The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch (12 page)

BOOK: The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch
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I closed my eyes. I needed inspiration. As I closed them, I found the answer I needed, just as Gabriel told me I would. “Reverend Marks, how well do you know the Bible?”

“Yes, I know my Bible.”

“Alright Reverend, please give me one prophet of God in either the Old or New Testament that went to theology school like you did and had to show those credentials to a panel to verify who they were. And Reverend, I might add, with your knowledge of the Bible, I think the same question you just asked me was asked of Jesus by the Sanhedrin in the temple, specifically when Annas sent Jesus to Caiaphas and then off to Pontius Pilot, if I am correct. I think the issue then, as you now have asked me, is do you have any credentials?”

It went dead quiet, I could see that the Reverend, all two hundred and eighty pounds of him was pumping blood to the brain and his face and his anger was getting him to the point of calling me names and losing his composure. I calmly sat back and awaited his answer. He finally said, “You are evil, a blasphemer, and a product of Satan himself.”

I looked up and stared into his eyes, and stated, “See Reverend, now we have an opinion again, like the Bishop here, not a fact. Moreover, this is the problem with organized religion today. Too much structure, buildings that are shrines to men not God, and not enough faith.”

John, seeing that there was going to be an issue here, interrupted and said, “We need to break for a commercial, and we will be right back.”

Chapter 33

11:10 AM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear News Interview Studio

After John stood to leave while during a commercial and newsbreak, he asked Reverend Marks to accompany him and as they left, I stood and asked no one in particular where I could get a drink. Immediately, one of the pages who heard me took me to a table across the studio where various drinks were, assembled in ice. I grabbed a Gatorade from the bin, opened it, and almost drained it in one swallow.

Mark, who had been off to the side watching the interview, came over beside me and said, “Jack, how are you holding up? Are you alright?”

“Yes, I think so, but I guess these people are here to crucify me in front of the world if they can. Fortunately they don’t have some old logs and nails, or I am sure a few of them would jump at the chance.”

I doubt it is that bad Jack, but I will say, they are trying to discredit you as best as they can and it is going to get worse. How are you going to answer on non-Christian questions they may ask? You are not going to tell them what they want to hear, are you, but the truth right?”

I understand they are upset Mark and that they are trying to discredit me. I guess like the last answer I gave, I took Gabriel’s advice, closed my eyes, cleared my head, and waited for the answer. It only took two seconds until I knew what to say. Therefore, I guess I will take that route. It is my only way of answering these questions correctly, regardless of the consequence.”

Mark looked at me shook his head, “You know, if you declare eastern religions invalid and especially Islam, you will have riots all over the world.”

“You’re assuming they are wrong about their respective religions Mark. I am not sure that is necessarily true. If the question comes up, I will have to answer as God desires for me to, regardless of the consequences, as I stated earlier.”

Mark looked down at the floor and then looked up at me and said, “Jack, I am really glad I am not in your shoes, I am really, really glad. He then walked away and left me standing alone. As he left, it finally dawned on me that I was standing alone. The other participants were huddled together and talking, but I was all alone.

Chapter 34

11:12 AM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear Network Studios, Area away from Studio

John took the Reverend Marks into an open office away from the studio and asked him to sit down. “Reverend, are you alright?”

“Yes, I think so, but I am quite perturbed with Mr. South. I feel he is an imposter and is deceiving the world.”

“I understand what you are saying Reverend, but Jack is not on trial and what we want to know is what he knows, not to get public opinion to go one-way or the other. Jack has knowledge, a gift, to see the future. That is all we know for now. I understand your concerns. Do you want to continue on the panel or withdraw? I do not want to turn this into an inquisition and possibly cause riots in the streets, with different religions fighting. I only want to get some facts.”

“I understand John, but he accused me of being like the Jews described in the New Testament, as the crucifiers of Christ, and that that was too much.”

“Well Reverend, you set yourself up for that response. Moreover, I have to say, it was a good one coming from Jack, who as you pointed out, has no religious training at all. It also made me understand after hearing his answer to your question, that Jack knows a whole lot more than he is telling us. This panel and this interview are to find out what he knows or at least as much as we can find out. But, we can’t go about it by accusing him of things or we will get nowhere.”

