The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch (26 page)

BOOK: The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch
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Chapter 101

8:30 AM CST Day three of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Arrowhead Practice Facility

Mayor Madeline Sipes was back at Arrowhead for some more strategy meetings with Colonel Roland Winters and his staff. In less than twenty-four hours he had managed, if nothing else, to get the people scattered all over Kansas City, under control. For the most part things were peaceful, considering the vast amount of people in the city at this time.

They had set up cooling tents and somehow gotten port-a-potties brought in from all over the region. They were, placed in the downtown area, in, and around 20
and Main Street, Volker Park, and the Plaza areas. He had set aside an area under the underpasses of several freeways in the downtown areas where people had set up tents and were camping. He got the biggest grocery chain in Kansas City to setup a tent store in Washington Square Park, across from City Center.

I had reluctantly agreed on police measures after the Colonel told me he had placed soldiers in and around the city armed with guns. This concerned me, but as he said, this was a city under siege and under the protection of the federal government. Therefore, they are armed and there is nothing, I could do or say about it that would make any difference anyway.

They sold ice by the truckloads, and other miscellaneous items like bread and lunchmeat. We decided no liquor would, be sold in the tent store. There were over one hundred clerks working around the clock to handle the mass of people wishing to purchase things.

City Center itself was staffed 24/7 with armed guards and military personnel. Most of the dignitaries, the President, and Jack South with his group, would be staying there. Security was very tight.

All roads in and around the park were completely closed off to all traffic except military. Some deliveries were, allowed to the area. Areas closed were West Summit Street to I-35 from 31
, where the park ended, to 12th Street then east on 12th Street to Grand Boulevard.

Entrance on Thursday would be limited to only two locations. One at 12th and Main Street, the other entrance was at 31st and Main. For the most part, it was a short walk from either entrance to the park.

Other areas were, being, used for holding people and campers. That included Penn Valley Jr. College, Volker Park, and Swope Park. Thanks to Reverend Marks, Jumbotron’s would be set up in all those areas also to accommodate those who could not get into the closed off areas. That would allow the multitude of people here in the city to maybe not see Jack in person, but still be here in the city and be able to see the entire ceremony.

With a combined effort, most of the restaurants in the city were now able to continue to selling meals. One of the areas favorite barbecue spots ran out of food and the line stretched for over three blocks at one time before they closed. However, supplies in the warehouses in the city and the suburbs seemed capable of keeping most of the restaurants open.

My thoughts were, interrupted when the Colonel asked me, “This Reverend Marks said that if we would like, he could get some gospel singers up at Liberty Memorial Park to sing to the crowd this evening.”

“What do you think?” I asked.

“Might be a good idea. In addition, Bear is, set up completely and they can start feeding the Jumbotrons as soon as we give the okay. This way their thoughts would be, occupied. They will also be able to see Bear News’ broadcasting.”

“Okay Colonel. I guess that will do. Oh, one other thing Colonel, Royals Stadium, the Sprint Center, and Arrowhead will be open for free if you want to put that out. The feed will be, seen on the screens there and of course the Power & Light areas too. Do we have an estimate on how many people are in the city that do not live here? “

“Best we can figure ma’am is around five million.”

Chapter 102

9:15 AM CST Day three of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Crown Plaza

I had been in Kansas City since Tuesday morning planning the Rally for Jack. I started the planning by calling in some friends from churches I knew from other times I had visited the area. I had managed to get a contingency of various forms of Christian churches for a meeting here in City Center yesterday afternoon.

At the meeting, I answered a barrage of questions about the Rapture, Jack South, God, Satan, and anything else one could imagine. Reverend Marks, this, Reverend Marks, that. Finally, after several hours, once I was able to get past all the theological questions, I was able to secure singers, entertainment, and an organ. They were able to tie this into the sound system, thanks to Bear News. We had several bands from the area that were going to perform their particular brands of religious music. I spent half the night Okaying song choices and not Okaying others. Then the Kansas City Philharmonic wanted to be a part of the rally too. I decided that would be great, but they would have to expand the stage to accommodate them. This was, done.

The Catholics, Methodists, and some other churches wanted to do communion, but that was, shot down. It was not, believed that Jack would approve because of the logistics of having communion for the masses of people scheduled to be there. The other issue was the different sects do not do it the same way.

