The Girl of Diamonds and Rust (The Half Shell Series Book 3) (17 page)

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Authors: Unknown

Tags: #new adult, #romance, #teen & young adult, #rocker, #Contemporary, #coming of age

BOOK: The Girl of Diamonds and Rust (The Half Shell Series Book 3)
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Pushing through the bodies, I slowly make my way back to the green room. Crap. Delmo and Scream are still here, drinking, laughing, and doing their rituals to psych up for on stage.

I sink down on a sofa, really not wanting to be in here. Thankfully Nicole hasn’t returned since Vincent shoved her from the room. Maybe I should go to Neil’s dressing room because security will take the guys there first.

I’m about to leave when the atmosphere of the room shifts abruptly as Neil and the band return from the stage, sweating, exhausted and excited. Flash bulbs explode from all sides, but Neil is focused on the guys, a saturated towel hanging from his shoulders and still panting from the exertion of performing. They are laughing, talking, and oblivious to everything around.

Neil is oblivious even to me. I didn’t expect that one, but it’s definitely petty that it bothers me. He’s got a lot going on, lots of people vying for his attention. It’s stupid of me to be butt hurt that he didn’t run to me first.

“You were fucking out of your mind tonight,” Nate Kassel exclaims in an overly animated way unlike him.

“What the fuck made you climb the rafters?” Josh interjects heatedly.

Neil shrugs. “I don’t know, man. I didn’t think. I just did.”

The stage manager comes in to give the two-minute warning for Scream. Delmo moves from his circle, pausing beside Neil. “Good show, kid, but if you keep that up you won’t last a year on the road.”

“Maybe you can’t keep it up for a year, old man, but I can,” Neil teases, earning an affectionate swat from Vincent as laughter and heckles erupt around them. 

I watch their faces move close together as Delmo launches into what looks like a keep-private kind of conversation with Neil. I wish I could hear their words, and anxiousness moves through my digestive tract. God, I hope Vincent isn’t bringing up that hideous scene with Nicole. As Neil listens, surprise flashes on his face, followed by anger, then a
no big deal
kind of expression. Vincent pats Neil again on a bicep.

I wonder if I should continue to hang back or go to Neil. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what they’re talking about, but I definitely don’t want to piss off the guys again by making the wrong move. Though that’s probably hopeless. Pretty much everything I do ticks off Josh.

In front of me the crowd start to move, blocking Neil from view. Scream is exiting the green room for the stage and I wonder if Neil is going to want to watch from the wings, but I don’t really want to.

Unexpectedly, Neil cuts through the bodies, takes my hand and pulls me to my feet. “Give us twenty minutes,” he snaps to Josh.

Startled, I stare up at him as he practically drags me from the room.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t want to talk about it. Not now.”

Fuck! What did Vincent Delmo say to Neil?

The tic in his cheek twitches the way it does when he’s angry, and I feel something restless and pulsing inside him. Crap, I don’t want him angry. Not tonight. I don’t want to ruin this night for him. Or for me.

He takes me to the dressing room. He bolts the door, and I hang back, silent, as he crosses the room.

“I need to rinse off,” he murmurs, not looking at me as he pulls off his dripping wet t-shirt and tosses it on the floor. At the doorway to the showers, he pauses and looks back at me. “The only person in the room I wanted to be with and you stayed away. Why, Chrissie?”

. He sounds hurt as well as angry. I don’t want to fight with him and I don’t want to hurt him. Not anymore. Not ever again.

A knot rises in my throat. “I don’t know. Everything happened too quickly in there. I thought it best to stay out of the way since you were deep in discussion with the guys.”

His eyes rapidly search my face. “Don’t leave. Don’t move. I’ll be only a minute.”

I stand frozen on my spot, hardly in the room. I hear the showers turn on and sounds of him washing. The shower shuts off and Neil reappears, a towel draped low around his hips.

He lies down on a sofa. I bite my lip and his eyes darken. “Why are you staring at me that way?”

My breath catches. “I don’t know.”

He turns onto his side, his head resting in his palm. His gaze slowly moves down my body and then up. My heartbeat picks up and I am instantly hot everywhere.

“You haven’t looked at me this way for a very long time.” His voice is husky. “I’ve missed it, Chrissie.”

Just like that the room is flooded with sexual tension.

