The Gentlewoman (17 page)

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Authors: Lisa Durkin

BOOK: The Gentlewoman
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The orchestration was incredible. The United States Marine
Band played
Hail to the Chief
, followed by the
Star Spangled Banner
and what Rory surmised must be the Australian national anthem. On cue, guests
were announced as they crossed the floor, posed for a quick photo op, and
climbed the staircase to greet the president, first lady and their guests. It
was all very pomp and circumstance and Rory was fascinated with the
proceedings. Jackson seemed no stranger to the order.

“How many of these have you been to?”

He carefully tucked her hand into the crook of his arm while
awaiting their names to be called. “Well, in the past five years….this would be
my fourth.”

Rory snorted. “It’s nice to be the majority, huh?”

“It doesn’t suck, that’s for sure,” Jackson chuckled and
pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head. “But this one is the best
because I’m here with you,” he whispered in her ear. She beamed at him.

“The Honorable Congressman Jackson P. Dorn of Maine and The
Honorable Congresswoman Rory E. Morgan of Ohio,” the Chief of Protocol
announced as they crossed the carpet, posed for their photograph and started up
the stairs. Rory concentrated on each step, so as not to fall and embarrass
Jackson, herself or her great state. He held her hand through the entire walk,
and as they cleared the top of the steps, led her to the president and first
lady. Rory was excited and nervous.

Jackson shook hands with the president with ease, as if he’d
known him all his life. And, as Rory thought about it, perhaps he had. A Dorn
had served in almost every Congress. One had even signed the Declaration of

“Mr. President, may I introduce my date, Congresswoman Rory
Morgan.” Rory stepped up to shake the president’s hand. He eyed her playfully,
squeezing her hand in his.

“Sir, it’s an honor to meet you,” she stated, smiling

“Congresswoman Morgan, I had heard of your appointment,
congratulations and welcome to Washington. I’m sure your friends and family in
Ohio are very proud to have you represent them here.” He was warm and open. She
had thought she was a good politician, but of course, she had nothing on the
president. She smiled at his knowledge of her appointment, but that was his
job, to know the makeup of the legislature.

“I have heard some great things about you, Congresswoman.
I’m delighted to meet you. I have but one question; what the hell are you doing
here with the likes of Dorn?” He laughed loudly at his own joke and slapped
Jackson’s back hard. Rory was mesmerized when the first lady joined in.

“Bill, leave them alone. Congresswoman, it’s a pleasure to
meet you, I hope you’re enjoying yourself this evening.” First Lady Katherine
Tuggle was equally as enchanting as her husband and shook Rory’s hand before
lightly hugging Jackson. “Honestly,” she tutted toward her husband before
Jackson and Rory were introduced to the Australian head of state.

After more mingling and champagne, it was time to be seated.
The State Dining Room was aglow and set with shiny gold place settings. The
candelabras and chandeliers sparkled and the large floral arrangements on each
table and at the fireplace were splendid.

Eyes had been on Rory and Jackson all night and she felt them
now. She turned to see generous glances down her dress. Her proximity to the
gorgeous man-whore was causing tongues to wag and she smiled to herself. She
remembered that first day on the press line and how spooked she had been by the
thought of anyone connecting her to Jackson. Curious how things had changed.
Now she couldn’t care less what people thought of their association. Jackson
made her happy.

Jackson led her to a numbered table and Rory was once again
surprised by the company he kept. There were several congressmen and their
wives, along with the secretary of state. She was immediately engaged in
cheerful conversation and was surprised to see Jake Schnyder of Congressman
Koepler’s office sit down beside her. She greeted him warmly and they joked about
being the only people invited from their side of the aisle.

It didn’t take Rory long to realize she was seated at the
Homeland Security table, not that it was formally marked as such. Rory enjoyed
her dinner and listened, not eager to participate. It triggered her anxiety,
not knowing if the folks at the table knew her particular history. In between
the third and fourth courses, she excused herself and went to the ladies’ room.


