The Girlfriend (The Boss) (19 page)

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Authors: Abigail Barnette

BOOK: The Girlfriend (The Boss)
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“I’m ready!” I protested, and he gave my cheek a light slap. It was a shock, one I felt all the way down to my desperate, aching clit.

“How do you address me, Sophie?” he asked. His tone was low and dangerous.

“Sorry, Sir.” My cheek tingled, and I resisted the urge to rub it. I didn’t want him to think he’d gone too far; I wanted him to go further. “I think I’m ready to go on with our game now.”

“Fifty-five more seconds,” he reminded me. He made a satisfied noise low in his throat. “I think you liked that.”

“I did, Sir.” My whole abdomen clenched as I drew a lazy circle around my hard clit. I wondered how rough I could get him to be with me on this trip. It didn’t come as a shock to either of us, I was sure, that I wanted to feel this experience on an entirely different physical level than the fleeting burst of an orgasm.

I felt the quick, involuntary flutters begin, and my toes curled. I pulled my fingers away just in time, as he announced, “That’s ten seconds. Forty-five more to go.”

He unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock, rock hard and huge, and my mouth fell open almost unconsciously.

“That’s a very welcoming response,” he said with a laugh. “Let’s work on making that an automatic reaction.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I think that’s enough yes and no. Tell me how you feel about it.” Taking himself in his hand, he brushed the broad tip of his erection along my jaw. I wanted to put my mouth on him, wanted to put my fingers back on myself, but I was so close to coming that either action would have spiraled me out of control.

“I... would really like it.”

“Really like what?” he asked, resting the head of his cock against my lower lip. “Look straight ahead, please, mouth open.”

I turned my face away and stared at the ceiling, my brain swimming. I was supposed to think of words right now? “I would really like to... always be ready to suck your cock.”

He stroked my hair back from my forehead with his free hand, and laid the length of his shaft over my open mouth, along the edges of my parted teeth. I couldn’t help myself; I closed my lips as best I could around the thickness of him.

“No, no.” His hand tugged my hair gently, and I opened my mouth on a desperate gasp. “I didn’t give you permission.”

I whimpered, and held back. I desperately wanted to lick him, to trace the veins in his shaft with the rough, wet tip of my tongue.

I held up my hand and deliberately showed it to him before dropping it between my legs again.

“Forty-five seconds,” he said, trailing his fingers between my breasts.

Oh, that just wasn’t fair.

By the time we reached fifteen seconds left on the clock, I was panting and sweating. I’d stopped three more times, and each time it had felt like I would never be able to breathe again without coming, I’d gotten so close. My clit was painfully engorged; I imagined it looking like a ripe strawberry nestled between my folds.

And I still hadn’t actually touched it. Always, there was a barrier between my straining flesh and my fingertips. It was through sheer force of will that I didn’t come before the fifteen seconds was up.

“What do you say, Sophie. Heads or tails?” I heard the soft slap of his palm against the back of his hand.

“Heads?” I asked, pleading. If I had to touch myself any more, I would come. There would be no avoiding it.

“Heads,” he said, sounding a bit disappointed.

I shuddered in a painful mixture of mental relief and physical need.

“As I was saying before, I want to prolong this evening for as long as possible. But I’m so damned impatient. I’m worried I’ll rush to get to the end.” He tickled his fingers down my throat, between my breasts, down my stomach. Every muscle in my body clenched, all except my jaw, which stayed perfectly still because I did not want him to take his cock away.

“You understand, I’m sure,” he continued, pulling his hand back. “I know that you’re just as impatient as I am.”

But you’re going to make me suffer much longer, I’m sure
, Sir.

“Do you know what it is I’m going to do, Sophie?” He lifted his cock off of my mouth so I could answer.

“You’re going to come.” The words plucked at something deep inside me, some thread of longing and desire twisted with resentment for the way he made me wait, made me work for it.

“I am. And you...” he slipped that fingertip down my body again, over my belly button and the rise of my pubic bone. He stopped at the border of my low-cut panties, so close to the top of my slit that it took all my strength to not raise up to meet him.

He pulled his hand away and affectionately tapped my nose with one finger. “Are not.”