“I understand. I just lost it there for a few seconds. I will be okay and if given another chance, I will keep my questions direct with no accusations.”

“Okay Reverend. We need to get back. The world is waiting for answers.”

Chapter 35

11:15 AM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear News Interview Studio

John Roddenburg returned and directly came over to the table I was standing by, drinking my second Gatorade. He seemed stressed, but as always, he was all business.” He said, “Hi Jack. Want some interesting news?”

“What kind of news John?”

“Well you may not be interested, but my marketing people have said that viewership is in excess of ten points over the largest audience ever, including all the Super Bowls. Worldwide, they are translating this into every conceivable language there is from our feed to affiliates. It is the largest audience ever recorded. So I guess you could say, you are really big news.”

“No John, I am not really big news. The fact that God is involved is what the big news is and people fear God. What is happening right now is the fact that people need guidance and that is why they are watching. To them, their world is ending and the world we knew yesterday is now gone. Today the rules changed and as prophesied, we all will be a part of it.”

“I understand your feelings. Are you ready to continue?”

“Yes, I’m ready. I am sure it is going to get even more interesting.” I turned to walk back to the studio area and John grabbed my arm and gently pulled me back to him, then said, “Reverend Marks and I had a talk. I think he is calm now, but he has some more questions for you. Are you okay with that?”

I thought for a second and realized I really had no choice, so I simply said, “That’s fine,” as I shook my head back and forth and moved toward the couch.

Chapter 36

11:20 AM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear News Interview Studio

We all were back in our places and the countdown began again. John, looking into the camera said, “Welcome back world. If you missed any of our interviews with Jack South, I want to bring you up to date what we have reported so far. The first, that we are continuing our interview with Jack South, whom most of you know by now, predicted the earthquake in California today and also won the two lotteries.”

“Jack claims to be a witness from God and has also predicted dire situations worldwide in North Africa, Southeast Asia, the U.S., South, and East Coasts, all to start by Tuesday, tomorrow morning. Considering his record of accomplishment, he has predicted exact death and injury tolls for the California calamity and the exact demographics. How can he do that we ask, for no man ever has been able to, unless you take into account the old prophets of the Old Testament. Therefore, like in the days of Moses and the pharaohs, we have a witness; it appears, directly from God. That is at least what Jack South claims.”

“Also, for those of you who are just tuning in, we are in the middle of a panel discussion of religious leaders that Jack has agreed to answer questions from. Prior to commercial break and news updates, we had Reverend Marks speaking with Mr. South. The Reverend says he has a few more questions for him.” He turned towards the Reverend and said, “You may continue Reverend.”

Reverend Marks looked at me and said, “Mr. South, I want to apologize for my earlier outburst, but what you are proclaiming is very overwhelming. So please accept my sincere apology for name calling.”

“Apology accepted Reverend. These are very trying times we face.” He seemed pacified, so I waited for the next bombshell question.

“Jack. Do you mind if I call you Jack?”

“That’s fine Reverend.”

“According to many Christians, the start of Tribulation will be marked by an event called the Rapture, when all the Christians are taken up to meet God and they then are not a part of the end times. Yet I am a Christian, and I fully expect to, be raptured to Jesus Christ himself, and I am still here, so this event obviously has not occurred. Can you explain any of this to me, for my understanding is this event occurs first?”

This was the most obvious question and it was, one I brought up to Gabriel when I myself was going through the same questions in my own mind. My answer from Gabriel will not go well with this group and I was about to totally shatter some peoples hopes and prayers.

“What Biblical scripture do you know Reverend, which refers to this thought of Rapture?” I could see the cameras move in for close ups. I put my head down for a second and closed my eyes. I concentrated, because I knew what the Reverend’s answer was going to be.

“Revelations 3:10 says, he began, ‘Because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of temptation, which shall come on the entire world, to try them that dwell on the earth’.” he quoted. “Also 1 Thessalonians 4:15, ‘For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep’. 1 Thessalonians 4:16, ‘For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.’ 1 Thessalonians 4:17, ‘Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord’.” He paused then said, “All these verses are the promises of God, of the Rapture, for his believers at the beginning of Tribulation.”