Jackson watched her leave the ballroom. That red dress was
driving him insane. Watching her tight little ass as she crossed the room was
making him hotter than hell. He was so proud to be with her. He was convinced
she was the most beautiful woman there. He had noticed the appreciative glances
she had been getting all night long. He had also noticed Jake Schnyder eyeing
her hungrily, which made him want to punch the guy in the face. Matter of fact,
it concerned him that if Mr. Schnyder didn’t stop flirting and peeking at
Rory’s low-cut neckline, he was going to lose his temper and do something

Jackson knew Jake well. A few years back they had been
members of the same club that catered to a more sexually liberated clientele.
Hell, they had been in close proximity once or twice, never having actually
participated in the same ménage. He didn’t like the attention Jake was giving
Rory; he could tell Jake was dying to fuck her. Jackson was a jealous guy and
he didn’t want Jake anywhere near his girl. And Rory was his girl. He wanted
everyone to understand that piece of information. Damn right, he was getting
possessive. Rory was worth getting possessive over.

Jackson sat back and stared at Jake. “Back the fuck off her,
my friend, or we will have major issues,” he stated forcefully, but low enough
for only Jake to hear. He stared into the other man’s eyes to let him know that
he was dead fucking serious.

Jake cocked his head to the side. “So you’re not looking to
party? She is one hot piece. I wouldn’t mind helping you out with that.”

Jackson held back the hand that immediately formed into a
fist. “She’s mine. Only mine. Don’t even look at her again. Stay the hell away
from her or I will break every bone in your body.”

“Congressman, are you threatening me?”

“Yes. Dare to even let your eyes dip below her chin again
and see how quickly I’m on you.”

“Uh-huh. Last I heard, the congresswoman was unspoken for,
and you’re always no strings, Dorn.”

“She’s mine. We’re together. That’s all you need to know.
Steer clear, or you will have issues. That’s the last time I’m going to tell
you.” He picked up his glass and gingerly took a sip as he turned his head to
look across the table.

“Tell me, Congressman, have you promised her your vote on
the EPA appropriation?” Jake asked.

Jackson stiffened and slowly turned back to the other man.
“That is none of your business.”

Jake smiled and took a sip of his champagne. “That’s right;
it’s not my business. Not yet, anyway. I’ll just wait around and maybe I’ll
make Rory Morgan my business later. Right after you’ve shown her exactly why
you’re so into her.”

Jake’s comment sent a chill up Jackson’s spine. It
constantly tormented his mind that Rory would think he was only interested in
her for political reasons. He prayed it wouldn’t go that way. He prayed she
would see how much he cared for her.

Jackson stood abruptly and excused himself. He needed to
find Rory. He wanted to have her with him, on his arm, at all times. He had
become so acquainted with the feel of her, even the scent of her skin and hair
and the sound of her voice.

Damn, what he would do to have her at his side always.

He rounded the corner and his heart leapt at the sight of
her; she was just that damn beautiful. She chatted with the congresswoman from
Florida, Mary Jo Jansen. He sauntered up and slid his arm around her, pulling
her close to his side. She fit so well and it felt so damn good when she leaned
into him. It felt even better when she smiled up at him and continued her
conversation without skipping a beat, as if it were natural and taken for
granted that he would stand beside her, like they were an item. His chest

As soon as the ladies reached an accordance Jackson escorted
Rory back into the dining room. The band was beginning to play and he didn’t
want to wait another moment to hold her in his arms in front of the entire
room. He intended to let everyone know whom she belonged to, and to be very
selfish with his Rory.

A thought occurred to him and he pulled her back against the

“Promise me something,” he said as he cupped her jaw and
stole a light kiss. She looked around nervously when he pulled back and gazed
at her. He laughed.

“We’re at the White House for crying out loud…” Rory
responded, smiling back at him. “Promise what?”

Jackson leaned in closer, his eyes boring into hers.
“Promise me you’ll only dance with me,” he implored, stroking her collarbone
with the pads of his fingers.

Rory gazed into his eyes and her smile faded as the heat
rose between them. “You keep touching me like that and we may have to find a
private room to do more than kiss.”

