The Gift of Knowledge (The Gifts Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: The Gift of Knowledge (The Gifts Book 2)
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     Emily saw what Phoebe didn’t. The little demon, Jealousy, screeched and wailed as Terrence escorted him from the tent, permanently. This would be a good time to share with Phoebe about Jesus.

     “Phoebe, I’ve been praying for you, and I want to ask you if you know Jesus as your own personal savior?”

     “Yes, I gave my life to him a long time ago, but I strayed. I’d really like to get that relationship back.”

     Emily took out her Bible and began to pray with Phoebe. Outside the angels all around rejoiced, as Phoebe found her way back to the Lord.




     Early the next morning Emily took a cup of hot coffee and a gift basket to Ethan’s tent. She figured rousting Ethan out of bed was fair payback, except Ethan wasn’t in his tent. He wasn’t in the work tent, either. She took a guess and hiked up to the clearing by the waterfall. She found him there standing and staring out across the river to where they’d spotted Lazar during their picnic. It seemed almost a lifetime ago, as so many things happened since then.     

     “I knew you’d follow me up here.” It was a flat statement, but something in Ethan’s tone alerted Emily that the time for them to have a serious conversation had come. She sat down the gift basket and coffee then she went to stand next to Ethan on the riverbank. They didn’t look at each other as they spoke. Both of them just stared straight ahead.

     “I missed you, Emily.”

     “I missed you, too. More than I thought I would.”

     “That’s the problem. I missed you so much it scares me, and the fact that you missed me scares me even more.”

     “Listen, Ethan, you don’t have to be scared…”

     “NO! You don’t understand, Emily, I can’t do this. Not right now. I’ve been searching for this place my whole life. So much is riding on the success of this project, and I realize how much I need you here. The team needs you as well. We’ve all come to depend on you. You’re just as much a part of this as any of us. You’re the one who owned those journals. I know you belong on this journey. I just don’t know that I can keep you safe, and that scares me more than it should. So I’ve decided the only right thing to do is to make you a part of the team and keep things between us professional. That’s the best way I can keep my focus and keep you safe.”


     “Ethan, I understand. Really I do. I agree; let’s keep our relationship professional. I’m not so brash that I don’t see the wise choice you’re making in thinking of everyone’s safety. But remember that the Lord himself is my protector. I put my life completely in his hands. You’ve no cause to worry about me to the point that it distracts you from your mission.”

    Ethan sighed. “OK. I really want to go over your last translations with you. I think we’re very close to having an exact location to the burial site. Why don’t you meet me in the work tent in about a half hour?”

     “Fine.” Emily turned on her heels, picked up her gift basket and walked away, leaving a sulking Ethan behind.

     Ethan stared after Emily. What was it about this woman that irked him so? She’d readily agreed with him in regards to their relationship. Isn’t that what he’d wanted? Well, she didn’t have to be so affable about it, did she? Why couldn’t she be like all the other women in his life that cried and pleaded for him to stay with them? That clinginess from other females always made it easy for him to walk away. Frustrated, he ran his fingers through his hair. He’d made his decision, and now he’d just have to live with it.



     The work tent was silent this morning, as Emily made her way inside. The rest of the team was working elsewhere today.
Great, that means I’ll be here alone with Ethan all day.
After their earlier conversation, she was not looking forward to the awkwardness of being alone with him.      

     Sighing, Emily sent a prayer to the Lord to give her the strength and courage she needed to carry out his will. She remembered that she’d been led to this place by the Lord, and surely his plan would work out as he willed it. So why was it she still felt like she’d been punched in the gut?

     Ethan was not long behind her and entered the tent carrying the map box containing the journal pages, notes and letters he’d placed inside. He spread the papers out on a table, and Emily came beside him to look over them.

     “Emily, aside from how it may seem, I’m very grateful to have you back.” Ethan smiled at her, and she could see in his eyes that he meant it. Putting the awkwardness aside, they both sat down and began to put the pieces of the puzzle together.


     Before anyone returned to camp that afternoon, Ethan and Emily decided it was time to let the others in on what they’d found. Using the journal pages with the drawings and constellations mapped out by the Spaniards, Ethan felt he had a good idea of where they needed to search, but he wanted Gary and Russ to go over his calculations. They were the experts on maps, and even the slightest miscalculation could result in lost time and effort.

     If Ethan’s calculations were right they would be heading to the exact place where the cloud formations always seemed to be. It had to be some kind of mountain formation. Surely, this was where the lost burial site of the last giant kings would be found in this uncharted territory. Ethan could hardly contain his excitement, as he waited for the rest of the team to return.



     Liam and the other angels could feel the mounting anticipation coming from the work tent, and knew soon they would be on the move.

     Lazar had moved up into the mountainous area along with the growing demon horde that surrounded him. Liam knew the horde and Lazar would be laying in wait for Ethan and his team. At least they were not so close to the campsite anymore. It had been uncomfortable, to say the least, with so many demons in such close quarters to Emily for so long a period of time. But still, the commanding angel knew to be on his guard. The battle was coming. In fact, it loomed on the horizon.




