The Gift of Volkeye (22 page)

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Authors: Marque Strickland,Wrinklegus PoisonTongue

BOOK: The Gift of Volkeye
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The boys, finally seeing each other after six long months, tackled one another in a brawl. As a tornado of punches, headlocks, elbows, and nuggies whirled its way around the living room, Maugrimm had just let Zynathian out of a suffocating hug.

“Well Zynathian, what do ya reckon’ we do to ‘er?” Maugrimm asked, looking at Asha. She and Zynathian were locked in a tight embrace, finishing with a wet peck on the lips. Zynathian’s eyebrows arched as he looked upon his love.

“If there were not more pressing matters at hand, woman, I would put you over my knee and flog you silly!”

“I couldn’t help it!” Asha put her head down in shame.

“Hah! And then ya’ get mad if we don’ tell ya’ nothin’! Blast, woman, do ya’ realize how embarrassed Teshunua musta’ been? I say we feed ‘er to the dogs, Zynathian!”

“No, no, no I think you’re being far too generous Maugrimm. I think she needs something much worse. Perhaps we should hide all of her art supplies, so that she can’t do any sculptures for the
rest of her natural life!”

Asha gasped with horror. “How dare you take his side over mine!”

“It’s not more than you deserve, woman!” said Zynathian, pulling Asha to his side, now whispering. “Never again will I leave you in harms way. I was a fool and much too optimistic about Rhameeryla staying secret…I was just so sure that—”

Asha shushed him. “Don’t you dare beat yourself up over this. You’re here now, aren’t you? That’s all that matters.”

While running her fingers through his salt and pepper lion’s mane, Asha realized that she had to say it. Life had recently taught her that it was far too uncertain for her not to let him know.

“I love you.”

“I love you more. I’m taking you home, and I’m spending the rest of my life with you,” Zynathian said, deep in thought. “In fact, I would like all
of us to go home together, but I have a feeling that
will be stubborn.”

“We should just ask him, Zynathian, it can’t hurt,” she said, playing in his beard, kissing him again.

Zynathian nodded in agreement then gave a shrill whistle, silencing the room. All eyes were on him.

“Bahzee, while I take the ship around back to the landing dock, why don’t you show Khyeryn and Lyn Sha a few of your new tricks. And don’t worry
‘hurting yourself.’
” He glanced playfully at Asha. “I suspect that you could handle about a hundred of those at once and not break a sweat!”

Khyeryn smiled with wonder as Teshunua let him out of a headlock. Tesh began pacing back and forth with excitement, alongside Sing.

“It’s ‘Lyn Sha,’ right? Bahzee has something amazing to show you!” Sing said, playfully pinching Lyn’s cheek. Lyn Sha giggled curiously.

“Mawg, you want to help me out?” Zynathian called.

“Sure, mate. Meet ‘round back, and me lets the shield up.”

Zynathian felt some bustling around in his backpack. “Oh, sorry little fella’,” he said, opening his pack.

Jix raced out into the cold air. He flew over to the kids and perched on Teshunua’s shoulder, projecting a series of chirrups and purrs. Teshunua kissed Jix and stroked the back of his head.

“Good job, Jixxie! Thanks a lot!”

You are most welcome, my friend!

“Sing, this is Jix.”

“Oh my! I’ve never seen anything quite like him! Zynathian must’ve done this too, I take it?” She held out her finger for Jix to run his sandpaper-like tongue along the tip. “You will introduce us when Zynathian comes back, won’t you?” she asked with more than a hint of irritation. “This is a man that I’ve heard stories of for years now—a legend! Here he stood before me, and you all didn’t even think to mention me!”

Teshunua’s eyes widened. “Blast, I’m sorry for being rude. I was so happy seeing us all together again that I lost my head for a second.”

Bahzee apologized as well. Khye extended his hand.

“I’m Khyeryn.”

“I know. I heard Teshunua call your name. I’m Sing Tzi Yi…aren’t you cute as a button!” she said, kissing him on his forehead, leaving a tiny ring of saliva.