Back on trial I thought to myself. “Thank you, Reverend, and thank you for your very distinct Bible quotes. I would assume they are word for word, but once again, where is the word Rapture in the Bible in these quotes you have used. It does not exist.” I paused and said, “I agree with every one of those verses. I agree and believe in them. What I do not agree on is the entire Rapture theory or your interpretations of those verses you quoted.”

I paused again, and then I continued, knowing that this was a major issue with many Christians. “I believe the Rapture is just a theory Reverend Marks. Darby, McDonald, and the Irvingites based on a dream his wife had started this movement in the 1800’s. The Rapture has been, argued ever since and it has been, disproven repeatedly that there is absolutely no reference to a pre-tribulation Rapture of Christians. The verses you just quoted require God and or Jesus himself to transcend towards earth twice, once for the Rapture and the other to judge the living and the dead. That has not happened, nor will it until the time appointed by God himself. Moreover, today, I can assure you, is not that day. However, I can tell you this he is coming very soon. Yes, there will be a time when the dead shall rise and the believers meet Christ, but not before the time of sorrows. 

I hesitated to let my last comment sink in, then I continued, “Therefore, if you believe me or not as a witness, which I proclaim myself to be, please rest assured that there is no Rapture. There will be no Rapture. God has, in his words said, you will be, protected here during Tribulation, and that is all he said. My warnings to you Reverend, and to other Christians throughout the world and what makes the scriptures come true, is the appearance of the witnesses, not the Rapture, as God’s first 1260 days or half of Tribulation. So, in answer to your question, you can either help your fellow Christians on how to prepare and endure the time of God or you can continue to hope for a Rapture to occur.”

John spoke up and said, “Thank you Mr. South and Reverend Marks. We appreciate your comments. Next, we have Rabbi Akavia Ben Tabbai. Reverend Tabbai, do you have a question for Mr. South?”

“Yes John I do.”

I looked at the Rabbi and what I saw was an Orthodox Jew, whom I was going to assume would discredit me and Jesus and yet hold on to his God and Messiah. I was eagerly waiting for his questions. For now at least, I would have the other Christians on my side, I thought almost humorously, as I smiled.

“Mr. Jack.”

I found it interesting that he called me Mr. Jack now, also as the Reverend did.

“I would assume that you know we do not look on your Jesus as being the Messiah, but a prophet and that the entire New Testament is not of our teachings.”

“Yes I know that Rabbi. I am aware that you and your religious beliefs are very stringent about this.”

“Good. Then I assume you have read some of our Jewish teachings?”

“If you mean the Torah or the Pentateuch, also known to the Gentiles, as the first five books of the Bible, yes I have read your books.”

“Then you know we have our own laws and regulations in those pages, handed down by our Hebrew God?”

“Yes, I am aware of that, Mosaic Law if I am correct.”

“Then let me ask you. If we are looking for a messiah, and the Christians are looking for the return of Jesus Christ, neither of whom is here today, then who would you really be? Are you possibly Elijah, or Ezekiel, whom we understand never died, but was taken to heaven by God?”

“I am none of the above Rabbi. However, let me tell you about something I know about your religion and what is happening today. There is another witness, whom will confront the Jewish people all over the world. He is not yet, named to you, but you will hear from him very, very soon. This witness, Rabbi, is better equipped to answer any and all questions about God, Jesus and the Messiah and who he really is. But no, I am not any of those people you suggested.”

“I don’t quite understand about this other witness.”

“Rabbi, I am the witness for the Gentiles, as your religion named us. You refer to us as the non-believers. You will soon hear from a witness whose primary concerns are the gathering of not only the tribe of Judah to Israel, but also all the other tribes dispersed in the world. They are, known by us Gentiles as the lost tribes of Israel, which were, dispersed in 720 BCE or before the Common Era by the ancient Assyrians as was prophesied by your Prophet Jeremiah. This witness can answer your questions as you have presented them to me. I cannot.”

The rabbi sat back in his chair and was quiet for a second, then said, “I see. Then we must wait.”

“You are correct Rabbi, very correct.”

John then said, “We really need to take a break for our sponsors and also get our viewers updated on the day’s events, especially in California. We will be back soon.”

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