting. I’m anxious to hear your opinions on the matter.”

He stared her down, unblinking. She froze under his intense scrutiny, not sure what to do or say or feel. His attention felt intimate, made her feel more special than all his other students. God, she wanted him.

“Thanks,” she muttered. Kaya adjusted her bag further on her shoulder, hoping to signal her need to leave. How long could she hold her breath?

In a sudden burst, making her jump back, he stood and clapped his hands loudly. “Great. See you tomorrow.” Then he trotted down the stairs, snatched up his bag and exited out his private door without a backward glance. He was just being nice. The guy was a great teacher and the students loved him for a reason. Her inappropriate feelings for him only clouded her judgment. Mr. Taylor wasn’t interested in her intimately. He only wanted to welcome her, make her feel comfortable. Kaya sighed and made her way to the main entrance to meet Cynthia.

“So how’s your first day going?” Cynthia wrapped her arm around Kaya’s shoulder and slumped against her as they walked away from the university towards the downtown strip. The sun shone bright and a warm breeze blew down the narrow street, making it a pleasure to be outside. Her mind continued to whirl from her confrontation with Mr. Taylor.

“Pretty good.”
“Which classes did you have?”
“Economics and philosophy.”
“Ugh. Heavy weights. Which teachers?”

“Um…” She couldn’t for the life of her remember the name of her first teacher. As for the second, it was carved into her brain. “One of them was Taylor.”

“Oh my God. You’re so lucky! He’s the funniest teacher. Totally cool.”

“Seems that way.” She wanted to pick Cynthia’s brain to see what she knew about him. First name, age, marital status, history. If he wasn’t married, would she want to put the moves on him? Would she even be able to with her annoying shyness? The guy wasn’t classic good-looking, but Kaya had a unique taste. Specific features and personality changed the way a person looked in her opinion. But he was a lot older and unavailable being her teacher. If anything, she should view him as a father figure, not a potential fuck. She was surrounded by gorgeous, young blood. Men who would eagerly rock her world. Then why did she continue to obsess over Mr. Taylor? When she closed her eyes, all she could see were his sultry blue eyes.

“Hey! Cynthia!” They both turned towards the voice calling from behind them. It was the creepy guy from philosophy and two of his guy friends.

“Hi Mike. What’s up?”

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