They all wanted a speaking part, but they, were, politely, refused. All were, told that only Jack would be speaking.

It was also worked out that some relief efforts, and housing for some pilgrims entering the city; were accomplished by using churches and their grounds. It did help the situation. Both the Mayor and the Colonel appreciated this action.

I heard my room phone ring and picked it up, “Hello, this Reverend Marks.”

“Reverend, how are you today?”

I was trying to place the voice and could not, other than it was a man.

“I am fine who is calling please?”

“This is David Matthews, Reverend, you don’t know me personally, but I know you.”

“What is it you want Mr. Matthews?”

“I understand that you are doing the preparations for Jack South’s Sermon tomorrow night. Is that correct?”

“Yes, that is correct. It is common knowledge.”

“Well I just wanted to let you know that you have caught the attention of a lot of people and some that want to underwrite your own ministry, not only here, but the entire world, just like Jack’s.”

“Really? And who may that be?”

“All I can tell you is that some industrialist from the United States and Europe that are familiar with you. They contacted me to call you personally and see if you might be interested in a meeting.”

“Not today Mr. Matthews. I am quite busy until Friday morning.”

“That’s okay Reverend, I understand you are busy. Our group is staying at the Center City where you are. You may have heard about us in the news. We are having our meeting here in Kansas City on Friday and Saturday. The President will be there also. We would like you to come over and meet us while we are here.”

“Okay Mr. Matthews. How do I get a hold of you?”

“Just call the hotel desk downstairs and they will be able to get in touch with me. Ask for David Matthews.”

“Okay, I will call you maybe on Friday.”

“Great,” Matthew said. “That will be great, Reverend.”

I hung up the phone. As I placed the phone back on the cradle, I said to myself, the Beast is coming to get me. He is trying to tempt me. I knew who was holding their meeting here on Friday.

Chapter 103

11:00 AM EST Day three of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - President Richard Stevenson’s Office

“Mr. President, Secretary of State, Bill Krasner. We have received calls for help all across the North African continent, from Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia. I assume we will be hearing from the Saudis soon and God knows who else.”

“What do they want us to do Bill? There is not much under the circumstances, we can do. We are up to our eyeballs in a mess as big as theirs are right now. From what I have seen of the weather reports, the second tropical depression has already formed off the coast of Africa. The first hurricane, what are they calling it?”

“The first hurricane is being called Alex, Mr. President.”

“Please call me by Richard today. There is no one here, if you don’t mind.”

“Okay Richard. Things have not changed much and as you know, Alex is right on target and gathering strength. It appears that it will hit Houston in five days. I know our resources are limited, but we still have always helped other countries in spite of our domestic issues.”

“Yes that is true Bill, but this time they need to go to the Europeans, Russians, or the Chinese. They are in a much better position to help than we are. The way things are shaping up, we may be in need of help ourselves. By the way Bill, have you made arrangements for your family and moving your office temporarily to Cheyenne next week?”

“Yes we are from South Dakota, as you know, and it seems that there is nothing that Jack has predicted that would affect the area there, at least not yet. The closest thing we have there that would affect us is if the Yellowstone Cauldron decided to erupt. So they will be safe there.”

“Good, I am glad your family has somewhere to go.”

“Now Bill, we need to get a strategy together for our country. We will be very vulnerable over the next few months. That is a big concern of ours. I do not like the reports I am getting that certain parts of the country will take not only months, but also years to rebuild. That means we will have to figure out some way to rebuild and control over twenty-five million or so refugees and do so without money. I’m not real happy with the General’s plans.”

“I am also really concerned that when we reopen the markets on Tuesday, there will be a run on American stocks, treasury bonds, and notes as it had on Monday after Jack’s interview. That means that we have a problem and one that I do not know how to handle. I am trying to figure out how we can prop that up and still maintain ourselves as solvent. But if all this does occur, then the good old U.S. of A. will no longer be what we were.”

“I agree. Moreover, believe me, I wish I had an answer. The problem here is that if Jack South is right, we will not even have enough time to rebuild. I have studied some prophecy and this is just the beginning. Not only will we, and Northern Africa feel the brunt of this initially, so will other countries over time. According to the Book of Revelations, these two witnesses will be able to do this for three and a half years. And Richard, it just started two days ago.”

