The Good Sister: Part One (2 page)

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Authors: London Saint James

BOOK: The Good Sister: Part One
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Holy heaven.
I stared, unblinking. An almost audible intake of breath eked from my lips. There was no choice. I bit down hard onto the curve of my thumb to stop the sound from escaping. His manhood hung semi-hard between his thighs. My gaze lingered for a moment before I tracked the lines of water that trickled down his body in multiple weaving shapes, tantalizing me. The way the water sparkled and glistened as it ran over the length of him was enticing. My nipples hardened beneath my sports bra and two cotton shirts.

He reached for the body wash, squeezed some of the creamy soap into his large palm, and began to lather his body in bold swooping strokes over his shoulders, his neck, his broad hard chest, his arms, his stomach, his…. I found it hard to even think the word,
His hand lingered there and stroked almost involuntarily. I wanted to come unhinged. I bit even harder on the thumb wedged between my teeth. Was I really seeing this?

I willed him to move. He did. I studied his movements. They transitioned into long strokes. Reid twisted his wrist over the head of his dick before sliding his hand back down to the base of his erection where he gripped. He was hard, fully at mass, strong, and beautiful. I considered the wide head, the silky skin, the veins as they became more prominent when he became much more eager in his pleasure. His biceps flexed. The cords in his forearms moved. His fingers strained tighter as he stroked himself. His face turned serious, carving his chiseled good looks into a hard as granite pose of concentration. A crease formed on his usually smooth brow. It furrowed deeper when he stroked harder. His eyes closed. His jaw flexed. The line of his lips tightened.

I stood, mesmerized by him, and watched him bring himself pleasure. I would commit this to memory. Burn his movements, each stoke, each flex, each sound into my heart. I would learn him, the reactions of his body, of his muscles. He pumped harder, faster, driving his fist over his massive cock. And surely it was massive, although I had no point of reference. He thrust his hips forward into his fist, groaning….

He seemed driven. My gaze shot up to his face, the expression there hard and unyielding and the set of his jaw tight. I watched his respirations. His breath as it came hard. His need flaring higher. He made one last guttural growl.


Liquid shot from his body in three hard burst as his hand gave the final jerks to his cock. His head fell forward. His hand stopped. The water beat upon his body and washed the burning liquid of his essence away from him. I wondered what it felt like.
Would it be creamy? Silky?
But guessing his cum would be hot.
t had to be hot.
I pondered.
What it would taste like?
Unable to render a guess.

Did all men do such things in the shower?
And then I wondered….
What was it that drove him to pleasure himself to completion in such a way? It was almost brutal.

“Trinity!” The call came floating up the staircase.

Mother … drats.

His head shot up. I backed away from my spectator’s spot. He turned, glaring at the bathroom door.

“Trinity, are you up there?”

I spun on my heels, breezed out of his room, and walked toward the stairs.

“Yes,” I replied, and peered over the railing to see my mother halfway up the staircase, her expression clearly irritated. She held her hand on one hip, eyes blazing blue.

“What are you doing? It shouldn’t take that long to strip the sheets off of Mr. and Mrs. Addison’s bed. You said you wanted to help out for some extra cash, so I expect the help, not dawdling or daydreaming.”

“I know. I was looking at all the artwork in the corridor and got sidetracked. I’ll go right now. I promise.”

“Make sure you pull all the coverings, not just the sheets. And do not throw the pillows onto the floor. After they are stripped place them back on the bed. I will come up later to fluff them.”

“I know, mother.”

“No attitude, Trinity Lane Winslow.”

I rolled my eyes, being sure to do such with my head turned so she didn’t see.

“And don’t roll those eyes at me young lady!”

, does she have x-ray vision or what?

