The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1763-1789 (112 page)

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Authors: Robert Middlekauff

Tags: #History, #Military, #United States, #Colonial Period (1600-1775), #Americas (North; Central; South; West Indies)

BOOK: The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1763-1789
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Distances and communications may have provided ample problems but the British had great resources. For one thing they had been in the business of taking care of armies for a long time. They had the experience and the institutions which, although they might be severely taxed by the scope of the task, could respond. They did not have to create a system -- the bureaus and agencies, the records, the means of payment, procurement, and distribution -- all at once and make it work because several thousand men needed everything from beef to musket balls.


Congress had to do all these tasks while it was engaged in a good many other things, almost all for the first time. Congress had to call an army into being and supply it in a country at war which was suspicious of the army, and yet eager to make profits selling supplies to it. The men who worked within this system of supply, in and out of the army, possessed virtually no experience with it, or with any large institution. They sought, moreover, to satisfy soldiers who did not look admiringly upon large organizations and complicated procedures.


The commissary general got off to a good start. He was Joseph Trumbull of Connecticut, a merchant who had performed a similar job for his state's troops. Trumbull relied mainly on his own state for supplies as long as the army besieged Boston. There were ample stocks of food in New England the first year of the war, and Trumbull found that feeding the army, which was stationary, was not especially difficult. After this first campaign the ease disappeared and more often than not the soldiers suffered from an inadequate diet -- and were sometimes near starvation.


The quartermaster general, Thomas Mifflin of Pennsylvania, did not enjoy Trumbull's initial success, though the problems of his department did not make themselves felt until 1777. Mifflin, the choice of George Washington, took office in August 1775. His charge from Congress included operational responsibilities as well as supply. The quartermaster general in the British army ordinarily supervised the movement of troops. Congress decided that he would have the same duty in the American army and that he would also oversee the maintenance of roads and bridges traveled by the army, lay out and construct its camps, and furnish






See the articles on Joseph Trumbull and on supply of the Continental Army in Mark Mayo Boatner III,
Encyclopedia of the American Revolution
( Bicentennial ed., New York, 1976). Chapters 1-2 in Erna Risch,
Quartermaster Support of the Army: A History of the Corps, 1775-1939
( Washington, D.C., 1962), are excellent. There is scattered information in Freeman,
, and Ward as well.


and maintain its wagons, teams, and boats. Mifflin resigned the quartermaster's post shortly after the British departed Boston. His successor, Stephan Moylan, served three months, until Congress persuaded Mifflin to resume the job in September.


Congress regarded failures of supply in the way legislative bodies often regard failures -- as evidence that the organization was flawed. In the case of supply, Congress evidently believed that the flaw was simplicity -and it began to make the system more complicated. To make institutions more complicated means that more offices and officials must be appointed and the transaction of business made cumbersome.


Over the next four years Congress experimented along these lines. In June 1777 it divided the commissary general's post into two: a commissary general of purchases and a commissary general of issue. This change made sense in that it separated two demanding and dissimilar functions. Congress assumed that the two commissaries would consult one another and that they would respond to Washington's direction. For the most part the commissaries satisfied these expectations, though at times they must have felt confused, since their ultimate master was Congress itself and Congress was not averse to speaking in several voices.


It was not ambiguity that produced most of the trouble, but the firm and clear conviction of Congress that the commissaries should not profit from office. Joseph Trumbull had assumed his post when it was Connecticut's to give in 1775, and he and his deputies had come to expect that they would receive a commission of 1.5 percent of all the money they spent for supplies. This arrangement understandably induced a certain activity in the commissary department. Just as understandably, Congress thought the commissaries might prove rather expensive, and in the reorganization it put Trumbull and his men on salary. Trumbull resigned in disappointment two months later -- half of his old post had been given to Charles Stewart, who was now commissary general of issue, and the old incentives had disappeared too. Stewart served until after the battle of Yorktown; William Buchanan, who had been one of Trumbull's deputies, took over as commissary general of purchases. He held on until March 1778, and in April another deputy, Jeremiah Wadsworth, accepted the job. His tenure ran until January 1, 1780, when the final holder, Ephraim Blaine, assumed the responsibility, serving until the post was abolished near the end of 1781.






Kenneth Rossman,
Thomas Mifflin and the Politics of the American Revolution
( Chapel Hill, N.C., 1952), 49-50, 56, 107, and




, VIII, 435-36.




There is much on supply in Freeman,
, vols. III-V, and in GW Papers.


