The Girl He Left Behind (10 page)

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Authors: Patricia Kay

BOOK: The Girl He Left Behind
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“Have you had dinner yet?” he asked once they were on the road.

“No, I wasn't hungry.”

“We'll stop somewhere, then.” He smiled at her. “I'm glad you're here.”

“Me, too.” And she really was, although she'd felt guilty when Bill had asked her if she wanted to come out to LA this weekend. She'd simply said she had plans, but either of the next two weekends would be great. He hadn't questioned her further, and for that she was grateful. She would have hated to lie to him.

He would be very upset when he found out. And she had no doubt he
eventually find out. Something like this was going to be impossible to keep secret forever.

It's not that big a deal. It's just this one weekend.

Eve sighed.

“What's wrong?”

“What do you mean, what's wrong?”

“You just sighed.”

Eve laughed. “You heard that?”

“I hear everything.”

“Nothing's wrong.”

“C'mon, Eve. I know you better than that. What're you worried about?”

She shrugged. Looked at the passing countryside. Then she sighed again. “I was just thinking about Bill and how upset he'll be when he finds out what I was doing this weekend.”

“It's none of his business, is it?”

“Not technically, but...he knows about you.”

“About our past, you mean?”


“So what? Didn't he have other relationships before you?”

“I don't know.”

“He knows about us, but you never asked about him?”

“He...he told me he'd been in love with me for years.”

“So he was, what? Twenty-two or -three when you married him?”


“And he was a virgin?”

Adam sounded so skeptical, Eve had to bite back a smile. “I don't know. Like I said, I didn't ask.” But she

“You must be the only woman in the world who isn't curious,” Adam said.

Eve wondered what Adam would think if she told him the truth, that she hadn't cared enough to ask. But of course, she couldn't say that. Instead, she decided it was time to change the subject. “Where are we staying when we get to Austin?”

“Marty rented an apartment for me to use when I'm there. It's actually a furnished condo, and it's near the studio.”

Eve was glad. She'd been concerned about walking into a hotel with Adam, imagining the repercussions if they happened to be photographed. She shuddered, just thinking about the tabloid headlines.

It didn't take long for them to reach the city limits, and once they did, Adam asked her if she was ready to eat.

“I'm still not very hungry.”

“I'm not, either. We can go to the apartment first, unload our stuff, then see what's within walking distance. How does that sound?”


Eve loved the apartment Adam's manager had found. A large two-bedroom condo, it was on the tenth floor of a co-op building and had a shaded balcony that gave them a view of downtown Austin. There was a security guard in the entry—which could only be accessed with a key card—elevators and an underground garage.

“This is really nice,” she said.

Adam ceremoniously ushered her into the guest bedroom. His eyes twinkled mischievously, and she couldn't help grinning back.

“Want to unpack before we take off?” he asked.

“Might as well. It'll only take a few minutes.”

“Okay. I'll do the same.”

Ten minutes later, her few garments hung in the closet, and the rest neatly tucked into a drawer, Eve joined Adam in the living room. And ten minutes after that, they discovered a small Italian restaurant a block away from the condo.

“What do you think?” Adam said.

“It looks good,” Eve said after studying the menu posted outside.

good. Adam ordered the fettucine Bolognese and Eve ordered a mushroom ravioli dish that the owner assured her she would love. The restaurant was small enough to feel cozy and only half-full. No one paid the slightest attention to them, which made Eve relax and thoroughly enjoy both Adam's company and the excellent food and wine.

“That's the best meal I've had since your mother's pierogies,” Adam said, patting his stomach. “I'm stuffed.”

“Me, too,” Eve said, “and it was delicious.”

After Adam paid the bill, they walked out into the still-warm night. In the near distance they could hear music.

“Want to walk a bit?” Adam asked.

Eve nodded.

He offered his arm, and Eve tucked her hand under it. Even this casual contact made her breath catch. She wondered if he had any idea how he affected her. They strolled in the direction of the music, and Eve thought how right it seemed to be with him, to walk like this as if they were just an ordinary couple and not two people from opposite worlds who were forever separated by an enormous deception.

The music got louder as they approached the next block. It was coming from a small club with an open door from which several people emerged, talking and laughing.

