The Godling Chronicles 02 - Of Gods And Elves (35 page)

BOOK: The Godling Chronicles 02 - Of Gods And Elves
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Chiron waved his hand. “Not at all. I am honored
to have taken part in such a momentous event.” His eyes strayed
to the entrance to the sleeping quarters. “And I shall further
my participation by inviting you to join me in my tent until it is
time for the ceremony. It would not do to have you here while your
getting dressed mere feet away.”

I thank you again,” said Gewey. “But
I am still waiting for Linis to return.”

Akakios can remain here and tell him where you
have gone,” said Chiron. “As I understand, he is combing
the encampment for more... appropriate attire for you. I doubt he
will be successful, and this I can provide.”

Then lead the way,” said Gewey, then turned
to Akakios. “You do not mind waiting, I assume?”

Not at all. The tent should not be unattended in
any case, especially with Kaylia and Felsafell both here.”

Good point,” said Gewey.

Chiron led Gewey out of the tent and through the camp.
Along the way Gewey couldn't help but notice the constant stares.
Some were of amazement, others of contempt. The sun was low in the
sky. The smell of hundreds of cooking fires filled the air, and the
tents gave off a soft glow.

I can’t imagine what this must look like at
night,” muttered Gewey.

It is quite a sight,” remarked Chiron. “So
many have not been gathered here in quite some time.”

Gewey looked north to the domed roof of the Chamber of
the Maker. The light from a thousand light globes caused it to shine
like a shimmering jewel, even before the fullness of night.

How old is it?” asked Gewey.

I don't know,” Chiron replied. “Older
than history itself, it is said. It was ancient in the time of my

Gewey marveled at the idea. “It looks as if it
were newly made. At least it does from here.”

Chiron nodded. “The stone never ages. Not that we
can tell, at least. It looks as it did when I was a boy, and never
once has it needed repair. A monument to the ancient craft of our
people. One long forgotten, I'm afraid.” He looked back over
his shoulder. “Perhaps you can change that.”

Chiron's tent was nearly identical to Theopolou's in
size, but instead of silver it was emerald green. Two guards stood
just outside the entrance. They bowed as Chiron and Gewey passed. The
interior was set up as Theopolou's tent as well, only the table was
oval and colored green, matching the tent. At least a dozen elves
buzzed about. Some Gewey recognized from their journey, other faces
were new.

I presume you have eaten?” said Chiron.

I have.”

Chiron smiled. “Then allow me to show you where
you'll get ready.”

He led Gewey to the back of the main hall and into the
sleeping quarters. Chiron showed Gewey into the first room in the
hall. Unlike his room in Theopolou's tent, this one was equipped with
a soft bed, a dresser and wardrobe.

You will find fitting attire here. I will send
someone to attend to your grooming shortly.”

Gewey thanked Chiron and explored the contents of the
wardrobe. He found a white silk shirt, embroidered with the likeness
of two eagles facing each other, and a pair of matching trousers. The
fabric was finer than any he had ever felt. A tan vest completed the

An elf girl entered with a tray of grooming items. Gewey
was thankful he had yet to undress. His hair had grown long since the
last time it had been cut in the home of Lord Ganflin, a fact that he
hadn't noticed until that very moment. The girl motioned for him to
sit and went to work. Unlike the woman who groomed him last time, she
spoke not a word, and didn't bother to allow him to gaze at his
reflection, even though there was a mirror on her tray.

Once she left, Gewey donned his attire and rummaged
around in the wardrobe until he found a pair of black leather boots.
They were a bit tight on his feet but not so much as to prevent him
from wearing them. The only thing missing was a belt, so he used the
shirt he had just taken off to polish the one he already had.

Are you dressed?” called Chiron from
outside Gewey's room.

Please come in,” called Gewey.

Chiron entered, dressed in the same white robes he had
worn at the home of Theopolou. Chiron scrutinized Gewey for a moment.
“You look... acceptable. Though that belt of yours could use
some attention.”

I couldn't find another,” said Gewey. “But
this will do, once I've cleaned it.”

I could provide one if you wish.”

Thank you, but no,” said Gewey. “This
was given to me by the same man who gave me my sword. It may be dingy
now, but it's a fine belt when polished. Besides, it fits my scabbard

Gewey had placed his sword on the bed. Chiron eyed it
carefully. “Might I see it?” asked Chiron, nodding at the

Gewey picked it up and handed it over. “Certainly.
But be careful not to touch the blade. It will burn you.”

I see,” muttered Chiron as he slid the
sword free, careful only to touch the leather that wrapped the hilt.
A high-pitched ring filled the air, then faded away.

A true wonder,” said Chiron. “That
you possess this is a miracle. Such things were thought lost. There
isn't an elf alive that wouldn't give up everything he or she owned
to possess such a weapon.”

They couldn't wield it unless it was truly
theirs,” said Gewey. “Once it was first drawn, the blade
can only be touched by the one who drew it.”

Chiron re-sheathed and handed it back to Gewey, though
his eyes never left it. “I see. You should take care never to
lose it.”

Gewey suddenly felt uneasy. “I will.”

Chiron blinked his eyes and regained his focus. “If
you are ready, I would have you join me in the main hall. We can
relax there and wait until Theopolou has everything in order. It may
be several hours, that is, unless you are tired and would rather
sleep. I can certainly provide a bed.”

I'm anything but tired,” Gewey replied with
a grin. “In fact, I wish I could explore the camp.”

That would not be a good idea, unfortunately.”
Chiron chuckled. “You will have to make do with the simple
conversation of an old elf.”

