The Gillespie Five (A Political / Conspiracy Novel) - Book 1 (42) (19 page)

BOOK: The Gillespie Five (A Political / Conspiracy Novel) - Book 1 (42)
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Chapter Thirty-Nine



Just as µβ had told him to do, Michael had been busy monitoring the boards for signs of gr@yg@nd01f, when he got pinged to join a private chat.  He let out a bark of laughter at the chatroom's handle #HGTTG. 

They really were carrying this 42 thing entirely too far
, he thought. 

As usual, his mind began on the usual questions of who, or what exactly, µβ was.  He knew, from observing the various texting patterns each time the µβ handle appeared, that there was more than one person.  Or someone with a severe personality disorder.  So he had begun thinking of them as the collective ‘they’.  Like the Borg.  But only privately.  The one time Michael had mentioned this to them, they had booted him out and not invited him back for three months. 

Still, he wanted to know
they were, any of them.  And what the group was about.  But he had learned early on to keep all of those questions to himself.  At least if he wanted to stay in with µβ.  He wasn’t even sure why they had reached out to him in the first place.  But, so far, he was glad they had and he didn’t want to mess that up.


whatzzzzzz uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!


you are such a stupid fag that's what's up.  that went out with the dinosaurs


like your mama


<µβ> fags.  what do you have?


lots o'noise.  G's definitely gone missing




duh dumb ass.  who else? 


your dumb ass mother


<µβ> shut the fuck up!  we got to do something about this


what?  there are absolutely NO lulz in this


dude!  didn't you hear about that senator in colorado talking about arrests




<µβ> so it only matters if there's lulz and not that the MIB are trying to take us down again?


ya, suck ass.  we gotz to bring these thugs down! lulz or no lulz


you are stupid trying to sound all gangsta.  probably some white ass punk ain't ya, ya wangsta?


The truth stung and Michael responded the only way he knew how.


takes one to know one



<µβ> time to strike back.  those fucking wanna be moralfags need to be taken down


fine. truth.  but how?  tired of just site graffiti


<µβ> easy.  first we drop a bomb, then we do the rest old school.  with a twist


whatz the bomb?


<µβ> kh@n, you wan’t to tell em



Kh@n gave them the details of what he had discovered a few days ago.  As he filled them in, bb0@49 and g@mb1t alternated typing:  OMG, WTF?! And OMFG!


woot!  someone's gonna get pwnd!  again!


<µβ> exactly.  need one of you fags to 'accidentally' discover this when you start recruiting and drop the bomb


got it


<µβ> good. we’ll coordinate getting into B and G’s laptops and emails.  THAT stays with US!  no external recruiting for that. we’ve got to move carefully on this one. understood?








<µβ> then you fags can start the campaign off and we will spell out the rest of the plan once you have initiates.  here is what you need to do before and after you drop the bomb


Michael read on as µβ listed out the next few steps, which started with some of the public channels and chatrooms for recruiting purposes.  He knew better than to ask what µβ would be doing while they initiated recruiting.  As they didn't show themselves often, he doubted µβ would contribute outright to the campaign.  Not under the handle µβ, anyways.  He thought they would be there though, lurking the channels and coming back to advise when they saw fit. As µβ finished, Michael was laughing hard enough to wet himself. 

Fuck school
, he thought.  There was nothing better than pwning some ass that needed it. 

A few hours later they launched their first recruiting campaign on one of the popular hacker channels by stating gr@yg@nd01f’s story and current status.


we should help him


y? he's a whitehat fag


he's one of us getting railroaded


shut the fuck up. what are you a moralfag now?


Several other comments were made as people joined and dropped from the channel.  After several screens worth of comments, that each spiraling further away from the topic, Michael moved to bring it back on track.


gotta be gillespie and his g man


Gmen ha!  think they help each other find their g spots




Fudgepackers is what they are


shit eaters


yes you are, you homo


fuck you


see what I mean?


holy shit!




he's probs sittin on the crapper


and its filled with holy water?


shut the fuck up you fags.  just figured out who g's G man is


today's episode brought to you by the letter G and moralfags everywhere


what are you some stupid newfag


go fuck yourself


after I fuck your sister


who is g man’s g man


Hotlvr's question went unanswered as juicy2 posted a picture of a naked girl which spawned another and then another until Michael, after posting a few lewd ones of his own, broke in.


dudes you are all stupidfags




greg barrett as in the barrett who tried to take down Unified


get. out!


no fucking way


who is unified?