Oh my
. He’s not pissed. He’s totally turned on. I don’t have the faintest idea what he is seeing in my eyes, but it’s lit some kind of fire in Neil. My breathing alters and the soft muscles against my panties frantically start to pulse. Tingles move across my flesh.

“I love you,” I whisper.

The color of his eyes darkens and there’s a jolt through my veins.

“You’ve never done that before,” he says quietly.

My brows hitch up. “What?”

I love you
to me without me saying it first. That’s the first time you’ve done that, Chrissie. Ever.”

A hint of something I can’t decipher mingles with my warmly liquid senses. “I love you, Neil.”

The look in his eyes charges. The way he is looking at me takes my breath away. I have never had a guy look at me
way. Not even Alan. Never like this.

I stare back at him, panting and excited.

“You don’t have a clue what you do to me, do you, Chrissie? How much I love you? What you are to me?”

The lines of his face tighten with desire and so much more. I want him. Here. Now.

“Why don’t you show me?” I whisper.

He shakes his head. “No. Tonight you show me. Tonight you said
I love you
first. Please, Chrissie, make love to me.”

I burn from head to toe, urgent to have sex with him even with the sharp bites of shame I can’t repel nipping at my senses. The way Neil is looking me and his words say a lot about how unfair I was in how I loved him before, it tells me he knew it, and he stayed with me anyway. He’s known all along that I never shared myself with him completely, and it doesn’t matter, not to him. It is enough for him that I want to now.

Everything around us is changing, we feel different and new, and I want it so. And by the current moving between us I feel that what was inside me standing between us won’t be there once we walk from this room.

My scattered senses are only vaguely aware of my movements toward the sofa and the removal of my clothes. Between kisses, I grab his towel and drop it to the floor. He is fully erect. He’s out of his mind, burning hot, ready for me just like I’m ready for him.

I want him so badly I am not even conscious of the touches, the kisses or the moves that end up with me surrounding his body with my own and riding him. My breathing catches as I swallow his flesh, rush and claim him. I groan as he tilts his hips upward in the rhythm of my motion, filling me so deeply that my head begins to sway in pleasure. We are moving in an effortlessly perfect cadence. My lips on his lips. My hands on his body.

I have no idea what I’m doing. The command of my limbs is no longer my own, and we are gloriously one in the acts of our bodies. The feeling of him radiates through my limbs. His breathing is hard, matching mine, and his face is taut with anticipation and want. It feels so incredible, this frenzied exchange neither of us control.

I plant my hands on his shoulders and stop the motion of our bodies. His eyes open.

“I love you,” I whisper against his lips. I take his mouth in a deep, thorough kiss.

I gently roll my hips and continue, slowly increasing the pace with each swallowing of his flesh. His head rolls on the sofa and his eyes close. I watch him. I move my hips, slowing stroking up his flesh and then down. Over and over again. I kiss his jaw. I move my body. I kiss his brow. I move and touch him. I tighten around his cock, and his flesh quivers. I flick my tongue on the skin of his neck. My need is desperate and so is his and I am swept away by my love for him until I am nothing but frenzied movement, touches and kisses.

I watch him as I ride him and Neil is savoring this like a guy who has wanted this for a very long time.


We are sweaty and curled into each other, lying on the sofa. Neil is smoking and his expression says we are not moving from here any time soon. He told Josh to give him twenty minutes. We’ve been bolted in here two hours.

My eyes fix on the cases holding the band’s change of clothing. I see everyone’s personal shit everywhere. We left them sweaty and waiting on us in the green room. I bury my face against his chest, giggle, and then peek up at him.

“We have to get dressed, Neil. We can’t stay in here forever. The guys might want to shower and change, don’t you think?”

“Why not? We’re alone. It’s quiet. Perfect. Fuck them. They can go back to the hotel as is.”

I sit up. “We’ve been in here a long time. I’m going to be totally embarrassed when we go out there. That is, if anyone is around.”

Neil starts to laugh. His eyes are so bright they’re gleaming.

I frown. “What’s so funny?”

“You are.” He eases up to put a kiss on my nose and then he stomps out his cigarette in the ashtray. His laughter intensifies.

I cross my arms and watch. “Are you going to explain why you’re laughing?”