     The team returned to camp before sunset. Everyone was tired and looked forward to a hot meal and some time to rest, but all that was soon forgotten as Ethan and Emily presented their findings. Gary and Russ began to sift through Ethan’s calculations and soon, the excitement spread. They were on the right path. They had to be. All the months of searching and hard work for this moment finally looked as if it might pay off. Everyone agreed that they would begin preparations to reach the mapped out location the next morning.



     During the dark hours of night, amongst the chittering and chattering of the night fowl and beast in the rainforest, Emily prayed while the angels prepared for the journey ahead. Liam felt this was the Lord’s perfect will and plan, set forth in motion hundreds, even thousands of earth years ago. The angel did not know where the plan would lead, only that he would go where the Lord sent him. If that meant into battle then into battle he would go.

     Liam watched from his perch in the sky, as the demon horde some sixty miles away seemed to be growing in size right before his eyes. He thought of Emily and her Aunt Gemma. They were like family to him. These saints of God were as his precious sisters, and he would lay down his immortal life to protect them. It may come to that, he thought as he watched the horde continue to amass in the distance, laying a trap for his charges. Liam wished he could tell Emily not to go. He wanted her and Ethan to turn back and return to Perry House. This was not the way of humans nor was it the plan of the Lord.

     Rising higher into the sky, Liam lifted his sword and lightning struck the tip, illuminating the air around him. Shimmering in the center of the light, Liam appeared as a fearsome sight to the demons that hid in the shadows of the forest.
There, let them think on that,
Liam thought as he shouted out for all to hear.

     “For the Lamb, who alone is worthy to be praised!”






















Chapter Twenty



You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.


Jeremiah 29:13









     There was a rush of adrenaline surging throughout the camp, as everyone packed gear and supplies for the upcoming hike. Jorge would be coming the next morning to fly the team as close to the location as he could get them. Gary packed his camera and map drawing supplies. Phoebe packed vials and carrying boxes to cart samples of whatever they found back to the campsite for testing. Russ packed digging and repelling supplies. On Ethan’s order, he packed a gun in case they ran into trouble.

     Ethan and Emily packed up whatever technological supplies and written materials they would need to help them pinpoint the location they sought as well as first aid kits from the work tent. As they packed, Ethan pondered on the things that came together to bring him to this point. It was like a culmination of everything one must do to graduate. All roads in his life had been leading up to this one moment in time. Of all the digs and all the finds and wonders of discovery, this was the one that could answer all his questions. Do angels really exist? And if their DNA could be found, could he then prove without a doubt that God is real?

     For the first time ever in his life, Ethan began to doubt the motives that drove him. He’d never questioned his need to see with his own eyes undeniable truth of God’s existence… until now. Emily believed without question that God was real. Of course, she claimed she could actually see angels and demons. But what if she couldn’t? Would she still believe as she does now?

     That thought brought Ethan full circle. How could he know Emily truly could see into the spiritual realm as she called it? He’d no doubt she believed she saw real angels and demons. The only way to get the answers to these new questions would be to talk to Emily herself. Perhaps if he could understand why she believed then he’d be able to understand his own doubts.  Talking one on one to Emily would be difficult now that he’d pushed her away. But he had these unanswered questions. If Ethan hated anything it was an unanswered question. He’d just have to make time to talk to her tonight before they left.

     As evening fell, everyone gathered around the campfire to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Emily was fully engrossed in a story Gary was sharing about how they’d barely escaped Syria with their lives after stumbling on a stash of stolen artifacts from a local museum. In a rare twist, Ethan joined in the story telling and made everyone laugh, as he shared his version of the events.

     After the stories, everyone began to look for their beds. The morning would bring more work and excitement, and no one knew when the next rest period would come. As Emily made her way to her tent, Ethan sidled up behind her.

     “Can I walk you back to your tent?”

     “If you want, but I really think I can make it without too much trouble,” Emily laughed.

     “Well, I kind of wanted to ask you something.”


     “Emily, how old were you when you first believed that God was real?”

     “Um… I guess I’ve always known about God the Father, as my aunt and my father took me to church and taught me to pray. They both read to me from the Bible as far back as I can remember.”

     “Yeah, but when did you really know. I mean in your heart, as you say, that you believed without any doubt at all.”

    “It’s hard for me to give an exact time in my life that I began to fully believe. I’m blessed in that I accepted Jesus into my heart as a young girl, and I never looked back. What’s wrong, Ethan? Would you like me to pray with you?”

     “It’s just that I had the same kind of Christian upbringing that you did. My parents took me to church my whole life. I was taught the scriptures. They were drilled into me. I can recite the entire New Testament almost verbatim. So why don’t I just believe like you do? Why do I feel this driving need to find solid, physical evidence of God’s existence?”

     “I think we put too much stock into our upbringing and our environment. It’s true that much of who we are comes from our parents and our surroundings as we grow up. But a personal relationship with Jesus is a conscious decision. It is made and maintained by each Christian individually by our own free will. In other words, our parents or others can show us the way or lead us to the water, but it’s a personal choice to actually drink from those waters.”

     “No one has ever put it that way to me before. Huh… I guess I really believed that if I said all the words, knew all the scriptures, and my parents were Christians then I must be as well.”

BOOK: The Gift of Knowledge (The Gifts Book 2)
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