The Gift of Volkeye (14 page)

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Authors: Marque Strickland,Wrinklegus PoisonTongue

BOOK: The Gift of Volkeye
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So transfixed on identifying this object, Felix missed the fact that he left his bike outdoors. His need for medical attention had forced him to leave it unattended.

(This was a foolish act, as he’d forgotten that he’d taught a certain handmaiden to ride it several months previous. Felix had been bamboozled by Sing, who flirted with him and stroked his ego in exchange for some lessons. Since he was extremely upset that his mother and father had no interest in the bike, he’d taught Sing merely from a need to show off.)

Still gazing ahead, Felix zoomed in on a bush that had just moved.

“I’m sorry, father, did you s—”


Sing finished packing her sack. Having few belongings, most of the bag’s weight came from books that she couldn’t bear to leave without. In case she pulled off her escape, Sing was worried that she’d never be able to find the novels again, so she thought to risk it, even though they slightly weighed her down.

Over the last fourteen years, Sing Tzi Yi had educated herself by eavesdropping on Felix’s sessions with his tutors. From this, she’d learned to sound out words and to search for them in the dictionary, and thereby gained literacy through repetition. Reading was one of the few positive things that had come of her time here in the castle, and because it had taken her several years to learn, Sing’s books were her prize possessions.

These were six of her favourite Wrinklegus PoisonTongue stories that she stole from the castle library long ago. At first, she took them only because the author’s name made her laugh (and God only knew how few laughs she’d had over the years!). However, upon reading them, Sing discovered that these stories took her beyond the castle walls, so they quickly became a drug for her, and she indulged them as much as possible.
By now she’d read them countless times, as they were the only things to help maintain her sanity amidst the horrors she faced.

But now is the time to leave these horrors behind…even if it means my death!

She sharpened her knife and placed it back into the hidden leather pouch inside the pleat of her dress. Next she threw a thick, hooded shawl over her shoulders and fastened it at her neck. Sing then grabbed her pack and raced into the stairwell, meeting her first obstacle at the bottom.

Helena looked insane and furious, trembling with her fists clenched. No matter. She wouldn’t even get the chance to complete her sentence.


“Papa, catch him and murder the bastard! It’s the boy I saw in Rhameeryla! He’s the reason
she almost killed me!” Felix spat with blood projecting from his mouth, paining his swollen face.

Phyllamon sprinted down the corridor, meeting several members of his infantry, lined against the wall. Murlach stood in front of them, surrounded by the bloodthirsty Karnovs, who paced back and forth, snarling. The largest was saddled, and Phyllamon hopped on it immediately, saying, “We have an intruder!”

“KILL!” Murlach said, clicking his tongue at the Karnovs and pointing outdoors.

Phyllamon bolted out of the castle doors with four other Karnovs behind him.


“You deceitful, little wh—”

Sing’s arm slashed through the air without hesitation, and the first three inches of her blade sliced into Helena’s throat. With balletic grace, blood danced in all directions, striking beautiful midair poses as it showered its environment in scarlet blankets.

Sing didn’t even stay to watch her body drop. She burst through the oak double doors, completely forgetting that it was
in her plan to leave by way of the front entrance!


Khyeryn, kneeling over to smell a white and red flower, felt the ground tremble beneath his feet. Horrified, he looked up to discover the most frightening creatures he’d ever seen. Atop one of them was…

eware the bald man with the unibrow!)

Khye knew instantly. “JALUUUUUUM!” he called out, darting off.

He didn’t get very far before coming to a halt, realizing it was pointless to run. Knowing there was no way he’d reach Jalum before these beasts ripped him to pieces, Khyeryn decided to face them and die fighting. He knelt and took hold of a long thick branch, aiming the sharp end upward. As he assumed, the beasts were already pouncing, and the first two were impaled upon the branch. They stuck back to back like an animal Shish Ke-bab, and thick spatters of blood slapped onto the furry coats of the two following them.

The largest of the five charged him, butting him with its head as if it were a bull. Khyeryn’s body lifted from the ground, smashing into a tree ten feet away. With adrenaline coursing through his body, Khyeryn quickly recovered and grabbed the first object within reach. He spun around and swung the rock as hard as he could, piercing the beast’s eye.

