The Good Luck Potion (The Good Luck Series) (16 page)

BOOK: The Good Luck Potion (The Good Luck Series)
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He went into the house to get ready for
his date with Sue. He took time to get a drink before going up to shower and change. A light flashed on the answering machine so he punched the button and heard Sue’s sweet voice.

“Hi Alex. I guess you are out. I wanted to see how Queenie did last night. Is she adjusting to her new home okay? Call me back if you want, if not, I’ll see you when you come by. Looking forward to seeing you.”

He was looking forward to seeing her too. So he picked up the phone and dialed her number. She answered on the second ring.


“It’s Alex. How are you doing?”

“Good. Though Kimberly woke me way too early this morning with a wedding emergency.”

“What now?”

“It had to do with her bachelorette party, but I think I’ve got that covered.”

“That’s good. I got your message. Queenie did fine last night. She really seems to enjoy being here with Duke now.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” There was a slight pause and he could imagine her playing with her hair behind her ear like she did sometimes. “I’m almost ready to go. Should I pack us a lunch or anything?”

“Sure. My backpack has an insulated compartment that will keep things cool if anything needs refrigeration. I’ve already packed some trail mix and snacks that are good to eat while out hiking. I’ve also got the drinks covered. Water, Gatorade, sodas.”

“Okay then. I’ll fix a couple of sandwiches and cut up some apples and oranges, maybe throw in some grapes too. We’ll have a nice picnic. See you when you get here.”

Hanging up the phone, he hurried upstairs eager to get over there and begin their outing together. They’d been spending most of their free time together, but he didn’t mind and she didn’t object. It sure was a change from being so alone when he lived in Alaska. Maybe Brandon was right. Maybe he was headed toward matrimony and he didn’t even know it.

He turned on his stereo and selected the third track on
Call Me Irresponsible
. He got in the shower singing along with it and thought about making Sue Mrs. Jones in more ways than one.





Chapter Twelve


The traffic through Alcoa into Townsend to Cades Cove was light, but once they reached the loop into the Smoky Mountains it became stop and go. It had always amazed him how people from all over the United States came to the Smoky Mountains on a regular basis. Finally they were sitting in bumper to bumper traffic. After sitting without moving for five minutes, he put the truck in park and eased his foot off the brake.
Being trapped in his truck with Sue and seeing the colorful fall foliage was the only consolation to this frustration.

“There must be a wreck up ahead. I’ve never seen it so congested. Do you come up here often?” he asked her, reaching over to take her hand.

“No. Sadly, I haven’t been here since I was a preteen. We came up on a fieldtrip if I remember correctly. We visited the old church graveyard and did chalk rubbings of the tombstones. We also took a tour that allowed us to go into one of the caves to see the bats.”

“I did that in sixth grade when I went to environmental camp. That was a fun week of hiking and exploring the many facets of the mountains. Did you know they have tanks up here where all they do is raise frogs? The tanks hold the tadpoles. And the park rangers have a fenced wild boar area…at least they did when I was there.”

She grinned.

“Sorry. I get excited about things like that and I get off track.”

“No. It’s fine. Do you think that is what sparked your interest to be an environmental engineer?”

Alex shrugged. “Maybe. I hadn’t really made the connection. Engineering seemed like a good fit for me when I started college. I’ve always liked the land and saving our resources where possible.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that.” She took her seat belt off and scooted across the seat to sit closer to him. Once she was settled he wrapped his arm around her. “Tell me more about what you enjoy.”

“I like spending time with you.”

“The feeling is very mutual.”

“I’m glad.”

She turned to face him and he stole a kiss even though they’d agreed no kissing. He only meant to brush his lips against hers for a light peck, but as usual the kiss deepened and before he knew it, he was exploring the depths of her mouth with his tongue. She returned the kiss in kind which prompted him to continue.

A horn honked a few times behind them and they pulled apart. She looked at him sheepishly and retreated to her side of the truck, putting on her seat belt.

He cleared his throat and glanced at the vehicles up ahead. They had moved up a short distance, but not enough to warrant the horn blowing the guy behind them had done. But to keep the man’s road rage in check, Alex hurriedly applied his foot to the brake before taking the truck out of park. “It looks like we’re moving again. We might actually get there now.”

“It looks like it. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.”

She was so easy going. And it didn’t seem to matter where they went or what they did, they always had a good time together—even when their plans had to take a detour at the last minute. It made him feel they were made for each other. And when he got right down to it, he didn’t think he could find another girl who was as crazy about Michael Bublé as he was either.

Out of the corner of his eye
, he saw her playing the necklace Lucinda gave her.

Driving the rest of the way to the entrance of Cades Cove was steady from that point forward and he drove a portion of the eleven mile loop until they came to the first parking area. He pulled over and they got

“There’s a trail across the field that will take us up toward a grist mill if my memory serves me right. Let’s head that way first. It isn’t too bad of a hike and should get you warmed up for a longer trek to Abrams Falls. We’ll tackle that after lunch.

“Okay. I brought my camera so maybe we can get someone to take our picture?”

“Yeah.” He took her hand and they began walking and exploring the area until they reached the old mill he had mentioned. Then they found a sunny place and he spread out a blanket for them to sit and eat their picnic lunch.

Halfway through their sandwiches he said,
“I hear you are taking Kimberly to Vegas for her bachelorette party. Why didn’t you mention it?”