“Want to go in?” Adam asked.

The music sounded inviting, a cross between swing and bluegrass. Still, Eve hesitated. What if someone inside recognized Adam? Did she want to take that chance? Her indecision must have shown on her face, because Adam quickly said, “We don't have to if you don't want to.”

“No, let's go in.”

“You sure?”

She smiled. “Yes.”

Inside, they were seated at a small table in the back—the place was crowded—and their chairs were so close together that it was only natural for Adam to drape an arm behind her. Eve nearly stopped breathing, and everything in her went still. She was awash in sensations: the music pulsing around them, the beat of her heart, the musky scent of Adam's cologne, the warmth of his body next to hers, and underlying everything the desire throbbing deep within, a need so insistent she couldn't stop herself from turning to Adam.

His eyes met hers. In one long look a question was asked—and answered.

Tonight they would make love.

Chapter Ten

he walk back to the condo seemed to take forever. The ride up to the tenth floor was made in tense silence, with neither of them looking at each other. All Eve could think about was the moment when they would be alone.

The instant the door to the condo shut behind them, Eve was in Adam's arms. The kiss was hard and hungry, wet and demanding. They couldn't seem to get close enough, and he pushed her against the back of the door and ground himself against her.

This was not going to be a sweet, slow buildup of desire. What they were feeling had been too long in the making, too long in the waiting, too long in the wanting.

“I can't wait, Eve,” he said.

And she could feel the truth of that, feel his heat against her.

“Take me,” she cried.

With a moan, he lifted her into his arms and carried her into the master bedroom. Setting her on the bed, he unzipped his jeans while she removed her panties.

Pushing her dress up, he spread her legs apart and plunged into her. She was more than ready for him and wrapped her legs around him to give him better access.

“Eve!” he cried as he gave two more hard thrusts, then spilled his seed deep inside her.

She moaned and dug her nails into his back as she was racked with spasms.

They continued to move together until their passion was spent, then he collapsed against her. When their breathing finally calmed, he lifted himself and looked down at her.

“I'm sorry,” he whispered. “I wanted our first time to be better. I wanted to give you more pleasure.”

“But it's not our first time,” she said softly, smiling up at him. He was so dear to her. She had missed him for such a long time.

“It feels like it,” he said. He rolled off her, cradling her in his arms. He kissed the tip of her nose, then her mouth. His right hand cupped her breast, his thumb brushing its nub.

Eve closed her eyes.

“Do you like that?” he said, increasing the pressure.


“Let's take off these clothes.” His voice sounded rough.

Minutes later, they lay entwined on the cool sheets, all the bedcovers tangled together with their clothes on the floor.

“You're so beautiful,” he said as he stroked her body, then followed with kisses. When his fingers found her sweet spot, moving in slow circles, she arched her back and gasped.

“Do you like that?” he said. His fingers stilled.

“Don't stop!” she cried.

He smiled. “I know how to make it even better.” He pulled her against him spoon fashion, his left hand holding her breast, his right hand returning to the place crying out for his attention. She could feel his penis against her bottom, its heat pressing against her. She could feel herself climbing, climbing, and knew that when she reached the peak she would explode into a thousand pieces. His hand moved faster, and she couldn't hold back any longer. Her body convulsed, pleasure that was almost pain washing over her in furious waves.

He waited until her body had quieted, then lifted her up and set her on top of him. This time when he entered her, she felt every inch of him going deeper and deeper. And even though she couldn't have imagined climaxing again, desire built almost immediately, and this time, when he shuddered and jerked under her, she cried out with the force of another orgasm that didn't seem to want to end.

They slept after that. He pulled the sheet up, and she slept in his arms. When she finally awakened, she saw by the digital clock on the nightstand that it was four in the morning.

“You're awake,” he murmured, kissing her neck.

“Um.” She stretched. Her body didn't feel like her own.

“Last night was...amazing,” he said, turning her toward him. He smiled, searching her eyes.

“Yes. It was.” God, she loved his eyes.

“I'm only sorry about one thing.”


“I should have used a condom. But—”

“I know. We couldn't wait.” She refused to think about the last time they'd made love and didn't use a condom.