It was time to buckle down, so I made my way into the master suite. Immediately my gaze fell to the gigantic bed with the carved wooden spindles, blending into the intricate rose pattern engraved into the enormous headboard. I glanced over to the antique dresser and saw a large crystal vase filled with fresh flowers. The smell was sweet, delicate, smelling of roses, gardenias, and lilac. I placed my nose above one unblemished crimson rose, and noticed a note card tucked inside the arrangement. I considered reading the note.

What would it be like to be loved, adored, and desired?
I laughed at how absurd I was being and broke the daydream to glance around the master suite, admiring all the lushness. The room looked like something from a magazine, elegant, but somehow sensual, inviting. Every piece within the room was eclectic, but looked as if it belonged nowhere else.

My hands skimmed over the silken dove colored coverlet. I took in the richness of the fabric and the pattern of the design woven within the threads. I imagined the coverlet alone to be more money than I would make in a month’s time helping out my mother. I wondered….
What would it be like to live this life, experience how it felt to never worry about money?
Stop it, Trinity, you’re being stupid again. You will never live a life like this, never.

I heard a noise. I turned to see….

“Cheese and Crackers!”

Reid looked like the Cheshire cat with his wide toothy white grin. I took in his current half-dressed state. His jeans were unbuttoned, and gaped into territory that drew my eye. And he wasn’t wearing a shirt or shoes. I diverted my eyes only to watch my own hands twist into the bottom hem of my shirt. I knew his expressions well, so I knew Reid was going to toy with me.

Reid possessed the ability to be soft, the aptitude to be harsh, to show moments of kindness as if he were my guardian angel, and flashes of meanness as if he were my own personal devil. This look upon his face leaned more toward the devil. Only a half dressed, completely tempting, scorching hot, muscle packed, devastatingly sexy devil.

“Trinity,” Reid greeted in that low tempting tone he has. His voice always gave me an image of deep dark velvet in the color of chocolate.

Without lifting my eyes to meet his I said, “Hi.”

“Hi,” he said, walking slowly toward me. He took two steps forward. I took two steps back. “Congratulations are in order.”


“I never told you congratulations. You finally made it out of high school.”

“Oh … thanks,” I squeaked.

I pushed my glasses up my nose with my index finger. I kept my chin down while my gaze stayed firmly planted upon the bed in front of me.

I started counting the threads stitched within the comforter.

Reid stalked forward. My heart pounded, and I felt a familiar flushing heat overtake my body as he approached. Reid stopped inches from my back, leaned in, and inhaled my scent before placing his mouth to my ear. I lost my thread count somewhere around forty-two.

“Did you like the show?”

His hot breath tinted with mint gusted across my cheek.


Reid reached out, brushed back my long, more than likely out of control curls. A shiver shot through me from his touch. He smirked.

“Trinity…” he crooned, “it’s okay.”

“What’s okay?”

“I know you’re curious. I don’t mind if you want to watch me. It’s kind of hot, knowing someone is watching me. Did you like it? Did it make you wet, watching me come?”

I inched forward, away from him.

“Reid, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Oh, you know, baby bird,” he assured. He moved forward, and I stepped back. “If you want to watch me, I will let you.”

“Reid…” I tried to find my backbone, stand my ground. “Um-uh-I—”

“Trinity, just ask, don’t stutter.”

I closed my eyes. “Why do you always call me baby bird?”

He gave one of my curls a brush of his hand and removed it from my forehead. “Because, you’ve never learned how to spread your wings and fly away.”

In other words I was helpless, innocent, stuck at home, hidden away from the world; I got it. I frowned, felt my nose crinkle before I opened my eyes. Reid blocked me between the large window to my right, the oversized chair to my left, the bed in front of me, and his body to the back of me. Trapped, with nowhere to run.

I glanced over to see Reid staring at me. I felt guilty, but decided to lie.

“I wasn’t in your room. I didn’t see anything.”