Jackson groaned and leaned in closer with his hips. He
pressed his erection against her belly. “Don’t tempt me to sneak you off right
now.” He leaned in and took her lips more passionately.

They were both breathless when he pulled back. “Dance only
with me. You’re
girl, and I want everyone to know it.” He held her
tightly. He needed her to promise him like he needed air. He needed her to feel

He watched her eyes darken as his possessive words must have
registered. He crushed his lips against hers and impaled her with his tongue.
He filled himself with her taste. It didn’t seem that his possessiveness was
alarming to her, and that made him crazy to have her. She pressed closer and
melded her hips to his, gently rocking against him. He gasped and groaned.

“You’re killing me.”

“We don’t have to stay all night, do we?” Rory asked, her
lips on his throat, her breathing ragged.

Jackson stood back from her and straightened himself,
breathing out hard. “No, we don’t have to stay all night, but I’d like to dance
with you… Then I’ll take you back to the hotel and do unspeakable things to
you,” he whispered the last part as he held his hand out to her.

Jackson made sure they were one of the first couples on the
dance floor. For the first time in his life, he was totally into creating a
public display of affection. As he led her onto the floor, he swung her around
and she laughed as he pulled her close.

“You like to dance, don’t you?” She smiled up at him.

“I do, especially with you…” he crooned, humming his words
to the melody of the music.

Rory held tight as Jackson danced them around the floor,
turning and dipping her. They clapped when the number ended and Jackson pulled
her into his arms again as a slower one began.

“Do you know how beautiful you are, Rory?” Jackson whispered
into her ear as they swayed back and forth.

Rory looked at him incredulously. “No, tell me.”

“Well, you are one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever
seen. You have an elegant, beautiful face and a very sexy body. But that’s not
all. You’re beautiful inside, and it shows.”

Rory blushed and laid her head on his shoulder.

He whispered a second time. “That’s why everybody is
staring,” he said, amused.

Rory’s head popped up. There were plenty of eyes on them all
right. Some people were even standing on the edge of the dance floor staring.

She looked back at Jackson. “I think they’re looking at you,
Mr. Sexiest Man Alive.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “Well, I don’t know
about that, but it’s true they’re not used to seeing me with a date, or being
so affectionate.” Rory beamed. “Let’s give them a show,” Jackson said as his
head lowered and his lips brushed hers. He laughed at her surprised expression.
“Oh come on, it’s no big deal.” His humor was infectious and Rory laughed back.
He stepped back and gave her a spin before leaning in and grinding his hips
into her,
Dirty Dancing
style. To cap it off, he dipped her and laid a
dramatic kiss full on her mouth.


They both found it very difficult to keep their hands to
themselves in the limo. The partition was raised and the windows were tinted.
The situation just begged for a backseat fuck. If only the hotel wasn’t such a
short ride. Rory groaned as Jackson kissed her hard, his hands palming her
breasts. He pulled back to watch as he squeezed and caressed them.

“I love your tits.” His fingers traced her valley, his
explicit words and the feel of his hands made her convulse with need.

“Kiss me again,” she moaned as she reached up to pull him
closer. They kissed hard, his tongue impaling her mouth. She loved the
hardness, the roughness and urgency. It turned her on to think he was so
aroused and desperate for her. Slowly, she caressed down his body until she
grasped his hard erection through his pants. He was so big and thick that she
had no problem pumping him through the material.

The intercom system pinged with a warning that they were
approaching the hotel. Reluctantly, they straightened their clothing, breathing
deeply and giggling at each other.

Once the elevator doors closed, he pushed her up against the
wall. Rory gasped as he bit her neck, licked and sucked the area.

“Wait ’til I get you in that room.” They both straightened
as the elevator slowed, then walked innocently to the honeymoon suite.

Jackson closed and locked the door behind them and their mouths
clashed. Their tongues wrestled while their hands sought release of clothing.
She pushed the jacket from his shoulders and quickly released the buttons on
his shirt, while he reached for her zipper. She was unaware that they were
moving across the room until he backed her into the dining table.

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