The Gilded Fan (Choc Lit) (32 page)

Read The Gilded Fan (Choc Lit) Online

Authors: Christina Courtenay

Tags: #romance, #far east, #adventure, #fiction

BOOK: The Gilded Fan (Choc Lit)
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Something else struck her. ‘Did you say “every man, woman and child” just now?’ He nodded. ‘Does that mean I can go, too?’

He put his head to one side as if unsure he’d heard right. ‘You want to fight? You’re sure of that? I didn’t mean it was obligatory.’

‘I know, but I want to. Truly.’

‘Very well. The time has come for us to stand up for what we believe in.’ Her uncle patted her awkwardly on the shoulder. ‘I’m very glad you came to us and I’m proud to call you niece. And just in case … you know … I want to thank you for everything you’ve done, your hard work. I know it’s not always been easy for you, but you’ve done your best.’

Midori smiled at him. ‘No, thank
for taking me in. I’m very grateful.’

They left it at that, neither wanting to believe it may be their only chance to express their feelings.

Her uncle simply said, ‘May God go with us.’

And Midori replied, ‘Amen,’ as she was now accustomed to. It felt right.

Having left him with Aunt Hesketh, Midori made her way downstairs again, deep in thought. The fact that he had agreed to let her fight showed her how serious the situation was and she could only hope she’d be able to help. The sound of cannon and musket fire could be heard clearly already and she took a steadying breath. It would seem the battle had begun, or at least a skirmish of some sort. The smell of gunpowder was heavy in the air, but strangely, it made her feel calmer.

This is what I was trained for. Father and Ichiro prepared me well; I can hold my own.
Whether she lived or died was in the hands of the gods. If only … but there was no point in regrets. She had to accept her fate, whatever that was.

Nico was the only person left in the kitchen when she entered, and it looked as though he’d been waiting for her. He came forward and, without a word, put his arms around her and pulled her close. ‘Midori.’ The word sounded like a caress and she closed her eyes to savour the moment. She hugged him back, fitting herself closely to his chest. ‘There’s so little time and I have to leave,’ he sighed. ‘Daniel is waiting outside. It’s not how I had envisaged spending this afternoon …’ He broke off as if there was much more he wanted to say, but didn’t know how.

Midori looked up and smiled at him. ‘I know, but hopefully it will all be over soon.’

‘Always so positive,’ he murmured, staring at her as if he was storing the image of her in his mind. ‘I hope you’re right.’ His gaze grew tender. ‘You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, you do know that, don’t you?’ Before she could reply, he bent to kiss her, properly, deeply, but it was over in seconds and then he was gone.

Midori stood transfixed for a while, then shook herself mentally. He was right, there was so little time and she had things to do.

Chapter Thirty-One

‘Midori, what are you doing?’ Temperance came into the bedchamber they shared, startling her cousin, who hadn’t heard the door open.

‘Getting ready to fight,’ Midori said, continuing with her preparations. ‘I’ll be of more use on the battlefield than here at home. And Uncle Jacob said I was needed.’

‘He did?’ Temperance blinked in disbelief.

‘Yes, amazing, isn’t it?’ Midori managed a smile. ‘I’m sorry to leave you with Aunt Hesketh and the servants, but …’

‘Don’t worry, we’ll do very well here. You go, and rid us of those accursed Royalists. I’ll surely go out of my mind if we don’t win this war soon.’

Midori noticed the dark shadows underneath Temperance’s lovely eyes. It was clear the poor girl was terrified. And who could blame her? ‘Are you really sure?’ Midori didn’t want to leave Temperance if her presence comforted her cousin.

Temperance nodded resolutely. ‘Yes, go.’

Half an hour later, Midori was on her way and she soon found Daniel, since she knew where he was stationed. ‘What’s happening? Any news?’ she asked.

He shook his head. ‘Not much. I think the King is trying to frighten us, but he’ll catch cold at that. He’s been making a show of marching his army within sight of the town walls, as if that’ll have any effect on us. Much he knows.’

Midori knew Daniel was partly trying to convince himself, but she didn’t contradict him. The mind was a powerful thing and if her cousin could make himself believe he wasn’t scared, so much the better.

‘He’s found no openings for an attack either,’ Daniel continued, ‘even though his soldiers have tried to storm the walls a couple of times already.’

‘That’s good.’