This procession must have yearned for combat with real musket balls at times; certainly these officers -- by definition a lower breed because they were staff rather than line -- received fire of every other sort. After Trumbull resigned he deflected some of it by pointing to Congress, the author of the reorganization, as responsible for making his job impossible. Every head of a department ought to have control of it, he suggested in a letter to Washington. Congress had deprived him of control: "In this establishment an Imperium in Imperio is established -- If I accept to Act, I must be at Continual Variance with the whole Department, and of course in Continual Hot Water, turn Accuser, or be continually applying to Congress and attending with Witnesses to Support Charges." What Trumbull meant was that the division of the department into purchasing and issuing sections had created an unworkable system -with the two commissaries bound to fall out. He was partly wrong, and he was not altogether straightforward in explaining his resignation. Congress's refusal to permit him to collect commissions gnawed at him as much as his reduced authority.


Out of republican scruples, Congress had denied commissions to the commissaries. The delegates thought the salaries of the commissaries and their deputies were too high; for example, in 1775 John Adams called them "extravagant." Congress wanted not only to hold down expenses, while increasing supplies, it wished to improve control of supplies and thereby strengthen the army while protecting the public purse. Control and protection were apparently visible to Congress in records. At any rate in the reorganization of 1777 it included the requirement that henceforth elaborate records be kept. Lest the commissaries have any doubts about what was wanted the records were described in some detail -- accounts, invoices (in duplicate), receipts, returns, and journals. Each deputy of purchases, for example, would keep a journal in which every purchase would be recorded, and in order that there be uniformity of accounts, each page was to be divided into ten columns in which the complete history of each purchase would be entered. If livestock were bought, "the number, colour and natural marks" would be entered, plus a good deal more. Naturally, few of these requirements appealed to the commissaries, but Congress, determined to defend the public interest, had good reasons for rationalizing a system that presented ample opportunities for corruption.


Congress gave even more attention to the quartermaster general's department than it did to the commissary.
The quartermaster general






Joseph Trumbull to Washington
, July 19, 1777, GW Papers, Ser. 4, Reel 42.




, VIII, 433-38.


may have had a more difficult set of tasks, with his operational responsibilities competing with his duties to purchase and transport supplies. Thomas Mifflin, the first quartermaster general, possessed strong abilities, but he answered too many extraordinary calls on them to allow him to serve effectively. During much of 1777, he worked closely with Congress, reorganizing the service and recruiting troops. While he was at this, the department fell apart. The usual explanation for this disintegration allocates a good deal of blame to Congress. Congress deserved some of it. In 1777 it began a practice it was to stay with throughout the war -- setting rates of payment for wagons and teams, which would transport supplies, below current market values. Quartermasters found merchants and teamsters reluctant to do business with them when they could do it more profitably with others. The breakdown of supply in 1777, like most in years following, turned out to be a crisis of distribution.


At times undoubtedly, Congress made matters worse by clumsy habits of supervision. Complaints brought investigations by the committees Congress worked through, and the investigations sometimes brought delay or temporary paralysis. The lines of authority always lacked clarity, though of course final responsibility for the system lay with Congress. On a practical level, however, quartermasters found it absolutely necessary to work more closely with the army command. But where money was concerned, that command had to defer to Congress, with often neardisastrous results for the army.


Congress simply did not know how to manage this business. And that inability, as common to senior army commanders as to the delegates, lay at the bottom of supply failures. Finance, supply, and management all presented uncharted ground. To solve the problems, Congress and the men of the army made an organizational revolution with all the slippages and mistakes that ordinarily attend a transformation of scale.


Congress faced one additional problem -- unstable public finance. Lacking a secure revenue, it was forced into various expedients to raise money. None proved altogether satisfactory.


Although Congress blundered badly in handling supply, stinting the quartermaster general and his deputies was not among its errors. For most of the war these officials divided a commission of 1 percent of all monies they spent.
Nathanael Greene, who succeeded Mifflin in






These impressions are derived from a reading of letters and reports to Washington in the GW Papers; see esp.
T. Mifflin to Washington
, March 9, 1777, Ser. 4, Reel 40; and Col.
Henry Lutterloh to Washington
, Dec 25, 1777, ibid., Reel 46.


March 1778, admitted a year later "that the profits is flattering to my fortune." Greene, however, lusted more for fame than money and, noting that the post was "humiliating to my military pride," declared sadly that "No body ever heard of a quarter Master in History as such or in relating any brilliant action." He was wrong in the first half of his assertion -- quartermasters were not only heard of, they became notorious. Greene himself performed ably, though throughout his tenure he never ceased to sing lamentations about the graceless post he held.


In an attempt to relieve the quartermaster department of some of its burdens, Congress had made two important changes late in 1776 after the evacuation of New York City. First it appointed a commissary of hides and made him responsible to one of its committees, the Board of War. The hides department took over the task of keeping the army in shoes, a challenging task, given the inflated price of leather and the fact that this army marched everywhere it went.

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