The Gentlemen's Ranch (Erotica Series, Book 1) (3 page)

Read The Gentlemen's Ranch (Erotica Series, Book 1) Online

Authors: Ever Wood

Tags: #free erotica romance doctor exam series

BOOK: The Gentlemen's Ranch (Erotica Series, Book 1)
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He gives me a sideways
glance. “I’ll be honest, Tesh, you’re one of our top three

“I…I am?”

Oh, yeah.”

What the hell was that
look for?
I mentally sort through the
profile questions, but can’t be sure.

Nate leads me up the steps
to a little cottage with a plaque that reads Cabin 3 on the

I found her,” he says as
soon as he walks in.

I peer around the mountain
in front of me and gasp. Another
stands before me. Just as big
and with the same leering grin.

Hi, Tesh, I’m

I nod politely and he
holds out a shot glass toward me.
four, Tesh, be careful.

The cottage is charming
with a small kitchen, soft, bear rug on the floor,
what the hell is that? It looks like a
rocking horse without the head.

You can hang your robe up
on the door, there,” Nate tells me and sits on the

I swallow nervously.

Oh, well, I didn’t come to
The Gentlemen’s Ranch to play checkers.
throw back the shot and my face immediately contorts into a sour
puss. I untie my pink robe and hang it on the hook behind the

Good Lord, look at you,”
Nate breathes. “You’re magnificent. Turn around.”

I do as he says, aroused by his superfluous

Nick stands up next to me
and cups my behind, giving it a few swats. “Nice.”

I feel like a piece of meat.

Come here, woman,” Nate
murmurs. I turn and take the hand he extends toward me. He pulls me
into his lap and starts kissing the back of my neck. His hands
slide around to the front to cover my breasts in his meaty

Nick sits next to him and
nuzzles the other side of my neck. Goose bumps break out all over
my body, and I lean back and let the alcohol and gentle touches
relax me.

Nate growls suddenly and,
in one smooth movement, bends me over his lap.

Nick laughs at my yelp.

Nate’s hands swirl over my
buttocks. “So lovely, Tesh.” Nick’s hands join Nate’s and my
breathing increases.

Okay, this is hot.

Look at these hips, Nick.
Great child-bearing hips right here.”

Okay, scratch that.

You know, Tesh,” Nick
says hoarsely. “If we end up getting matched, you would have to
move to our home state of Texas.”


One of The Bear Twins slaps my behind.


You wouldn’t want for
anything, Tesh, for the rest of your life. Nick and I run one of
the biggest oil drilling outfits in northern Texas and you’d have a
very generous allowance.”

Another hard slap and then
one of the twins slips a finger between my cheeks. “Did you know
that the anus is a highly sensitive erogenous zone, Tesh? If
stimulated correctly, you can have the most powerful orgasm of your

I’m saved from answering
that particularly insightful comment when Nate stands and picks me
up in his arms. He carries me as though I was a child and bends me
over the rocking horse contraption I saw when I first came in. He
drapes my body over the saddle until my head is hanging near the
floor and my bottom angled up. Nick quickly runs around to the
front and tells me to hold onto a bar at the base of the

Nate lines up behind me. “Oh, this ass,” he

Pilates, Nate. Just three hours a day and
you can have one just like it.

Spread your legs, Tesh.
As far as you can.”

I grip the bar in front of
me and do as he says. I flinch as a cold gel is applied to my
highly sensitive erogenous zone. Slowly…very slowly, a finger slips
inside me.
and out, in and out. Another hard slap and I cry out.

Just relax, Tesh,” Nate
whispers close to my ear. “We realize this is pushing the bounds,
but before we go any further with you, we have to see how you do
with the beads. There’s only five.”


The finger pulls out and
is replaced by something harder. And, longer!
The beads?
They penetrate
deep—deeper than I’m comfortable with. Just as I’m about to
protest, the offending instrument starts to withdraw.

Holy shit!

Nick reaches around and
starts milking my breasts while Nate gently pulls the

One bead pops out.

Oh! Now this is different!

Nate pushes the bead back
in and then yanks two out. A tidal wave of pressure throbs between
my legs.

Number three is withdrawn.

I moan.
Oh, please!

Spread your legs apart


I’m so close. Already! I
can’t hold on much longer!

He presses three and four back in and
rotates them in a circle.

For the love of God!

Hang on, Tesh!” Nate rams
all five beads back in and pulls them all out at once.

I scream.

So, loud that I’m pretty
sure the entire medieval village hears me.
I hope I’m not confined to the stockade for this.

Nate, or Nick, growls and
slams his fully clothed hips against my backside. “I hate these
fucking rules! I want to fuck you so bad right now, Tesh. You have
no idea!”

I struggle to stand up
from the rocking horse with a post-orgasmic smile firmly in
Keep wanting, Bear Twin, because
there’s no way I’m moving to Texas. I’m a Democrat for Christ’s
sake. Second, while I like a little spice every now and then, I
have a feeling you and your brother would demand more back-door
action than I’m willing to give.

Even more

Don’t these guys realize I
haven’t said a single word the entire time I’ve been with






I stagger out of Cabin 3
and several guests stare at me from out of their garden hidey-holes
or their lounges by the pool. A few of the men even have the
audacity to clap.
I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life. At
twenty-eight, this is my first walk of shame.

