The Girl of Ink & Stars (3 page)

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Authors: Kiran Millwood Hargrave

BOOK: The Girl of Ink & Stars
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‘I love it!' Lupe wound it around her wrist and I tied the knot. ‘It's my favourite present.'

Only Lupe would prefer a scrappy piece of string to a pure gold locket. It was another thing I liked about her.

‘Come on,' I said, taking her sweaty palm and pulling her towards the low rectangle of school. Being late for the first day might be all right for Lupe Adori, but Señora Feliz would not forgive plain old Isabella Riosse so easily.

We broke into another run, hoping not to hear the bell, and arrived in a dead heat, panting and laughing, stitches needling our sides.

‘I… won!' Lupe gasped.

‘No… me! I… beat… you.'

‘Girls!' Señora Feliz appeared at the school door, her face sour as a lemon. When she recognized Lupe, her face went as sour as two lemons. ‘Señorita Adori! You should have been told, I sent someone straight to your father—'

‘What?' Lupe frowned. ‘Why?'

‘There's been a— Well, your father will tell you, I'm sure. School is closed today.'

‘Closed?' I said, stupidly. ‘But why?'

‘Enough questions!' snapped the teacher, then her face drained as her eyes fixed on something behind us.

We turned to see a carriage drawn by a pair of dun stallions picking its way slowly across the pitted path from the village. The horses seemed restless, sidestepping and shaking back their manes. Two men sat beside the driver, the sun glinting off their swords.

The carriage's blue curtains were drawn, protecting its passengers from the heat. But even at this distance, I could make out the broad Governor and his tiny wife, silhouetted through the silk.


he carriage stopped outside the school. The driver jumped down to open the door as Governor Adori swept aside the curtains and stepped down into the dust. I shrank back, standing in Lupe's shadow. This close he was shorter than I expected, but wide-shouldered, his chest round as a barrel.

I had never met him before, seen him only on his horse in the annual parade, where the whole village was made to come out and cheer. The Governor's men even handed out blue banners to wave, and fined people if they got the cloth dirty. I wondered if he knew Lupe was friends with the cartographer's daughter.

‘Come now,' he said to Lupe.

She looked uncertainly at me. I released her hand.

‘Papa, what's—'

‘No questions. Get inside.'

‘Can Isabella come?'

I ducked my head as he peered past her. ‘No,' he said. ‘We're going home.'

‘Can we drop her at the village then?' said Lupe uncertainly. I knew she was not allowed to invite people over.

The Governor clicked his tongue, then snapped his fingers in my direction. ‘Hurry up.'

Señora Feliz tripped alongside us. ‘Sorry, Governor Adori. I did send someone ahead, but the girls had cut across the fields—'

The teacher fell silent as the Governor held his hand up impatiently. He motioned for us to get into the carriage.

My legs shook as I climbed up into the soft interior and sat opposite Señora Adori. She shifted her skirts away from my dusty sandals. Her lips were pursed and she was even paler than usual, her blue silk fan flicking impatiently around her face. Da said she came from Europa, and she certainly dressed as if she did. Despite the heat she was wearing a full-skirted blue silk dress, and a bead of sweat was snaking its way down her cheek. She did not move to wipe it away.

We set off. It was my first time in a carriage but it was hard to feel excited. Why was school closed? And why had the Governor come to pick Lupe up? He never had before.

I chanced a look at him. He was imposing in the cramped space of the carriage, his skin darker than Lupe's, dark as Da's. His eyes were narrow, pupils black and slatted as a snake's, and just as cold. As I watched, a yellow dragonfly flickered briefly at his temple and he caught it mid-flight,
crushing it between two fingers and dropping it to the carpeted floor. I shuddered.

Why had he come here? Why did he treat Joya as if it belonged to him, and not to the people who had lived here for centuries? Because of him, I had never seen the rest of our island, let alone the world, and Da's skills as a map-maker were wasted. Because of him, there were no more songbirds. Masha said he was even to blame for the river drying up, but Da said she was just being superstitious.