In fact, the Royalists were beaten off time after time, all through the day, and it seemed the townspeople had luck on their side yet again. A large naval force under the command of Captain William Batten happened to be anchored in Millbay, and when the captain heard what was happening, he decided to put ashore all the sailors to help defend the town. Midori also saw women and children flocking to assist their menfolk – the women by bringing powder, bullets and provisions, while the children fetched and carried whatever they could. They were all likely to be exposed to the most gruesome of sights, but this didn’t prevent them from encouraging their soldiers.

‘We all want to do our bit,’ one woman muttered when Midori commented on it.

As no one was venturing outside the walls to fight a proper battle yet, Midori was content to help the other women for now and, as night fell, she went to sit with them and some soldiers round a small fire. Daniel joined her, eating whatever he was given, and soon after Midori heard the voice she’d been waiting for.

‘Ah, Daniel, there you are. I was … Midori? What are you doing here?’

‘I’ve come to help.’ She looked at Nico as he sank down on to the ground next to her. ‘You, of all people, should know this is where I belong.’

He frowned. ‘I suppose so, but … I had hoped you’d be safe in your bed.’

‘Not until this is over.’ To signal the fact that she wasn’t prepared to discuss it further, she changed the subject. ‘Where are you stationed? On the other side of town?’

‘No, I’ve just been sent over here. Seems more men are needed on this stretch of the defences.’

‘Good. The three of us will fight together, then.’ She sent Daniel an encouraging smile.

‘Excellent,’ he said.

Nico still didn’t look convinced, but he didn’t argue the point. He just muttered, ‘No idea how you’re going to fight dressed like that, though.’ He looked at her long, brown petticoat with a frown.

Midori grinned and lifted up the hem. ‘Don’t worry, I’ve thought of that.’ Underneath she was wearing a pair of Daniel’s old breeches and she saw Nico’s eyes widen as he took in the sight.

‘You’re not serious?’

‘Of course. I didn’t want to stand out by wearing
, and it would be impossible to fight properly wearing skirts, so I, uhm, helped myself to a few things. See, I’m already wearing a man’s leather jerkin. This way, perhaps I’ll fool at least some people into believing I’m a boy tomorrow.’

Nico shook his head, but made no further comment. Instead he tucked into a bowl of broth that someone handed him and Midori was content to watch.

‘You might as well go home, Midori,’ Daniel said eventually. ‘There won’t be any fighting until morning and you’ll need some sleep to be at your best.’ He nodded at Nico. ‘You, too. Unless you’re on guard duty?’

‘No, not tonight. Are you?’

‘Yes, but don’t worry, I’ll be all right. I’m used to it.’

Nico finished his broth then stood up and held out a hand to help Midori to her feet. ‘Shall we go, then? The sooner we get to bed, the better. I’m guessing King Charles will have us up betimes.’

She took his hand and allowed him to pull her up. ‘Very well. But send word if anything happens, won’t you, Daniel? Promise?’

‘I swear.’

As they walked back towards her uncle’s house, Midori was surprised to feel Nico’s hand closing around hers instead of letting go. His fingers twined with her smaller ones and it seemed they fit together perfectly. Despite everything that was going on around them, she felt safe, protected, just by that small contact between them. They walked in companionable silence until they reached the house, which was in darkness. Outside the door, Midori stopped and turned to Nico, wanting to tell him some of the things that were on her mind, but unsure how to begin or whether this was the right time. ‘Nico, will you wake me tomorrow so we can go back together?’

‘Of course. I’m not leaving your side. Not until this is over.’

‘What, you think I can’t defend myself?’ She put her hands on her hips, irritation flashing through her. ‘I thought I showed you my skills a long time ago. And I’ve been practising.’

He stepped closer and snaked an arm round her waist, pulling her into his embrace. ‘Perhaps I remember them all too clearly,’ he whispered into her ear. ‘As I recall, you ended up sitting on top of me. And I have to tell you, I wouldn’t want you to do that to anyone else. I’d have to kill him, you see.’

Midori felt her body grow hot at the suggestive tone of his voice. She stared at him, although she couldn’t make out his expression in the near darkness. ‘Nico! You’ve never … that’s to say, I don’t know what’s got into you.’

carpe diem
,’ he said, nuzzling her right ear, which sent tingling sensations shooting down her spine. ‘I heard someone talking about it. “Seize the day.” Don’t put off doing or saying the things you want to say, because tomorrow it might be too late.’

‘I see. And you want to do what, exactly?’

‘Go to bed. With you.’

That was plain speaking indeed, but Midori knew it was what she wanted as well and really, was there any reason to hold back? There probably was, but she didn’t want to think of that now. She made a token protest. ‘But …’

He cut her words off by putting a finger on her lips. ‘Shh,’ he said, ‘let’s not waste our time with talking. Just say yes, please?’