The Karnov yelped like an injured puppy and kicked its front leg forward, slashing Khyeryn’s chest with its talon. Khye grimaced in pain and pushed the rock deeper into the eye, intending to slay this beast before he died.

Rolling his eyes with contempt at the easily killed Karnovs, Phyllamon sat atop his own, watching. He clapped his hands together and laughed as Khyeryn’s chest was torn open. He now turned his attention to the other, closing in on the boy.

Khyeryn twisted the rock deeper into the beast’s head. It had now stopped kicking and was dead on its feet, for Khyeryn’s entire forearm was pushed through the eye, stabbing the Karnov in the brain. His coat was torn open, so at a glance one might’ve thought it to reveal a white tee shirt underneath. No…it was his flesh, white as the un-fallen snow, for blood hadn’t yet begun pouring from the lacerations. The cold air stung Khyeryn’s wounds as he jerked his arm free of the Karnov’s head only to have it immediately swallowed by the next.

Khyeryn wailed as the beast’s heavy bite crushed every bone in his arm. It lifted him into the air and jerked its head left and right until his arm separated. He was thrown into the air, slightly surpassing the height of the trees and then landing. White with shock, Khyeryn shook violently as the blood ran from his body. Within seconds, he was unconscious.

“Rot in hell!” Phyllamon said with satisfaction, seeing the boy’s lifeless body lay limp in the dirt. However, he was silenced as the surrounding area became cloaked in darkness.

There was a loud shriek that came from something gigantic above, and for a moment Phyllamon thought that the beast from his past had finally come to claim him. However, he was completely unprepared for what he saw when he looked up. It was a gigantic bird (which undoubtedly belonged to the boy, for there were no such winged beasts in these parts).

Jalum swatted the bald man with his wing, throwing him far to the left and face first into a tree.

Phyllamon’s nose caved in, and he lost all of his front teeth. He now shared a similar appearance to his son. Conscious but bleeding profusely, he trudged to the castle.

Upon landing, Jalum buried his beak into the back of Phyllamon’s Karnov. It went straight through the beast and made a deep gouge in the earth. Jalum then hoisted the dead animal in the air and swung it directly at the other who was coming for him, knocking it backwards. Before it was able to right itself, Jalum was upon it. The Karnov hardly had the chance to glance upward before his entire body was split in two by a razor sharp talon. The beast stood idly for a second then each half of him fell in opposite directions. Its innards were spewed in the air with the impact of the ground.

Knowing he had unfinished business here, Jalum glanced back at Phyllamon, who was easy prey at the moment. He decided against it, hoping to get Khyeryn home in time.

With that thought, he went to Khye, scooped him up, and set straight into the air flying faster than any other winged beast was capable.


Murlach glared at Sing sprinting down the hallway towards them, noting that behind her, on the floor, something that looked like
…(a body?)…
was propping open the oak double doors. His instincts told him that mischief was afoot.

“Stop her!” he commanded.

Sing saw two of them step into her path: the four-armed Cyclops and the short stocky thing with bad teeth. Having always been curious as to whether or not her agility and speed could match the brawn of some of these beasts, Sing eagerly charged forward to find out.

If this is the end for me, I’m going to send as many of you to hell as I can!
she thought.

The beasts closed in on her. Running with her arm behind her back the entire time, Sing appeared harmless, but by the time she reached the Cyclops blocking her path she proved to be otherwise.

Murlach saw this coming, but Sing was much too quick and agile for him to warn them.

This time, Sing got full extension of her swing, and all twelve inches of blade went through the Cyclops’ neck. While the lifeless body staggered on foot, the head soared through the air, smacking another guard in the face. Sing then grabbed a massive handgun from a holster on the dead Cyclops’ waist, spun around, and fired at the first thing she saw.

Bits of brain, skull, and blood splattered the deep gray walls, sliding down into a puddle. The thing with the bad teeth had its head ventilated. There was no longer a face—just a large hole, ten inches in diameter.