It was stuffy and hot. The velvet of the seats stuck to my legs and I longed to throw back the curtain and see what was happening outside, but I kept my eyes fixed on a ring of keys glinting from his belt. Lupe seemed uncomfortable too.

‘What's going on, Papa?'

The Governor's hand clenched and unclenched. ‘Mama will explain when we get home.' His eyes flicked again to me.

‘Is it something bad?'

He gave a hollow laugh, like a low, tuneless bell. Fear spiked through me. Why could he not explain now?

No one spoke again until the Governor barked out, ‘Stop!' and the horses were pulled to a halt. The carriage rocked as the driver jumped down and opened the door. I drew back the curtain, and my skin chilled.

We were back in the market square, but it was deserted. All the stalls were closed and empty, apart from the feathery
mass of ravens fighting over scraps. I didn't understand. This was usually the busiest time of day, when the villagers did their shopping before the worst of the heat swept Gromera's streets.

Governor Adori's voice was low and grim.

‘Go home, girl. We can't take you further.'

‘I'll see you at school tomorrow?' Lupe said as I went to open the door, a question in her voice.

‘No school,' barked the Governor. ‘Not for a few days at least.'

A drumbeat started in my chest. I wanted to ask what was happening, but my throat felt packed with sand. The Governor's wife again moved her skirts away from my feet. I took care to scuff my sandal on her silk shoe as I climbed down.

The Governor moved to pull the door closed but Lupe sprawled out and hugged me hard.

‘I will try to find out what's happening,' she whispered into my neck. ‘Meet me by the barrel tomorrow? At dusk? And don't forget the fireworks!'

I nodded as the horses were whipped into a trot, and she was dropped back into shade behind the curtain.

When I reached our house, I could barely breathe. The door was wide open, and the flowerpot by the door was tipped over, spilling earth and daisies. That stopped me short. The panic that had driven me up the hill was now holding me back.



I stepped forward.


The sunlight sent patterns whirling across my eyes in the gloom. I blinked them to a stop.

Da was not in the main room. It was the same as when I had left, the bowl of burnt porridge uneaten on its bed of maps. The walls swayed lightly – because of the maps or my spinning head I did not know. Only the forest-green jug had been moved back on to its shelf.

A rustle came from Da's study and relief filled me like air. That was typical of Da, too busy with work to hear me. He probably wouldn't even know what was going on outside. I crossed to the thick curtain and pulled it aside.


The shutters were open, letting through a breeze that lightly lifted the papers covering his desk. This must have been what I heard, because his stool was empty. Staining the parchment on the desk was something shiny.

Unable to stop myself, I reached out to touch it.

It was wet. My fingers were red.

I felt the room spooling away, my mind filling with dark.

Each of us carries the map of our lives on our skin . . .

Da's voice. Why was he speaking like that – cold, slow?

See here, how my blood runs not blue at my wrist, but black?

And why did I know exactly what he was going to say next?

Your mother always said it was ink. I am a cartographer through to my heart

Da was ahead of me, walking through a dark channel of houses that swayed in the wind like trees. Now they
trees, and Da was stretching his hand towards me, redness flooding his palm. His chest was a bloody mess of skin and feathers, black feathers, like the ravens Pep caught.

My heart . . .

I was dreaming. Dream-Da was walking towards me, his face blank. I wrenched my chest from the hot ground, pulling myself backwards, away from him, along the stretching line of trees, out of the dream.

Something was tugging my hair.

Miss La. When I opened my eyes she squawked indignantly and began running around in circles. I was on the floor of the study. Pep was sitting in the doorway, regarding me cautiously. But Da – where was he?

My head throbbed as I looked at my fingers. Still that deep-red stain. I stood slowly. The room tilted and my shoulder ached where I had landed on it. I made my way shakily through the house, checking the kitchen and the garden, where Gabo's tabaiba bush was just beginning to bloom with starburst blossoms. Miss La and Pep followed, but there was no Da anywhere.

At the front the street was still deserted. I held on to the doorknob as if the ground were an ocean and letting go meant drowning. The drumming in my ears was back, layering over the sound of insects and the ravens that hunted them.

‘Over here.' The voice made me jump. ‘Isa, in here.'