OMFG UNF!  only the most awesome hacker group since anon!


who is BARRETT you moron


some moralfag thought he'd try to take down the group like 5 million years ago.  thought he'd died


or had a sex change


you'd think as hard as he got spanked he'd know better

shit you kidding me


just looked the faggot up.  that is one sorry ass


if he's doing this then i'm in.  he almost took a cuz of mine down. 


the faggot.  i'm in 2.


don't know who the ass is but sounds like some lulz. what are we gonna do


take the mother fucker down that's what. apparently he likes getting spanked


SlyDog21 posted a picture of two naked guys spanking each other in response.  Over the next several minutes the channel filled with more photos, each trying to outdo the other in crudeness.  Between the posts, kh@n and Michael were able to lay out the plan.  By the time they logged off at nearly four in the morning, the channel was on fire with splinter groups, each vying for the top dog honor of who would lead the attacks.

Staggering their exits so they weren’t leaving at the same time, g@mb1t, kh@n, and Michael logged out.  Tomorrow night they would strike.  Michael was grinning at the thought as he stumbled to bed, hoping is mom wouldn't wake him up so early this time.  Who got up before noon anyway?




About the time that Michael and the others logged out, juicy2 did as well.  Shortly thereafter, juicy2 and kh@n, both logged into a private chat but with different handles.  Yuri was waiting.


How did it go?


we gotz that fire a burnin’ hot stuff!


Yuri ignored his brother’s comments.


and µβ?


they are recruiting for attacks and going to start trying to hack into B and G’s systems tomorrow night


and their vids, accounts, and everything else I hopes!

duh you dumb fuck


Good.  Of course, the security measures we've put in place will make it difficult, it


won't be as easy as they think. 


there ain’t no way they gettin in to B and G’s info.  that stuff done been locked down tighter than a virgin’s whoha!


and how would you know stupidfag?


I got your-


Yuri signed off, not wanting to watch the downward spiral he knew that conversation was about to head in. 

Taking a deep breath, he leaned back in his leather chair.  Now that the hornet’s nest had been stirred, they had very little to do in order to keep it going.  Hackers liked to hack.  The more challenging, fun or even just crude they could be and get credit for it, guaranteed that they were in.  And, if they made the kind of noise – and trouble – he was going to ensure they made, the next stage of his plan was going to be easy. 

All the key players had already been informed that they needed to be ready to move quickly.  When news of the hack attacks began to spread across the globe, these political and business figures would be pounding on the doors of every government office, demanding that something be done to put a stop to the electronic terrorism.  And they would just
to have laws ready to fast track through the various legal systems.  The problems the hackers were going to cause would guarantee that the government officials wouldn’t even think about saying ‘no’. 




"Sir, someone is stirring up the boards about Alex Moore's capture."

Barrett had to unclench his jaw to ask, "How would they know?"

"Logic bombs.  Started going off early yesterday morning.  He must have suspected this would happen."

"Of course he did! He's a traitor!  What are they planning?"

"We don't know yet.  By the time we found out something was going down, we were too late to get the details.  Something big is going on though and we’re not sure what else was mentioned.  We did catch something about some moralfag they were going after, but we didn’t see who.  But a few of our handles that are very popular are out there and they are planning on launching something tomorrow night.  We're going to try and get invited into the private chats to find out."

Barrett gave a curt nod, wondering who the ‘moralfag’ was they were going after.  Images of what had happened to him twenty years ago bounced through his head.  He shuddered internally, already feeling sorry for whoever it was and hoping it wasn’t him.  But the cold feeling in the pit of his stomach wouldn’t leave him alone.  His information was much more highly secured now than it had been then.  He just had to hope that the men he worked for had built in
security in preparation if the attack was going to be against him or Gillespie.  

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