Sing turned and headed for the door, having no idea that she’d just taken vengeance on behalf of Bahzee’s dead friend, Nhad.

There was a tall lanky creature standing off to the side. He’d only just understood the situation, as everything unraveled so quickly. He raised his weapon and fired, but it was too late. As a small silver arrow catapulted from the barrel of his weapon, crashing through the stained glass window behind her, Sing was already upon him, swiping at the front of his face. She removed both eyes and then shanked him in the gut with such force that her knife went through the door.

When Sing yanked her knife free, she found Zu sprinting down the hallway toward her. However, feeling the fresh air whistling through the crack of the door relieved her of the desire to stay and fight any longer. Instead of having a go with Zu, Sing tucked the gun in her dress pocket and kicked the door open, bolting outside.

The bodies of three slain beasts dropped behind her. The others, including Murlach, stood dumbfounded.

Surprised at being lucky enough to find transportation at the ready, Sing darted across the terrace and leapt over the ledge onto Felix’s bike. She then quickly powered it up and flew off, jumping the gate. Much to her surprise, she found Phyllamon directly in front of her and not paying attention!

Felix sat horrified, watching the chaotic event. Panicking, he threw the binoculars through the glass.

“Father, look out!”

Phyllamon heard and looked up just in time. Sing was leaning half way off Felix’s bike, swinging a blade at his head. He dropped to the ground.

Sing Tzi Yi scolded herself, realizing that she’d only nicked Phyllamon slightly. However, she didn’t dwell on it knowing that she would claim her vengeance later…or someone else would do it for her.

Sing passed through the beastly carnage, briefly getting a whiff of blood in the air as she darted out into the wild. Looking in all directions to be sure that she wasn’t being followed, she glanced upward. For a moment, she could’ve sworn that there was a gigantic bird in the sky! No sooner than this thought entering her mind did the object in the sky disappear from view. She knew that she’d imagined it.


Despite the cold wind, trickles of perspiration ran down her forehead. Laughing madly with happiness and relief, she took the bike high into the air and somersaulted over the ocean water. As she descended, the fires from the exhaust pipes hit the water, evoking tidal waves on each side of the bike. Her laughter became cries of exhilaration.

She’d done it.

Not for fourteen years had she inhaled the air of boundaries beyond the castles walls, and what a fragrance it was! Sing took another deep breath then exhaled all of her frustrations and fears of the past. For the first time in over a decade, she relaxed her mind, body, and spirit, not even looking over her shoulder to glance at the prison to which she’d never return. Away she flew into the approaching dusk, the mood and colours of which Sing never had opportunity to experience on the inside. Her crying eyes looked upon the multicoloured hues of the dozing sunlight.

And it was beautiful.

Revelation of the Gift
An Angry Father; a Great Birthday; and a Letter from Teshunua



ynathian crushed test tubes, flipped tables over, and broke anything else in sight.

“I swear I’ll kill him!”

Lyn Sha was sitting in a far corner, away from her father’s tantrum, letting him vent. He deserved to be angry. Khyeryn tried to calm him.

“Papa…Pop…Daddy!” Khyeryn said, trying to get through to Zynathian.

He restrained his father from behind, preventing him from damaging his equipment any further. Because of his new arm, Khyeryn’s grip was tight and Zynathian soon gave in, slumping to the floor in fury.

“It’s okay. I’m fine. Lyn’s fine. We’re all fine, and I think she deserves a happier birthday than this,” Khyeryn said, patting his father’s back. “Let’s go eat and give her the best birthday that we can, okay?”

He kissed his father’s cheek.

Zynathian regained his composure and marked Phyllamon’s murder at a later date.

“You’re right.”


“Hah! Take that, you runny little snot!” Zynathian laughed as he gave Lyn Sha a full blast of cloud from the
Automatic Atmosphere Pistol
he was carrying. Khye and Lyn also had one each.

Whenever these play weapons were held outside the window, they sucked a large cloud out of the air, which would serve as ammunition. Depending upon the size of the cloud, they could get anywhere from ten to twenty thousand shots. Sometimes (if filled with moisture) the clouds could give quite a spray. There was also the added bonus of temporarily blinding one’s victim. This was one of Zynathian’s more fun gadgets!