He stands up, pulling his fresh after-performance clothes from a case. He starts to dress. As if he can feel my expectant stare, he stops what he’s doing and turns to look at me.

“Chrissie, everyone knows why we’re in here. Why do you think no one has knocked on the door? I told Josh twenty minutes. It’s guy code for leave me alone, I’m going to get laid.”

My cheeks flood with color. Neil makes a mildly ruefully, extremely sweet expression.

“You are such a jerk at times, Neil.”

I glare, throwing a sofa pillow at him, but I’m not angry and he can tell so this is pointless. He leans into me, kisses me fast, and then moves away quickly.

I lie back on the sofa, groaning. “It’s so humiliating being girl in guy world.” I glance up at him. “What else do you tell the guys about us?”

He shakes his head as he fastens his jeans. “Nothing. I don’t talk about us.”

I severely arch a brow. “You had better not.”

“I don’t and I won’t.” He grimaces. “Shit, Josh is right. I’m fucking whipped.”

I throw a second pillow, harder this time. Neil deflects it and erupts into laughter again.

Yuck. I hate that word.” My faces scrunches up. “Did Josh really say that to you?”

Neil nods and my grimace tightens even more.

“What did you say back to him?” I ask.

Neil shrugs and doesn’t look up from lacing his boots.

“What did you say?” I press harder this time.

“I said
Yep, I am. Deal with it.

My expression softens and I can feel I’m smiling at him.
That was kind of sweet. You’re forgiven, Neil, for your asshole friend Josh

I start to dress and I follow him with my gaze as he moves around the dressing room. He stops at the mirror and smooths his hair. He combs it with his fingers in a way that makes me think about how those fingers feel touching me.

I take someone’s brush from a dressing table, and jockey with Neil for space in the mirror as I brush my hair.

“There’s an after-party,” he says. “Delmo is throwing it for the band. A welcome and kick-off for the tour kind of thing. I’m expected to go.”

He says that in a way that tells me he doesn’t want to.

I crinkle my nose. “Maybe I’ll just go back to the hotel. I don’t really want to spend any time I don’t have to with Vincent Delmo.”

Neil pauses what his doing, his gaze meeting my eyes in the mirror.

“What happened?”

Crap. Why did I say that?

I shrug. “Nothing. It’s nothing. He’s just not the kind of guy I’d want to hang out with.”

“Nope, not buying it, Chrissie. Are you going to tell me what happened in the green room that I don’t know about?”

Neil asks more forcefully this time. Oh crud. How did he know something happened in the green room? Is he fishing because I’m so terrible at hiding my thoughts or has someone already said something to him?

I drop the brush and fight to keep reaction from my face. If Neil doesn’t know what went down with the Delmos, I don’t want to ruin tonight by telling him the
Manny’s toss-overs
comment or that
repulsive thing Nicole said.

“I don’t like him,” I say carefully. “He treats his girlfriend like shit. But then Nicole is a bitch. Not exactly a fun couple.”

“Then we won’t go.”

I stare back at him in the mirror. “If you are expected to go, you have to go. Don’t not go because of me.”

He drops a kiss on my lips. “I’m not doing that party without you.”

I roll my eyes. “That’s not fair, Neil.”

His arms slip around my waist, pulling me back against him. His lips start to lightly touch my neck.

“Come with me, Chrissie,” he whispers into my ear before he softly nibbles on the flesh of my lobe.

I lean back into him. “That’s not fair either.” But I move into his touch, not away from it.

Against my back, I feel his chest shimmy with silent laughter. “We’ll stay fifteen minutes. We’ll show up. Polite, but then we’ll get the hell out of there.”

I make a face at him.

“That’s not polite.”

Neil shakes his head. “Then we’ll stay.”

“I don’t want to.”

Shit. I’m doing it again. Being a pain. I can be so frustrating at times, but then again those are
, rude people.

I make an internally contained shudder.

“Fifteen minutes, then we’re out of there.”

It’s clear he’s not going to let me have my way in this. “Fine, Neil. Fine.”

He takes my hand and starts guiding me toward the door. He unbolts it.

“He apologized, you know,” Neil says quietly. “Vincent apologized to me before he went on stage. He’s the headliner and I aint shit. But he manned up, wanted no hard feelings, and made sure things were cool between us. He’s not that bad of a guy, Chrissie.”

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