To top it off, Glasses is
sitting at a table in the courtyard with Sophia the Steward and
staring at me.

I suddenly wonder where
Camryn is and I feel like crying. I sit down on the steps to Cabin
No more alcohol!

To my horror, Glasses
stands up and comes over to me. “Are you all right?” he

Yes, I’m

He is even more gorgeous
than I remember, and now I notice eyes of pale green.
Damn he is so sexy.
attraction I feel to him has a visceral effect on my body and my
palms start to sweat and my heart races.

Did anyone hurt you?” he
asks in a curt tone and glares at the door to Cabin 3 behind

No,” I quickly tell him.
“Really, I’m fine.”

He reaches out to help me
to my feet. “It can be a little overwhelming here, can’t

I put on a brave face. “No, it’s fine.
Everyone here is great.”


Okay, he knows my name. He
must be Man Number Three.
“So, do you have
a cabin nearby?” I ask with burgeoning excitement, despite my
encounter with the twins.

For some reason, he blushes. He actually
blushes! “No, I…I’m with someone.”

He glances over his
shoulder and I follow his gaze.
He’s with the

A walk of shame has
nothing on the humiliation I feel now.

Oh, I’m sorry. I

No, don’t be sorry.” He
reaches out and tucks my hair behind my ear.

A man with blue, black
hair and bright blue eyes interrupts my awkward conversation with
Glasses. He’s wearing a suit, but both the jacket and the white
shirt underneath are totally unbuttoned exposing a mouth-watering
set of abs.

If I’m not mistaken,
Glasses is
happy to see the newcomer approach.

I’m Jase,” he says to me
and plants a kiss on my cheek. Jase looks at Glasses and nods.
“Brett. I trust I’m not disrupting anything?”

Glasses…I mean, Brett,
gives him a smile that lifts only one side of his face. I feel like
they’re about to challenge each other to a duel any minute. “No.
She’s all yours.” He leans in close to Jase. “But, only because I
allow it.”

Oh, Glasses is a little
arrogant. In a good way.

Jase nods, conceding the
point, and then puts a hand on my elbow to lead me away.

I follow behind meekly but
decide to be blunt. I’m coming down off my buzz and I’m a little
pissed that I let myself get carried away. I stop in the middle of
the path and Jase looks back at me with a raised

Let’s see,” I say with my
hands on my hips. “Surfer Doug is a boob man, the Bear Twins like
asses. What is your turn on, Jase? I’d rather know upfront what I’m
getting myself into with you.”

He smirks. “Your

My brain?

He laughs. “Is that so
hard to believe? We’re an 80% match, which is almost unheard of.
Any blind man can see that you already possess the physical
attributes of anyone’s dream, but I want to learn more about


Jase leads me to a
secluded hammock and we swing and talk and laugh. We even play
three games of chess on an enormous stone board with life-sized

It’s…nice. Jase is smart
and witty, and I thoroughly enjoy his company, but I have to
wonder. Is he aggressive enough in the bedroom? He is the first
suitor who has not made any move to see or touch me.

Yes, Jase is definitely a
top contender, but for some reason I’m still haunted by those pale
green eyes.





After saying goodbye to
Jase, I wander back to the courtyard, but all the men look occupied
and none make a move to approach me. I make my way back into the
Great Room. The lighting is even dimmer now and it’s hard for me to
make out what everyone is doing. I can hear them, though. Moans,
groans, slaps, and muffled screams.

A figure comes toward me
out of the darkness and my heart skips a beat. I can see the glint
of glasses in the candlelight.

Only, it’s not
Glasses. It’s another
gorgeous bespectacled specimen. His hair is sandy colored and he
wears it parted on the side so it sweeps over his brow.



I’m Beau. Let’s find a
quiet corner and talk.”

He steers me to a vacant
chaise and we sit. “Would you like a drink?”

Before I can answer, Beau
snaps his fingers and a server dressed as a saucy bar wench arrives
to take our order. When she departs, Beau and I have a nice
conversation. I learn that he is a practicing Optometrist, although
he is reluctant to tell me where just yet. We have many shared
interests and I find him easy to talk to even though his answers
are a bit on the terse side. I get the distinct impression Dr. Beau
wants to get the small talk over so we can explore more intimate
knowledge about each other.

The wench returns with our drinks. As she
sets them down on a side table, another couple sits next to us on
the sofa.

Beau pats his knees. “Come here and sit on
my lap,” he tells me, ostensibly to give the other couple more

The man turns toward us.
“My girl here fancies a bit of an audience while we have it off,”
he says with a clipped British accent. “We’d like you to watch, if
you’re game.”

I look at the woman and
she’s so tiny, it’s hard to believe she’s old enough to be

I’m in if you are, Tesh?”
Beau quickly says.

Why do I have the feeling
Dr. Beau staged this little display we’re about to


The man stands, takes off
his shirt and lays it across the back of the chaise. The woman
stands up next to him, and he removes her black robe and spreads it
out on their small section of the couch. “Back you go now,” he
tells her, pressing her shoulders until she’s lying on the chaise.
He drops to his knees in front of her.

Do you like toys, Tesh?”
Beau whispers in my ear.

Heat creeps into my face. “Yes.”

As if on cue, the man
reaches for something under the chaise. A phallus shaped vibrator.
“Hold your knees back,” he instructs the woman gently.

Good God, that thing looks enormous next to
her small body.

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