Khyeryn’s face and ears went apple red. He liked her immediately. She’d had the same affect on Lyn Sha, who was still holding Sing’s pinkie finger, as if she were a child fearful of losing her mother.

“So what’s this you’ve got to show us, Baz?” Lyn asked.

Bahzee only grinned.

“Okay, everybody, step back a bit,” Sing cautioned.

“You guys ready?” Bahzee asked.

They all nodded. Asha came up behind Khyeryn, greeting him with an embrace. She kissed the top of his head. Khye squeezed her hand, saying
Asha and Lyn shared a wink.

“Be careful, sweetie.”

“Yeeees, Mom.”


Heaps of snow fell as the rear entrance shield slid upwards. Zynathian’s ship slowly hovered inside and settled next to Teshunua’s hover car. Maugrimm let the shield down, and Zynathian got out of the vessel.

“Why’d ya bring such a big ship…ya’ plannin’ on stayin’ awhile?”

There was a long pause as Zynathian pondered how to answer Maugrimm’s question. Then he decided that time was not on his side and he might as well be blunt.

“No…I needed something that could fit you,” he answered, hoping that Maugrimm understood without further explanation.

He did.

“Oh no, no, no—me stays right here!”

“No, you’re not.”

“YES. I. AM.”


He cut Zynathian off.

“It’d be one thing if ya’ was asking me to visit a couple o’ days. Me does that all the time—no problem! But the look in your eye says that you’re asking me to stay, and me can’t do that! That’s crazy, mate…ya’ knows how me likes the cold weather!”

“Yes, but your body can quickly adapt, as I know better than anyone. So you can’t use the weather as an excuse. You may prefer the cold, but you are going to have to do without it. We’ll transform the freezer into a little apartment for you—it’s too big anyway. That’s about the best I can do.”

“Why’s this necessary? It ain’t like Phyllamon would ever find this place.”

“No, I don’t suppose he will, as people hardly ever venture this way. That’s why I’m asking you to come and stay with us, because soon the Igloo will not belong to just you anymore.”

“Wuddaya’ mean?”

Zynathian sighed, tapping his boot on the ice. He knew Maugrimm wouldn’t be pleased with his reply. “Well, once I locate the people of Rhameeryla...I’m sending them here.”

“WHAT! This here’s me place—ya’ built it for me—it’s mine! And now yer sayin’ that me can’t have it no more! Methinks you’re asking to lose one o’ yer best friends with this stunt!”

Maugrimm sat down on a frozen step, fuming.

“I’m sorry, Mawg. Phyllamon will be searching for them, and this is the last place he would look. It’s better to come and stay with us than to have to share a place with tons of people, isn’t it?”

“Dammit to hell, mate,” Maugrimm moaned with disgust.

“Please, Mawg, the kids would love to have you,” Zynathian said, noticing Maugrimm crack a slight smile. “We could use your high spirits and brute strength around the house. Your brawn will be especially handy with really big house projects…that’s all you’re good for anyway,” Zynathian teased.

“Manual labour! Bah! Ya’ best believe if me comes out there, I’m sitting on me ass everyday, with ya’ waiting on me hand and foot, ya’ scrawny human!”

Maugrimm got up and paced, then took a deep breath and exhaled. He knew Zynathian was right, and to say no would be completely selfish. Shaking his head in disbelief with himself, he answered. “Yeah okay. Sure.”

Zynathian’s face lit up. “Good.”

“Yeah, good for you, maybe…ya’ got yerself some new slave labour outta this deal!”

Suddenly Zynathian’s expression was serious once more.

“Actually, I do have ulterior motives. Another reason I want you along is so we have an extra means of protection...Khyeryn was almost murdered.”


Maugrimm stood completely dumbfounded as Zynathian explained the events of the last twelve days. “Wait, wait, wait a minute. Me thought you said that
was almost killed? So why’d ya’ have to perform surgery on Lynnie?”

“Khye was dying. My god, Maugrimm...I drew so much blood that I had to take both Lyn Sha’s legs and her left arm!”

“What in the blazes!”

“I haven’t told them yet, because there’s been no time to talk about it. But with the amount of questions they asked on the way down here about how their bodies felt, I know they suspect something.”