Gewey’s cheeks flushed. “I didn't mean—”

Chiron threw his head back in laughter. “I jest. I
am not offended. I, too, would like to wander the camp. There are
many friends I have not seen in some time. But, I fear that my
association with Theopolou has lost me many of them.”

And your support of me, I wager,” Gewey

True.” Chiron rose to his feet. “Come.
Let us relax and tell tales. It may be the last of simple pleasures
we have for quite some time.”

Gewey nodded and followed Chiron into the main hall. The
table was empty and only a couple of Chiron's guards were visible.

Where did everybody go?” asked Gewey.

Most are in the back preparing for the ceremony,”
Chiron replied. “The rest are running errands for me.”

Gewey and Chiron took seats on opposite sides of the
table. One of the guards brought them a bottle of wine.

Careful with that,” warned Chiron. “We
wouldn't want you too lightheaded.” Gewey stared at the bottle,
then pushed it away.

Chiron smiled, then ordered a pitcher of water. They
talked of Gewey’s home and upbringing until Linis arrived. It
wasn’t until he saw Linis enter that he realized that Chiron
had not spoken a single word about himself.

Forgive my absence,” said Linis. “But
I've been busy assisting Theopolou. Akakios told me you were here, so
I knew you were in good hands.”

No worries,” said Gewey. “Lord Chiron
has kept me quite occupied. Though I regret I must have rambled on.
But it's been wonderful to take my mind off things for a bit.”

Chiron bowed his head slightly. “It was a
pleasure. So seldom do I have such a chance to hear of the human
world.” He turned to Linis. “All is ready?”

It is,” said Linis. “Theopolou and
the others are awaiting us in the Chamber of the Maker. Even
Felsafell is there.”

And Kaylia...” asked Gewey.

Linis laughed heartily. “Don't worry. She will be
there as well.”

Then let us go,” said Chiron.

Gewey’s stomach began to quiver and he felt faint.
Linis rushed up and put his arm around him.

He can face the Vrykol,” Linis teased. “But
an elf woman makes him weak in the knees.”

Gewey blushed and tried to regain his composure. “I'm
fine.” He took a deep breath. “Let's go.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

As Gewey left the tent, he was awestruck. In the
fullness of night, the camp was an ocean of multicolored lights. The
tents glowed brightly, their fabric silhouetted by their inhabitants
moving about inside. It wasn't quite as bright as the light of day,
yet he could see just as clearly, as if a shadow had been removed
from his eyes, allowing him to see the cool, natural beauty of the
night. He could feel eyes upon him as they walked toward the Chamber.

Before we enter, you must receive permission from
to enter,”
said Chiron.

said Gewey.

Guards with a title,” mocked Linis. “Most
are elves that didn't have the talent to become seekers.”

Chiron frowned at Linis. “They are more than that,
and you know it. They stand watch over all that enter the Chamber of
the Maker and keep the peace within its borders.”

They are arrogant fools,” grumbled Linis.
“It took Theopolou twenty minutes to convince them to allow him
entry. Then it took more than an hour of debate to have them open the
Chamber for the bonding.”

It is well within their right to question
petitioners,” said Chiron. “In fact, it is their duty.
You should know this.”

I know that they tried to deny us,” Linis
replied. “And that
is not
within their right.”

You dwell on things that do not matter, seeker.
You should keep your focus on the matter at hand.”

Linis' jaw tightened. “You are right, of course.”
But his tone still held a tinge of irritation.

Do you think they'll try to stop me from getting
in?” asked Gewey.

Chiron smiled. “No. That has been dealt with. You
will only be following tradition by requesting to be let inside.”

As the entire Chamber slowly came into view, Gewey
nearly gasped. The dome was supported, not by columns but by a series
of immense crystal statues of elf women, their arms held aloft and
their eyes turned skyward. The craft and skill needed to carve them
was beyond his imagination. Light emanated from the base of each
statue, spraying out a myriad of colors that washed over the
surrounding area. The statue bases themselves were much like the
glowing spheres that lit the houses and tents but many times more
intense, and he could feel the power of the earth radiating from the
entire structure. There were no walls beyond the statues, and Gewey
could see that the interior was a gigantic amphitheater.

The path that led to the main entrance was made from a
smooth, red stone that radiated the same energy as the building
itself. Elves could be seen pouring in, and by the time they were
fifty yards away, he heard a cacophony of voices inside. When he
reached the base of the Chamber, he stopped.

What's wrong?” asked Linis, placing his
hand on Gewey's shoulder.

Gewey took a deep breath. “Nothing. Nothing at

Intimidating sight, is it not?” remarked

Yes, it is,” said Gewey. “It's
beautiful, though. The craft is beyond anything I have ever

If only we could build like this today.”
There was a tinge of sadness in Chiron’s voice.

I think it was more than mere skill with crystal
and stone,” said Gewey. “I sense the
within everything here. I'm sure it was put here... almost like the
itself was made
part of the structure.”

Our ancestors were said to have a powerful
connection to the earth’s energy,” said Linis. “No
doubt they used it in their craft.”

Gewey squared his shoulders and took a deep breath. “How
do I look?”

Ready,” said Linis. “You look ready,
my friend.”

Two elves strode up, adorned in brightly polished
leather armor and helmets, each with a curved sword attached to their

What business do you have at the Chamber of the
Maker?” asked the elf on the left. Linis stepped forward. “You
know well what we are doing here.”

BOOK: The Godling Chronicles 02 - Of Gods And Elves
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