Lyn wiped mist out of her eyes, chasing her father as he wove in and out of the different crevices of the house.

“Oh, Daddy, now you’re gonna’ get it!”

When she was finally upon him, Khyeryn stepped out of the shadows on her left. However, Lyn had been waiting for this and wasn’t fooled. She whirled around with an assassin’s agility, blasting Khyeryn square in the chest.

“Hah hah hah haaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Take that, you sneaky little dung!”

Lyn Sha turned to run, knowing that Khyeryn would be seeking revenge now. She was right.

“Let’s get her, Dad!”

Lyn Sha fled to the first floor of the house. It was the largest, and they would have more room to fight. She listened as the double-teamers slid down the banister from the second floor. Khyeryn landed with a thud, but Zynathian’s feet touched light as a feather, gliding across the stone floor in stealth mode. Lyn Sha, hidden in a corner, watched her father in awe as he moved about the premises with the grace of a swan.

That’s not fair! He’s too old to move that well! Daddy’s a sneaky little thing!
she thought.

Lyn Sha took a deep breath and stepped out into the open to meet them head on. The double-teamers were taken aback at her bravery and caught two blasts in the face each. They knelt over, surprised at Lyn’s accuracy. Now that they were down, Lyn was unloading on them. Within moments, a thick bed of clouds surrounded them.

“All right, all right, all right, sweetie, take it easy on us!” Zynathian said.

“I will not, you dirty cheaters…double-teaming me!”

Lyn Sha was taken by surprise as two large and white, calloused hands flew through the clouds, disarming her.

“Lemme’ go!” Lyn howled, kicking her legs. You guys deserved it!”

Zynathian had wrestled her to the ground, and he and Khyeryn were now tickling her into oblivion. They knew all her spots!

“Dirty cheaters, quit it!” she howled.

Khyeryn pinned her arms to the floor, and Zynathian lifted Lyn Sha’s tee shirt just above the navel, preparing to do the worst—the most ticklish thing in the world. Lyn braced herself and wailed as Zynathian began blowing rough, mustachey kisses on her stomach.

Khyeryn face and ears were the deepest shade of crimson as he held Lyn steady, grinning mischievously at the spectacle. He’d completely forgotten the terrible events of late, snickering as his father made loud, farting noises on Lyn Sha’s stomach.

“Khye, Daddy, you guys quit it! …I swear I’m gonna’ beat both of you to death when I get outta’ this!”

The gaiety of the moment was suddenly interrupted when Lyn Sha sat up. She could’ve sworn she saw something flying back and forth outside the window. She knew it wasn’t Jay, because this creature was too small, and Jalum was out on the deck sleeping anyway (the reunion with a live and healthy Khyeryn had completely worn him out).

Khyeryn glanced over at the window as well. Zynathian stopped the stomach farting.

“What is it, Lyn?” Zynathian asked. Then he and Khye saw what captured her attention.

“Daddy, that’s Jix!” Lyn said.

Jix was a hybrid of Zynathian’s. It had the intelligence of a man; the wings of a large bat; hind legs and feet much like that of Jalum, only smaller; the tail of a horse; and the head, body, and forepaws of a normal housecat. Zynathian created Jix specifically as a means of keeping in contact with Teshunua, because Rhameeryla had no lines.

“Hooray! Teshunua must be back, Dad! Jix has a message on his collar, look!”

Excited, they all ran to the window, letting Jix inside. Zynathian grabbed the tiny scroll of parchment and patted Jix on his head with affection, as the cat-beast settled on the floor. Zynathian quickly noticed Jix’s mood carried a sense of urgency, and an aura of foreboding came with it.

Jix let out a string of longwinded hisses, saying:
I have terrible news, but I haven’t the heart to tell the tale. All you need is right there on paper. But you must hurry reading it, Zynathian, as we don’t have much time!

Reading the letter, all the air in Zynathian’s lungs seemed to have been snatched away from him, as he gasped in horror. He then looked to his children.

“Pack some clothes. We need to go!”

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