“Wudja’ do to ‘em?”

Zynathian shook his head and grinned. “God help the next person who physically attacks them…IT’S OVER! You know my motto, so you damn well better believe that I went the extra step!”

Maugrimm walked about, rubbing his forehead, attempting to come to grips with everything. “Who’s responsible?”

Zynathian didn’t need to respond. His eyes flared with anger, and they spoke for him. Realization hit, and Maugrimm roared with fury, punching the wall. His fist, buried deep in the ice, was uninjured when he yanked it free.

“Me knew it all along! Shoulda’ let me finish ‘em years ago!”

“There’s not a day that passes now where I don’t wish I’d advised you differently,” Zynathian said, frustrated with himself.

Maugrimm’s anger had subsided for the time being, as he contemplated the caretaking of the Igloo. There was only one option. “Belch,” he said to himself. “I’ll send Jix out with a letter to him ‘fore bed tonight.”

“An excellent idea. Let’s get some rest. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

They started back indoors. Zynathian looked curious. “This new girl?”


“Where does she come from, and how the hell did she wind up all the way out here?”

Maugrimm rolled his eyes. “Just take a wild guess,” he replied.

Zynathian stopped dead in his tracks, turning to meet Maugrimm’s eyes. He just couldn’t believe it.

“Nooo…you’re joking!”

“I’ll let her give ya’ the details.”


Once indoors, Zynathian and Maugrimm found Bahzee still showing off. Asha, finally looking quite impressed, stood next to Khyeryn, who was gazing at the mindboggling spectacle. Bahzee now held the cauldron above with Tesh, Lyn, and Sing inside!

“You’ve done it, Zynnie. You can’t top this!” Asha said.

“Oh really? Just wait till tomorrow!” Zynathian said, noticing Bahzee smile at him. She looked overwhelmed.

“Thank you, Papa,” she said, sitting the cauldron down.

He went and kissed Baz on the cheek. “You’re very welcome.”

Now Khyeryn was trying his best to pick up the cauldron. With his teeth grinded together and face looking as if it would explode in frustration, he pushed and pulled with all his might. It didn’t budge. Khyeryn gave up when his sweaty palms betrayed him, and he crashed to the cold floor. Everyone chuckled, and even Jix fluttered about in the air, amused by the spectacle.

“Easy, kiddo. Now you, on the other hand,
hurt yourself!” Zynathian laughed.

Khye faced him, curious. “What can Lyn and I do, Dad? I know you did something!”

“Yeah,” Lyn huffed, hands on her hips.

Sing and Tesh’s eyes flared, wondering whether they would witness more miracles that night. Unlike them, Asha looked puzzled. She wondered what could’ve happened that would’ve led Zynathian to tamper with Khye and Lyn’s bodies—there was nothing wrong with them!

“Ah, I mustn’t spoil the surprise!”

“Pleeeeaaaaaaase!” Khyeryn and Lyn Sha begged.

“No, you little knuckleheads! It’s been a long a day, and we’re all tired. We shall discuss your new talents tomorrow. Besides, your gifts are more suitable for the outdoors. Now off to bed with ya’!”

“Aw, come on!”
they pled in harmony.

“Ah, ah, ah, I don’t want to hear another word about it! Bed time,” Zynathian insisted, pointing towards the guest chambers.

“This is so unfair!” Khye complained.

“Yeah!” Lyn agreed.

They both stormed off.

“I think I’ll get some sleep, too...come on,” Bahzee said, grabbing Teshunua’s hand, leading him away.

This took everyone by surprise. They stood dumbfounded, as the two teenagers went off to bed holding hands, as if they were a couple that had been married for years. No one knew what to say.

Finally, Mawg spoke up. “We ain’t gots no reason to be worried, do we?”

Asha, still in quite a shock, took a moment to answer. “No…I don’t think so,” she said uneasily.

“It’s only because she has a lot on her mind at the moment. She just wasn’t thinking, that’s all,” Sing said, defending Bahzee. However, they looked at her curiously, detecting the same worry they all felt. “There are two beds in that room, aren’t there?” Sing finally asked.

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