Reid let out a breathy low laugh. He placed his nose into the crook of my neck. “My room smells like you, baby bird. Soft French Vanilla and floral,” he confirmed before he traced his nose over the surface of my neck, smelling. Goose bumps splayed across my skin. I sucked in my breath, holding it. “I like how you smell. Tempting, so ... tempting.” I visibly shook. “Don’t worry. It will be our little secret. No one needs to know.”

Perhaps this was how the fly felt caught up within the spider’s web. Reid possessed the ability to scare me with his razor sharp gaze, his intense body language, his low hungry voice, but it was somehow tantalizing at the same time.

“There’s nothing to know,” I protested, once again closing my eyes because I was a weakling within his presence.

I heard a breathy, “Hmm.” Reid moved closer. So close I experienced the heat of his body upon mine. “You could be pretty if you lost these glasses.” He reached out and pulled them from my nose, and placed them on the bed. “Look at me,” he demanded.


“I want to see your eyes.”

“I don’t…” I started to object. Reid reached out, turned me around, placed his hand beneath my chin, and lifted. “Um.” His liquid silver eyes met me, and I felt weak in the knees.

“Whoa,” he said as he took a hold of my elbow to steady me, “you okay?”

I blinked. “Ah huh.”

“Look at me.” He lifted my chin again. This time he gazed deeply into my eyes. I thought I might die. “See,” he murmured, “you have beautiful eyes. Deep, rich green.”

I tried to pull away.

“No, don’t.” Reid traced his hand over my cheek, moving more curls before sliding his fingertips down my cheekbones, outlining the shape of them. “You have a pretty face, it’s just hid beneath all of your hair, those horrible glasses, and you never look at anyone. You keep this pointed little chin tucked down.” Reid’s fingers outlined my jaw, my chin.

“Um…” I lost myself to the sound of his voice, and the touch of his skin against mine.

“Such a pretty neck,” he continued. His hands roamed over the curve until he hit the bend of my shoulder. He moved more curls before clutching some of the miscreant strands into his hand.

Heat filled my cheeks. I imagined they blazed.

Reid’s hand rested, palm against my cheek. He stroked the pad of his thumb across the center of my lips. I trembled. His thumb nudged, persuaded my lips to part. He rode the swell of my bottom lip. The corners of his mouth twitched before turning up into a seductive smile.

My usually pale face burned, as though his touch seared my skin, hitting the bone beneath. I wished I held the power he held. The confidence. The boldness. I didn’t want to be standing there embarrassed, flushed, timid, and scared. I wanted to be the one in control. The woman who would bring him to his knees. I wanted…

Reid moved his hands over my shoulders, gliding his fingertips down my arms, sending goose bumps raging again. He slid his hands to my breasts. I stiffened, my body and nipples going rigid. Reid cupped both of them within the palm of his large hands. A buzz walloped me. My lungs burned in glistening shimmers, pulling in the air with a gasp. No one had ever touched me like this.

“And these.” He gave a gentle squeeze. “Why do you hide them behind all of these clothes?”

“I—” I welded my eyes closed.

“Trinity. Don’t close your eyes. Look at me.” My eyes fluttered open. Reid’s face looked different, ravenous. He licked his lips. “I bet your breasts are beautiful. Creamy white with rosebud tips.”

For a split second I considered I may be in an alternative universe or maybe this was a dream, which seemed real or maybe surreal.
What do I do?
I came up with no real plan of attack. I’d always wanted Reid to touch me, but now, I wasn’t sure I liked it. Well, that’s not completely true because I liked it. I didn’t know how to like it without coming across as a weirdo.

I twisted out of his hold, closed my eyes, and dropped my head again. My hands tangled so tight into the bottom hem of my shirt I felt my nails press into the bed of my palms.

Reid tapped my hand. “Relax. I won’t hurt you.” I stopped the intense death grip I’d imparted upon my shirt.


“Trinity, have I ever hurt you?”

I mumbled. “No.”

“You like watching me, but when you have my attention you are afraid of me. Why are you afraid?”

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