The Girls of August (20 page)

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Authors: Anne Rivers Siddons

BOOK: The Girls of August
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But I joined in their laughter anyway.

We laughed with helpless abandon and we hung on tightly to each other, and I thought
that perhaps the wet night wind picked up our laughter and carried it out to sea,
to meet the engines that came to take us home.

Anne Rivers Siddons is the author of eighteen
New York Times
bestselling novels, including
Burnt Mountain
Off Season
Sweetwater Creek
Nora Nora
Low Country
Up Island
Fault Lines
Hill Towns
Outer Banks
King’s Oak
Peachtree Road
Fox’s Earth
The House Next Door
, and
Heartbreak Hotel
. She is also the author of a work of nonfiction,
John Chancellor Makes Me Cry
. She and her husband, Heyward, split their time between their home in Charleston,
South Carolina, and Brooklin, Maine. For more information, you can visit



Nora, Nora

Low Country

Up Island

Fault Lines


Hill Towns


Outer Banks

King’s Oak

Peachtree Road


Fox’s Earth

The House Next Door

Heartbreak Hotel

Sweetwater Creek

Off Season

Burnt Mountain


John Chancellor Makes Me Cry

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Copyright © 2014 by Anne Rivers Siddons
Cover photography by Cig Harvey
Cover design by Catherine Casalino
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