“I'm clean, though. You know that, don't you? I would never endanger you—or anyone—in that way.”

“I know.” And she did. Adam was an honorable man. He always had been. She just hadn't given him a chance to prove it. But there was always the chance of a pregnancy. She opened her mouth to say so, then changed her mind. Best to stay away from the subject of unplanned pregnancies.

“Next time I'll make sure I have a condom.”

“Next time?”

This time his smile was teasing. “There
be a next time, won't there? After all, we still have four days here.”

She grinned. “Next time you're going to have to woo me. No more of this grabbing and throwing me on the bed.”

He laughed. “You don't like caveman style, huh?”

“I didn't say that. But variety is the spice of life.”

“Got it. Next time you will be suitably wooed.”

* * *

Adam left Eve sleeping and had a long shower. Then he went into the kitchen and inspected the contents of the fridge. Good old Marty. He'd thoughtfully filled the fridge with orange juice, butter, eggs, bacon, milk, half-and-half, strawberry jam and a wedge of cheddar cheese. The vegetable keeper yielded tomatoes, green onions, mushrooms and red and yellow peppers. And the pantry contained a loaf of sourdough bread and plenty of coffee, as well as salt, black pepper, red pepper and sugar.

Adam wasn't a great cook, but he could manage breakfast. Since everything he needed for omelets was there, he decided he would surprise Eve and have one ready for her when she woke up.

When he heard her stirring, he put some butter in the frying pan he found and started getting his omelet ready. By the time she entered the kitchen, looking pretty doggone sexy in a short blue satin robe, he had the table set and the omelets ready.

“Good morning, gorgeous,” he said. “All I have to do is butter the toast and we can eat.”

“A man of many talents,” she said, walking straight over to the coffeemaker and pouring herself a cup. She added half-and-half and a teaspoon of sugar.

He couldn't resist kissing her, and she felt so good in his arms, he almost wished he hadn't made breakfast yet so they could start the day with sex and follow up with food.

“Enough of that,” she said, pushing him away when he would have kept kissing her. “I'm hungry.”

“If I feed you first, can we have some fun afterward?”

She grinned. “So this is your idea of wooing? Cooking me breakfast?”

He'd forgotten about their agreement. But her reminder gave him an idea. “No, it's not. And you're right. I promised you some serious wooing, didn't I?”

“You did.”

“Then, you shall have it.”

So after they'd eaten and he'd shooed her off to take a shower while he cleaned up the kitchen, he made his plan. When he heard the shower go off and knew she was back in the bedroom, he tapped on the door. “Can I come in?”

“Might as well,” she said. “After all, you've seen me naked.”

Man, she looked good. He saw that she'd laid out a print sundress and had already put on a lacy yellow bra and matching bikini panties. “I'm going to leave you here by yourself for an hour or so, okay?”

She frowned. “Where are you going?”

“I have a couple of errands to run.”

“Can't I go with you?”


“No? Just no? You're not going to give me a reason?”

“Let's just say my errands have to do with serious wooing.”

Now she smiled. “In that case...” Walking over, she put her arms around him and lifted her face for his kiss.

Twenty minutes later, with Eve happily ensconced on the balcony with a fresh cup of coffee and his promise that he'd back in less than an hour and a half, he was on his way to take care of his first errand.

True to his word, and extremely pleased with himself, he returned to the condo a little before noon. Putting his purchases in the safe and ignoring Eve's curious look, he said, “I'd like to go look at the studio, then we can grab some lunch somewhere. How does that sound?”

“Great,” she said.

They walked to the studio, which was only three blocks away. It turned out to be perfect, but he'd expected that. Marty wasn't his manager for nothing. After Adam had inspected everything, they headed out to find a place to eat. This time they settled on a seafood restaurant that specialized in Cajun food, which happened to be one of Adam's favorites. Over bowls of gumbo they talked about Adam's plans for the future.

“Once the tour is over, I'd like to just concentrate on writing new music,” he said.

“In Nashville?”

“I'd probably divide my time between there and LA.”

“Really? You like California?”

“I do. And so do my bandmates.”

“You have a house there?”

“In Malibu.”

“You really have the perfect life, don't you?”