‘Yes,’ she whispered.

She felt his smile against her mouth as he covered it with his own for a brief, but searing, kiss. Then he took her hand again and pulled her after him, into the house and up the stairs, all the way to his little attic room. They both instinctively tiptoed, although there probably wasn’t any need for such caution. Both Uncle Marston and Aunt Hesketh slept like the dead, and Temperance would never think to venture out of her room, nor would the servants.

‘I’ve a mind to see you in those breeches,’ Nico whispered, lighting a candle with some difficulty. He turned and helped her out of her petticoat, then ran his hands down her hips and across her behind where the material clung to her. ‘Hmm, I’m fairly sure they were never that tight on Daniel.’

‘If you’re going to make fun of me, I’m leaving,’ Midori hissed, but as she pretended to flounce off, he grabbed her arm and pulled her back against his chest.

‘I wasn’t, believe me. I just couldn’t express properly how enticing you look dressed like that. It’s driving me insane.’ His hands busied themselves with the laces of the bodice she was wearing, and she returned the favour with the buttons of his coat, although it was difficult to concentrate even on such a simple task when Nico’s mouth found hers again.

His kisses were everything she’d dreamed of, ever since the night of the storm. Back then, she’d been the one taking the lead. Now their roles were reversed and she found she liked that even better. Although he started slowly, he was clearly impatient, his desire for her firing her blood. She heard Nico groan as she kissed him back with all the emotion she’d been keeping pent up for so long. He tasted of ale and smelled of gunpowder, but underneath was his own unique scent, which she knew and loved so well. She breathed it in and moved her hips so her stomach brushed against the front of his breeches. The knowledge that this enflamed him even further increased her own impatience.

‘Do you like that?’ she whispered, shy yet wanting to be daring.

‘Mm, you have no idea. Feel free to do it again.’

Somehow they both shed their clothing in record time and at last she could feel his hot skin against her own from chest to thigh. She ran her hands over him experimentally, following the hard contours of his well-muscled arms and lean torso. He was so big, so perfect, so …
entirely mine.
She discovered that she liked touching the hair on his stomach that tapered down towards his groin. Her fingers followed this arrow and then dared to stroke him further down. She heard him draw in a sharp breath.

‘Midori.’ His voice was even huskier than usual, a sensuous caress as he kissed his way along her collar bone while his hands followed the lines of her body from behind. His touch was reverent, gentle, but her skin was so sensitive now that she felt as if his fingers blazed a trail of fire down her back. He bent to kiss her breasts, first one then the other, then teased the nipples with his lips and tongue while his hands continued their exploration. His fingers found their way between her legs and Midori thought she’d melt into a puddle right then and there. It was beyond wonderful.

‘Nico, please …’ She knew what she was asking for, she’d been taught about such things, but she’d never realised how much pleasure was involved until now.

He lifted her quickly and laid her on the rickety bed, pinning her down with his body. She loved the feel of him, despite the heaviness, but he soon supported most of his weight on his arms so as not to crush her. His mouth moved from her breasts to her navel and below, and she gasped as his tongue flicked lower down, sending flames of heat through her veins.

‘Dear God, but you’re so beautiful,’ he whispered. ‘A veritable goddess.
goddess.’ He came back up to kiss her on the mouth while his fingers continued where his tongue had just been. Midori whimpered with need and put her arms around him to make him go where she wanted him. Quickly.

‘You’re sure this is what you want?’ he breathed. ‘Me?’ He sounded as if he couldn’t quite believe it and she knew what he meant. It was like a dream come true. But it was real and she didn’t want to wait another second.

‘Yes, Nico, all of you. Now.’

No sooner had she said the words than she had her wish. He filled her, body and soul, and she knew this was what she’d been waiting for. And it had been worth the wait. When they moved together as one, she wanted to shout out loud with joy, with triumph.

He was hers at last.

They woke in the early dawn and made love once more, slowly, carefully, as if they were memorising each other’s bodies. Afterwards, Nico held her tightly and whispered, ‘I wish I could stop time right here, right now, Midori.’

But she couldn’t bear to hear him expressing any regrets or even his wishes for the future, so it was her turn to put her fingers on his mouth to shush him. ‘Don’t. Please. I’m going downstairs now before anyone stirs. Come and join me when you’re ready and we’ll go.’

He nodded and kissed her one last time before he let her slip out of bed.

Just like the night before, they walked through the streets of Plymouth holding hands and not saying a word. There was no point until they knew what this day would bring.

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