I squeezed my eyes shut. It seemed like a dangerous thing for him to tease me so cruelly when his dick was this close to my teeth.

“Get up, and get on your knees on the floor.”

I did as he ordered. The carpet looked lovely, but it was rough on my knees. He stood in front of me, and I opened my mouth obediently. With one hand on the back of my head and one guiding his cock, he pushed past my lips. I wanted to suck, to swirl my tongue around him, but I couldn’t do any of that. Not without his permission. So I waited, feeling the hot throb of his pulse against the back of my throat.

The hand at the back of my head pressed forward gently. “I wonder how much you can take.”

If my mouth hadn’t been full, I would have told him exactly how much. Everyone has his or her own particular set of skills. Mine just happened to be sucking dick. I gratefully opened my throat, using the same muscles as if I were yawning, and mentally forced away my gag reflex as I took more of him in.

“Very nice.” His fingers threaded through my hair, pulling me back and forth with slow, careful pressure.

The praise filled me with a flush of ecstatic warmth. In my current headspace, I wanted to please him more than anything; his pleasure became my pleasure. I undulated my tongue against the underside of his shaft and swallowed, flexing my throat around the head. After two weeks of waiting, and being so, so close now, the point of no return was rapidly approaching, just from sucking his cock. I breathed hard through my nostrils, groaning around his hard flesh as my pulse accelerated rapidly.

“Don’t come,” Neil warned. “I don’t want to have to stop to punish you.”

I moaned as he slid back and forth between my lips. I had no doubt in my mind that he wouldn’t last long. He was suffering the effects of anticipation as much as I was. Although of the two of us, he was probably way better at waiting. I took my time, letting him push and pull my head, flicking my tongue when I could and savoring every rough, panting breath as it burst from him. He pushed too far, and I gagged, then I moaned. I was going to come. I could feel it winding tight inside me, could feel the throbbing pulse of my clit through the now-soaked material of my panties. My thighs clamped together and I squirmed.

He jerked himself from my mouth, leaving me coughing on my own spit, and grabbed my forearm. “I told you not to come. Did you?”

“No,” I promised, pleaded. “I was close.”

“Were you going to stop?”

“I...” I shook my head. “No, Sir.”

He tucked his erection back into his trousers. The bastard. He had never planned to actually finish. He just knew what the thought of making him come would do to me, that I would feel his need as strongly as I felt my own.

“Get up. Go to the bed and lean over it with your feet on the floor.”

The bed was high enough that this created something of a problem for me. I’m not super tall, so I had to strain to stay on my toes while my hips lay on the bed.

“You know what happens next, don’t you?” He asked, smoothing his palms over my ass and down my thighs.

“You’re going to punish me, Sir.” My eyes just about rolled back in my head at the thought. I held my breath, anticipating the crack of his hand against my skin.

He pulled away. “You choose, Sophie. Which method of punishment would you prefer?”

“Death by orgasms?” I asked with a giggle.

“Oh, we will most certainly get to that. Just not right now.” I turned my head to watch him as he went into the sitting room. He leaned down and lifted the leather paddle. “What do you think?”

“Yes, Sir,” I breathed. My jerky inhalations plucked at me from the inside, coaxing more hot, slick desire between my legs.

“Give me your hands.” He crossed my wrists at the small of my back and held them there, his knuckles biting into my spine.

“Five. I want you to count them for me, Sophie.” His voice was like dark, skin-warmed silk gliding over every aroused thought in my brain. The material of his trousers brushed the outside of my left thigh, he stood so, so close. I measured my breathing against the sound of his, every puff of air crossing lips swollen from sucking his cock.

Even though I knew it was a punishment, I couldn’t help the thrill that shocked through me with the first hard smack of the paddle. “One,” I gasped, a little surprised— and a lot thrilled— at how rough he was being. If he’d been holding back with me before, he certainly wasn’t now. The second, third, and fourth blows came right on top of each other, and I squirmed with the pain as I whimpered the count.

He smoothed the paddle over my inflamed skin before bringing down the fifth sharp strike, and I sobbed in pain. He released my wrists, but kept me pushed down. Leaning over my back, he whispered, “Do you understand what I meant, now? That I’m a different man in this situation?”

“Yes, Sir,” I whimpered. “We’re still... totally green.”