Masha was peering through a crack in her shutters. I let go of the door and crossed the street, legs shaking.

Masha closed the door hurriedly behind me. ‘What are you doing out there all alone?'

The words rushed from my mouth. ‘It's Da, he's not at home and I can't find him and there's blood—' I held out my hand. It shook, though I told it not to.

‘Isa, breathe.'

Masha wiped away my tears with her cuff, and steered me to a chair. She uncurled my fingers, and brought a bowl of warm water from the stove. She began rubbing at the stain with a coarse cloth. The back door was open and a sluggish breeze wafted in from the dirt courtyard.

‘This isn't blood.' Masha's face was scrunched up with concentration.


‘It's not blood. See? See how it won't budge, no matter how I scrub it?'

The stain was still bright red.

‘But what is it?'

Masha shrugged. ‘Ink, I imagine.'

‘But where's Da?'

A voice came from the back doorstep. I squinted and made out the shape of a broad back against the brightness. Pablo.

‘I saw him heading towards the market square a while ago,' he said. ‘He didn't look injured to me, just scared.' His voice was no longer boyish, but deep and cracking slightly at the edges.

Masha clucked her tongue. ‘Why didn't you say sooner?'

I swallowed. ‘Where was he going?'

‘I expect to get you from school after hearing what happened.'


‘You mean you don't know?' said Masha, her voice thin.

I shook my head desperately.

Masha and Pablo talked at the same time.

‘Maybe we should wait until your da gets here—'

‘They found a body—'

‘Pablo!' said Masha sharply.

‘What? She wants to know. She'll find out anyway.'

‘You just want to scare her.'

‘I won't be scared.' I jutted out my chin, to show I wasn't crying any more. ‘You can tell me.'

Masha threw down the cloth she had been using on my fingers.

Pablo hesitated, then stood, stepping forward into the shade. ‘This morning, a girl was found in the orchard,' he said at last.

Taking my silence for incomprehension, Masha took my
hand softly. ‘He means, a girl was found dead. Killed.'

The silence unfurled until I forced myself to speak. ‘Who?'

Masha paused, looking at Pablo. He was so much taller. Two years had stretched him high as a man. I wondered if Gabo would have grown the same as me, or faster.

‘A girl called Cata. Cata Rodriguez.'

I looked at him for a long moment, feeling nothing, hearing him through the pulse in my ears. I pressed my palm to my forehead to stop the rising flood of questions. Masha took it, and held it between her own.

‘Isabella, you need to rest.'

I opened my mouth to speak but Masha raised a warning finger. ‘Not one more word. I know you are worried about your father but he is a clever man and he will be fine.'

I nodded dumbly.

‘The Governor has ordered a curfew until they find… until they sort all this out.'


‘We are to stay inside. Your da is probably stuck somewhere waiting for it to be lifted. He would never forgive me if I let you out of my sight. Not after a murder.'

A shudder ran through the three of us.

‘I'll go home and wait.' I rose but Masha pressed me firmly back down.

‘You will

The old woman stood and pushed past her son to reach the garden. I could see her picking something from a low
shrub by the door.

Pablo turned towards me. His face was broad but no longer round, cut in angles around the cheeks and jaw. His eyes were the same dark brown, though. I looked down at my lap, suddenly shy.

Masha came back in and filled a cup from the water bucket.

‘Drink this, and eat these.' She held out two small, dark berries. ‘They'll help you sleep.'

‘I don't need to—'

‘You have had a terrible fright. Have some food and then you can lie down in Pablo's room until your father returns.'

‘He won't know where I am!'

‘I will keep a lookout at the window for him. I will not take my eyes from the street.'

Masha placed the berries on the table, watching as I picked them up and chewed. They sent out little bursts of bitterness that made my tongue tingle.

After forcing down the bread, I followed Masha to Pablo's room and got into bed. The pillow was soft and the sheets smelt of lavender, and as my body filled with heaviness from the berries, my thoughts chased themselves like dogs chasing their tails.

Cata, dead

The orchard. Dragon fruit. Lupe

Cata, dead

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