“You go to church Bill?”


“That’s good. You know, I was in this for the long haul of seeing a world brought together and run like the U.S., a democracy. Even as a young man, I worked towards that. I had a vision that it would all happen so I hooked my star to some very interesting people, whom I think own me now, and probably all the rest of us. I think I should have paid attention in church. Maybe I might then have a better idea on what to do.”

“I understand Richard. I really do.”

Chapter 104

1:00 PM CST Day three of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, John Roddenburg’s Suite

“John, Donald said, “I have some more dispatches about the rain in Northern Africa and in the Mideast. We also have some footage. It has become daylight there. The whole thing is not pretty. In addition, I have some communiqués from the Camp David meetings where it seems that the meeting has broken up and several of the participants have left. We know that Secretary of State, Bill Krasner is sending his family home to the Dakotas, and so are several other members of Congress, moving not only their families, but staff out of D.C.”

“We have anything on the evacuations of the Gulf Coast and The East Coast?”

“No, not yet. We know that in Houston it is mandatory that the entire city evacuate no later than Sunday. The hurricane is, expected in the morning hours sometime Monday. That means there are only four plus days left, then one hurricane right after the other.”

“Where are they putting them?”

“I think that most are going to San Antonio, to one of the military bases there. They have several bases in the area and sending some to Waco. They can handle quite a few, but the entire population of Houston, Galveston, and the surrounding areas is close to six million people. Therefore, it is going to be difficult to figure out where they are all going. This so far is stacking up to a category four, close to a five as Jack predicted. The details he gave us were with sustained winds of 148 MPH. The problem with this one is that it stretches over three-hundred miles across. If it is a direct hit, it will be a while before people have access to their homes, businesses, and property. Then we need to restore the utilities.”

“So no word on where to put them, is that what you are saying?”

“Not yet, but we are assuming anytime soon we should hear more from the planners at FEMA. You realize that there is another hurricane right behind this first one and will be hitting Biloxi, which is right next to New Orleans. And as you know, in about a two week period, more will be hitting our coasts?”

“Yeah I know Don.”

“Thanks, you are finally calling me Don, instead of Donald. Do you have any idea what it was like to grow up as Donald? Hey, where are your ducks, can you get them in a row? The list goes on.”

“Funny Donald uh…Don.

“Okay, what else do we have?”

“No news on the Ken assassination or murder. Russia has not commented on anything about Jack South, the rains or even the Pacific volcano. There is no news or comments from China on the Jack permits. Britain and other members of the European Economic Community are offering to help the countries of North Africa and the Middle East. Oh, here is an interesting one, the Saudis say either, allow trading or they are going to shut the oil off soon. Let us see what else. Some miscellaneous news of seeing Jack South everywhere in the world, but the reality is we really do not know where he is. We think he is still in New York at the airport, but then no one has really seen or spoken to him.”

“Here’s a local one, Kansas City has released a statement that says that there are over five million people here and that the city is going to not only open up Royals Stadium, but also Arrowhead, and the Sprint Center downtown. This is for the people to see the sermon on Thursday. Seating is on a first come first serve basis. Uh…, the stock market is, still closed until at least Monday, according to the current press releases from the SEC. That’s it.”

“That’s it, huh? Don, this is more news than I have had in a year of reporting. That is it, huh? Well, in a few days you will not be able to report it all, even if you stayed on the airwaves 24/7. How are we doing on the bomber deal with, Israel? Anything on that mess yet?”

“No not a word from anyone. It’s like it disappeared from the news, even The Network.”

“How about the other witness Jack mentioned? Anyone sticking out like Jack did?”

“No not yet.”

“Okay, how about this Reverend Marks, or Thomas, as he now prefers to be called? Did he agree to an interview tonight?”

“Yes, but he wants it to be only about the setup they have done with some of the kids and churches helping in the area.”

“That’s acceptable. Work up some questions for me to ask. Are all our correspondents on site for the areas possibly affected with the hurricanes?”

“Yes. They are all there.”

“Thanks Don.”

“That’s what a producer is for.”

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