He chuckled darkly and slapped my stinging behind. “Get on the bed face down, spread your legs, and get your feet in the air.”

I scrambled to do as he bid. My vulva was achy and swollen, like all of the blood in my shivering body had rushed to my groin and the hot, painful skin of my ass. This was the closest I had ever felt to replicating that experience in the hotel room six years ago. This was new and exciting and a little scary, just like when he’d taken me over his lap and given me my first taste of pain during sex. It was just as erotic now as when I’d been an inexperienced eighteen-year-old.

The silky duvet was an exquisite torture against my nipples. I thought of the clamps, and wished he’d brought them. But my disappointment was faint in comparison to my arousal, which ramped up as he stepped between my spread legs.

With a hand on each side of my hips, he jerked my panties down, exposing my ass and dripping wet pussy. My knees were bent, my feet in the air as he’d instructed, and now I found out why. He pushed one of my feet against my ass and slipped the tall heel of my shoe beneath my panties. When he repeated the step on the other side, both of my legs were secured, my body completely exposed and vulnerable to him.

He slid two fingers into my cunt, and I panted a grateful, “Thank you, Sir.”

He moved them in and out languidly as he spoke to me. “I think I’ll fuck your ass tonight, Sophie. What do you say to that?”

My pussy clenched around his fingers at those words. I loved the tickle of dread in my stomach, because I did kind of fear the pain and the sometimes bizarre feeling of anal. I’d done this with Neil before; in fact, he was my first. I knew he would be super gentle about the whole thing, but it seemed like it might be different, doing this as his sub and not his super horny one-night stand.

He slid those two fingers, wet from my cunt, into the cleft of my ass. He found his mark and pushed, gently, just the tips slipping in.

I shivered, a mewling “oh” tumbling over my lips.

“Relax.” It wasn’t a soothing command, but an order I would disobey at my own peril.

I let out a slow breath and willed my body to stop tensing against the invasion. He stroked my clit with the thumb of his other hand, rolling it in slow circles until I was quivering with need.

“Remember, you don’t have my permission to come yet. You must tell me when you’re getting too close.” His fingers slipped deeper into my ass, and I moaned.

“Are you going to torture me like this all night?” I gasped, gritting my back teeth against the aching pleasure his hands were giving me. I wasn’t supposed to come, but I didn’t want him to stop touching me, either. Something was going to give eventually, though, and I didn’t want to step so close to the edge.

“I’m there,” I whispered.

“No, you aren’t.” He rubbed the pads of his fingers just inside my vagina, rolling over my g-spot with firm pressure. “If you were, you’d shut your legs. I can read you like a very dirty book.”

I panted and rocked against his hand.

“No, no.” He pulled his fingers from my cunt and pressed me down with his palm splayed across my lower back “Don’t speed it along.”

“Please.” I wet my lips, moaning.

“But this is the part I like,” he teased, torturously circling my clit with his thumb. “And I think you enjoy it, too.”

“I enjoy coming, Sir,” I reminded him through clenched teeth.

“Oh, you’ll come tonight, Sophie. I guarantee it. In fact, I would go so far as to say, ‘be careful what you wish for.’”

The shiver that moved through me brought me closer to a hard edge from which I would not be able to pull back.

“No!” I shouted, curling up from the bed. “I’m- “

He immediately stilled; that was good, because just the movement of his hand withdrawing would have set me off.

Neil let me cool down a little before he slowly eased his fingers from my body. “Don’t move,” he told me, his tone gentle. “Calm down a bit. I’ll be right back.”

I closed my eyes and breathed deep. My hands clenched and unclenched against the bed. I imagined laying in this bed with him, our limbs tangled together, his chest beneath my cheek, and I realized with a shock of delight that this kind of submission was like a long run or a workout. I kept the end goal in sight to get me through it, even though I was enjoying every painful moment.

When he returned, he brought the lube and the glass butt plug. “Have you ever used one of these, Sophie?”

“No, Sir. I had a smaller, twisty one, though.” That had been a fun toy.

“This will feel different. Not only is it wide, but it’s heavy, as well. Just relax, and give yourself time to get used to it.” The plug was shockingly cold as he pressed it against my opening. I tensed, and he slapped my ass, hard.

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