“How’d you know about that?”

“Brandon. He was pretty hot under the collar about it this morning.”

“I’m still working out the details.” She played with her sandwich, breaking off a small piece before popping it into her mouth.

He grinned. “It wasn’t your idea was it?”

She shook her head.

“I didn’t think so, but don’t worry. I won’t mention it.” He stretched out his legs and leaned back on his elbows. He closed his eyes and turned his face up toward the sky.

“Why didn’t you mention you and Brandon were taking Phil out there?”

“I didn’t know we were until today.” He turned his face toward her and opened one eye to look at her. “For the record and I told Brandon this, I think it will be more fun if you girls come along.”

“You do?”

He sat up. “Sure.”

She smiled. “Good.”

“Someone needs to make sure we get back here in one piece.”

“How do you know
won’t be the ones needing help to get back here?”

He chuckled and raised a brow. “I seriously doubt—”

“Don’t say something you’ll be embarrassed about later.”

“Okay. I won’t.”

“Good.” She leaned toward him and planted a quick kiss on his lips. Then she began to gather the remains of their picnic.

He folded the blanke
t and put it back in his backpack and stored the uneaten food in the insulated partition. Then they headed toward the falls. He liked the fact that even though Sue was shorter, she had no trouble keeping up with him, even when he got to talking and sped up walking.

Several other people reached the falls at the same time they did so they weren’t alone like he’d hoped, but they were still able to explore the area. And Sue found someone to take their picture which made her happy.

As they walked, she studied the photo on her digital camera.

“What are you going to do, put that on your desk at work?” he teased.

“No. I’d never get any work done if I did. Veronica would hang out just so she could look at you.”


“The receptionist. She finds you very hot. Pamela was telling me all about it the morning you dropped off the package for Keely and the rose for me.”


“Jama’s assistant. Apparently you coming by Wright and Associates evoked many reactions. None of which are appropriate.”

He stopped walking
when he heard the sarcastic tone in her voice. “Are you jealous?”

“I don’t think it’s being jealous to not want someone ogling her boyfriend.”

He grinned. “I caused that much of a stir?”

“Yes. Don’t act like you don’t know how
gorgeous you are. You’re perfection.”

“I am?”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes. At least I think so.”

He thought about what she said and it pleased him that she found him that attractive, but he didn’t think other women agreed. At least not that many. Did they?

“So what was their reaction at work when you told them I was your boyfriend?”

She swallowed and looked away. “I didn’t tell them.”

“Why not?”

“Because…well…I wasn’t sure we were an item at that time.”

“But now you are?”

She nodded.

“What changed to make you so sure?”

“We adopted Queenie together.”

He smiled and pulled her to him, kissing the top of her head before they began to walk the distance back to his truck. They spotted a deer along the wooded edge of the trail but it skittered away as soon as it sensed their presence.

Once back at the parking area,
he helped her inside his truck and they drove to the gift shop. “We better make a pit stop here before we get stuck in traffic leaving the loop. There isn’t another stop until we reach the stables.”

“Good idea.”

Sue made her way back to the ladies room while Alex headed in the other direction of the store. Of course there was a line to the single restroom so she browsed the rack of postcards depicting scenes and wildlife found in the park. She picked out a few cards for the photographs and laid them aside to retrieve when she came back out.

When she finally made it to the register with her purchase
, she saw Alex waiting near the door. He grinned when she came toward him.

“Why does it always take girls longer?”

“There’s always a line.”

“Why is that?”

She shrugged. “If you ever find the answer tell us. We’d love to know.”

He laughed and opened the door for her. They headed back to his truck. “What did you buy?”

“A few post cards. I think I can use them in my scrapbook with the photos I took today to remember our outing.”

“Do you scrapbook often?”

“Not really. But I might start.”

He opened his tru
ck door and helped her inside.

“Thank you, Alex.”

“You’re welcome.” He lingered staring at her.

She reached up and cupped his face in her hands. “Did I mention how much I like your five o’clock shadow?”


“I do.”
She leaned in and brushed her lips against his not believing how bold she was being with him today. It felt natural to speak to him this way and she liked that. “I don’t want to go home yet.”

“We don’t have to. I was going to suggest driving over to Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge and walk around. Maybe we can grab dinner at Bubba Gumps

She nodded, dropping her hands and sitting back.
He shut the door and went around to his side to get in. She watched his every move, unable to take her eyes off of him.




Chapter Thirteen


Alex punched the button, ringing the doorbell for the second time at Keely and Darren’s the next day. He paced back and forth on the front porch that ran across the front of the brick rancher anxious to talk to his sister. Finally the door opened.

glad you could make it,” Darren greeted.

“Where’s Keels?”

“In the kitchen. Is something wrong?”

“No…Yes…I don’t know.”

Darren frowned and shut the door. “Okay.”

He followed his brother-in-law finding it more difficult to breath with each step. He didn’t understand why it felt like someone had reached inside his chest and was squeezing. It had all started last night after he dropped Sue off and he’d had difficulty driving home. Once they left Cades Cove
, he drove them over to Gatlinburg and they’d window shopped and talked, walking from one end of the strip to the other. They’d even taken the sky lift up one side of the mountain and back before going to dinner. It had been a perfect end to a perfect day with her, but he hadn’t wanted it to end.

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