The question wasn't coy. So he gave it a thoughtful answer. “It lacks one thing to make it perfect.” When she didn't bite and ask what that might be, he plunged ahead. “Someone to share that life with.”

She met his gaze squarely. “Yes. I understand that.”

He wanted to say more. But it was too soon. There were too many things unsettled between them. He hadn't even met her children yet. So he remained quiet, and so did she.

After lunch, he suggested finding a bookstore where they could get a few books, and maybe some games and puzzles. “We'll go out tonight, but I thought you might enjoy a relaxing afternoon.”

“I like that idea,” she said.

An hour later, loaded down with not only books, a couple of games and puzzles, but also several DVDs, a couple of bottles of wine and snacks, they headed back to the condo.

Eve fell asleep over her book, and Adam let her sleep. He enjoyed watching her and thought how pleasant it was to share a quiet afternoon with no phone calls and nothing pressing to do—just the anticipation of another evening with Eve, one where he could begin the serious wooing he'd promised her. He smiled, remembering the treasures he'd put in the safe. He couldn't wait to see her face when he gave her the first of the surprises he'd planned. In fact, maybe he'd go get it now. Put it on the table next to her so she'd see it when she woke up.

He was glad he'd asked the owner of the shop where he'd purchased the gifts to wrap them, because the flat velvet box looked prettier in the silver paper and matching bow than it would have looked unadorned.

Now all he had to do was wait.

* * *

Eve sighed in her sleep. She knew she was dreaming, but it was such a lovely dream she didn't want it to end. In it, she and Adam and the twins were having a picnic. It was a beautiful summer's day, and they'd spread a big quilt out next to the river—she recognized the river, it was the one running through Crandall Lake. They'd finished eating and now the twins were dangling their bare feet in the water while she and Adam lay on the quilt watching them.

They were so happy, all of them. Adam loved the twins and they loved him. They had a perfect life, just the four of them. How this perfection had come about, Eve didn't know, and she didn't care. They were together. That was all that mattered.

“Hey, sleepyhead.”

Eve frowned. She closed her eyes tighter.

“It's time to get up. It's almost five o'clock.”

Reluctantly, she opened her eyes to see Adam smiling down at her. “Five o'clock?” she said. “Really?”

“Really. You slept more than two hours.”

She stretched and yawned, then rubbed her eyes. Darn, she hated to let go of her dream. “So what's the plan?”

“Well, first you're going to open your present. After that, we'll decide what we want to do.”

“My present?”

“It's right there.” Adam inclined his head toward the end table next to her chair.

Eve's eyes widened as she saw the beautifully wrapped box. “That's for

“Yes, it's for you.”

“It's not my birthday.”

“I know that. But it is a serious wooing day.”

She laughed, delighted.

“Open it,” Adam said eagerly.

She carefully removed the silvery paper, and when she saw the gray velvet box, her heart began to beat faster. Almost afraid to open it, she hesitated.

“It won't bite. Open it!” Adam said.

“Oh,” she said as she saw the gorgeous strand of graduated pearls nestled inside the satin interior. The diamond clasp winked under the afternoon sunlight.

“As soon as I saw these I knew they'd look perfect on you,” Adam said softly. He lifted them out of the box and walked around behind her. “Let me put them on you.”

“I—I don't know what to say.” The pearls were way too expensive. She knew that. She hoped he didn't think she was hinting that she wanted jewelry when she'd said she wanted to be wooed. Because that wasn't what she'd meant at all.

Adam fastened them around her neck, then reached for her hand and brought her to her feet. “Go look in the mirror. They look beautiful on you.”

beautiful. Eve could hardly believe

“Do you like them?”

“Like them? I
them, but, Adam, I—I'm not sure I can accept them.”

“Of course you can. They were made for you.
were made for beautiful jewelry. And I have something else to go with them.” He reached into his pocket and took out a small box, also wrapped in silver paper.

Her hands were shaking as she unwrapped the second box. She was terrified that inside she'd find an engagement ring. Surely not. Surely he wouldn't just spring something like that on her, would he? But it wasn't a ring inside. Instead, there was a pair of exquisite diamond earrings. “Adam, this is too much. I can't take these.”

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